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Trailer for Blankfist's feature film -- "Yeardley"

Captain Feeny at your service

Captain Feeny at your service

Captain Feeny at your service

Hello Sifters! Lend us a hand, would you kindly? (Music Talk Post)

kranzfakfa says...

>> ^choggie:

^sick project there krans, you outdid your balls-out 7-yr-old gonna burn the house down while mom's not home, inner gremlin with that one.....

Thanks choggie. We strive for perfection like Kubrick and for crazy like Hunter Thompson.

Arial Font is Bullshit

The Black Hole - Final Hell Sequence

Recurring Plane Crash Nightmare (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

@dystopianfuturetoday, I just watched it tonight with a good friend who had never seen it, and he thought it was a bit better than okay. I'd say he gave it a fair and strong good. I thought it was great, but there are certainly things about it that now stand out as diminishing.

You're gonna love the Kubrick-esque ostentatious music cues! So awesome! You'll know them when they happen.

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

Steve's Grammar: Is it "Twenty ten" or "Two thousand ten"?

blankfist (Member Profile)

rougy says...

You're a really smart guy and from all accounts pretty darned talented, so I really don't understand this almost obsessive loathing that you have for anything that remotely resembles a group effort, i.e. collectivism. If I didn't hope to have a beer with you and "tie on one" someday I wouldn't even bother responding to your anti-collectivist, lone cowboy diatribes.

I think you're...kind of shooting yourself in the foot by ascribing a blanketed evil intent on everything that seems to involve two or more people working together to achieve a common goal.

I mean, even your movie, man. Look at your movie. You didn't do that all yourself. You couldn't have. You probably did a lot of it, and I'm not diminishing that effort, buy if it were left to you and only you to write, direct, produce, perform in, light, record, film, score, edit, and'd be working on it to this very day, and it wouldn't be nearly as good. And that kind of cooperation, that group effort for a greater good, applies to almost everything, not just movies.

And I'll make you a bet, anything that you can name, any goal, any achievement that you think you and I could do on our own, if I have one person to help me in reaching that goal, I'll get there before you. If I have ten people I'll get there even faster. And if I have a hundred, faster and greater still.

I know I'll lose some of those bets, but I'm confident that I'll win enough of them to make that loss insignificant.

Gonna watch "The Hurt Locker" tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Hmmmm. A lot to digest there, Kubrick.

Sort of neutral on J.D. Salinger. Only read Catcher in the Rye and one of his short stories, Banana Fish. I heard rumors that he and Thomas Pynchon were one in the same, and I really enjoyed Gravity's Rainbow, but I doubt the rumor was true after just now googling it.

Terrance Malick I really, really, really fucking like. I thought The Thin Red Line line was sublime. The New World, Days of Heaven, Badlands...I genuinely loved each and every one of those films. Each would deserve a post of its own for me to share my critique. The man has a gifted eye.

Gilmore Girls? Maybe I'll check it out. Doubtful. I really thought you knew me better than that, because from your description, it's not my kind of show at all. I don't really watch much television, especially series oriented shows. I only watch it now because I'm living with mamason and the thing's almost always on, or tempting me to turn it on. When I finally sell the house and get the fuck out of Roswell, I won't have a television in my home for a long, long time, not even for Netflix vids.

Few people detest...nay, despise the "corporate cog" scene more than I.

I thought you would have known that by now, too.

I was being facetious. I know you aren't the type to like Gilmore Girls, that's why I used them as an example, because they were so typical American fluff with typical pro-topical issues storylines. Entertainment Weekly and Time Magazine thought the show was fantastic. How lame is that? And they like it for its quick dialog. Really?

My point was that just because you're not pro-social doesn't mean you're wrong. There are a lot of great people who were recluses, and that is distinctively not pro-social behavior. The get along gangs need us contrarians. We like individualism over collectivism. Martin Luther King Jr didn't ask that we judge a group by the content of their character.

blankfist (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Hmmmm. A lot to digest there, Kubrick.

Sort of neutral on J.D. Salinger. Only read Catcher in the Rye and one of his short stories, Banana Fish. I heard rumors that he and Thomas Pynchon were one in the same, and I really enjoyed Gravity's Rainbow, but I doubt the rumor was true after just now googling it.

Terrance Malick I really, really, really fucking like. I thought The Thin Red Line line was sublime. The New World, Days of Heaven, Badlands...I genuinely loved each and every one of those films. Each would deserve a post of its own for me to share my critique. The man has a gifted eye.

Gilmore Girls? Maybe I'll check it out. Doubtful. I really thought you knew me better than that, because from your description, it's not my kind of show at all. I don't really watch much television, especially series oriented shows. I only watch it now because I'm living with mamason and the thing's almost always on, or tempting me to turn it on. When I finally sell the house and get the fuck out of Roswell, I won't have a television in my home for a long, long time, not even for Netflix vids.

Few people detest...nay, despise the "corporate cog" scene more than I.

I thought you would have known that by now, too.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
So I take it you have a problem with recluses like J.D. Salinger and Terrence Malick?

I hear the writers of Gilmore Girls are all there to get along and do whatever the group wants. You'd probably like that show. So unoffensive and vanilla. A real non-think piece for the lowest common denominator with ample pop-culture references to make you think you're thinking. "Hey, that was a reference to Alec Baldwin's estranged relationship with his daughter! I got that because I read People Magazine! I'm well read!"

They tackle tough situations like relationship topics and social classes and whatever else the pro-social corporate censors allow them to. Being a team player means fitting in and doing your job. And that's just the sort of slave "corporate cog" message you can expect. Here's your minimum wage you fought so hard for ensuring only corporations could afford to pay the wage, now get back to your fluorescent lit hole and mass produce for them! And be sure to watch their 1984 approved tv shows that tell you you're right for believing what they believe. So say we all.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
"I just think that "pro-social" message was bogus and ill-conceived."

Because "anti-social" messages would have served the children so much better.

Jesus tells ya to shake that Bible like it ain't no thang

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