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TYT Republicans destroy and have no solutions

RFlagg says...

I think the Democratic voters failed to turn out for a few reasons. All the media made it seem like it was going to be a Republican win, even the "liberal media" was portraying it that way. This led to a defeatist "what can I do?" mentality. Another is that Democrats failed to really push a couple key issues, namely raising the minimum wage and equal pay for equal work. Heck, even just saying that minimum wage will be tied to inflation and go up with inflation each yet, even if it isn't fully adjusted to where it would be now, would have been a big step forward. They shied away from those, just like when they passed Obamacare they shied away from single payer or the government option that was promised and instead gave us an old Republican plan under the assumption Republicans would be glad the Democrats caved in and accepted a Republican idea.

The Democrats failed to deliver largely because Republican obstructionism. This isn't to absolve them of their failure during the two years they could have really moved forward with a true progressive agenda.

Fox News and the pulpit have the Republican voter base convinced to vote Republican, that Obama is singlehandedly destroying America (I'm surrounded by these people every day, I have to unfortunately live with them, I used to be a right wing, Christian Republican myself, then became a right wing Christian Libertarian before I actually started applying real critical thought to the economic impact of the policies as society stands now and became more Liberal). The pulpit has convinced these people that it doesn't matter Jesus said to help the needy and the poor, to heal the sick, and basically everything 100% opposite of the beliefs of the Republican party, to vote Republican anyhow, and it to be the Christian vote. They deny being Christian Reconstructionist while being clearly Reconstructionist. They say things like "if you actually think about it critically, CO2 is good for plants, so their argument is silly" and they accept it, because plants absorb CO2 they think that CO2 emissions can't be as bad as the environmentalist say it is, after all, greenhouses pump CO2 into them to make plants grow better. Again I was guilty of repeating that sort of non-sense. Then it occurred to me there are no walls around plants in the wild, there is no ceiling to help keep CO2 near where plants are, and the fact that very little of the Earth is filled with green (let alone the fact most plants are doing as much CO2 exchange as they can already).... that most of the Earth is blue... that yes the ocean absorbs CO2, but in doing to warms it and that drives massive changes including storms in of itself and learned the real consequences of CO2 emissions.

As Ralph Nader recently pointed out ( the Democrats can't just blame Citizens United or attempts by Republicans to try and limit voting among the poor, they have to take a look at the fact they didn't push the issues that most Americans stand behind but didn't push.

I like the idea of moving elections to the weekend. That probably would help more than some calls of late to make it a Federal Holiday. Most places don't close on Federal Holiday's anyhow, so that won't really help as much as moving it to a weekend... of course one could also argue that people might not want to take time out of their weekends to vote.

He's Not Gay No More: Homosexual Man Receives Deliverance

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Not Gay No More, Gawd, dancing with men' to 'Not Gay No More, Gawd, dancing with men, gay, healed, church, dance, bow tie' - edited by eric3579

Overwatch Gameplay Trailer

Jinx says...

So apparently if you are an FPS that looks like it was made by Pixar then you're a TF2 clone.

I mean, the similarities are obvious. They both have guns, they both have (mostly) humanoid characters, there appears to be a control point...and, my god, was that a healing beam!?!?! "One of the characters even turns into a turrent" - Hey now, the heavy is certainly slow and fat but he's not _completely_ immobile.

I spotted something else. That Tracer girl is TOTALLY using Weaver's Time lapse. That's another shameless copypaste from another game that Valve created from a mod made by somebody else. What next, Portals? Silent crowbar wielding protagonists? Waiting almost a decade for the next installment of a hotly anticipated IP?...hold on, I think Blizzard invented that with Starcraft and Diablo. nvm.

Honestly, it's been over 7 years. I played TF2, I loved TF2. When somebody tells me "Hey, Blizzard are shoveling all their money and expertise into creating a new game based on that other game you loved" my reaction isn't "HOW DARE THEY INTRUDE UPON GABEN'S HOLY GROUND!". I am looking forward to playing Overwatch and continuing an age old tradition of whining about how Bliz can't balance games.

Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind?

enoch says...

these are the instances where harris always shines in my opinion.everyone should experience psychedelics at least once in their life,and as harris pointed out,there are caveats but it is so worth it.

the dissolving of the ego can be frightening for some but it can bring you to a truth,about yourself and others,that is quite hard to accomplish without assistance.

i find it interesting that this video is going to be sifted while trances video on the healing nature of psychedelics has been downvoted.

ah are a fickle mistress.


newtboy (Member Profile)

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Trancecoach says...

I don't understand why she doesn't do what most women (and men) who don't want to be approached (be it by men, women, panhandlers, whomever!) while walking through a city do, and wear earbuds??? It's a very simple solution and provides an easy and practical way of ignoring most of these attempts (if not dissuading them altogether).

Also.. This.

"Let's all stop and focus our attention on "catcalling" women. Let's forget the drone bombings of entire cities, the fact that the US has 900 military bases in over 153 countries, the fact that you are almost 9 times more likely to be killed by a police employee than a terrorist....let's take a break from that and focus on the fact that sometimes men are creepy to pretty women."


"The path to empowering women is not by disempowering men.
While many feminist campaigns and viral videos are great at expressing the (superficial) problem, they're not helping to solve it. Prolonging the "battle of the sexes" and "blame game" mentality will never stop rape, harassment, or abuse. All that's being done is expressing pain and anger, which is fine, unless it's directed at another. Attacking men for attacking women isn't going to solve anything.
We need to go so much deeper than this. So much deeper.
We don't need to see more proof of "how fucked up society is"; this only propagates stereotypes that induce resentment and fear. We need to see the power of compassion, love, forgiveness, healing, empathy, and acceptance between both sexes. We need to learn why people hurt other people (hint: it's because they're hurting themselves) and how to heal it and empathize with it.
We need women to open up and love in the face of men approaching, not shut down and run away. We need men to open up and love in the face of rejection, rather than becoming bitter or forcing our will upon another.
Unabashedly, I do not support or promote campaigns that are based in pain, resentment, anger, or fear, no matter how noble the cause. I wish to lift up both sexes – nay, all people – without perpetuating the pain and conflict.
This darkness has been illuminated out in the world, now it's time to illuminate the darkness within ourselves and heal it. What we see out in our culture is a reflection of how so many of us are unable to resolve the conflicts, rejection, and hurt caused by the masculine and feminine inside of us. We can not fix this by signing new laws or going out and trying to control everybody; we do this by starting the forgiveness and healing process within ourselves and going out into the world shining love instead of hate."

This is Life with Lisa Ling: Jungle Fix, Ayahuasca

ChaosEngine says...

"People are going not for a drug high, but for real healing"

Really? 'cos I saw a bunch of people getting high.

I have no problem with people getting high*, but don't lie to yourself and call it "healing". Just say "I want to get fucked up and see pretty colours", and I'll say "that's cool, man. go fucking nuts".

But there was nothing in this video that showed anyones life being changed or addiction being healed.

* with the usual caveats of consenting adult, not driving or doing anything that depends on making clear headed decisions, etc.

#ALSicebucket Haters... watch this...

Sniper007 says...

From one of the links above:

"People are constantly hearing that so called als is termed incurable, and still they search for healed of als or cured of als stories, als survivors and “als miracles”.

Well, the people doing those searches are onto something, and you don’t need a miracle, to solve, survive, or “cure” als. As with any health problem, solving nerve health problems so called diagnosed as als just takes changing your ideas and ways and doing the work it takes to get yourself healthy. In other words, instead of waiting for a miracle or a cure for als, people can solve the problem themselves, and many have done so.

In many places, they don’t even use the term als. They just call it motor neuron disease, which sounds less like some entity attacking people and more like heart disease or something else that people realize is just a health problem that can be solved by making the right choices and adjustments.

Knowledge is power and it’s also the cure for als.

So, by following these links you can find stories of people who have done well at healing themselves, or curing als naturally, and you can find inspiration and information that you can use to heal yourself, as more people are doing all the time."

George Takei takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

chingalera says...

What's coming inevitably will be as it's always been in the 'century-of-self ': The machine keeps peeps distracted by disinformation, issues to rally-behind, toys to play with and continual mind-fucking through Bernay's-style cradle-to-grave programming then....Suddenly, like three skyscrapers dropping into their footprints on International Shit-Box Tonight with Sham Cocksworth, yet another, 'create-the-crisis-provide-the-solution' scenario will further strengthen the resolve of the assholes who want ultimately to have the world to themselves and the bulk of humanity as dutiful robot-putty-slaves.

Technology, technique, fear, and an empty promise of safety and security (please, think of the children again, break to commercial) will shape the next worldwide crisis and urgency of action...and again, watch rights and individual responsibility deteriorate into a controlled chaos.

Fake alien invasion? Orchestrated and choreographed conflicts? Some scary flesh-eating disease? Most-likely the next planetary theatrical concoction will be some superfecta once again where fascism continues to reign supreme and the entire globe continues along the path of planetary lock-down.

Oh, and pusillanimous shit-heals with Cheeto-stained fingertips will between anime-clips and chicken-choking to porn, (who think they know how police fraternities work), will continue to pop-spit from the illusory comfort of their soiled computer chairs....

'Right...'Left' ?? Again, for the ChaosEngines of the world...a concocted and programmed, fucking illusion.

Wolverine's Claws Suck

Wolverine's Claws - Epic Fail

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Wolverine's Claws - Epic Fail

Wolverine's Claws Suck

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Wolverine's Claws Suck

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