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The Lancelot Link Secret Chimp Hour: Opening Credits

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Dupes not being detected from LiveLeak? (Meme Talk Post)

Apocalypse Now - "Fucking Tiger!" Scene

rougy says...

Great scene.

Another of my favorites is at the end when Sheen's character is leaving the guerilla camp, and he has to reach out and grab Lance, the surfer guy, to bring him back to the boat.

If the automakers collapse

NetRunner says...

I'm still up in the air about the bailout. I'm well aware that this one is dividing down party lines, and that's always what makes me suspicious about things like this.

The bailout for the Financial industry was called the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). It was intended to buy, well, Troubled Assets from financial institutions, and now Paulson and the Bushies are saying, $350 billion already spent, "oops, let's try buying stock instead"...which liberals like Paul Krugman had been saying from the beginning.

What pissed me off about that whole mess was that Democrats didn't even try to push Krugman's plan, they just acquiesced to the Bushian demands for $700bn, no strings attached.

What Paulson seems to have done is handed the cash over to his friends on Wall Street, and placed no conditions on the use of the money, or the management structure of the recipients.

It's the same old Bush strategy -- execute Big Govermnent intervention as poorly as possible to try to sour people on the very concept, in the hopes that it drives people into the waiting arms of the "conservative" Republican party, and their radical socialist agendas to redistribute wealth from the middle class to the top .5%. Joe the PlumberTM is a poster-boy for what "success" looks like for these asshats.

So here's my deal. GM sucks, the Escalade wasn't really offensive to me, what was offensive was that GM's first foray into Hybrids was to add 2-3mpg to their SUV's, not to try up the mpg of their small cars into a Prius-like 45mpg. They had a working electric car, and they killed it, and now they want to make a hybrid for $40,000 called the Volt and say "see, we're modern".

That said, they employ 3 million people directly, and countless millions more via their suppliers. I don't want those people unemployed. I want GM to survive, even if it takes taxpayer support -- but I want Wagoner and Lutz's heads on lances. Failing that, I want them fired without benefit, and stocks & options confiscated. Same goes for anyone whose fingerprints are on the killing of the electric cars.

So here's what I want Democrats to do: force GM into Chapter 11-style restructuring, but use taxpayer money to make sure they keep operating throughout and don't let them slip into outright liquidation. No golden parachutes, no shareholder dividends, no bonuses and no retention at the executive level.

Then, we take the other $350 billion and do across-the-board single-payer universal healthcare, so GM, Ford and Chrysler don't have to worry about healthcare benefits for their employees anymore.

If the Republicans go into a froth, and fillibuster it, let 'em. We'll just pass it in January to the loving applause of the entire Great Lakes region, and Indiana and Ohio will both stay blue states for the forseeable future.

Drachen_Jager (Member Profile)

Drachen_Jager says...

Yeah but it's common knowledge in the sporting world that there is more money in cheating than there is in preventing cheating. As a result the cheating industry is about 2 years ahead of the people trying to catch the cheaters. I'll only believe he's clean if they hold his samples for four or five years and test them again using the latest methods.

I think Lance Pharmstrong was the real proof of how far you can get ahead of the competition if you have unrestricted access to performance enhancing drugs.

>> ^bamdrew:
They dope-check Phelps daily. They showed his personal schedule yesterday when I was watching the tube.
In reply to this comment by Drachen_Jager:
Is there a performance-enhancing-drugs channel?

Tom Brokaw Reports on the death of Tim Russert

Farhad2000 says...

Tim Russert. I met him when I was a graduate student and was doing free-lance work for NBC-News in Lebanon. He was the rising star in the network then. I did not know him at all but he represents something not necessarily good or impressive about U.S. media. He was talented and was a good interrogator and was very well-prepared: but these are basic qualities that all journalists should possess; and journalists in Europe, for example, possess those qualities.

But he also represented this tendency that you have be chummy with politicians, and that it is all a big joke--the political differences and the disagreements. Russert has a horrible record on the Bush administration: he was least critical and least skeptical. How can you take his coverage seriously, when he would interview the president one day, and then take his son to take his picture in the Oval Office the next day? He really did that: or when he marvels about how "a kid from Buffalo" is sitting in the Oval Office. What is the big deal, I don't get it. He represents that annoying tendency in the U.S. to indulge in self-praise and self-congratulations. He is one of those who have to say "only in America" several times a day. He also represented patriotic journalism --according to which you should not question an administration in a time of war.

He also has this nostalgic view of parents and grandparents: the glorification of the past, with little regard for the plight of women, minorities, homosexuals in this past. The "greatest generation" that Brokaw wrote so much about was a generation that practiced segregation, that confined women to their homes, that watched lynching of blacks, that blatantly beat homosexuals, that spoke about "the others" only in vulgar and pejorative terms. Yesterday, Chris Mathews outed him on MSNBC: he said that Russert was a supporter of the American invasion of Iraq. No kidding. It was quite obvious. Russert started his career by working for one of the worst (and most politically racialist) Senators: Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

It is also that common revolving door policy: to have journalists moving from the corridors of power to the newsrooms. Russert worked for Mynihan and for Mario Cuomo before coming to NBC-News. On Israel, Russert was horrible: he would always challenge politicians if they have the slightest skepticism toward Israel and its crimes. The standards of political courage are so different in the U.S. from what they are in Europe, for example. Here, if they ask one mild question (the standard for questioning being Larry King), it is considered courageous. Look back at Russert's interviews with Rumsfeld and Bush after Sep. 11: they did not show hints of skepticism. He was a war promoter.

Tim Russert is Dead at 58 (Politics Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Tim Russert. I met him when I was a graduate student and was doing free-lance work for NBC-News in Lebanon. He was the rising star in the network then. I did not know him at all but he represents something not necessarily good or impressive about U.S. media. He was talented and was a good interrogator and was very well-prepared: but these are basic qualities that all journalists should possess; and journalists in Europe, for example, possess those qualities.

But he also represented this tendency that you have be chummy with politicians, and that it is all a big joke--the political differences and the disagreements. Russert has a horrible record on the Bush administration: he was least critical and least skeptical. How can you take his coverage seriously, when he would interview the president one day, and then take his son to take his picture in the Oval Office the next day? He really did that: or when he marvels about how "a kid from Buffalo" is sitting in the Oval Office. What is the big deal, I don't get it. He represents that annoying tendency in the U.S. to indulge in self-praise and self-congratulations. He is one of those who have to say "only in America" several times a day. He also represented patriotic journalism --according to which you should not question an administration in a time of war.

He also has this nostalgic view of parents and grandparents: the glorification of the past, with little regard for the plight of women, minorities, homosexuals in this past. The "greatest generation" that Brokaw wrote so much about was a generation that practiced segregation, that confined women to their homes, that watched lynching of blacks, that blatantly beat homosexuals, that spoke about "the others" only in vulgar and pejorative terms. Yesterday, Chris Mathews outed him on MSNBC: he said that Russert was a supporter of the American invasion of Iraq. No kidding. It was quite obvious. Russert started his career by working for one of the worst (and most politically racialist) Senators: Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

It is also that common revolving door policy: to have journalists moving from the corridors of power to the newsrooms. Russert worked for Mynihan and for Mario Cuomo before coming to NBC-News. On Israel, Russert was horrible: he would always challenge politicians if they have the slightest skepticism toward Israel and its crimes. The standards of political courage are so different in the U.S. from what they are in Europe, for example. Here, if they ask one mild question (the standard for questioning being Larry King), it is considered courageous. Look back at Russert's interviews with Rumsfeld and Bush after Sep. 11: they did not show hints of skepticism. He was a war promoter.

A-10 Close Air Support Hits Too Close

Arsenault185 says...

Ok, its been confirmed. VideoSift users are smarter than LiveLeak's. Here it is.

This incident definatley took place in Iraq, in Basra. According to the BBC the pilot of the A10 even came around for a second attack run. Lance-Corporal Matthew Richard "Matty" Hull was in the turret of his tank when it was hit, and the ammunition storage chamber burst into flames and the ammo went off, as well as the diesel fuel. The pilot of the A10 had over 25 years experience flying for the air force. How he didn't see the Union Jack painted on the tank through his optics, I don't know, but apparently, the forward observer attached to British forces told the pilots that there were no friendlies in the area. So once again, it looks as though fault lies on both side.

Digging through related BBC reports, I have found that the only other A10 attack was in Iraq back in '91. So this was definitely NOT Afghanistan.

A-10 Close Air Support Hits Too Close

Arsenault185 says...

Ok.... on this video. The A10 Tunderbolt, commonly known as a "warthog" or "tank buster" is an American aircraft. I'm not sure as to the exact circumstances of what happend, but this attack was definite friendly fire from US to British troops. This incident resulted in the death of a British Lance-Corporal Matthew Richard "Matty" Hull. Read about it as here.

Looks like the US just can't keep itself from mistakingly attacking British forces. When the conflict first kicked off, US PATRIOT accidentally shot down 2 British Tornados. This was in part due to crew inexperience in the PATRIOT system, as well as gross errors of the pilot. I know because The Warrant Officer I work with was in the PATRIOT unit that shot these planes down when it happened. If you guys are curious, I can explain it more, but not here.

Tarantula Attacks Snake

Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I like to think that if we can hold youtubesque comments to a single thread, then we are containing the virulent pus in a boil that needs only to be lanced every once in a while.


Which Patriots wear the Flag Lapel Pin?

Kimmel's Response to "I'm F@cking Matt Damon"

Chaucer says...

>> ^my15minutes:
>> ^lucky760:
Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz, Don Cheadle, Robin Williams, Huey Lewis, Harrison Ford, McLovin, Josh Groban, Macy Gray, Joan Jett, ...

Meat Loaf!
and Perry Farrell from Jane's Addiction is the one singing just before Macy Gray.

Lets see.. There's Meatloaf, Lance Bass, Carlos Mencia.

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