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Kevlar (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Dyslexia-because sifters don't f*cking know what it is

Lance Armstrong Tells Off Reporter at Press Conference

EDD says...

You and everybody who upvoted your comment are either complete douche bags or just ignorant motherfuckers. Google 'dyslexia' and enlighten your smarmy ass selves, will you?

>> ^burdturgler:
Westy, when it comes to retarded ways of saying things, you're the fucking champion.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Lance Armstrong Tells Off Reporter at Press Conference

poolcleaner says...

>> ^legacy0100:
lol yeah it's kinda hypocritical for saying 'we all should forgive', then go on to say 'i would never forgive you'.
But Lance is doing that to accentuate how offended he was by the guy's statement. No biggie.

This is exactly how I interpreted his statement. He's saying something after the fact of what he just said as an exception, to present how upset he is with the reporter.

I'm sure if he were to write it down on paper, he might take that part out in a revision, but giving an impromptu answer there's almost always going to be some type of fallacy existent in your words. It was an eloquent answer and seeks to remind me what a heroic personality Lance Armstrong is.

Lance Armstrong Tells Off Reporter at Press Conference

legacy0100 says...

lol yeah it's kinda hypocritical for saying 'we all should forgive', then go on to say 'i would never forgive you'.

But Lance is doing that to accentuate how offended he was by the guy's statement. No biggie.

Ghosts N Goblins Speed Run - NO DEATHS!

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^Kreegath:
Exactly who verified that this is the world record and what was the paramiters? Did he use an emulator (or whatever they're called)? If so, what makes the no dying and fast clearing parts of this loooong video special?
If the player indeed used an emulator, as I think he did due to the inhumanly timed jumps and accuracy with the lance in the six minutes I watched, then the whole point of bragging is lost, isn't it? It's almost like watching the computer play itself.

With all of the author's commentary on how he beat the game, and this is a recording from a NON-emulated game!

Kreegath (Member Profile)

Tymbrwulf says...

And from his YT page:
This is a live (non-emulated) speedrun of Ghosts N Goblins for NES. I go through both rounds of 6 levels each without any deaths in 22 minutes 56 seconds. This video is of the current verified world record time.

Also check out my no-death Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts!

Maybe NOW you'll be impressed.

In reply to this comment by Kreegath:
Exactly who verified that this is the world record and what was the paramiters? Did he use an emulator (or whatever they're called)? If so, what makes the no dying and fast clearing parts of this loooong video special?
If the player indeed used an emulator, as I think he did due to the inhumanly timed jumps and accuracy with the lance in the six minutes I watched, then the whole point of bragging is lost, isn't it? It's almost like watching the computer play itself.

Ghosts N Goblins Speed Run - NO DEATHS!

Kreegath says...

Exactly who verified that this is the world record and what was the paramiters? Did he use an emulator (or whatever they're called)? If so, what makes the no dying and fast clearing parts of this loooong video special?
If the player indeed used an emulator, as I think he did due to the inhumanly timed jumps and accuracy with the lance in the six minutes I watched, then the whole point of bragging is lost, isn't it? It's almost like watching the computer play itself.

Tony Benn: If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will

Yehoshua says...

Gee, he is very brave. All of those British people without access to the internet, who can't possibly Google around to find a Palestinian charity.

"People will die because of the BBC decision!"

Maybe the Queen will knight him and give him a destrier and a lance.


Space Knight Has No Inner Monologue

thinker247 says...

I've heard rumors that if you take a regular lance into space, it does not become a space lance. Rather, it is a regular lance that becomes a lance that is in space. Well, outer space, if you want to be technical. Because after all, isn't everything in space? So the regular lance that is brought into outer space and becomes the regular lance that is in outer space could very well be kept out of outer space, and reside instead inside inner space, where everything is in space.

I sure do like pecans! I wonder if anybody else likes pecans as much as I like pecans. I like when pecans are put into pies, but not when they're put into my eyes. I wonder if anybody else likes pecans in their pies, but not in their eyes.

Horses are large animals! Well, relatively large, I should say. Because in relation to mice, horses are very large. But in relation to elephants, horses are very small. Unless the elephants are miniature elephants and the mice are giant mice. Then the attributes of the horse in relation to the animals are reversed.

I live in Idaho. Well, I don't actually live in idaho, because Idaho is an invisible boundary created by white men when they destroyed the Indians. So I don't live in Idaho, because Idaho doesn't really exist. But I live on the land that is inside the invisible boundary of what white men call Idaho. So I guess I live in Idaho, figuratively speaking.

I should really go to bed, but I want to watch a few more videos. I think I will watch the video of Louis C.K. on Conan O'Brien again. That was a really funny video that I enjoyed watching many times. That's why I think I'm going to watch it again. But first I need to send this comment. Well, okay, I guess I'm not really sending this comment. Or am I? I wonder why they call it Wonder Bread? Oops, I forgot to send this comment.

Oh, it's "submit" this comment, not "send" this comment! But is submitting and sending the same thing? I should look those words up in the dictionary after I submit this comment that I'm sending.

School Hamas is STILL using Schools to launch rocket attacks

Farhad2000 says...

Oh Pallywood? See I don't need to say you're an idiot you just prove it yourself.

Pallywood is an allegation thrown about pro-Israel media watchers like you who armchair events from YouTube videos from sources you don't even know. It's centered around a few events in the entire history of the conflict and hasn't even been touched by CAMERA and MERMI TV because its such a heinous allegation, to claim that the suffering of the Palestinians is staged in anyway.

Why? Because it's fucking stupid. But you buy it willingly. What next you're going to claim the reported deaths are also made up by Pro-Palestinian sources like Red Cross and the UN?

By the way me calling you stupid is not a ad hominim it's just a statement of facts, because you add nothing logical or constructive to the discussions simply a right wing interpretation of the situation that benefits neither Israel nor Palestine.

Yes Hamas is bad, we get the fucking picture. But you can't lance an organization like Hamas out with military action, no bombs, guided missiles or IDf incursions will stop this. Israel went from roundly defeating Arab armies along its entire border zones in the 60s to being unable to stop Hezboallah or Hamas from occasionally firing the odd missile. The unilateral military actions simply don't work, there needs to be a re engagement of how Israel deals with this situation instead of shooting itself in the foot by coming off as a unnecessary aggressor.

But you don't see that and actually think Israel can win this through bombs and war. Israel asked for this and will keep getting it as long as it believes this is the only course of action.

But what do you care right? You can say whatever you want I mean this all really doesn't affect you anyway. So yeah Pallywood and lets kill all the muslims.

Opel P-1 - 376 Miles Per Gallon Car in 1973!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

The Opel's rear axle was narrowed and super-hard low-friction tires were used.

Makes the car unfeasible to drive on wet roads, snow, ice, high heat, or any other real world driving conditions. The narrow rear axle and super-hard low-friction tires would have to be replaced with standard equipment to meet safety regulations. There goes the theoretical 'efficiency'...

To save even more weight, a chain drive was used.

Chain drives exchange the $4 bucks per fill-up in gasoline you save for about $2,000 a month in increased repair bills. They're also noisy and messy.

Now of course this isn't exactly a practical car. But even if you changed it enough to reduce its performance by 250 mpg, that still leaves you with 126 mpg!

Like far too many people, you are subscribing to a complete logical fallacy. You are assuming, "Well, if this thing gets 350 MPG, then even if we tweak it a LOT it would still get 150 MPG when we put it in the market." That assumption is patently false. If it was that simple then someone would be making a car right now TODAY that got over 1,000 MPG. These 'tech demo' and 'eco challenge' cars have no place in practical consumer markets for a reason. Most of what makes these fantasy-dream cars function is either illegal, impractical, or incredibly expensive.

For example - the wired blog link you supplied indicated that the record is over 10,000 miles per gallon. Following your logic, "Well SURELY we should be able to build a car with only one TENTH of that..." Well, yeah we probably could... However, it would cost about 10 million dollars to make and you'd only get 1,000 MPG when you use it exclusively on 1,000 mile long downhill racing tracks with no cargo, perfect weather, and with you pedalling like Lance Armstrong the entire time.

Rush YYZ - Played by a 13 Year Old Girl Drummer!

smooman says...

you wanna see drumming flair, check out Lance Garvin of Living Sacrifice. Beats his skins as if they were his red headed step-children.

Nice vid, nice drumming. This girl is here to stay

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