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Antonin Scalia - On American Exceptionalism

MilkmanDan says...

He makes a very persuasive argument.

But then, I think about how there are lots of counterexamples to the "legislation that gets out will be good legislation" bit. Patriot Act. DMCA. Citizens United. Homeland Security and Aviation and Transportation Security Acts.

I dunno. If there is a weakness in the system, perhaps it is that while the separation of powers theoretically makes it hard to get garbage in, it sure as hell also makes it nigh-on-impossible to get it out when any sneaks through.

How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?

How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?

Kid Warps To Secret Level

SFOGuy says...

Well, I didn't...

The princess grabs Luke's gun and fires at a small grate in
the wall next to Han, almost frying him.

What the hell are you doing?

Somebody has to save our skins. Into
the garbage chute, wise guy.

She jumps through the narrow opening as Han and Chewbacca
look on in amazement. Chewbacca sniffs the garbage chute and
says something.

Get in there you big furry oaf! I
don't care what you smell! Get in
there and don't worry about it.

Han gives him a kick and the Wookiee disappears into the
tiny opening. Luke and Han continue firing as they work their
way toward the opening."

Geostorm - Official Teaser

Digital Hygiene: How We Might've Fucked Our Attention Spans

Digitalfiend says...

I was born in the late 70s and had the fortune to experience the early days of personal computing and the internet via BBSes. The biggest issue I've personally experienced with the modern internet is the ease at which you can get side-tracked by deep links. I've lost count of the number of times I've started researching something work-related in the evening only to end up linking through two or three related articles and ending up on a YouTube video about the latest game trailer or whatever.

I've also noticed that my reading habits have changed. Instead of reading articles in their entirety, I will, at times, read a few sentences to get the gist then scan ahead to continue reading. I never used to do this but it is something I've caught myself doing with greater frequency over the past couple of decades. This has tripped me up a few times where I've had to go back and read the information again. I wonder if children that have grown up with the modern internet and its web of distractions (pun intended) are even worse off.

Maybe our brains are trying to adapt to a new way of gathering and processing so much disconnected information (e.g. one minute you're reading about a physics algorithm the next minute about screaming space goats). Perhaps it is a way to contain information overload and only retain what is useful?

The internet is an AMAZING invention and something everyone should have access to and be taught how to use effectively. As was mentioned above, you can pretty much teach yourself anything using the internet. The challenge is staying focused and sifting through all the ads, fluff articles, and random garbage that you get bombarded with every time you browse a website.

MILO Thrashes Heckling Muslim Women

Fairbs says...

this guy is a piece of garbage, he cherry picks stats to try to make a point and lies at will; how about the Mosque burned down in Texas; how about the shooting in the Mosque in Quebec? he's the type of awful person that gets us to this point along with the molestor in chief, bannon, and the rest of these sickos

Trump-Funded Operative CAUGHT Soliciting Illegal Acts?

enoch says...


i had three facebook people post this garbage from o'keefe,cuz they love themselves so of that good ol' confirmation bias and like to use words like "libtard" and "liberal pansy".

oh the delicious pleasure i took in posting the original,un-edited version.

It's not just Autotune - how singers cheat today(Pop Theory)

Sagemind says...

I was with him for the first part.
And it's not that I can't take him seriously because of his hair - I found it very distracting to take singing critique from a Bieber look-alike...
He lost me when he says, "Even though your favorite artists probably cheats a bit in the studio, try to remember that tracks that you love by them might not have existed without this technology speeding up their workflow."

First, I think people like T-pain, Kanye, and Drake are most of what is wrong with the music industry today. So they definitely are NOT my favorite artists. Honestly, I refuse to call them artists. Artists hone their skills through tireless hours, years and dedication. Something these people don't do. (Hence the need for Autotune)

His point is exactly the point. Without Auto-tune, we wouldn't have these songs because they are utter garbage. It's Auto-tune that is the star, not the personas "behind the curtain."

And also, there is no fast track to learning skills. Yes, as he states, "speeding up their workflow" is just that. Workflow. This means it helps them produce tons of this crap without ever improving their skills, because they don't need to. They just need to rapidly produce song after song, while waiting for the one that is the most catchy to stick in people's minds. Then the conglomerate of industry leaches will pick it it up in hopes they all generate a few bucks from it. Meaning, they get radio play for producing crap song, after crap song.

Sorry to rant here, but pick up an instrument, learn to play. Learn how to sing, learn to hit a note. Entrance us with your skills and abilities. Seduce us with abilities that impress us. Gain our respect with your talents.

The guy in this video is just as fake as a Bieber look-alike, and while he starts to point out that they are3 cheating, he ends by enabling them showing us how great Lois's recorded voice sounds like once Frankensteined. This is not okay.

Note: I'm posting this comment to the YouTube video as well

Alien: Covenant - Official Red Band Trailer

gwiz665 says...

Prometheus was almost great, but there were too many "that's fucking stupid" elements. The entire crew was shit, not a single one was likable. At least with the space truckers in Alien, they were all sorts of assholes, but they were likable assholes. In Prom, they were just unpleasant people, doing unpleasant things, while generally being bad people - I hate them all still.

One thing Prometheus had going for it was visuals - Ridley Scott knows how to film a good looking film, I don't really think anyone can argue that. I really hope the story won't get fucked over this time, and I hope it won't just be a retread either. The reason Aliens was so great, is that it did something new with the franchise; prometheus tried and failed to do that well.

Alien 3 was not actually so shit, I think. It made some damn near unforgivable choices in killing off Newt and Hicks off screen, but aside from that I actually liked it. Close to a retread of Alien, but still a twist on it.

A4 was just shit with some good bits in - the many twisted clones of ripley, the Auton, and the aliens in water was all fun things. The rest is garbage.

I'm cautiously optimistic about Covenant, more classic horror, I wager, but with Scott's signature visuals.. we'll see!

newtboy said:

Really, you would rather shame them for Prometheus instead of Alien 3 or 4?!? Prometheus had it's problems, but 1/2 alien mama Ripley clone and a level 5 biohazard containment ship that returns home automatically if things go wrong, I mean, come on. Prioritize.

Amazon Go: stores with no lines or checkouts, shop and leave

rabidness says...

The packaging for every item must have an embedded RFID. An idea from about a decade back. One of the worries back then was that people could scan your garbage and learn a lot about you. People probably don't care about that nowadays.

Modern Day Child Sisyphus

Adobe Voco - awesome tech or awful pandora's box?

The Atheist Delusion

MonkeySpank (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon