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Video World - The Death of a Video Store

poolcleaner says...

Sigh. We had two really awesome video rental places nearby that survived until around 2008. They always had all the good indie and classic films from decades ago, but at some point in the 2000s people just stopped returning the rarer vids. I remember calling every video rental store in the area looking for Kids and Gummo and being pissed off because people who rented those movies usually just kept them and never came back.

I stopped going after the locals spots started offering to sell you a rental if it wasn't a new release or if it was a VHS (even if it was not released on DVD yet!). Not that I didn't like new releases, but sometimes you just want to watch something like Commando but you don't want to add it to your collection because maybe you'll watch it once every ten years or so. Then you go to the store and there's no Commando available because someone snatched it up. That ruined the concept of video rental for me. I would just end up ranting with the clerk for like an hour about good movies and rental blues, then head home empty handed.

Now I have Netflix -- but it doesn't even have a comment section any more. Oh well, IMDB boards ftw.

No Man's Sky Expectations Vs. Reality

shagen454 says...

Yeah, exactly. There were tons of streams on Twitch of NMS before release. I should have said this in my statement, but before I thought it was just going to be an indie space exploration survival game - but it became clear from the streams - that this game consisted of a lot of grinding and was pretty repetitive. I wasn't sure if I would actually enjoy that, which is why I didn't pay for it First thing I noticed was the nerfed surface travel, you can't even crash and second thing I noticed was the retarded inventory system, third - mine, mine, mine, grind and not much variation. It WREAKS of consolitis (framerate at 30, on PC, attention to detail Sean, come on?!), but to their credit, playing the game with a controller is quite nice, so much better than the shitty PC controls they implemented. I still like it and am enjoying the surprising relaxation of the grind/exploration, so I will pay for it when it's $30 and is heavily patched & modded. $60.00 is absolutely ridiculous for this game, but hopefully they take that extra $30 they ripped off from people and put in some major work.

Overwatch is another game that I was pissed at having paid $60.00 for. But, since it's a Blizzard game I always know they will make it worth my while in the long-run and it's steadily been true of Overwatch. Blizzard really know how to support their games unlike any other developer. I enjoy OW much more now that the competitive mode came out, a new hero (a little underwhelming but still cool) added and pretty soon an awesome looking new map. The lucio-ball thing is cool that they added in, but don't care much for it. Still hate the loot, though....

Xaielao said:

I get it, hating on the game is super popular right now. I'm no fanboi, I certainly didn't pre-order the game (I only pre-order from a select few developers, those I know will put out great products, like CD Project Red). I'm quite enjoying the game. It's not the type of game you play on rails or with a strong linear narrative or that holds your hand through the experience. I'm on PC and have had not a single issue or crash. I have to put graphics at medium when they should be maxed out, but that shows the age of the engine and that it isn't as streamlined or polished as it could be.

Also the game 'does' have a story, it's just rather basic and while I'm not sure the game is worth $60 (I got it for $45 and think it's worth that) I look forward to future content and the fact that they've said 'no paid DLC' makes me happy as well.

When people ask me if I recommend the game, I tell them first that it's worth waiting for a price drop or the issues with AMD and top-end nVidia to be worked out. I use the analogy that it's like Early Access Starbound. Fun, with an open universe to explore, some interesting races and things to find and crafting but not a whole lot going on in it or directed content to experience. That's No Man's Sky, at $20-30 it's a great Early Access title. I'm glad that it sold very well as that will fund future development and hopefully we'll see new content and fan requested stuff soon.

And for the record I've seen equal numbers awesome wildlife as I've seen crazy shit like in this video lol. The craziest was on this cold, radiated world that was none-the-less flush with exotic life. There were these 1m tall blobs of jelly with elephant ears and like mice faces that bounced around like a bouncy ball all over the place. Hilarious!

Lambast it all you want but it's clearly still popular. Mid-day on a wednesday and it's #3 on steam with 70k users atm. And it's not like it wasn't super easy to find out what the gameplay was like in those 3 days it was on PS4 before PC. So anyone who still bought and is bitching about it is being hypocritical.

No Man's Sky Expectations Vs. Reality

shagen454 says...

I was super skeptical of this game because the developer's were obviously intentionally vague about the gameplay aspects. Well, they didn't necessarily lie, it is exactly like I thought it would be - an indie survival game with a procedural engine. They were "vague" because that is literally all of there is to this game, it's a half empty / half full scenario.

I find the game great because I didn't have any grandiose ideas about it and went in skeptical. 40 hours later I'm still headed towards the center of the Universe, playing with the minimal systems but always able to appreciate what the game is and not what it is not.

This video is hilarious though, and the off key notes insinuated towards this game are one of the reasons I find the game endearing. I'm glad it doesn't feel like a AAA game, it feels fresh, I just wish they wouldn't sell this (shit) for $60.00

gorillaman (Member Profile)

Indiana Jones & Pascal's Wager: Crash Course Philosophy #15

ChaosEngine says...

er, by the time of the Last Crusade, Indy has seen:
- the literal manifestation of the power of god melt Nazis faces
- some magic rocks burning an Indian guy

I think it's pretty safe to say that Indy has accepted that in his fictional universe, the supernatural is real. Hell, if I saw what he'd seen by that point, I'd be a god-fearing Christian.

As for Pascal's wager, I've always viewed it as the height of moral cowardice. If you want to believe in God and you're not shoving your beliefs down everyone else's throat (looking at you, ISIS, evangelicals, catholic church in Ireland, etc), go nuts.

But don't believe because you're afraid of hell. If you're a good person and you die and it turns out there is a god, if he condemns you to eternal suffering for not believing in him, then fuck him, he's an asshole and I wouldn't want to spend eternity under his thumb anyway.

how social justice warriors are problematic

ChaosEngine says...

Fuck gamergate. They are not, never have and never will be about "ethics in journalism".

They are straight-up misogynistic assholes that make me ashamed to be associated with an art medium/hobby that I've been involved with for over 30 years.

Let's just put this in context. They claim they are against the collusion of game companies and journalists.

First up, the specific instance they targeted was not a conflict of interest. There are absolutely, undoubtedly, HUGE collusions between game reviewers and games, but gg ignored all those because they were for AAA mainstream games that gg likes and instead accused journalists of giving higher review scores to indie games.

Here's a fucking hint: go read some movie reviews, and tell me if you see movie critics favouring indie movies over blockbusters. Of course they do. People who are seriously into something almost always prefer a niche product. See also: craft beer vs budweiser, restaurants vs McDonalds, etc. I could go on.

But here's the cheery on the big cake of poo.

When a games journalist dared to express an opinion against an otherwise well-reviewed game*, what did gamergate do? Applaud their journalistic integrity in offering a dissenting opinion?

Nope: they started a fucking campaign to get the game company to blacklist the reviewer.

The hypocrisy is simply staggering.

And I haven't even mentioned the doxing, the rape threats and so on.

Once again, fuck gamergate. Frankly, they're on a par with the KKK as far as I'm concerned.

* polygon gave Bayonetta 2 a score of 7.5/10 because the reviewer felt it was juvenille and over sexualised. gg started a campaign to get nintendo to block polygon. Nintendo, to their credit, ignored the little fucktards.

Warcraft - Trailer Tease

mentality says...

Acknowledging that you may be wrong does not mean you were not being incredibly condescending.

Will this be the next Citizen Kane? No. And no one is asking it to be. It has the potential to be a well crafted summer blockbuster. And no, a big budget blockbuster is not inherently inferior to a small indie movie like Moon. Duncan Jones did not base himself to make a movie for the masses. It's that kind of elitist attitude that is condescending.

And no, you cannot comment on the quality of the movie based on a 15 second teaser, so far before release. All it shows is that Duncan Jones respects the source material, at least visually.

And as for Warcraft not being known for its story? Well, they made a good movie out of a Disney theme park ride, so anything can happen.

ChaosEngine said:

Did you read the rest of my comment?

I acknowledged that I could very well be wrong. But this shows me nothing that makes me want to see it, and frankly it looks like a fairly boring retread of the last hobbit movie.

Rinse & Repeat: Male Shower Simulator

A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

johncusick2 says...

i hate steam. avoid it when i can. its fulll of absolute rubbish and all valve care about is releasing as much on it as possible wether its dross or great. its mostly rubbish thats released on there. too many "indie" rushed money grabbing amateurish titles. valve are greedy and care not for the gamers nor quality!

12K PC Gaming

ChaosEngine says...

You could easily build a PC that's better than a PS4 for the money. If you factor in the cost of the games over the lifetime of the machine, it becomes even cheaper.

And while you can't rent games, you have access to GOG, steam and hundreds of indie games. If you want to play the original Doom or X-wing, you can. Good luck playing any games that aren't from the latest generation on console... oh no, wait, you can probably get them on PC too.
And if all you want is a games machine, install steam, run big picture mode and leave the PC under the TV. Boom! Instant console but better.

newtboy said:

What? Where can you buy a gaming rig that's better than a PS4 for under $350 with a game and a controller?
Also, you can't rent PC games like you can for consoles. I've played 25+ games last year thanks to gamefly. Purchased for PC I could have afforded <4 at the same price. That's the best reason I can think of for consoles over PC. Don't get me wrong, for pure quality, PC's have had it over consoles for quite a while, but consoles are pure game machines (well, kind of pure), they do 1080p these days (on some games), and they run on my TV without a cable running across the floor!

South Park Accurately Sums up Freemium Games

dannym3141 says...

I raise an eyebrow at any suggestion there is not a profitable market for game developers with or without pirating.

I don't agree with pirating, with buts. First, huge corporations are counting "downloads" as "lost revenue" which is absolute bullshit on a humongous scale. Secondly, huge corporations are also charging over £40 for some games that, and please let's not argue here, are often LITERALLY unfinished. Some are finished piles of garbage.

If you're pissed off with small games developers and individual programmers going hungry, the blame really isn't at the door of the pirates, and at the very least ground needs to be given on both sides. In the same way as every industry and every individual is getting hit in the wallet and struggling to manage, you can put that particular blame on the system we're using which encourages raising profit at all costs. If you stiff a bunch of people long enough they're gonna find a way to get value for money.

Any for evidence, i point you in the direction of the many one-man games that have taken the indie scene by storm and made some people a lot of money. People WILL pay reasonable prices for a GOOD product.

Elite: Dangerous - Beta 3

shagen454 says...

This has been a damn good year for games even though a lot of the games that should have been good were really sort of rehashes/boring with subpar indie games, Ubisoft reskinning Assassin's Creed for every franchise (I'm looking at you Shadow of Mordor) and then there are all of the bland ass MMO's that looked decent but ended up sucking (Wildstar, ArcheAge). Not that they're bad, theoretically they are decent games but they just don't have the innovation or oomph.

I've NEVER spent $75.00 on a game needless to say a beta, but E:D is definitely worth it. It's my top game of the year (even in beta form). Closely followed by Divinity: Original Sin (fucking awesome RPG), Legends of Grimrock II (fucking awesome old school dungeon crawler (Ultima Underworld / Myst puzzler), Wasteland 2 (awesome Wasteland comeback) as well as Alien: Isolation (great concept, nailed the visuals & sound -- super intense). And then there was Hearthstone which I definitely spent more time playing than anything else.

But, Elite: Dangerous is stunningly brilliant, best sound I've ever heard in a game- it's so fucking good that I invested in a HOTAS & Oculus Rift (haven't gotten it yet though).

Downloading the update now - can't wait to see the changes.

Soccer Freestyle!

The REAL Reason MTV No Longer Plays Music Videos

SquidCap says...

Real reason? Reality shows are cheap to make, music videos are expensive to show. But before MTV stopped playing music, they went thru phases where each iteration did bring us only the top 10 or record label promotion paid them to play their new artists, then that was mixed with reality and finally they stopped pretending and just switched on full reality tv that they can sell. MTV could see it like this parody video on their end "people are watching less and less music" but it was exactly the cancellation of Headbangers Ball, Yo Raps, Alternative Nation etc. that lead to declining numbers.. I stopped watching wh en headbangers and Alt nation stopped as it was only top hits from that point on. Everything even remotely alternative or indie was gone, there were no one selecting new music as there were no more people to host the shows, VJs were gone, it was just automated playlist that plaid literally the same songs over and over. It was an attempt to get more profit from casual music listeners but even they turned it down: it seems like you need and want to hear music you don't like every now and then to make your favorites a lot more important.. Even i wouldn't watch a music station that plays only the things i like, i need to hear one or two really awful crap every now and then just to remind me that music can be truly awful and soulless product and not everyone is Radiohead.

And mind you, those alternative shows only aired at odd hours, headbangers ball was around midnight and really hard stuff like Into the Pit was aired around 2am, it still was top 20 during the day. But it did mix it up a little, one alternative or indie video per hour. You take that one exception away and it is boring no matter what your music taste is.

Hating on Phil Fish, the polarizing FEZ developer

Payback says...

I still don't see why people have to hate on Nickelback. Record companies have been generating hyped out bands and singers ever since someone invented record companies. For every Beatles and Elvis Presley, there are a couple hundred Monkees and Nickelback.

By and large, people are sheep. They move with the herd. What is Facebook and Twitter other than versions of this cult of popularity? They are both shit "apps", but they make money and are popular.

I bet over half the people who like "indie" music download it illegally instead of supporting their favourite bands. The fact most people support bands like Nickleback and not indies is almost funny in it's irony.

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