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NetRunner (Member Profile)

Mitt Romney on Obama Voters

Mitt Romney on Obama Voters

Mitt Romney on Obama Voters

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

KnivesOut says...

"The greatest enslavement is government welfare."

By your logic 55% of corporations are enslaved to the government because they got hand-outs from the government (i.e. while all the other good corporate citizens were paying taxes, they did not.) We should free these poor, enslaved corporations by forcing them to pay their fair share of the corporate tax burden.

>> ^bobknight33:

I think the same way and I'm not rich, never been rich, and will never bee rich. But Mitt is right. There are too many people that will take advantage of the system and and become freeloaders, voting for who ever keeps the money flowing to their pockets.
The greatest enslavement is government warfare. The greatest freedom is self reliance.

>> ^Januari:
What can you really say about this guy... Romney is as he is... He's known nothing but extreme wealth his entire life... and in these private moments you really do see what he thinks of... well just about HALF the entire country who wasn't...
Amazing that a guy whos lived his entire life as a defendant can say that about tens of millions of extremely hard working people without pause.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

bobknight33 says...

I think the same way and I'm not rich, never been rich, and will never bee rich. But Mitt is right. There are too many people that will take advantage of the system and and become freeloaders, voting for who ever keeps the money flowing to their pockets.

The greatest enslavement is government warfare. The greatest freedom is self reliance.

>> ^Januari:

What can you really say about this guy... Romney is as he is... He's known nothing but extreme wealth his entire life... and in these private moments you really do see what he thinks of... well just about HALF the entire country who wasn't...
Amazing that a guy whos lived his entire life as a defendant can say that about tens of millions of extremely hard working people without pause.

Miners Forced To Attend Romney Rally, Don't Get Paid For The

entr0py says...

>> ^VoodooV:

would such a thing be illegal?

Indeed it us under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971.

Corporate/labor officials or employees may direct
subordinates to plan, organize or carry out fundraising
as part of their work, using corporate/labor
organization resources, only if the corporation or
labor organization receives advance payment for the
fair market value of the services, including compensation,
benefits and overhead. However, using
coercion to urge anyone to engage in fundraising
on behalf of, or make a contribution to, a candidate or
political committee is prohibited. 114.2(f)(2)(i)(A) and
(iv). See also AO 1998-16.

Lets hope legal consequences are forthcoming since they were caught red handed.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Buck (Member Profile)

TheSluiceGate says...

In reply to this comment by Buck:
In reply to this comment by TheSluiceGate:
Hey buck, are you government sponsored, or do the family pay for your services?
Just interested as here in Ireland I personally know a person with an autistic son that, in the future, will likely have to quit their job to look after them once they become an adult.

In reply to this comment by Buck:
I do this for a living too!! These guys are so cool, smart and can often do amazing things that you or I can't.


Hi, I work for an agency (in Ontario, Canada) that is mostly funded by the government but also has fundraisers through out the year. I love where I work, they really care about their staff and in turn the staff care about the individuals we support...really a great place.

Now the sucky thing is the Gov. just changed the way and length of support for all new clients. Much shorter support times and long wait lists.

I work in the community side of things and try to get the guys out and about doing whatever they like to do. There is also a residential side to my agency that is a bit different in function but essentially they are group homes where staff help the clients live daily.

Another avenue is private respite, our gov. gives a bit of money to familys that need this break, and they hire someone they like to work with their child.

Ageing parents are a problem too, we have wait lists years long for group homes.

I have a co worker with a son just diagnosed...she may have to quite her job too, but the school system here is slowly helping more than hindering things so there would be daytime breaks for her, only till her child is 21 then he is on his own as it were, thats where agencys and private individuals like my agency come into play helping them find jobs or volunteer positions in the community.

everyone deserves a chance to live to their fullest potential, we try to help with that.

any questions fire away.

Hey thanks for reply - in many ways not to dis-similar to Ireland: yeah your kind of fucked as an autistic person when you leave school (on the lower functioning end of the spectrum anyway) and daycare and respite are pretty rare commodities here too, unless you've got serious money to put up.

Keep up the good work!

TheSluiceGate (Member Profile)

Buck says...

In reply to this comment by TheSluiceGate:
Hey buck, are you government sponsored, or do the family pay for your services?
Just interested as here in Ireland I personally know a person with an autistic son that, in the future, will likely have to quit their job to look after them once they become an adult.

In reply to this comment by Buck:
I do this for a living too!! These guys are so cool, smart and can often do amazing things that you or I can't.


Hi, I work for an agency (in Ontario, Canada) that is mostly funded by the government but also has fundraisers through out the year. I love where I work, they really care about their staff and in turn the staff care about the individuals we support...really a great place.

Now the sucky thing is the Gov. just changed the way and length of support for all new clients. Much shorter support times and long wait lists.

I work in the community side of things and try to get the guys out and about doing whatever they like to do. There is also a residential side to my agency that is a bit different in function but essentially they are group homes where staff help the clients live daily.

Another avenue is private respite, our gov. gives a bit of money to familys that need this break, and they hire someone they like to work with their child.

Ageing parents are a problem too, we have wait lists years long for group homes.

I have a co worker with a son just diagnosed...she may have to quite her job too, but the school system here is slowly helping more than hindering things so there would be daytime breaks for her, only till her child is 21 then he is on his own as it were, thats where agencys and private individuals like my agency come into play helping them find jobs or volunteer positions in the community.

everyone deserves a chance to live to their fullest potential, we try to help with that.

any questions fire away.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Mitt Gets Worse: A visit to the Guv'nor

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^kavalow9:

>> ^Ryjkyj:
I find it interesting that changing the word "was" to the word "is" can make a statement into a lie so easily.

I stand corrected Ryjkyj, I should have added Obama's definition changed about three months ago. Anyway this video is about something Romney allegedly did years ago as Governor, long before the President came out of the closet. Who knows, maybe Mitt will become a lifetime member of Man’s Country Bathhouse too if he thinks it will help with his LGBT fundraisers.:

Yeah... again, there's a difference between having to project a certain political opinion in order to get elected, and aggressively taking action against something. This isn't rocket science. It's something even two-year-olds understand.

Police Militarization in Anaheim, CA

DuoJet says...

These people aren't "participating in the system" because said participation requires great wealth. Those with great wealth have no interest in such an agenda.

Conversely, the Tea Party was an inadvertently pro-corporate movement quietly backed by millions of corporate dollars. That is why it worked. Ever seen footage of police quelling a Tea Party rally? There is no equivalency between the Tea Party and the Occupy movement.

>> ^Darkhand:

I don't disagree with anything that you've said. I think you are misunderstanding my point.
The problem is from what I have seen the people trying to enact change don't actually participate in the system. So other than marching, and banging on drums, and protesting they aren't actually accomplishing anything.
The Tea Party might not be the most successful group but it sure as hell worked in a lot of their endeavors. I haven't seen the Liberal Version of the tea party yet and I don't think I will.
>> ^petpeeved:
>> ^Darkhand:
>> ^petpeeved:
The revolution will not have a permit.

There will never be a revolution because the only people who seem to be upset about anything are hippies and hippies are non-violent.
Occupy Wall Street was the biggest let down because when asked if they planned on sponsoring any political parties they said "we don't recognize the system so we don't sponsor anyone" or some shit like that.
Unless this "revolution" is going to burn our current system to the ground, or actually get involved in politics nothing will happen.
Feel free to shout and bang your drums if it makes you feel better. But that's not a revolution it's just a mosquito buzzing in the ear of our capitalist government.

You seem to think that only violence can change the system at this point? I honestly don't know if there is any hope of reforming the government via policy and procedure but I doubt violence would change anything for the better either.
I may be a simpleton but there really does seem to be a silver bullet to the mess we're in: remove the money incentive from national politics completely, starting with evicting all the lobbyists from Washington, and gutting the amount of money that flows into the political campaign warchests every election.
If there is one thing we should socialize, it's the political process itself. We have spending caps on pro sports teams; we should have spending caps on political campaigns as well. Give all the major candidates free television and media coverage during the election season. Eliminate corporate contributions entirely etc.
We just need to turn politics into a job that attracts people for the right reason: public service, as opposed to the reason most seem to get involved these days: personal aggrandizement.
Romney's fundraisers are aiming to raise a billion dollars to win this election. I'm sure Obama's are aiming for as close to that figure as possible too.
This is the root of all the problems we face as a nation, imo. It's all about the money needed to buy an election.

Police Militarization in Anaheim, CA

Darkhand says...

I don't disagree with anything that you've said. I think you are misunderstanding my point.

The problem is from what I have seen the people trying to enact change don't actually participate in the system. So other than marching, and banging on drums, and protesting they aren't actually accomplishing anything.

The Tea Party might not be the most successful group but it sure as hell worked in a lot of their endeavors. I haven't seen the Liberal Version of the tea party yet and I don't think I will.

>> ^petpeeved:

>> ^Darkhand:
>> ^petpeeved:
The revolution will not have a permit.

There will never be a revolution because the only people who seem to be upset about anything are hippies and hippies are non-violent.
Occupy Wall Street was the biggest let down because when asked if they planned on sponsoring any political parties they said "we don't recognize the system so we don't sponsor anyone" or some shit like that.
Unless this "revolution" is going to burn our current system to the ground, or actually get involved in politics nothing will happen.
Feel free to shout and bang your drums if it makes you feel better. But that's not a revolution it's just a mosquito buzzing in the ear of our capitalist government.

You seem to think that only violence can change the system at this point? I honestly don't know if there is any hope of reforming the government via policy and procedure but I doubt violence would change anything for the better either.
I may be a simpleton but there really does seem to be a silver bullet to the mess we're in: remove the money incentive from national politics completely, starting with evicting all the lobbyists from Washington, and gutting the amount of money that flows into the political campaign warchests every election.
If there is one thing we should socialize, it's the political process itself. We have spending caps on pro sports teams; we should have spending caps on political campaigns as well. Give all the major candidates free television and media coverage during the election season. Eliminate corporate contributions entirely etc.
We just need to turn politics into a job that attracts people for the right reason: public service, as opposed to the reason most seem to get involved these days: personal aggrandizement.
Romney's fundraisers are aiming to raise a billion dollars to win this election. I'm sure Obama's are aiming for as close to that figure as possible too.
This is the root of all the problems we face as a nation, imo. It's all about the money needed to buy an election.

Police Militarization in Anaheim, CA

petpeeved says...

>> ^Darkhand:

>> ^petpeeved:
The revolution will not have a permit.

There will never be a revolution because the only people who seem to be upset about anything are hippies and hippies are non-violent.
Occupy Wall Street was the biggest let down because when asked if they planned on sponsoring any political parties they said "we don't recognize the system so we don't sponsor anyone" or some shit like that.
Unless this "revolution" is going to burn our current system to the ground, or actually get involved in politics nothing will happen.
Feel free to shout and bang your drums if it makes you feel better. But that's not a revolution it's just a mosquito buzzing in the ear of our capitalist government.

You seem to think that only violence can change the system at this point? I honestly don't know if there is any hope of reforming the government via policy and procedure but I doubt violence would change anything for the better either.

I may be a simpleton but there really does seem to be a silver bullet to the mess we're in: remove the money incentive from national politics completely, starting with evicting all the lobbyists from Washington, and gutting the amount of money that flows into the political campaign warchests every election.

If there is one thing we should socialize, it's the political process itself. We have spending caps on pro sports teams; we should have spending caps on political campaigns as well. Give all the major candidates free television and media coverage during the election season. Eliminate corporate contributions entirely etc.

We just need to turn politics into a job that attracts people for the right reason: public service, as opposed to the reason most seem to get involved these days: personal aggrandizement.

Romney's fundraisers are aiming to raise a billion dollars to win this election. I'm sure Obama's are aiming for as close to that figure as possible too.

This is the root of all the problems we face as a nation, imo. It's all about the money needed to buy an election.

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