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True Blood - We are NOT your equals!

Payback says...

>> ^VoodooV:>
Buffy the Vampire Slayer may have had Vampires in it...but it really wasn't about Vampires, hell a lot of times it wasn't even about Buffy. It was just damned good fun.

Hush and Once More With Feeling spring to mind. Although, comparing True Blood and teh Whedon smacks of heresy.

The Tea Party History for Dummies

Throbbin says...

It is a commentary on his lack of experience...

Sure Winstonfield, sure.

In the last 18 months these RADICALS...

Have you ever considered that you are the radical (or reactionary)? Is it possible that paranoid gubmint hating god fearing folks are the nutjobs? Any objective view Obama suggests he is still very much right of center, even if it doesn't fit into your worldview. It takes a certain kind of true-believer to suggest Obama is nearing communist territory - and a healthy disregard for political scaling or measurement. Ask anyone who isn't a partisan or teabagger. Better yet, ask anyone from a different country. They'll tell you. Hyperbole is so much more fun though, right?

doubling down on leftist economics, europe in shambles, right-wing economics to the rescue

Even Britain's Conservatives are wild-eyed radicals in your mind. Federal money for kid's hospices? Communist!!!

Lousy polling?

45.7% after a months-long oil spill....this man is clearly hated by the country and 'Real Americans'TM are clearly lined up against him.

I guess in your mind the following numbers are proof positive of a complete outrage on behalf of 'Real Americans'TM? Or does this suggest that maybe Americans enjoy government intervention?

And what's this? Majority of Americans support the creation of a public option? Heresy!

I can't tell if you really believe all this, or just like to fuck with people. I don't know which scenario I dislike more.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

gotta love the understated racism (man-child)
Incorrect. It is a commentary on his lack of experience, his spoiled & selfish behavior, and his general lack of any ability to actually deal with opposing ideas with any degree of maturity. But false accusations of racism when faced with opposition is a tradition on the left - as we've seen all too often lately.
the hyperbole (radicals)
In the last 18 months these radicals have implemented a plan to ration health care, quadrupled the national debt, established huge unconstitutional increases in federal power over finance and other industries - all against the will of the people. Bailouts, industry takeovers, tax increases, cap & tax, amnesty, health care reform, and on and on and on - all things solidly opposed by a 2/3 majority of the people (or higher). This administration and congress is the most left-wing, radical, out of step clot of extremists that this nation has ever seen in positions of power. The only people that 'like' what they're doing is the 25-30% or so of the country that occupies the far left. Conservatives, Repubicans, and Independents are roundly rejecting everything these radicals are doing - and they make up 65-70% of America.
the blanket portrayals of Europeans as poverty-stricken communists
While Obama & the other radicals are doubling down with leftist economics - Europe is doing the opposite. Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, Germany - day after day the stories pile up about how they are turning to 'privitization' in order to save themselves from fiscal disasters. It isn't that they're poverty-stricken communists. It is that they have followed the misguided principles of leftist economics, and now they turning to capitalism to pull themselves out of the hole... All while the Man-Child is doing the opposite and putting American further in debt in a time of economic turmoil & trouble. Says something, don't it?
And the rhetorical attacks on Obama (how's his polling these days?
Pretty lousy - actually...
Isn't there majority support for Health Care reform? Isn't there still majority support for a Public Option?
In NeoLib-Lala-Land maybe, but not on planet Earth. The only thing there is 'majority support' for is for repealing the bill.
Folks on the left need to learn a lesson quickly. YOU ARE THE FRINGE. The left likes to walk around thinking they are mainstream and popular. You aren't. Leftist policy and philosophy is radical and unpopular. And when you try to ram it down people's throats it makes you even more radical and unpopular. Leftism isn't compassion. It is cruel. Leftism doesn't lead to prosperity or tolerance. It leads to poverty and balkanization.

Politician Tweets About "Stupid Scientology"

Zyrxil says...

>> ^bcglorf:
If neither of those are true, and you don't believe the local churches are practicing or advocating executions for heresy, then I'd ask how your question has ANYTHING at all to do with what I said?

"Scientology gets to be treated like other religions when it starts to act like one."

Scientology is exactly acting like one. It simply hasn't had enough time to update its public image marketing with enough Mother Teresas or Pope John Paul IIs. Give them time, they're young. Another century and the only controversies they'll have will be in countries you don't care about, like preaching against birth control, denying the HIV to AIDS connection, or the systematic protecting of child molesters at the highest levels.

Politician Tweets About "Stupid Scientology"

bcglorf says...

You mean like executions for heresy & blasphemy, or Indulgences? Like I said, the only difference is 10 to 15 centuries of establishment.

Yep, any religion still practicing or defending such practices can be thrown on the burn pile. Are you under the impression that your local christian churches are secretly practicing executions for blasphemy? If you are, stop wasting your time on this forum and report them to your local police, and they'll put the brakes on it asap.

Are you more moderately under the impression that your local churches are defending those practices? If so I'd strongly recommend double checking that belief before making the accusation, as I'm aware of many churches against which your accusations would be blatantly false.

If neither of those are true, and you don't believe the local churches are practicing or advocating executions for heresy, then I'd ask how your question has ANYTHING at all to do with what I said?

Politician Tweets About "Stupid Scientology"

Zyrxil says...

>> ^bcglorf:

Beautiful, you hate religion so much your willing to elevate something like Scientology into it's ranks.
When the Christians and Muslims start suing people for distributing copies of the Koran and Bible under copyright violation you can class them together.
When they start charging people thousands of dollars for private, closed doors viewings of small, select teachings from only parts of the Bible and Koran you can class them together.

You mean like executions for heresy & blasphemy, or Indulgences? Like I said, the only difference is 10 to 15 centuries of establishment.

What Is Better Than The BFG9000? - The Vuvuzela in DOOM

Polish Priest Yearns for the Middle Ages

Yogi says...

>> ^Bruti79:

Being gay is caused by medicloreans. All gay people are jedis, and that's why the church hates them.

How dare you invoke that horrid plot device that Lucas used as an excuse to explain power levels among the world of Jedis for a badly underrated audience. It's heresy towards Star Wars fans sir, I will not stand for it!

If Health Care Passes There Will Be Civil War

KnivesOut says...

Dearest Mabeline,

It has been three weeks since the Northern Aggressors passed the Socialist Health Care Takeover Act of 2010. I have organized a small band of like-minded rebels, and we have set ourselves to the task of taking back this great nation from the grip of the of the socialist devils who have stolen it's helm. Our first act will be the loud comdemnation of this heresy on every message board that we have accounts on. Later, we will probably go to Chili's.

I hope to see you soon,

Colonel Lionel T. Douchebag

To Abort Or Not To Abort?

Pat Condell: The crooked judges of Amsterdam

Crake says...

Spot on.

Geert Wilders is despicable, as is the BNP in the UK, and the Danish People's Party in my own country...

But I would rather vote for them than accomodate heresy courts. I wonder how many of my well-educated fellow progessives would do the same.

enoch (Member Profile)

choggie says...

like the cutta yer jib there pard, and I dig yer fuck teh dumshitz attitude when it comes to education-Iread yer run-down of your tenure at Diplomamill University over in the lounge, and I understand your position and frustration...I can't help but feel that a lot of folks here are victims of similar institutionalized heresy and pollution of mind-It gives me hope to find others like me, both disgusted with the apparent shape of things to come and hopeful of an alternative to the systematic numbing and dumbing of the planet's inhabitants. Namaste back, and rock the fuck on. If I see you over on gchat I'll poke ya-

My first concert was in 75', Lynnard Skynnard in Dallas, was the back up band for the headliners, Emerson Lake and Palmer on their Brain Salad Surgery tour...One of the reasons my hearing is less than perfect...that and the electric guitar cranked the fuck up in the garage.
In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by choggie:
hey should load google chat perhaps, i'd like to scream bloody fucking heavy metal murder at you!

I upvoted a shit load of yer P Q...a fan of Paul Di'Anno are we???

yer a rare breed ya wanker

hell yeah.
i do everything backwards though.i bought number of the beast (good album) and was blown away.
so i went to the local head shop (they have those anymore?)and picked up:
iron maiden,killers and maiden japan for like 5 bucks.
number of the beast took to the shelf and killers i played like non-stop for a week.
dickenson did his thing and maiden made some good albums with him,mainly:number of the best,piece of mind and powerslave.
i saw all three concerts but never got to see di'anno and that just bloooooows.
i had a chance to see his solo project in jacksonville but we got called to ship out three days early.
so...i have never seen di'anno perform live.
and my life is less because of it.
that man could belt!
thanks for the upvotes man,always appreciated.
and i have to give ya props on being the best and most imaginative TITLE creator EVAH!
peace brother.

Greatest Superman Moment Ever

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

Mac Geek - Dag finally comes to his senses

Do you believe in a God? (User Poll by gwiz665)

enoch says...

great poll my atheist friend.
i am quite up-front concerning my faith,but i rarely speak about it.
so i think this a proper forum to maybe share a tidbit with you all.
i had a wonderful conversation with IamtheBlurr.he was respectful and curious so the conversation was well balanced.i shall paste my final reply to him.i will not post what he sent me (it is public) because i dont feel that proper.
in our last correspondence he had asked me a slew of questions in which i attempted to answer to the best of my ability.
here is that reply:

you dont ask the small questions do you?/grins
IATB:Why do you believe what you have faith in?
enoch:why are you here?for what purpose do you serve?what is the meaning of existence?
i am not trying to berate you with rhetoric.just giving you the scope of your might have well asked me "in one sentence explain the big bang and its relation to gravity and magnetic fields".the reasons why i have faith are complicated as they are simplistic.grand as they are minute.
if i had to answer in a short,finite sentence.i would say because there is more to the universe than we can comprehend,and that we are a part of something far greater,more beautiful than our limited perceptions can comprehend.could i be wrong? of course,i have to leave that option open,to attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible leaves a wide margin for error,hence the term faith and not "Know".it is also why i do not preach,or attempt to convince others of my righteousness.the closest i can come to explaining,and i most surely will fail,is that i have a sense of something behind the is not tangible but it is etheric in nature..yet it is not.everytime i have found myself at a crossroads and attempted to control my destiny i met resistance,but when i surrendered to it,i was always led to the what i most needed and wanted at the time.
is that scientific? no.
do i have any conclusive proof other than anecdotal?no.
could it possibly be something "other"? yes.
if i would say yes to this,why say i have faith? because i have to leave that option open.just because we dont understand it now,does not mean mankind will not understand the mechanics of it later,and it is quite possible there is a totally scientific reason for it.
but if thats true,why say say you have "faith" at all? just because mankind can define or explain a universal mechanism does not detract from my only strengthens it.
IATB:Regarding philosophy, do you know the definition of the word “conjecture”?
enoch:yes,and it is a trap i try to avoid.sometimes i succeed,other times i is conversations like these that help me avoid such is easy to become comfortable when everybody is saying the same thing.challenge the idea and you may find yourself with not only a new way of thinking but a much crisper outlook.trimming the fat as they say.
IATB:That is to say, why do you believe what you believe?
Do you know of any beliefs that you hold which do not have supportive conclusive evidence?
enoch:just that we are a triune.mind=proven.we have one.body=proven.we have that also.spirit=unproven and no discernable test to date to even measure for one.hence the term "faith".
IATB:When I say, I don't believe that there is life on Mars, what do you think I am saying?
A) There is no life on Mars
B) I don't believe there is life on Mars.
C) Both of the above
enoch: B there has been no proof nor disproof of life on mars.there is conjecture based on certain enviromental conditions that may have,or has,supported life.but no actual proof as of yet.
IATB:What is a greater strength?
A) The ability to share ideas.
B) The ability to discern the truth of a shared idea.
enoch: this is a trick question for the answer is both.because they speak of a polarized speaks of arbitrary sharing=good.
the other speaks of a personal ability to dissect and discern the shared idea.
both are good and have strengths.i think if you made A)the ability to share ideas without rebuttal or discussion.would have been a better statement for me to judge their strengths.

on a final note.understand that the way i perceive the universe and hence my faith would have had me burned at the stake for heresy a few hundred years ago.when i use the term "god" i am not referring to a masculine entity that resides outside space and time and watches over us as if we were a colony of dispense his wisdom and fickle judgment as a school yard bully distributes marbles.i use the term as a interpretation of god is subjective and is not based on any text or scripture.i adhere to no dogma at all.
to put things in their simplest form.the universe and everything within god.
i am running out of time my friend so i will have to bring this to a close.
i hope i answered your questions satisfactorily and i hope the conversations continue.feel free to ask me more questions.i hope your car is coming along nicely.
till the next time..namaste.

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