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Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans

cloudballoon says...

I think Bill Maher is with you on this. Not in advocating population control, but at least to not have offspring.

Population Control is just a nightmare on so many levels. The heartbreaks and gender imbalance introduced by China is devastating.

Most governments (and thus its people) are conditioned to think free-market capitalism is the only future. Economic growth is the only way forward. it's all about Growth, Growth, Growth. Never about the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and "Waste Not, Want Not" kind of life practice.

It can only be down to the individuals to do what's right. I don't hold my breath waiting for government or society-wide action.

newtboy said:

Way too long, didn't watch, but I must disagree with the description.
Population control is hardly removed from the debate. IMO it's just ignored when it's brought up because the vast majority of people won't even consider not having children to the point where when China tried to take action and limit couples to one child the world called them draconian monsters instead of intelligent.
I personally often say I think every problem facing humanity and the planet is a function of overpopulation, and I'm not alone. I admit, I'm rare in that I put my money where my mouth is and had a vasectomy in my twenties before having children. I'm of the belief that no other action could possibly have the positive effect that not adding to the population does, but I also bought a full solar system over a decade back and try to grow most of my own food, and I drive well under 5000 miles a year.
There's no reason to abandon population control in favor of technological fixes or vice versa, indeed I believe maximising both won't fully solve our issues that have taken over a century to create, but I also believe not acting in every way possible to mitigate our damages leads to certain doom for most species.
I also think none of this will make a whit of difference in the grand scheme because way too many people have decided making any lifestyle sacrifices or not wastefully living above their means is intolerable even if it means their children suffer for it.

Not your typical gender reveal

Dave Chappelle: Equanimity

bcglorf says...

Honest question. What is the distinction between trans-gender and trans-race?

At least in Canada we are rapidly building into law not merely protections for gender identity, but legal requirements for others to also recognize/embrace people's chosen gender identities(forgive me, I know at least in Canada choice is the wrong word but I'm mentally lapsing on a better one).

Yet, trans-race is still dealt with as a joke, with the trans-race individuals an acceptable target of ridicule.

My own opinions don't sit as far out on the left, but watching those that are content with both declaring trans-gender identity an inalienable fundamental right to the extent that MtF athletes must be allowed no matter how clearly their 'choice' was biased by getting to be #1 in their sport., but then ridiculing anyone claiming trans-race is hard for me to reconcile.

Anybody else able to provide a rational difference between the two? It looks to me like an entirely subjective I agree with one but not the other thought process, but maybe that's just my ignorance?

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

bobknight33 says...

Sounds word smithing, bending the original meaning of gender to give legitimacy to ones lifestyle.

Its like taking the definition of dog and morphing its original definition to include any 4 legged animal.

But hey the left control the education system ( and media) and hence control the language of the day.

Next time you seem me walking my elephant just be politically correct and say thats a nice dog you have.

00Scud00 said:

That depends, if we're talking sex, then yes there is only male and female. Gender is about more than just biology so there can be more than just two.

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

bobknight33 says...

I did not write the title -- still not lies.
Kid say kicked out for gender questioning. Teacher indicates kicked out for being disruptive.

Its the kids video - he get to title it.

On big issues like this ( ie debating on school lunch) , if one believes that school policy is wrong , is not acceptable to speak up?

Granted a better forum would be a school board meeting.

Bottom line the teacher is afraid of loosing his job and hence pushes the position of national policy.

newtboy said:

Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.

Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.

He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.

The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.

Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.

If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

Kicked Out of Class for Saying There are Two Genders

newtboy says...

Dishonest stating it in a way that strongly implies he was kicked out for his opinion, and hides from the fact it was for speaking out repeatedly, disruptively.
That's a lie by obfuscation.

Did you even watch it?
The teacher was clear, he was kicked out for continuing to argue after being allowed to state his opinion...a right he did not have but a privilege he was granted. That is disruptive, as is requiring individual attention a second time to discuss the same thing.

He was kicked out for repeating his opinion, disrupting class and the teacher.

The issue is being disruptive in class, thinking his uninformed opinion should shout down an informed one from the teacher, an opinion held by the school board and codified in the rules of conduct.

Regardless of what the douchebag kid thinks on this matter, he has no right to disrupt the class by debating policy.
The kid is free to think, but not to disrupt class. He may express his home or in open public forums, not class.

If you defy school policy, expect to reap the rewards of being removed from school and all that comes with that. Duh. Challenge, sure, appropriately, in appropriate venues and times, like a school board or PTA meeting, not during class. If you wish to challenge it inappropriately and disruptively, don't think standing on the right to speak gives you immunity from other rules or repercussions. That's not how it works. It's not an absolute right....I'll prove it, go argue gender in a federal court that's in session, see how long you remain standing and unincarcerated. Better yet, go argue something not insanely pro Trump at a Trump rally, see how many teeth you have in the morning...If you see morning.

bobknight33 said:

Dishonest about what????????? I just presented an video of disagreement of thought. - I did not take any sides yet you say I'm dishonest.

The kid spoke up in opposition to what the teacher said that is not necessary disruptive. Kid got kicked out for having a different opinion and would not accept that of the teacher.

All in all that is not the issue. It is that is there only 2 sexes or more?

Regardless of what the teacher actually thinks on this matter the teacher is boxed in to accept the policy of his employer/ system. He can't speak against this policy for fear of loosing his job or getting in trouble.

The kid is free to think and express his thoughts.

Defying school policy, -- So its not right to defy school policy, or policy for that matter. Don't challenge? You don't want a world that does not challenge thought, do you?

Cause I'm A Blond

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Science in America

How the Pink Tax Is Ripping Off Women

eric3579 says...

I'm pretty sure that the women paid twenty cents on the dollar comment is highly debatable. My understanding was that when you actually compared apples to apples it was around six or seven percent. Still not zero where it should be but also not twenty as was stated. (edit) John says 4-8%

And just for fun i wanted to check the prices myself for the items in the video.

The CVS Menstrual pain medication they compared are NOT the same.
The menstrual product has Acetaminophen AND two additional ingredients

The razors are not on CVS website but are on BICS website. Comparing prices of the two products shown in the video, the "womens" one was actually cheaper by fifty cents. Also can't be sure that the razors they are comparing are exactly the same. Probably close enough though.
Womens Soleil Twilight
Mens Flex 3

The same kids snorkel i found on Amazon. The one shop who actually has it in pink and also has two other colors are selling them for the same price.

The baby walker i found on Wallmarts site, and the pink one cost more. The other has been discounted from its original price.

The Underwear were as stated in the video. Different quantity at the same price.

Well that was a fun little project

Women: Know Your Limits! International Women's Day

Women: Know Your Limits! International Women's Day

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

IYou don't want people looking at anyoneyou and falsely judging themyou as scum on the basis of their genderthis ad.

The ad is just a big yawn for me. The symptom of people still using generalizations and stereotypes to classify a group of people and saying it's "caring, loving, intelligent and brave" is repulsive to me, and needs to be called out. That doesn't hold ONLY when it's blacks, mexicans, muslims or women being targeted but yes, even if it's whites or men.

BSR said:

I don't see it as wrong. I see it as a strategy created by caring, loving, intelligent and brave people. I think you may feel attacked and accused by this ad. You don't want people looking at you and falsely judging you as scum on the basis of this ad.

I'm not sure you have faith in your foundation.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...


I guess even with my edit my last sentence was unclear. I’ll try and straighten that out, I meant to say I want people to stop judging each other by race, gender or any other ‘team’ membership mentality.
Judging people based upon unalterable traits like race and gender is wrong.
Judging people based upon identity with a religion, polticial party our other group, generally bad still and better to look at individual opinions. Some leeway obviously as there is an element of choice too so if your anti-vax, yeah I’ve fot some opinoons on some of your life choices.
Judging people based ipon their behaviours and choices, this is fundamental and necessary. We should err on kindness to one another, but that includes judging cruel and violent people and protecting their victims.

As relates to this commercial, it clearly generalizes most(arguably all) men as complicit with the peoblem. Thats wrong!

ChaosEngine said:

It's great that you're raising your kids to be respectful of others.

But I don't understand the "judging" comment. Are you saying I shouldn't judge people for violent behaviour or harassment?

And yes, it is akin to saying Muslims should condemn violent behaviour done in the name of their religion (and to be clear, most Muslims DO condemn that behaviour).

I don't think this ad portrays all men as abusers, but it does portray all men as complicit by not speaking out, and I agree with that. We haven't done enough and it is our responsibility. "If you see something, say something" would do far more good in calling out shitty behaviour to other people than in the tiny % of terrorist acts.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

I was raised to respect other people, regardless of race, gender, creed or religion. I was taught that it was right to not give differential treatment to others because of race and gender, and to reserve differential treatment for other people facing differential circumstance, ability or behaviour. I believe in these as important fundamental values, and I consider those values worth defending.

When I see somebody painting an entire race or gender as the 'same' and as a problem, I get defensive of them. Here's how the commercial portrays men:
"It's been going on far too long... Making the same old excuses"
Entire line of men ALL chanting boys will be boys
"But something finally changed...And there will be no going back"

That isn't just a statement against bad behavior of men, it's a statement that ALL men have been participating in or excusing the bad behavior. At best, the message is urging men as needing to take an especial roll in rooting out violent and sexual harassment. That's identical to the logic of urging menmuslims as needing to take an especial roll in rooting out terrorismviolent and sexual harassment. Albeit, arguably worse in that your religion is at least a choice(trigger non-binary proponents).

BSR said:

If someone gets defensive, then a change HAS taken place.

What do you have that's worth defending?

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