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Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media

newtboy says...

Dear Bob.
When I write that antifa are asshats, imbecilic, moronic, and fascists, it means I don't support them. When I write they should be arrested, it means I don't support them. When I write the left should be louder about denouncing them and separating from them, it means I don't support them. When I write I don't support them, it means I don't support them. I know you read all those posts, you replied to each of them with some red herring or another.
Damn, Bob, you're really bending over backwards to ignore my CONSTANT denouncement of antifa so you can try your hardest to deflect from the violent alt right Nazis and KKK you keep defending as peaceful protesters, even as you post video of them shooting and driving into crowds of women and children.

Damn, Bob, you just aren't capable of living in reality. Try it, it's nice here.

Edit: OK, got me. I'm sure you're just trolling out of frustration now. You cannot possibly be that dumb.

bobknight33 said:


Even the media agrees that ANTIFA is off the hook violent Fascist. For Morning Joe to go Anti ANTIFA that saying a lot.

Damn Newt you are on the wrong side gain. BOOM.

ANTIFA Returns To Berkeley

newtboy says...

Really? Ok, point out the antifa in that clip then. Please, show me the crazed lefty pointing his gun and firing at the peaceful Nazis and KKK, name the second and quadrant of the video frame...or any video of that. I'll gladly retract if you can. Waiting with bells on. ;-)

Edit: how sad, Bob. Watching on the bigger screen, I was able to find ONE masked man on the anti Nazi side....why couldn't you?

bobknight33 said:

You got your rose color glasses on Newt.

ANTIFA Returns To Berkeley

newtboy says...

So, that's zero Nazi rallies then...and I doubt you can name a single one of these peaceful KKK rallies, because those rallies are never peaceful.

Bob, you don't get to decide who can be a citizen any more than I do, fortunately. Antifa may be misguided thugs, but the right trying to dehumanize them does nothing but embolden them.

Trump is not coherent enough to be fascist, but many things he's said are fascist, as are many of his supporters. Don't try to deny it, the unite the right march was replete with shields bearing fasces.

Now, I have to chastise you for horrible reading comprehension, intentional or not. Every time I mention antifa, I denounce them and call them fascist morons, yet you still somehow lump me with them in your mind. I sincerely hope this is an intentional misdirection, as the alternative, that you honestly can't grasp that someone left of you isn't in antifa and blm (because I know that in your head they're the same thing), is incredibly sad.

Agreed, the police seem to be taking a 'wait and see what happens' approach here, I can't fathom why, but that wasn't their tactic under Obama. When antifa attacked in Berkely the first time, the cops were on them like white on rice and they dispersed...what happened.

Again with and my kind with me violence. *snicker* Me and my kind don't do silly sign slapping and shouting violence, our kind of violence wakes you up at 3 am standing at the foot of your bed in a Trump mask. ;-) I ain't with those millennials throwing tantrums, they aren't anti fascist, they are fascist....and dumb. Try as you might, you won't put me in their camp, or them in mine.

With his support at all time record lows for a president, I don't know where you get this idea beyond wishful thinking. Antifa makes Trump voters? No more than Nazis and the KKK make anti Trump voters. Which crowds are larger? Good luck with that....maybe you can convince the Dems to try Clinton'll need it.

bobknight33 said:

your are so misguided.

The ANTIFA have been on a rampage of violence and intolerance.

The KKK have held many peaceful rallies over the years promoting their sick ways. Antifa are nothing but violence. Thungs not worthy of holding an American flag.

ANTIFA preach that Trump is a Fascist but are so wrong. Same goes for those who support Trump and other Americans that are sick of you radical kind.

So were were the cops/? Berkley they really protected the peace and in charlottesville???

If I went to an America first rally and knew you and your kind would be showing and bring you violence Yep I would be packing... Its called self defense.

TRUMP 2020 becomes more and more a reality every time ANTIFA show up. AND you know ANTIFA is making it happen. FUNNY.

ANTIFA Returns To Berkeley

bobknight33 says...

your are so misguided.

The ANTIFA have been on a rampage of violence and intolerance.

The KKK have held many peaceful rallies over the years promoting their sick ways. Antifa are nothing but violence. Thungs not worthy of holding an American flag.

ANTIFA preach that Trump is a Fascist but are so wrong. Same goes for those who support Trump and other Americans that are sick of you radical kind.

So were were the cops/? Berkley they really protected the peace and in charlottesville???

If I went to an America first rally and knew you and your kind would be showing and bring you violence Yep I would be packing... Its called self defense.

TRUMP 2020 becomes more and more a reality every time ANTIFA show up. AND you know ANTIFA is making it happen. FUNNY.

newtboy said:

Really. Can you name a number of Nazi marches that didn't end in violence then? I can't.
Nothing was traded, the right still wears their hoods....more than the left wears black, btw. The left has never courted these people, and doesn't excuse them. The right can't say the same about Nazis and the KKK.

No, sorry, they're confused kids. Fascism is not liberal...not extreme liberal either. They might think, because their goals are quasi-liberal, that makes them liberals, but their methods are totally antithetical to liberal ideals.

Liberal and Democratic leaders have denounced them repeatedly. Just because Fox tells you they embrace them doesn't make it true.

Huh? Leaders calling the cops doesn't help? Really. It's seemed to disband them in the past without campus burnings...what are you talking about? How do you arrest them without calling the cops? What?! The alternative? Just let the nazis/fascists and the antifascist fascists fight in public.

So, there you go, again, the right escalates the violence to the next level, murder, and you blame the left. Typical Bob.

ANTIFA Returns To Berkeley

newtboy says...

Really. Can you name a number of Nazi marches that didn't end in violence then? I can't.
Nothing was traded, the right still wears their hoods....more than the left wears black, btw. The left has never courted these people, and doesn't excuse them. The right can't say the same about Nazis and the KKK.

No, sorry, they're confused kids. Fascism is not liberal...not extreme liberal either. They might think, because their goals are quasi-liberal, that makes them liberals, but their methods are totally antithetical to liberal ideals.

Liberal and Democratic leaders have denounced them repeatedly. Just because Fox tells you they embrace them doesn't make it true.

Huh? Leaders calling the cops doesn't help? Really. It's seemed to disband them in the past without campus burnings...what are you talking about? How do you arrest them without calling the cops? What?! The alternative? Just let the nazis/fascists and the antifascist fascists fight in public.

So, there you go, again, the right escalates the violence to the next level, murder, and you blame the left. Typical Bob.

bobknight33 said:

These actions seem to be quite typical from ANTIFA. Those NAZI were peaceful until mixed together with ANTIFA and BLM in Charlottsville..

Looks like America traded a white mask for a black bandanna.

These anarchist asshats are liberals . they might the far left but they are liberals.

But who are going to stop ANTIFA?
If TRUMP calls out the national guard then is dammed ...

Liberals and Democrat leaders won't stop this or risk being being called a sell out to the system.

College leaders calling the cops to stop and disband these groups will only cause more burning of buildings.

I did last night see a video TYT of a guy firing into ANTIFA. Not cool.

Now that the guns are out only the true believers will show op to protest.

The crowds should get smaller but the violence should get greater.

"All white people are racist"

Imagoamin says...

Yeah, I said that because she is taking a real concept, implicit bias everyone deals with and our socialization having biased viewpoints ingrained in it, and playing it up to excessive shock values. It's a stupid way to teach anyone about those things.

And I don't read her statement as literally as say, a KKK member saying black people are subhuman, but more as purposefully exaggerated statements like "men are trash".

She said some stupid shit, but somehow an unemployed 26 year old saying stupid shit doesn't particularly worry me, seeing as she has such little power to effect anyone's life. She shouldn't be teaching this shit to people, but I'm not going to lose any sleep about her saying stupid shit, like millions of people do day to day but you aren't privy to because they're not being filmed.

newtboy said:

You miss the point.
This video was posted to show you what us lefties really think so you can be informed and join the next right wing free speech rally. Don't forget to wear your Doc Martin's.

BTW-you said-"If you want to call out what you view as racism, going after the little guys for saying something a little off isn't the way"

If you think this is only racism if viewed in a certain critical way or is only a little off, you clearly don't know what the word means and need to look it up. Her statement could be the definition in the dictionary. Saying 'all' (insert race here) 'are non human demons' is hyper racist and completely batshit insane, not only racist if viewed in one particular light, not just a little off. Wow.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

Asmo says...

And blacks in the west start miles ahead of blacks in Africa. So where do we draw the line? Equal opportunity and equal treatment are the very best we should be able to expect in this world because as soon as you put your thumb on the scales, one way or another, someone is going to feel cheated. That will, in turn, become resentment, fair or not, and the cycle will continue.

You trace back every persons family tree and you'll end up with both ancestors that had the boot on their neck, and ancestors who wore the boot. If we carry the sum of the sins of our forebears, then there is not a single person alive today that isn't guilty of some horrid event. A million monkeys with a million typewriters will eventually write Mein Kampf...

I agree with most of what the Governator said, and noted the things he didn't say eg. he didn't say it's okay to physically attack someone expressing a hateful idea.

More importantly, I think Daryl Davis has the solution:

Or Martin Luther King: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Which is why you don't destroy history, you don't shout down people expressing hateful ideas, you do not dehumanise them and in not doing that, you do not become the monster you are trying to fight.

Jinx said:

Re. slavery and sins of fathers

I don't think anybody is suggesting that white folks be held personally responsible for slavery, but you do need to accept that, in the main, whites start life with a headstart. We still profit from that history, and that is to say nothing of the racism that still exists today.

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

ChaosEngine says...

That's a fair point, Eric. I can't say that I know enough about minority group racism to judge.

So yeah, I'm happy to amend my statement that to "not all republicans are racist, but pretty much all white supremacists/nazis are republican".

Huh, still doesn't read great, does it?

Oh, and @worm, I agree. There is a perception of "anti-white social engineering by the left". Of course, it's complete fucking nonsense, but hey, no reason to let facts get in the way, right?

"David Duke, a major KKK leader of some sort, was a Democrat in Congress."

If you're going to post bullshit, you might want to post something that isn't trivially disprovable by 5 seconds googling. He was never a congressman, instead having failed several attempts at both Democratic and Republican presidential primaries. He did become a state representative for Louisiana, but that was as a Republican (he also lost a governship battle, again as a Republican).

I'm not seeking to demonise Republicans here. I don't agree with them most of the time, but at a point, they were a relatively sane political party, before becoming the international laughing stock they are today.

The problem is that they are now beholden to Trump and almost all of them are spineless fucks with a few notable exceptions.

eric3579 said:

Do you think that is true (in America) with the racism that exists in minority groups(generally between minority groups i assume)? I've always just assumed that most minority groups lean left (in America) and the racist that are part of those group would also identify as being left. I assume if you're a white racist you are most likely a republican but don't think that would hold true for racism in minority groups. Although i really don't know.

Now im curious to know which cultures/groups in the states have racist views towards other cultures/groups (excluding white America).

Off to watch something funny. My fragile (anxiety ridden) mind can only take so much of the ugliness, and the last few days have been pretty ugly

Craigslist Ad for "$25 an hour protesters", for guess where

newtboy says...

I don't think zerohedge is a reputable source.
Why wasn't this found before the event., not that there's anything odd about looking for photographers at a KKK/Nazi rally. Of course you would want them to be comfortable participating in protests, you have to be to get decent photos of them.

Zerohedge : In April 2016, the authors writing as "Durden" on the website were reported by Bloomberg News to be Ivandjiiski, Tim Backshall (a credit derivatives strategist), and Colin Lokey. Lokey, the newest member revealed himself and the other two when he left the site. Ivandjiiski confirmed that the three men "had been the only Tyler Durdens on the payroll" since Lokey joined the site in 2015. Former Zero Hedge writer Colin Lokey said that he was pressured to frame issues in a way he felt was "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft." Zero Hedge founder Daniel Ivandjiiski, in response, said that Lokey could write "anything and everything he wanted directly without anyone writing over it." On leaving, Lokey said: "I can't be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore. It's wrong. Period. I know it gets you views now, but it will kill your brand over the long run. This isn't a revolution. It's a joke."

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

Fairbs says...

the narrative that this rally wasn't about an uprising that trump created falls apart when the organizers are throwing around the N word and calling out Jews. Another organizer the racist david duke strongly praises trump all of the time; if you're marching next to the klan and nazis, you're part of it; you either say you're against it or you're for it; you don't get to waffle; the alt left (which I'm not sure is actually a thing other than a way to equivocate them as being as bad as the alt right) is fighting against nazis and the kkk and I support them pretty fully

bobknight33 said:

Unlike you I approve of no such behavior.

The Alt Left and Alt Right are way the fuck out of line.

We can thank Obama for the rise of the Alt Left which forces the Alt Right to spring into the spotlight to counter.

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

newtboy says...

Answered, but ok...
Shared beliefs that the other is the source of their (and America's) that immigrants, lefty fanboys, inner city residents (blacks), other religions, etc. That's been the party and movement for at least a decade if not longer.

Goals: return to a white majority, returning to mostly white male leadership, removal of immigrants and minimizing immigration, codifying Christianity as the state religion, and freedom to discriminate against other groups (but not theirs).

I agree, racism is not only evil, but dumb.

Free market capitalism (not the entirety of the platform, btw) long as it works for them. If not, regulations are just fine....take solar, something the right still fights....or oil, a totally manipulated market. When free market capitalism isn't working, the right has no qualms tossing it.

Republicans, the right wing party, has grown government as much or more than the left/dems. They love to say "small government" but never work towards it (except by killing democrat enacted programs, replaced with larger, more expensive Republican programs.).

No, left wing political ideal is that the government should work for citizens, not corporations. Left wing ideals are personal/human freedom/rights (which includes safeguarding systems against abuses) before profits, not on the right. You've been watching too much Fox and Alex.

So, racism benefits from people working against it and trying to make it actionable (not addressing your incorrect description of the left's ideals.) I think it benefits more from racists and racist policy, live voter I'd laws.
I think you may be describing the ultra left, which is like describing all republicans as to the right of the clan/nazis and ignoring their condemnations of those groups and their methods.

The KKK, Nazis, and alt right all said clearly, it was Trump echoing their platform that brought them in, not the left decrying them.

You are insane if you think anything Obama or Clinton could have possibly done to attract these people, it was the derision of them as subhuman filth that they found appealing.

worm said:

Total BS answer.

WHAT shared beliefs? There is no color requirements or religious prerequisites to being on the right hand side of the political spectrum. I know the media and lefty fanbois try to paint it that way, but that is complete drivel.

Goals? What 'goals' do these white idiot racists have that black idiot racists or hispanic idiot racists don't ALSO have ? What makes one group's racism leftist and therefor tolerable/understandable/justifiable in the media and the other group's racism "right wing" and abhorrent? And yes, there ARE black and hispanic racist groups...

Nothing but political bullsh*t. Racism is racism and it ALL should be abhorrent.

At it's core today, the right-wing political ideal maintains that free markets and capitalism is the best economic system for a free people because it promotes the MOST interchange between classes of people (poor, rich, powerful, etc). As such, a true right wing government would be small and not so powerful in an individual's everyday life.

At it's core, the left-wing political ideal is that capitalism is not "fair" and that the Government should step in to make everyone "equal", trading away freedom to social engineer equality and redistribute wealth. Of course, this means the more power that can be consolidated into the government, the better and more "equal" we can all be. (Don't even get me started on how this path leads to the shores of Venezuela or every other failed socialist country before it)

Back on my point though, racism doesn't rely on free markets or capitalism. Racism CAN and I would argue DOES benefit from leftist ideas of social engineered equality though.

So if these white racists voted as a majority for Republicans this election cycle, I would suggest that they did NOT do it because the are "right wing" at all. I suggest they did it because the other side of the ticket represents nothing but more and more "social engineering" that would NOT benefit their preferred race. Further, I would suggest that had the "social engineering" over the time period of the last Presidency been skewed towards pro-white, that these same white racists would have voted Democrat.

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

worm says...

Ugh - how to I start this:

First, not many Republicans are "right wing" any more. Many vote against free markets and Capitalism and vote for social engineering, wealth redistribution, and growing the size of the Government.

There are a few true right wingers left, but the establishment Republicans are not right wing at all if you test their voting habits against what it means to be on the right side of the political spectrum.

Also, I patently reject that notion that all racists are Republican. If you think racism only happens in the white community I suggest you open Youtube and simply search the term "kill whites".

Not too long ago, David Duke, a major KKK leader of some sort, was a Democrat in Congress.

My point is the only reason these people are voting Republican right now is because the social engineering of the left is seen as anti-white, which I am certain makes it untenable for a white racist to vote for that candidate/party.

ChaosEngine said:

@worm, so basically #notallreplublicans?

You are absolutely correct in that "right-wing" politics does not require racism (without getting into a big discussion of how utterly pointless the terms "left" and "right" are in the political sphere).

However, you'd have to be wilfully ignorant not to recognise that there is a strong correlation between racism and political affiliation (especially in the US, which is the context of this discussion), and that's not even getting into the fact that fascism (a right wing ideology) DOES incorporate racism as a core tenet. So yeah, "alt right" is a valid term.

Basically, not all republicans are racist, but pretty much all racists are republican.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

newtboy says...

Like the cheeto in chief, you may not even realize you're standing with the Nazis, but make no mistake, they see it and understand.
Edit: if you want them to stand alone, you, and the exalted leader need to do a MUCH better job of both distancing yourselves and being clear they are alone in their levels of evil and bile, not state plainly that they are standing on a morality scale right next to some pc thugs (ugly as they may be, pc thugs don't advocate mass murders/genocides).
The KKK, neonazis, and alt right are absolutely on your Republican team, you can't wash your hands of them now after they voted with you because Trump's plan and statements mirrored theirs.

Edit: I may have misread you. Are you saying the republican "team" isn't on America's side? Because I'm saying the KKK and Nazis are undeniably Trump Republicans.

I refuse to acknowledge that ridiculous term....but I absolutely don't stand with the far left. I've said my entire adult lifetime that I would vote republican if only they would...but republicans today don't resemble the party I would have joined. They turned pro war, anti thought, pro spend, anti tax, pro debt, anti responsibility, pro corporation, anti citizen, pro oil, anti progress....I could go on but why?

Um...duh Bob, then you still had it badly wrong. Anti first amendment is still antifa, not anfta.

Actually, I do have fond memories of Berkeley, because I lived there in the 80's, not because I'm a leftist fascist.

Yes, he disavowed them, and in the same breath defends them and lumps his political enemies in with them, as if they're equally evil.
The media isn't saying he didn't say they're bad, it's saying he clearly didn't mean it.

If anti Nazi, anti fascist is the wrong side, color me proudly wrong.

I want you in that slinky black backless mini dress and a pushup bra please. I can't wait.

bobknight33 said:

My Newt, let me bow down to the Oh Great Sage of the Sift.. OGSOTH..

I stand for neither.

The KKK and the team are NOT on our side. Not on your side either. They stand alone.

But you squarely stand with the alt left. Next time your out protesting, wear your yellow dress so I can pick you out on the YouTube vids. You make your mother proud. Ill be watching.

Believe the bias of the fake news -- keep it up -- You and your ilk are the party of evil and debauchery. These are not American values.

PS: It's ANTIFA, I new you would correct that -- because you are so smug and arrogant....OGSOTH... Where I come from It's short for ANTI First Amendment.

Conservatives can not say a word with out these radicals showing up in masks , (so they don't shame their parents) and clubs .. Can you say Berkley? I bet you only have fond memories-- Bully

Don't kid yourself The left are the radicals of society and bloody its citizens that stand opposed to liberal ideas. Bullies.

Trump has disavows the KKK and its ilk time and time again.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - While Media Says Exactly the Opposite

Newt, you are on the wrong side.. I still have hope for you. Heck I'll event take you out for dinner, as long as you wear you yellow dress.

If you want me in a dress just name it. Anything for you newt. BFF

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

bobknight33 says...

My Newt, let me bow down to the Oh Great Sage of the Sift.. OGSOTH..

I stand for neither.

The KKK and the team are NOT on our side. Not on your side either. They stand alone.

But you squarely stand with the alt left. Next time your out protesting, wear your yellow dress so I can pick you out on the YouTube vids. You make your mother proud. Ill be watching.

Believe the bias of the fake news -- keep it up -- You and your ilk are the party of evil and debauchery. These are not American values.

PS: It's ANTIFA, I new you would correct that -- because you are so smug and arrogant....OGSOTH... Where I come from It's short for ANTI First Amendment.

Conservatives can not say a word with out these radicals showing up in masks , (so they don't shame their parents) and clubs .. Can you say Berkley? I bet you only have fond memories-- Bully

Don't kid yourself The left are the radicals of society and bloody its citizens that stand opposed to liberal ideas. Bullies.

Trump has disavows the KKK and its ilk time and time again.

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - While Media Says Exactly the Opposite

Newt, you are on the wrong side.. I still have hope for you. Heck I'll event take you out for dinner, as long as you wear you yellow dress.

If you want me in a dress just name it. Anything for you newt. BFF

newtboy said:

' (meaning right wing, not the correct). That's not one radical group it's a conglomeration KKK, alt-right, nazi party, white nationalists, and generic right wing racists, all under the banner 'Unite the rightof many, all of which are firmly on your 'team', and the counter protesters were not so organized and were mostly non-affiliated locals protesting a hate march/rally in their town.

Way to stand with the Nazis, Bob. Nice job.

PS: It's ANTIFA, not ANFTA. It's short for ANTIFACIST. Know your enemy.

Trump Negates His Condemnation Of Nazis, Both Sides Guilty

RFlagg says...

NOBODY is saying anybody is heroes. I haven't read or saw any reports saying they were heroes, save for Fox who says that the media was. Just that people were counter protesting those sort of people the whole word fought a war to defeat.

What is happening is that Trump refuses to say just how fucking evil Nazis and the KKK are. He wouldn't do this if it was a Muslim who ran people over, nor would you. He, Fox, and all those on the right would all be saying how it proves how evil Islam is. By that standard, the fact they don't see how evil Nazis are, proves how evil Christianity is, if God won't convict you that Nazis are one of the greatest evils that ever existed... that anyone who isn't a fucking Nazi themselves, wouldn't call out the absolute shit that is a Nazi or KKK is, is reprehensible. I'm sure most Christians would take offense to such a statement, for such blanket blame of a few bad Nazis proving how evil Christianity is, but don't think twice blaming a terrorist act by a Muslim on the religion itself.

We got Republicans trying to push through laws that protect drivers who hurt or kill people who are peacefully protesting. As if the first amendment doesn't matter. Now, to be fair, most of those probably wouldn't protect the asshole who killed that lady down there, as he clearly had intent to hurt and kill.

Let's repeat the main point, there are no mainstream media saying any group is a hero. People may have called out the one lady as heroic, though it wouldn't have been if it wasn't for a White Supremacist asshole who killed her because she was protesting against White Supremacist like him. But NOBODY in the mainstream media is saying any groups are heroes. All we have is Fox saying as such, and trying to give fucking Nazis a pass for not being some of the most evil people ever. There's no fucking blame on both sides. The fact that we have such a blatantly racist President, with a White Supremacist in Bannon, has emboldened such hate groups, they are gloating how he wouldn't put them down, and then how he rolled back what he said Monday. They love that he's so clearly on their side of pure hate.

He wouldn't have waited days to condemn the violence if it was Muslims at the center. He'd have said something right away, talking about the dangers of radical Islam. He wouldn't have waited to get the facts, as he's proven time and time again. Nor would have the far right media machine like Fox.

Fuck anyone who would stand with the Nazis and the KKK. Fuck anyone who'd defend their hate.

The fact that the Republicans who could do anything about this asshole only have harsh words and won't start a hearing on conduct unbecoming a President, the fact that he's made us the laughing stock of the world, just shows how low the party and its supporters have gone.

bobknight33 said:

Media is trying to make BLM / Antifa into some kind of fucking folk heroes. LOL

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