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Go The Fuck To Sleep with LeVar Burton

Go The Fuck To Sleep with LeVar Burton

The most epic airline safety video ever made

The most epic airline safety video ever made

John Cleese on Stupidity

zaust says...

How can I show this to my neighbours and make them understand it?Timeline of this weekend - we saw some of them dressed to the nines getting into a stretched limo on Friday.

On Saturday they (as normally) loudly discussed how the person they saw could have performed for 5 more minutes whilst simultaneously stating how this performer had proven Michael Jackson's saintliness because said MJ had stayed with the performer for 4 days.

It's worth noting at this point all we knew was they went out somewhere in a stretched limo and saw someone who had MJ to visit for 4 days.

On the Sunday the normal loud talking over our fence lead to the discovery that not only did my neighbors take a stretched limo to arrive at a Michael Flatley concert. They couldn't recall the name of the long haired blonde peado with a cigar (it was Jimmy Saville - most prolific sexual predator in history) or as they roundly called him "that Australian dude" (Rolf Harris - more cherished, like painted the queens portrait, but still sent down for being a peed).

So the outcome of this is my neighbors who have a very small 4 bed house (would be 3 except they opened the loft), own 9 cars, have a 32, 26 and 18 year old still living at home. They hire a stretched limo so they go an see Michael Flatley perform live then come home and discuss loudly how Michael Jackson was obviously a good person because he stayed with Michael Flatley. Shortly afterwards they then totally struggled to remember the names of the biggest sex offender ever known in the uk and the most treasured letdown of all time.

This is almost par with them discussing a new flavor of chips/crisps for 45 min or that time 4 of them tried to count the same amount of change for >20 mins and none of them could agree the same amount.

Sorry had to rant - I'd love to confront them over the noise/cars/stupidity etc but I'm a mildly tough 40 year old. Their highly violent and the 26 year is a goddamn cagefighter.

I honestly can't vent enough - literally I could write a novel on how much my neighbors suck. Just as a final point to carry things across - I recently needed to cut back some ivy in my backgarden. During the hour this took they played Natasha Beddingfield's "These Words" 5 times. Yes I'm a Maggot, Yes I'm a 40 year old who probably needs to stop jumping into moshpits. But Natasha Beddingfield??? 5 times?? Really????

Dance Dance Dance, with the Traffic Light

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

lantern53 says...

Getting back to the subject at hand, the evidence appears to show that the police officer was in the right, while the decedent prompted his own demise.

meanwhile, the anarchists and other malcontents will continue to extoll the virtues of thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and kiss the asses of parasites like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

Babymech says...

HOW is it relevant? What do you know that the Ferguson police chief doesn't?

The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

The police officer who shot Brown didn't know about the robbery. How can it possibly be relevant; karmic justice?

bobknight33 said:

His stealing is relevant. This is Nothing but a Political Correctness diatribe for 15 minutes.

Autopsy report shows 6 shots hit the giant 300# thug: 3 in his right arm, one in upper right chest, one in right neck one in right eye and one on top of the head and ALL 6 shots hit in the frontal plane, I.E. none, not a single one in the back,

Liberalism is a nasty disease that rots the brain !

Haywyre -- Smooth Criminal

Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" - Pop Up Video edition

"Smooth Criminal" Played on Two Cellos - AWESOME!

Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson Surprise Wedding Dance

Michael Jackson: Smooth Criminal.

siftbot says...

Automatically replaced video embed code with backup #7652 (supplied by member Zawash) - video declared dead by member Zawash.

Haywyre -- Smooth Criminal has been added as a related post - related requested by Zawash.

Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" - Pop Up Video edition has been added as a related post - related requested by Zawash.

"Smooth Criminal" Played on Two Cellos - AWESOME! has been added as a related post - related requested by Zawash.

Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson Surprise Wedding Dance has been added as a related post - related requested by Zawash.

Michael Jackson: Smooth Criminal.

Zawash says...


Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

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