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Nudibranchs of Papua New Guinea Are The Coolest Creatures

Helmets Save Lives

Helmets Save Lives

rare purple Siphonophorae

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

newtboy says...

In California we have a JR/community college system that transfers credits to 4 year colleges. You can take your first 2 years at a DRASTICALLY reduced expense, < $50 a credit the last time I went. You can also go there without a major or plan, just to learn. That's what I did for years and years, building up credits towards a degree without declaring one. It's really sad that that's not the norm, it seems like a great system. Not only does it make entry into 4 year colleges easier and cheaper, it also makes the 2/3 of students that drop out in the first 2 years have FAR less debt (if any) when they decide school is no longer the right option. It also opens higher education up to high school students with aptitude and older people who simply want to learn something new without breaking the bank to do so. This also makes for a better, more diverse student body.
Before someone who doesn't know makes the assumption that the level of education is lower than 4 year schools, you should know that many have been awarded 'best college' and 'best teacher' for the state repeatedly. True enough, there is an upper limit to the classes offered, but advanced molecular organic chemistry, offered and taken at Foothill college, was fairly advanced, as was advanced marine biology, taught by the repeated winner of 'best teacher' in the state. Each class cost about $250. WHAT A DEAL!


Florida Beachgoers Oblivious of Large Hammerhead Shark

artician says...

On the US East Coast, and some other areas, that's actually being done nearly in the way you describe (but the inclusion of a local beach alarm is a great idea). Great Whites are quite frequent over there, and there are a lot of marine biologists who tag them for monitoring, mostly for migrating, preservation and research, but warn local authorities whenever one drifts into pedestrian-laden areas.

00Scud00 said:

We need to start a program where we fit all sharks with a beacon of some kind and whenever they wander into swimming areas they are picked up by sensors and then a sound system on the beach starts playing the Jaws theme. That will get everyone out of the water in a jiffy.

Sen. Whitehouse debunks climate change myths

orintau says...

Hi Notarobot, your argument is unfortunately based on a very common misunderstanding of the chemistry of water and salt.

I can assure you that it is an established scientific fact that pure water has the highest heat capacity per unit of its mass compared to any water solutions. The less water there is in a water solution, the less heat capacity that solution has. This is because the temperature of pure water is more proportional to the amount of energy contained within it, which is due to the flexibility of its molecular structure. The more salt you add to water, the less structural flexibility (i.e. purity) there is to distribute and contain energy as the temperature increases. To put it another way, the salt molecules weigh down and restrict the water molecules from moving as freely, which is why salt water has a higher boiling point.

So in fact the more fresh water that is introduced to the oceans, the higher heat capacity and heat conduction there will be.

Furthermore, you grossly oversimplify the problem of climate change by assuming the only change that matters is immediately perceptible to "mammals like us". One of the biggest issues is that even slight variations in temperature can drastically change entire marine ecosystems. If enough ecosystems collapse, it will cause a chain reaction that will be very, very difficult to manage, let alone recover from. Also, even slight variations in salinity can drastically change ocean currents, which in turn affects not just marine ecosystems, but weather patterns throughout the world as well.

I can tell you're an intelligent person, so I hope you'll take me seriously when I say that it's very, very important for all intelligent people to be as diligent as possible when referring to the scientific causes and effects of climate change. Advocate whatever position you'd like as to how we should go about things, but please do your best to validate the information you're using to do so.

notarobot said:

One of the results of a warming ocean is melting glaciers and ice caps. That is the addition of fresh water to a salt water system. There is more saltwater than freshwater in the world. One of the properties of salt water is that it conveys heat better than fresh water. The hot-water baseboard heater you use to heat your home would actually be more efficient if it used salt water. We don't use salt water in heaters because salt actually corrodes the metal pipes faster. What does this have to do with climate change? As you dilute the salt water that transfers heat from the warm equatorial waters of the world to the cooler waters in temperate zones, it gets less good at transferring that heat. This change happens very slowly to the perception of short lived mammals like us. In geologic terms, this is how we get to the next ice age.

The only scene in Skyline worth watching - nuking the aliens

SevenFingers says...

For invasion movies, they portrayed the Marines pretty well.

Payback said:

From what I understand, this is a glorified tech demo for the company that did the effects for Battle: Los Angeles.

...another pinnacle of modern video excellence. :rolleyes:


Vygorous says...

Just to contribute a little bit (I am neither here nor there). Here is something on the piece outside of Russian Times, not much more credible, however has some quotes from the police: EDIT: Guess I cant post links on this site heh, Huffingtonpost is the site, guys name is Brandon J. Raub [admin edit: url restored]

Article Snippets:

•"In one message earlier this month according to authorities, Raub wrote: "Sharpen my axe; I'm here to sever heads.""

•"Police – acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional"

•"One of his Facebook posts, ... pictured the gaping hole in the Pentagon and asked "where's the plane?""

•"Dee Rybiski, an FBI spokeswoman in Richmond, said there was no Facebook snooping by her agency. "We received quite a few complaints about what were perceived as threatening posts," she said. "Given the circumstances with the things that have gone on in the country with some of these mass shootings, it would be horrible for law enforcement not to pay attention to complaints.""

•"Authorities say it wasn't an arrest because Raub doesn't face criminal charges."

•"Col. Thierry Dupuis, the county police chief, said Raub was taken into custody upon the recommendation of mental health crisis intervention workers. He said the action was taken under the state's emergency custody statute, which allows a magistrate to order the civil detention and psychiatric evaluation of a person who is considered potentially dangerous.
He said Raub was handcuffed because he resisted officers' attempts to take him into custody."

Giant Lizard Greets Man Like a Dog

newtboy says...

He looked to be a healthy weight to me. I've seen footage of wild one's that looked even fatter, for instance most marine iguanas in the Galapagos that I've seen looked fatter, but he's certainly well fed and happy.
I did anoles too, in a 200 gal terrarium with tiger salamanders. Every now and then I gave one to the Savana monitor, I figured a lizard has everything in it that a growing lizard needs, so they should make a good supplement.

MilkmanDan said:

I've only had small anoles and stuff in terrariums, but this fella looks awesome. I'm definitely no expert, but it certainly looks like he is well fed -- don't usually see a reptile that fat in the wild. Not that I think he looks TOO fat -- just very healthy.

Star Wars Battlefront : Official Trailer

Chairman_woo says...

"In-engine footage" my backside!

Why do they always have to lie to our faces about this stuff? That's clearly been post processed to the point where it may as well be pre rendered CGI. (If that's really how the pre alpha/alpha build looks then DIce have mastered witchcraft which seems unlikely)

You'd think after all the butt hurt over Colonial marine and Watch doge's etc......

....then again I'm totally going to end up buying it anyway........

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

OLeary's Perspective on OXFAM and the World's Impoverished

PTSD incident.

ChaosEngine says...

I feel sorry for this guy. It's clear he's suffered some kind of mental breakdown, and he just can't cope anymore. All he can do now is attack people at the slightest provocation hoping for a conflict while screaming meaningless drivel at anyone who will listen. Ignoring him seems to only further enrage him. I hope he gets the help he so clearly needs.

I also feel bad for the marine in the video.

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