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Should I Be Concerned?

jmd says...

Actually... no. You probably didn't realize the small air holes that are already in the plastiglass for humidity issues. It is simply there to a) keep your grubby hands off the REAL glass protecting you from the outside elements, and b) smoothes out the internal lining because otherwise there would be a large cavity between the inner wall and outer glass. Leaving a shelf next to the social public leads to a lot of garbage being left on it to clean up later.

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

Throwing water into lava may not be a good idea

Throwing water into lava may not be a good idea

Does Trump Have Alzheimer's?

Fairbs says...

I don't care how they get him out, but the sooner that piece of garbage is gone the sooner we can began to move forward again as a country; basically right now he's raping and pillaging all of the good parts as we speak

John Oliver - Harvey Weinstein and Trump

Fairbs says...

I haven't heard anyone defending him except for one female fashion designer

politically, the difference is that Democrats condemn the behavior and find it repulsive where Republicans pretend it doesn't exist and go on to elect a morally bankrupt piece of garbage

radx said:

Wasn't Weinstein also the thundercunt who defended ol' pedo Polanski very vocally? Maybe Hollywood should tune it down on the rape culture a bit, lest they lose their liberal street cred.

The Violent Left EXPOSED!

newtboy says...

So, @bobknight33, I can now show footage of Nazis shouting racist garbage and attribute it to ALL the right, yes? Because that's what this piece you've posted is. Any time you complain about that I'm just going to post a link to this post and negate your right to argue with your own post.

Finding the absolute worst of those calling themselves (or being called) 'far left' and claiming it's representative of the left as a whole. Do you not think any editor could easily create hours and hours of footage like this showing the right acting like inhuman savages, but they could include actual elected officials supporting the calls to violence and dehumanization, and just as easily attribute it all to some particular right wing organization or the right as a whole with some simple juxtaposition? Please.

This right wing trash pretends chants by a crowd or individuals are the same as an organizations platform, even when the organizations immediately and clearly denounce the chants and those shouting them. Isn't this what you complain about with the right being painted as Nazis and racists (although the right usually seems to take much longer to denounce them if ever), yet you go ahead and post the same tactic amplified from the other perspective.

I'm going to assume that, now that you're being called out on it, you'll thank me for pointing that out, and claim it was really a sly attempt to show us lefties how wrong our tactics are. This is not a genuine argument or tactic, as you would never take that stance unless you had already been called on the hypocrisy. Before that 'calling out', you appear to mean every word.

I'm calling you out, bob. This is some disingenuous garbage. You should be ashamed.

EDIT: BTW, Antifa people don't vote democrat. They think the democrats are right wingers, or at best corporate sell outs....just in case it's not feigned confusion.

The Violent Left EXPOSED!

Drachen_Jager says...

Yes, an alt-righter drove his car into a crowd of protestors, but THEY are the terrorists.

Uh huh.

You're the one who should be ashamed, @bobknight33 for posting this garbage again and again, then refusing to even attempt to defend it when others point out the obvious flaws.

Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness?

SDGundamX says...

Hmm... I'm not so sure PC speech can be so easily separated from politeness. I mean, isn't one of the main reasons for the promotion of PC speech to raise peoples' awareness of how our everyday use of words can demean people? That's why, for example, PC speech proponents pushed for changing the term "garbage man" to "sanitation worker." Or why they decried the use of the word "gay" being used as synonymous with "stupid."

Certainly PC speech also is concerned with how language is used to oppress others but it seems to me it is also quite concerned with creating more polite language usage.

Once Upon a Time in Venice Trailer

Drachen_Jager says...

Has Hollywood just entirely lost its shit?

I have no idea whether that movie is good or bad from the trailer. It's a cobbled together mess of action and dialogue that makes no sense in the context provided here.

I am so frustrated with big budget movies. There's so much garbage coming out of the studios these days and trailer editing like this doesn't help me as a consumer, it just turns me off the whole process. Like that Cloak and Dagger trailer that's also floating around. I want to like it, but I have no idea what it is based on the trailer. Considering how important trailers are to commercial success, you'd think they could hire a half-way competent editor to put them together.



Logan: Superhero Movies Get Old

shagen454 says...

I watched the first couple of X-men and the first Spider-man... but once it became formulaic I started using the word "McMarvel" to describe the mainstream process of turning comics into "films" and slapping them together and shitting them out.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Doctor Strange - but look at something like David Lynch's Twin Peaks Returns. I mean this is why I like this guy - he is creative & defiant, always. The first 2 part episode is like the anti-thesis of Hollywood garbage (while incorporating some of it) and basically anti-reboot as well.

X Men : The Gifted

agaricpro (Member Profile)

Jeff Sessions Tells Prosecutors:Prosecute Drugs More Harshly

Star Wars - The Last Jedi Trailer

cloudballoon says...

This teaser/trailer is weak. Yeah there's a little bit of intrigue, but it isn't giving me any sense of excitement. Gee, even the Transformers teaser/trailer is better than this.

I hope SW8 will be better than SW7. SW7 was a minor disappointment. Kylo Ren was laughable as a main villain and the ending duel set-piece was the weakest of all lightsaber duels, it's garbage non-sense.

I enjoyed Rogue 1 more than SW7 for some reason. Although I like Rey more than Jyn.

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