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Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

KnivesOut says...

"Of the speakers in the DNC ... 22 members of the House of Representatives" well they just blew the curve.

As for the RNC convention, I think what we saw was either a conscious effort to "go younger" and entice younger voters, or a symptom of the greater problem with modern conservatism: namely that serious, mature conservatives don't want anything to do with these lunatics.>> ^silvercord:

The average age (mean) of the speakers at the DNC was 58.66 while at the RNC it was 49.92.
From modicum of insanity:
Of the speakers in the DNC, there were 9 current governors and 5 former governors. 22 members of the House of Representatives, 2 candidates for the House, and 1 former House member spoke. 5 current senators and 2 former senators also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 57.44. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 62.64. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 67.2.
Of the speakers at the RNC, there were 10 current governors and 5 former governors. 9 current members of the House of Representatives, 1 candidate for House, and 2 former House members spoke. 7 current senators, 4 former senators, and 1 candidate also spoke.
Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 50.3. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 50.67. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 52.83.

I wouldn't count 'em out just yet when it looks like the DNC is the party that's getting a little long in the tooth.

>> ^VoodooV:
Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.
RNC: by and large, mostly old white people
DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

silvercord says...

The average age (mean) of the speakers at the DNC was 58.66 while at the RNC it was 49.92.

From modicum of insanity:

Of the speakers in the DNC, there were 9 current governors and 5 former governors. 22 members of the House of Representatives, 2 candidates for the House, and 1 former House member spoke. 5 current senators and 2 former senators also spoke.

Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 57.44. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 62.64. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 67.2.

Of the speakers at the RNC, there were 10 current governors and 5 former governors. 9 current members of the House of Representatives, 1 candidate for House, and 2 former House members spoke. 7 current senators, 4 former senators, and 1 candidate also spoke.

Of the current governors that spoke, the average age was 50.3. Of the current House members that spoke, the average age was 50.67. Of the current senators that spoke, the average age was 52.83.

I wouldn't count 'em out just yet when it looks like the DNC is the party that's getting a little long in the tooth.

>> ^VoodooV:

Comparing the two national conventions alone should be enough to convince anyone that the Republican party as we currently know it is in its last years.
RNC: by and large, mostly old white people
DNC: Actual cross-section of America and vastly more diverse.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

Grimm says...

That's because he hasn't had the chance to...and it's looking more and more like people aren't willing to give him that chance. Says more about him then Obama if Obama is such an aweful President.
>> ^quantumushroom:

Mitt Romney hasn't done anything to anybody.

Januari (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

ToastyBuffoon (Member Profile)

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

KnivesOut says...

Your Obama is an empty chair.>> ^quantumushroom:

"I want everybody to experience the abundance and the greatness of this country. I want everybody to be told how to do it, not told that it can't be done, which is what Obama does. If anybody ought to be under the microscope, it's Obama. Obama's tamping down expectations. Obama's ratcheting up fear. Obama's the guy whose foreign policy is falling apart. Obama's the guy who's watching our economy disintegrate. Obama's the guy whose policies are making it tougher and tougher and tougher for excellence to matter in one's pursuit of life.
Mitt Romney hasn't done anything to anybody.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

NetRunner says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

The bottom line here is that you lack the courage for your convictions. Take the license plate off of your car, cut up your social security card, and stop paying your taxes. Otherwise, you're just contributing to a system that you believe is impinging on a majority of the populace's freedoms (a hypocrite).

Actually, the reductio ad absurdum goes a little further. If you think the government "owns" the people because it can collect taxes from them with impunity, and you claim to really believe in the idea that liberty is indistinguishable from the unfettered exercise of property rights, then really, you should be defending any government exercise of power over its property, because it owns the people, and anything it does to its subjects is a legitimate exercise of liberty.

You already see them trotting out a form of this argument anytime there's a major management/labor dispute in the press. From there, you only really need to change a few words, and you wind up with almost exactly the rationale given by royalists in favor of hereditary monarchies in middle-age Europe.

Conservatives are more or less living out the final chapters of Animal Farm now. Their supposed dedication to principles born from a rebellion against authoritarian monarchies has, over the ensuing decades, been slowly twisted until it's become a rationale for establishing a new monarchy on this side of the Atlantic.

I keep waiting for the day I see a clip of some wingnut on Fox News declaring four legs good, two legs better that monarchy is a superior form of government to democracy because then those undesirable people we're always bitching about would truly know their place...

KnivesOut (Member Profile)

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

"I want everybody to experience the abundance and the greatness of this country. I want everybody to be told how to do it, not told that it can't be done, which is what Obama does. If anybody ought to be under the microscope, it's Obama. Obama's tamping down expectations. Obama's ratcheting up fear. Obama's the guy whose foreign policy is falling apart. Obama's the guy who's watching our economy disintegrate. Obama's the guy whose policies are making it tougher and tougher and tougher for excellence to matter in one's pursuit of life.
Mitt Romney hasn't done anything to anybody.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

JiggaJonson says...

If you feel so strongly about it, stop paying your taxes ala' Thoreau's Walden. Thoreau went to jail because he didn't pay his taxes and got mad at Emerson when he bailed him out. Not because he didn't like his freedom, because he believed so strongly in his principles.

I personally like paying my taxes. I feel a sense of patriotism knowing my money has contributed to the whole of society, including those who are part of any welfare system and are suffering from bad tidings.

The bottom line here is that you lack the courage for your convictions. Take the license plate off of your car, cut up your social security card, and stop paying your taxes. Otherwise, you're just contributing to a system that you believe is impinging on a majority of the populace's freedoms (a hypocrite).

>> ^bobknight33:

I think the same way and I'm not rich, never been rich, and will never bee rich. But Mitt is right. There are too many people that will take advantage of the system and and become freeloaders, voting for who ever keeps the money flowing to their pockets.
The greatest enslavement is government warfare. The greatest freedom is self reliance.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

VoodooV says...

>> ^alcom:

I don't consider people living on < $20,000/y "entitled" or "moochers." I think Mitt needs to look in the mirror and see how his privileged life is simply unattainable by people in these circumstances. They're just getting by. By taxing the most vulnerable segment of society, he is inviting increased crime and fraud in the future. All
If he was serious about paying his "fair share" he'd disclose all those years of tax returns. And his Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts while he's at it. He's probably avoided much more total tax revenue personally than the Reps stand to get out of that 47%.

You'll never get that kind of perspective out of Mitt. He's one of those people who believes he is one of the chosen few. He seems to honestly believe he was chosen by god. He seems to honestly believe that we all live in a vacuum and he got to where he is on his own merits alone and he had zero assistance.

These things are provably wrong. you can demonstrate that he's just like everyone else, you can demonstrate that he had help from his parents, you can demonstrate that he lives in a nation that has the government-created environment to allow people to succeed.

Mitt lost this election before he even won the primary. Even most republicans know this. They spent 4 years trying to obstruct Obama and hinder American growth just to make him a one term president and they're going to fail. So two things:

1. Obama better be awesome to his Secret Service people because I'm predicting an assassination attempt during the 2nd term.

2. What's going to be interesting to see is the 2016 election. If the rational republicans cannot reclaim their party back from the religious nutbags and the teabaggers and lose the 2016 election as well, then I'm going to say Republicans as a serious party are done. They're going to be relegated to the fringe. I still think a 2nd Civil War in our lifetimes is a serious possibility. And if Republicans are unable to persuade people with words anymore, I suspect elements will resort to other ways of persuading people. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

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