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12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


And it’s in the origins that I think our disagreement lies. It’s convenient for both the Arab and western worlds to agree that Israel owes it’s existence as a state to Western powers gifting palestine to them as ‘reparations’. That it’s convenient for both parties though is about as far as the truth of it really goes.

As a realist, I don’t see anything going much differently if the west had opposed Jewish settlement in Palestine at the time. The Jewish people were fleeing the anticipated holocaust. In the aftermath of the actual holocaust, it was their own actions of settling in Palestine, and defending themselves once there that made them a state. Nobody gave it to them, they fought and bled for it themselves.

The closest interference of Britain came in trying to wash their hands of Palestine and declaring a 2 state solution, with borders drawn around the territory in Palestine currently occupied by Jewish and Arab populations. I still hold the key to the ongoing problems are not Israel’s declaration of independence accepting that 2 state solution, but instead the entire arab world’s declaration of war on them and intention to drive them “into the sea”. A declaration like that 3 years after the holocaust, towards a population made up largely of holocaust survivors deserves condemnation. I an’t side with the notion that in that conflict, and the immigration leasing up to it, that the European Jewish refugees are the bad guys and aggressors…

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...


I only mention the illegal status of the invading Jewish masses in the 40’s because they would deny it. I’ve heard many a person claim all Jewish people there were legal immigrants and legal refugees invited in by Palestinians, but the vast majority came after the war ended…illegally….intent on taking over the country and expelling the natives.

Coming as refugees intending to return “home” would have been fine for everyone, but they didn’t want to try that….it wouldn’t end with a Jewish state.

I’m only anti Zionist because they don’t play fair. Because they claim absolute rights to others land, heritage, water, defense, even lives, then act self righteous about their Nazi like behavior and deny any obvious parallels. I find intolerable the one sided “conflict” where rocks or fireworks are met with bullets and bombs under the excuse that “we have the right to defend ourselves”, where well under 10000 Israeli have died but over 65000 Palestinians have been killed directly not counting the millions who died of disease, malnourishment, lack of water, lack of medicine, etc. from the treatment they received from Israel.
I really dislike the situation because my country involved itself and CAUSED it….without our intervention Israel would have ceased to exist in the 50’s, and it sickens me that my country pays for a genocidal racist nation to continue to exist.

I believe the Jewish state should have been carved out of Germany. I would not complain with them returning the treatment they received from actual Nazis…it’s treating relatively innocent victims like that simply because they can that’s unconscionable.

My gripe is totally about their collective actions, not their genetics or religion. That’s the important difference between my reasoning and the right’s hatred of non white immigrants.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


There's a danger here of having an actual nuanced discussion on Israel/Palestine happening here if we aren't careful...

I agree with your point of difference on illegal immigrants in the US largely not having a plan for 'independence' in their back pocket. The soft equivalence that the right wingers would point to though would be immigrant settling into small area such that they can setup a virtual community without ever needing to learn local languages and pushing hard to keep their 'own' values and way of life. I don't agree with the "Learn English" rednecks or the ones shouting how folks need to act American, but there is at least a soft parallel. virtually the only thing South Park has ever been censored on was depicting the prophet, and that 100% read as fear of violent retaliation, which isn't nothing.

I also think you hit the bigger point on how broken systems of immigration are. Particularly when domestic politics and the situation for legal immigration to refugees is grossly inadequate. I think America today though is just a much more mild example of it than the 30/40s in Palestine. For all the complaints one can level at Zionism, it's very hard to condemn them for encouraging mass emigration out of Europe. It's also clear that waiting on legal immigration routes out wasn't going to get people out fast enough. Thus I really look carefully at any anti-zionist position that includes condemning jewish 'illegal' immigration at the time. It treads dangerously close to saying they should have accepted the alternative, which was by and large remaining in Europe...

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

I’m against it, it’s a crime.
I believe in work visas, refugee status, and legal immigration. I believe in a system of charging employers who hire illegal immigrants to skirt taxes, wage laws, labor laws, etc. harshly enough to make it not worth the risk (like take the company/assets of repeat offenders, and using the money collected to fund the immigration and naturalization department and figure out how to supply labor without forcing people to be criminals to get a job.

Sadly those systems are broken.

Because those systems are completely broken and don’t serve the needs of either the immigrants nor the employees that need their labor, we have a massive illegal immigration problem because we have a massive labor shortage issue.

There is a parallel, but it’s not the same thing. We have (or had until recently) a strong well defended democracy, and an enormous population and landmass compared to 1917-48 occupied Palestine, and they had only a fledgling government when the Jewish war refugees they invited started inviting and facilitating a flood of illegal immigrants with a plan to take over the small country. Most of our illegal immigrants are here to make money to take home, I’m unaware of any efforts to return Texas (pre-breakup) to Mexican control like 40’s -50’s Israel.

IMO, Israel is like if 2/3 of Texas became “Tex-Mex” by force, a new country where only those of Mexican descent have rights, a vote, can own property, etc. and white Texans are forced to live in NW Texas under guard struggling to find food and water with Tex-Mex constantly squeezing them into smaller and smaller areas.
Strangely enough, you will note that those same flag waiving anti immigrant (not just anti illegal immigrant mind you) far right wingers are staunch supporters of Jewish Israel….almost like they don’t know history….wait…

bcglorf said:


I have to ask your stance on illegal aliens within the USA today in that case, since you seem to use it as a derogative against 1930/40s Jewish refugees fleeing Europe for Palestine...

Feels to me the confederate flag wavers stance on illegal immigrants in the US parallels the picture you're painting of 1930s/40s Palestinian immigration closer than you maybe like to admit.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

bcglorf says...


I have to ask your stance on illegal aliens within the USA today in that case, since you seem to use it as a derogative against 1930/40s Jewish refugees fleeing Europe for Palestine...

Feels to me the confederate flag wavers stance on illegal immigrants in the US parallels the picture you're painting of 1930s/40s Palestinian immigration closer than you maybe like to admit.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

Well put. But what's the % of Western (or the whole World in general except the Middle Eastern region) population who can make the distinction? It's really depressing.

Here in Canada, IMO the political landscape is very much the same as in the US. It is firmly drilled into people's mind that anyone criticizing the government of Israel's constant harrasement, military action, and land grabs in Palestinian territories are automatically branded as Anti-semitism by the likes of the JDOs (Jewish Defense Organizations). There are many legit Anti-Semitism incidents in Canada that need to be condemned, true, but there are also real over-reaction and subpression of objective opinions by the JDOs. These "false branding" hurts people's lives. And we almost NEVER hear the word Zionist (or anti-Zionist) in the media, mostly isolated to academic circles only.

Nobody would be offended hearing someone criticize any country's policy and military incursion (say, you don't like Trump/Biden? No one will say you're anti-American), but any negative comment involving Israel? Damn it boy, you're begging for trouble. As if Isreal, Likud, Netanyahu and the Jewish people are one and the same. Criticize one, you criticize all. But why is that? What makes Isreal, above all other countries, well above any reproach?

Now, I'm not pro- or anti-Semite nor pro- or anti-Zionist. Such generalised sentiment is wrong to me. I'm just pro-peace, the history of that land is way too complex and the blood spilled between its peoples ran for generations and gone on for centuries. It's unrealistic for any leaders to settle anything between their peoples in a political term or two (and not even factoring outside influences that DON'T want them to settle). There are too many hate and zero trust between the peoples right now. Just let peace reigns for a decade then it'll be time to talk settlement of statehood. Give Isrealites & Palestinians some peaoce & prosperity first. Everyone, including the media, politicians inside and outside of that land, the UN, etc. just need to recognize that and not be just so lopsided in their support.

newtboy said:

Being anti Zionist is not the same as being an anti semite, no matter how much the Jewish people claim it is.
Being a Zionist makes one a racist draconian invader that fully supports slow genocide of innocent children in order to steal more of their ancestral land. We should not support Israel in their evil murderous genocide.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

newtboy says...

Being anti Zionist is not the same as being an anti semite, no matter how much the Jewish people claim it is.
Being a Zionist makes one a racist draconian invader that fully supports slow genocide of innocent children in order to steal more of their ancestral land. We should not support Israel in their evil murderous genocide.

New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

newtboy says...

No. We cannot.

5-10% on the left are radical and fucked in the head. >50% of the right are too. Qmorons are just one main batshit crazy portion. Edit: There’s also the anti science/anti education crowd, all on the right. And the xenophobic racist coward portion, all right wing. Then you’ve got the hyper Christians apoplectic at the idea we might help the poor, feed the starving, or treat others as they expect to be treated. Talk about delusional.

25% of the left are under educated gullible people who just accept what they see on the news without questioning it, 80% of the right are under educated gullible people who accept what they are told by foreign run propaganda channels that put “news” in their name because otherwise there would be absolutely zero news there.
The remaining 20% or less on the right are either struggling in their devil’s bargain, of selling their reputations, honesty, and sanity for temporary political or financial gains…or like my entire family, they’re walking away from lifetime Republican service that included running Bush sr’s Houston election office when he ran for governor.

The Q people….are the right. Don’t 1/2 or more of you believe that nonsense…that Democrats eat babies for eternal youth and magic power, Covid is a sham, vaccines are mind control, Jewish space lasers start wildfires because climate change is a massive worldwide hoax, school shootings are all faked, dead Democrats endorse Trump for king. Yes, wow….that’s half or more of your party…including many of your representatives. Totally certifiable nut jobs.

Wayne Brady biatch!

bobknight33 said:


So can we generally agree that:

10% of the Left/Right are radical and way too fucked in the head.

45% of the Left / Right are just gullible people who except what they see on the news, etc.- The Q people waiting for JFK. wow

The remaining actually spend some time and thought into issues at hand.

Dave Chapel is 1 of the greatest comics of our time.

12K Illegal Immigrants Live Under Bridge In Del Rio, Taxes

JiggaJonson says...

They're not "illegal immigrants" if they're refugees. Refugees are leaving another country seeing refuge because they are in danger. It's a legal (hence, not illegal) policy adopted by the united states post WWII because we decided after the fact that we didnt take in enough jewish refugees seeking asylum before the holocaust.

Simply calling these people illegal flies in the face of US law. You, sir, are being anti-American when you falsely claim something is illegal when that is simply not the case.

And how exactly is it Biden's fault that there was a crazy hurricane that hit Haiti following a deadly attack on their president?

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

There is no ongoing audit, only an ongoing political stunt by partisan liars.

Two other audit teams with experience and no ties to the big lie found no such thing….it’s not possible, every ballot has a serial number that must match before votes are accepted. If there was no record of the ballots being sent out, the voting machines automatically reject them. There is a physical paper record.

Doug Logan, conspiracy theorist featured in (producer of?) a current movie claiming the fbi and cia rigged the 2020 election, (directed by another conspiracy theorist who claims 9/11 was a space alien attack) much of which was filmed at his fake “audit” with access no other cameras or reporters had, making the unofficial and unprofessional “audit” a clear and obvious prop for his movie that began filming before cyberninjas started “auditing”?!
Doug Logan who had previously been speculated to be the voice behind “QAnon,” and in the film “The Deep Rig,” if you believe what it claims about him, that was confirmed at the Saturday premiere of the film when he was revealed to be the voice of the anonymous person mid-way through the movie. “The Deep Rig” seeks to prove that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, a claim that the former president and many of his supporters have echoed despite a total lack of evidence and every claim being tossed out of court….and many lawyers being reprimanded for even trying to sell their lies in court.
Doug Logan who started the election fraud claims in 2018 but no one would listen to his bullshit back then?!
Doug Logan who’s entire professional persona is based on bat shit crazy baseless conspiracy theories, and who’s company and personal wealth rely on selling the lies!?
Doug Logan who just claimed to be Q, also selling the fantasies that magic Democrats eat babies to become younger and live forever, Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, Italian vote changing satellites exist, and of Trump being reinstalled as president for life on half a dozen or more dates so far?!
Er mer gerd.
Oh…so I gather from the url that this “report” came from Trump claiming it’s true!? Bwaaaahahaha, And you believe it!? Aaaaaahahahahaha….ahh….ahhh…..aaaahahahaha!

They found no such thing….just one more in a long long line of false accusations and claims that have ALL turned out to be utter bullshit….like bamboo fibers proving Chinese vote fraud, the databases being erased, now the impossible 74000 untraceable mystery votes with no record….he’s probably just too inept to find them.

Lol…not on the proper paper?! Yep, I’m so sure you’re right and that proves the cowardly liar won…not in the proper printing alignment…do YOU even know what that’s supposed to mean or indicate?

Too bad Cyber Ninja, a dishonest and bat shit crazy political propaganda company run by a guy who claims to be “Q” and who is the architect of the vote fraud fraud got involved and whether by design or ineptitude contaminated everything they examined through nonexistent safeguards and oversight, I guess….it means these nonsense claims can never be verified by anyone professional or who might be trusted. No chance that was the plan all along. Nope. Who would do that?

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sorry, I forgot facts are just for liberals.
Snopes isn't perfect but they're head and shoulders and chest and waist and knees and ankles and feet above ANY source you've provided over the years, you are often directly quoting Russian propaganda. They are also far from the only fact checker that says the same thing, along with dozens of articles throughout his career with the exact same story, and books written about it for decades, and even recent awards from the stuttering community/organizations...but you know better because why? Did Alex Jones say so? Glen Beck? Diaper Don?
Here's a few dozen reports, some from right wing media, about Biden's stutter....I'm sure you won't or can't read them. Easy to find, just Google Biden's speech impediment....but I saved you the trouble of spelling it....

Being able to overcome it at times doesn't mean it doesn't exist....if it does then his exemplary performance and coherent speeches since taking office proves you wrong 100+ times over....but your guy thinks you should inject bleach to fight a virus he says is a hoax, you believe in Jewish space lasers, Italian vote changing satellites, and age defying magic from cannibalism. Who's too old and feeble minded? I think we know the answer, Jethro. Where did you get your degree in diagnosing cognitive decline? You need to sue them, you learned nothing.
He's said clearly for decades that, like many, his stutter gets much worse when he's tired and under stress. That's totally normal with stuttering.

Trump, on the other hand, has no such excuse for his inability to speak or write in complete thoughts or sentences or even English words...covfefe! Oranges of the investigation. Oranges. Oranges. Mumerca!

Biden is clearly not too old to kick diaper Donny's ass without breaking a sweat, and is in excellent shape for his age, you can't say that about obese Trump. He is older than I would prefer, that's different from being too old to hold office....isn't he younger than Trump would be in 4 years? So if Biden is too old now, Trump was too old to elect. Do you know that's what you're saying?

bobknight33 said:

You using Snopes as a fact checker is rich.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a speech impediment.

False. No speech impediment just too old.

No speech impediment in 1993. 12 minutes of pure coherent speech .
Maybe as a kid but not by 1993.
2021 Must be to old feeble to speak with out bumbling/ stumbling.

Just admit Biden is too old to be POTUS. Grandpa Joe will be gone soon and the unpopular VP will take over. Yet a bigger joke.

Ghomert Asks If Forestry Department Can Change Earth's Orbit

newtboy says...

Bobby, you are such a dishonest and gullible tool.

You had to go back over a decade to find one Democrat say something 1/2 as dumb as what Republicans put forth daily and as their party stance....and at the time "Johnson's office said that he was a tremendous deadpan and used a facetious metaphor to draw attention to the potential negative impact caused by the addition of 8,000 Marines and dependents to an island of 180,000 people." He never thought you could capsize an island.

So, an obvious joke about overpopulation "capsizing" an island vs an actual inquiry about the forestry dept having the ability and authority to change our orbit. Ghomert was NOT joking....he's a moron and it's time for him and any other moron who believes the big lie but doesn't believe science to walk away from politics.

When your team claims Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, they aren't joking. When they say Democrats derive magic power from eating live babies, it's not a joke. When they claim that all mass shootings are false flag hoaxes and the dead are fake people, they aren't joking. When they say vaccines contain tracking microchips and mind control serums, they aren't joking. When they go off about the horrors of large corporations buying up property to rent out while making big profits by calling that socialism, they aren't joking. When they say Italian satellites magically changed paper votes from space, they aren't joking. When they say long dead Hugo Chavez rigged the election from beyond the grave, they aren't joking. When they say you should inject bleach to fight a virus they say is a hoax, they aren't joking. Time for your party to walk away from politics and directly into a mental ward, young and old alike.

So sad that's the best you guys have got. Cry me more of those sweet sweet tears of anguish.

bobknight33 said:

Guam will Capsize and Tip Over into the ocean Hank Johnson

Time for some old timers to walk away from politics.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Michigan State Senator, Deluded boy....

What nonsensical twaddle. You grasp onto the stupidest lies but this one takes the cake...McConnell was working AGAINST Trump!? Too funny, LMFAHS. It's telling that you think your best arguments are pure whataboutism comparing and excusing serious and actual crimes with just dumb fantasy created out of thin air. "Telling the truth"!?! ROTFL.

I guess you forgot you are claiming Antifa caused it, because now you're saying McConnell caused it. Are you supportive of removing him now, impeaching McConnell, since you now suddenly think McConnell is against Trump, a leader of Antifa, and the architect of the Trump coup, despite all evidence to the contrary? Your lies are flailing contradictions.....if you had an iq above 80 you might notice you just claimed Trumptards followed instructions from Antifa who was really working for high ranking Republicans in an effort to disqualify effort the same high ranking Republicans thwarted by delaying a trial until they wrongly claimed it was too late to try one and used that lie to excuse their not guilty votes, even though they freely admit Trump committed treason by instigating the coup attempt.


As usual, Fuck your unknown far right wing propaganda/virus hosting site. Creativedestructionmedia....sounds really professional and exactly the kind of deep investigative journalism that would uncover such a brilliant bipartisan scheme to defraud you......oh, sorry, I meant to say it sounds like another propaganda site spreading stupid lies based in pure partisan fantasy, bearing no semblance to reality, blatant lies that only total brain dead morons can't see through from the title alone. You just beg to be lied's so dumb're being so dumb it's impressive you haven't drowned looking up at a rain storm mouth agape.

This time i won't bother looking up this new lie, it's just so incredibly fucking stupid. Because a stupid Trumptard Michigan state senator said it indicates it's made up stupid bullshit, not that it's true. Duh. This one is particularly brainless even for you. Holy shit. Caught on camera!? He's said it in interviews, the guy's a total trumpcuck and nutjob liar willing to come up with any dumb lie to save Donny....just like you.

Trumptard senators and representatives believe Trump won the election, false, he's NEVER won an election.
They believe in baby eating cabals of hundreds of thousands of magically young baby eaters and rapists despite zero evidence of that nutty claim that requires belief in actual magic and has plenty of evidence and reality itself against it.
They believe Jewish space lasers are creating all that evidence of global warming they said was all made up, but now they suddenly admit the evidence is real, they just switched the argument to claim those temperatures, melting glaciers, droughts, wildfires, etc are created by Jews with space lasers.....but they aren't antisemitic, noooooo.
They believe in a multi-million person international conspiracy to defraud the election that went 100% perfectly leaving absolutely no trace of the biggest crime syndicate of all time by a factor of 1000. Not one email, text, letter, carrier pigeon message coordinating this convoluted, international scheme created by someone long dead and a group they say are dumb and incompetent. You people should all be committed for your own safety. You are clinically insane.

McConnell voted not guilty, and told other republicans to use the debunked and legally wrong claim that the trial was unconstitutional (a legal argument with no basis in fact, history, precedent, or which was legally decided before the "trial" started when the full Senate declared it constitutional, and no court has ever ruled otherwise) kinda proves this new stupid and bat shit crazy desperate claim is utter bullshit....and only believed by hyper partisan idiots that don't care if they believe lies as long as those lies help their Messiah.

You are such a stupid brain dead tool for Trump. How does that mushroom tip taste? Better get a syphilis test. It rots your it's probably too late for you.

I don't think you could come up with a stupider more ridiculous self contradictory lie if you hired Mensa to create one. Jesus fucking Christ, this is some hard core dumb insanity Bobby. You MUST be joking trying to sell that stupidity.

This crap is why people think you, and most Trumptards, are all ignorant morons that can barely spell their own names. Even people with below average intelligence are insulted by the implication that they might be convinced of this kind of idiocy. I'm flabbergasted you aren't embarrassed to try it.

...and I'm not your son, guy.

bobknight33 said:

Dreaming my son.

what about this..
Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirkey caught on camera telling the truth about Jan 6th.

It was ALL staged, Mitch McConnell wanted it to be “a mess” so he could secure a Trump impeachment conviction for Pelosi and Schumer.

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newtboy says...

No problem...she allegedly privately disavowed something unspecified she said in the past (while publicly stating she apologises for nothing and retracts nothing). Problem solved.

Republicans have decided her insanity is washed clean, like her decades of insanity never happened, and won't even vote to see if a school shooting denier and student survivor harasser that believes Jewish space lasers caused California's wildfires to clear land for trains and called for the murder of other representatives publicly should be on the education committee.

But voting for impeachment over inciting a deadly insurrection, that they thought called for a vote for expulsion.

It sounds like today they get to make that position public when the full house votes to remove Green. Let's hope democrats have grown a spine and vote her off committees without Republican support....and let's hope independents remember who the right stands with come election time....racist, antisemitic, vitriolic, total nutjobs that spout incendiary and inflammatory nonsense constantly while calling for the death of high ranking government officials.

surfingyt said:

jewish space lasers... the republicans are off their rockers

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