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Rep Gifford Resigns

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^ChaosEngine:
I wish her all the best for a good recovery. She seems like a pretty awesome person, and a much needed voice of sanity in Arizona.
Also she's married to an astronaut. That is an epic family!

If I was their child I'd just give up and commit suicide, there's no living up to their standards. Even if they're somehow those people who go "Your best is all we ask for" GOD I hate that, tiresome overachieving perfect people...AND ANOTHER THING!!!

lol, I was actually thinking the same thing.

"Mom, Dad, I cured cancer!!"
"Really, son? You mean you still haven't cured AIDS? Well, at least you're trying...."

Rep Gifford Resigns

Yogi says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

I wish her all the best for a good recovery. She seems like a pretty awesome person, and a much needed voice of sanity in Arizona.
Also she's married to an astronaut. That is an epic family!

If I was their child I'd just give up and commit suicide, there's no living up to their standards. Even if they're somehow those people who go "Your best is all we ask for" GOD I hate that, tiresome overachieving perfect people...AND ANOTHER THING!!!

Newt Gingrich wants child janitors?

Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV : Robbery Fail

jcf79 says...

Heresy, QM, that is outright heresy. If the Islams (though most people, people who know what they're talking about, call them Muslims) had their way then how would we ever have a Wall Street? I'm reporting you to the committee on unamerican activities, you know, as soon as it get's formed... again...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Well, we know she's not a Loyal Democrat cause she's at a job or a vacation from a job.
I've been lucky never to have been burglarized. I understand--without really understanding--the feeling is that of being raped, violated. Maybe the islams really do have the right idea about what to do with thieves.

>> ^jcf79:
I guess from now on she should just give up her career, buy a gun, and wait for the next time someone tries to burglarize her, 'cause nothin' says republican like paranoia and over-reaction. And, just so you know, they prefer to be called Democratic Americans now...
>> ^quantumushroom:
How sad that a camera had to greet these Democrats instead of a gun owner.

Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV : Robbery Fail

quantumushroom says...

Well, we know she's not a Loyal Democrat cause she's at a job or a vacation from a job.

I've been lucky never to have been burglarized. I understand--without really understanding--the feeling is that of being raped, violated. Maybe the islams really do have the right idea about what to do with thieves.

>> ^jcf79:

I guess from now on she should just give up her career, buy a gun, and wait for the next time someone tries to burglarize her, 'cause nothin' says republican like paranoia and over-reaction. And, just so you know, they prefer to be called Democratic Americans now...
>> ^quantumushroom:
How sad that a camera had to greet these Democrats instead of a gun owner.

Lady Thwarts Home Invasion Through Her CCTV : Robbery Fail

jcf79 says...

I guess from now on she should just give up her career, buy a gun, and wait for the next time someone tries to burglarize her, 'cause nothin' says republican like paranoia and over-reaction. And, just so you know, they prefer to be called Democratic Americans now...
>> ^quantumushroom:

How sad that a camera had to greet these Democrats instead of a gun owner.

The perfect cop for Marinegunrock's claims on brutality

Yogi says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Hm, no. Not every one. There have been at least a few where I did no defend the officer at all.

I'm dude...he said you defend the cops in every police brutality video. I'm sorry but you can't disprove that, not with fact...or quotes...or evidence. Just give up and accept that you're a bastard.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

heropsycho says...

I'm a little late to the party, but I had to comment.

So that's the criteria to see if something works, let's try googling:

United States capitalism failure

SCORE! 11,300,000 hits!

P.S. I value capitalism and market ideology. I just think measuring google hits is a completely absurd way to disprove economic ideologies.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.
Except it doesn't.
Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics.

>> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

gwiz665 says...

We have it the same in Denmark.
I'm on of the "poorest" earners here, so I play 37 % income tax. The rich pay up to 70 % income tax.
Plus all the sales taxes and stuff.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.
Except it doesn't.
Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics. >> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

Oh right, I forgot, how true a statement is is based on how many google results you get, like when I type "united states capitalism fail" and I end up with nearly 15 million results. Well it MUST be true now!!!

As far as the countries rank up according to current data:
USA's national debt: $738,600,000,000
Sweden's national debt SURPLUS $37,990,000,000

That doesn't look like fail for Sweden to me. What are you using to measure this fail? How is this not a shining example of successful socialism?

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

quantumushroom says...

Ah, yes. SWEDEN. A monoethnic country of less than 10 million proving socialism really works.

Except it doesn't.

Just google "swedish socialism, failure" Close to 7 million results.

Speaking of results, the left can't hide the results of obamanomics.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^quantumushroom:
There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.
Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care
Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

How the Middle Class Got Screwed

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

There is no shining example of the triumph of socialism anywhere in the world.
Greece is our future under clueless odumbo. He is a one-term failure; time and a hopefully wiser brand of hopey-changey fools who voted for the empty suit will see to it.

Sweden is doing very well for having one of the lowest gini coefficients in the world.

Sure their total tax revenue was near 50% across the population, but in Sweden you don't have to pay for:
-Schooling (up to PHD level)
-Child Care
-Health Care

Here's the real shocker, people are not just giving up on working in spite of the country being a welfare state that also provides unemployment insurance. Swedish unemployment rates are at only 7.9% (that's lower than the US [9.2%] for those just joining us). If you need more info, I'll let a socialist Swedish economist explain it.

Put that in your anti-welfare-state-pipe and smoke it.

Crazy Driver Intentionally Hits Cyclists

messenger says...

But it's not safer for us to always act like "normal" (gee, thanks) traffic. If I acted according to the laws of my province (Ontario), I would have to take up an entire lane at all times, and not let anyone pass me. Seriously. I'd get run down like the people in this video. This law was written for motorcyclists so that cars wouldn't crowd them out, and so motorcyclists wouldn't pass between cars when stopped. Then it was blindly applied to cyclists too. So yeah, cyclists try to find their own way through the laws not designed for them, and no, we don't have to just accept it.

Also, like I said before, cyclists not following laws doesn't result in anyone getting killed, except maybe themselves, like that cyclist who blew through the stop sign in front of you. OK, he's stupid. What's that got to do with cyclists who turn right without stopping in empty residential areas? Or, more to the point, with cyclists who slow down to 10 km/h to look both ways before continuing, but technically not stopping? Nothing. So stop painting cyclists in general as scoff-laws to make your point. It's disingenuous.

Something tells me you haven't put any thought into what laws might affect cyclists, so you're not in a great position to say that there are no laws or structural changes that would make a difference to cyclists' safety. There's lots that can be done, things you, as a driver, haven't thought of because it's got nothing to do with you. It may never be as safe for cyclists as for drivers, but there's so much that can be done to make it better. All I hear from you in this thread is, "You are weak. You will always be killed. Just give up. You go out of your way to break laws, so deserve no respect from anyone. Stop trying to make your life better. Accept your fate as a lower class of road user. Get out of my way." Not that you hate cyclists, you just have contempt for us.


Heart Attack Grill spokesman dies. (News Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Bone, I understand what you're trying to say. I'm just trying to point out that a little compassion is in order for your fellow human beings, no matter what condition they're in. I realize that 30-year-olds don't often die of pneumonia, but to assume that you know everything about this guy's life or why he made the decisions he did is arrogant.

Fat people suffer in our society from an incredible stigma that says that if they are overweight, no matter what, it's because they made poor decisions and must not be able to take care of themselves. I mean really, who would want to be THEIR friend right? That stigma, quite often actually contributes to a person's weight problems and it most certainly doesn't help. Now, this guy was five-hundred pounds, and he was the spokesman for the freaking Heart Attack Grill, so yeah, an important lesson can probably be learned here. I agree that it's "disgusting to think a person just gives up" but life is never as simple as making one decision.

Oh, and also:

It's quite common for a "dead"(present tense) person to have "died"(past tense) of something. I know it sounds a little redundant to say it twice but I'm pretty sure that's the only way it works.

For the record, over 60,000 people die of pneumonia every year in the US alone.

Heart Attack Grill spokesman dies. (News Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

Good. Let him be a warning to all the other large fat fucks who thinks a heart pump is something to take for granted.

29 and 500 + pounds ? thats disgusting to think a person just " gives up" after a bit and concludes their life because of food.

say what ya want, but thats what it was.

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