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Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Joe Rogan, The American War Machine' to 'Joe Rogan, The American War Machine, Operation Northwoods, industrial war complex' - edited by eric3579

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

Joe Rogan: The American War Machine

osama1234 says...

Wow. Joe Rogan just went up in my books.

Until this video, I assumed him to be one of those people that question things for the sake of being a rebel, because in their mind being different is cool, and just wanted to stroke their ego... 'I'm so different because I don't accept the legitimacy of authority'. However, this video makes me realizes he's someone who actually gains an understanding of things from questioning thing, and is not just questioning to be a (mainstream) rebel, to make stroke his ego that he's so unique. Not to mention, he articulates it well that its (only) a select powerful few doing horrible things for a profit, and it so happens they control the American government through various means, and psychologically have fooled all of america.

Joe Rogan takes on Noah's Ark believer.

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Joe Reagen So he is the authority on this subject matter?

However the other dude actually goes out and investigates and actually sees a large vessel way up a mountain which happens to have the proper dimensions as listed in the BIBLE and to be in the relative area with respect to biblical reading. He does not actually claim it to be the ARC but indicates striking coincidence.


If they've in fact proven that there is a "boat" there, good on them. So they found the vessel from which all of these inter-religious stories stem from. This does not make the stories true.

Do you actually believe it was physically possible to fit two of every animal (including insects and other tiny organisms) in the world on a single boat?

If you can say yes to that question I'd like to see the schematics of the boat you have in mind and the explanation of how only a single family was able to build this vessel.

What this is, is exactly what Joe Rogan says and what others in this thread have re-iterated. It's probably a story about some major cataclysm that happened in the past, before the written word, and was passed down by word-of-mouth, like one giant game of telephone that spans centuries and maybe even millenia before it was even written down.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Jinx:

And what about the evidence that smoking weed can cause schizofrenia etc in certain people? Isn't smoking anything going to carry a risk of cancer?
I know weed is a lot less dangerous than alcohol or tabacco, but I don't buy that its completely harmless either. There are plenty of really good reasons to legalise pot without exhaggerating its lack of risk.

@ Matthu is basically right in this. Your doctor will most likely remind you of this if you were Schizophrenic. The psychedelics of course have a "chance" to trigger an event , but the schizoid type usually know this before hand. The first try is a bitch for almost everything. Depending on how the drug interacts chemistry wise is what creates the problem; either your body over/under-compensates or does nothing.

The last part is that some psychedelics can cause, serious, irreversible problems when used. Marijuana isn't exactly, the drug to be doing that. Secondly, Marijuana doesn't cause cancer. The fact that you're still breathing in smoke is the problem. This still doesn't cause cancer, but it can decrease your overall lung capacity. Use a bong or breathalyzer.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Matthu says...

>> ^Gamble:

No one has ever died from pot? Sorry, stopped watching right there.

Hi Gamble, you seem genuine. Let me add what I can.

I'm going to call bullshit on that French study.

It says, "French researchers studied all drivers involved in fatal car crashes over a two-year period and found 7% tested positive for marijuana, including nearly 3% who tested positive for a combination of marijuana and alcohol."

This study is from before 2005, I don't believe roadside marijuana tests existed back then, as they aren't used much even now. That means they did tests that determined the person smoked weed in the past few weeks. And so 7% of those people tested positive for having smoked marijuana in the past few weeks? Whopp-dee-doo. From The National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

Among adults aged 26 or older, 6.3 percent were current illicit drug users in 2009. In this age group, 4.6 percent used marijuana, and 2.1 percent used prescription-type drugs nonmedically. Less than 1 percent used cocaine (0.6 percent), hallucinogens (0.2 percent), heroin (0.1 percent), and inhalants (0.1 percent). The only statistically significant changes between 2008 and 2009 in the rates of past month use among adults in this age group involved nonmedical use of stimulants (which increased from 0.2 to 0.4 percent) and methamphetamine use (which rose from 0.1 to 0.2 percent). In addition to these increases between 2008 and 2009, the rate of current marijuana use among adults aged 26 or older was higher in 2009 (4.6 percent) than in 2002 (4.0 percent).
( )

So obviously among those 4.6% marijuana users aged 26+ there are a lot of drivers who would test positive for drug use in the past few weeks.

It also says, "The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased."

So they took blood tests? That doesn't determine if you're stoned. Marijuana stays in your blood for a long time. If you smoked yesterday at 2 P.M. you would still definitely have marijuana in your system. But you definitely wouldn't be stoned at all.

Lastly my own personal experience: I drive stoned all the time. But before you harangue me for being a danger to society let me tell you that I know when I am in control and when I'm not. I am a responsible driver and there have been very few occasions when I've smoked a joint and needed to rest before driving. It's happened a couple of times where I've been somewhere, smoked a big joint and then needed to leave. I get to my car and shit is still spinning and overwhelming a bit. It's these times when I take 10-15 minutes to let the initial effects wear off and adjust to and get serious about my surroundings.

Alcohol is far far worse, for me anyways... I've driven tipsy once or twice, and it's just not to be done. It's different, everything's just a big fucking joke when you're drunk. I had to keep reminding myself to be careful and not just let go and enjoy the ride lol. When stoned, I'm vigilant.

Lastly, I would like to mention that I feel weed affects me quite strongly. I've smoked a ton of weed in my day, and compared to me friends, I still get pretty darn high. Especially if I've gone even a week without smoking.

Anyways, tl;dr Marijuana is a relatively safe drug and the prohibition against it is highly suspicious.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Gamble says...

I searched google for about 20 minutes for news articles to back up my statements. In all honesty, I found just one.
25/driver-blamed-string-crashes-says-he-smoked-pot-fi/ I'm not quite sure why so few articles come up. Perhaps drivers aren't tested for marijuana as much as they are alcohol? I'm open to debate here.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^Gamble:
I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.
I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.
Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.
Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.
In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

I have never seen any evidence that anyone has ever died as a direct result of marijuana use, and you provided none to back up your claims. But I have heard and read many reputable people say that no one has ever died from it's use.
I can tell you one thing. I'd feel more comfortable getting behind the wheel after taking a bong hit or two than after drinking a six pack. If anything I'd drive slower and more cautiously. Drunk I'd speed, and more than likely be swerving all over the road. Comparing the impairment you get from weed to alcohol is ridiculous.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Gamble:

I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.
I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.
Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.
Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.
In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

I have never seen any evidence that anyone has ever died as a direct result of marijuana use, and you provided none to back up your claims. But I have heard and read many reputable people say that no one has ever died from it's use.

I can tell you one thing. I'd feel more comfortable getting behind the wheel after taking a bong hit or two than after drinking a six pack. If anything I'd drive slower and more cautiously. Drunk I'd speed, and more than likely be swerving all over the road. Comparing the impairment you get from weed to alcohol is ridiculous.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Gamble says...

I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.

I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.

Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.

Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.

In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

enoch says...

>> ^Gamble:

No one has ever died from pot? Sorry, stopped watching right there.

so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.

but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

nomino (Member Profile)

Joe Rogan's "You're a Fucking Human Being"

AnimalsForCrackers says...

>> ^hueco_tanks:

Rogan was phenomenal in the moon hoax debate. I believe his actual position was something along the lines of "I know I sound crazy for saying it, but ... it might not have happened." If anyone can find the debate, post a link ... it was thoroughly entertaining.

It was entertaining, I'll give him that, and I can relate for the most part with Rogan's general point in this video. I just wish he hadn't overbearingly dominated that debate, barely giving Phil a chance to respond in kind. Phil let him walk all over him; the guy is too nice for his own good sometimes and Rogan definitely sensed that and took advantage of it. You'll probably be able to find the debate by searching Bad Astronomy's archives, there was a lengthy post by Phil (with a link to the "debate") expressing his frustrations trying to get a word in edgewise over Joe..

Joe Rogan's "You're a Fucking Human Being"

Matthu says...

I donno... I used to not care for Joe Rogan, but I just read his wikipedia page, he:

Smokes pot and advocates for it's recreational and medicinal use.
Is a black belt.
Has been on a few pretty good shows. TalkRadio was pretty good, and admit it, fear factor was enjoyable for awhile.
Annnnd he once was addicted to Quake! How cool is that? Lol, he was playing 8 hours a day!

Joe Rogan's "You're a Fucking Human Being"

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