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Sagemind (Member Profile)

Basset hound clown car

Japanese Grandma Jazz Drummer's dream comes true

newtboy says...

Cindy Blackman (born November 18, 1959), sometimes known as Cindy Blackman-Santana,[1] is an American jazz and rock drummer. Blackman is best known for recording and touring with Lenny Kravitz. Wife of Carlos Santana.
That count? Are you headed to NY for a fedora feeding frenzy? Take pics please!

chingalera said:

One of the many things I love about Japanese culture...Their embrace of America's polyrhythmic legacy....Show me ONE American granny who plays Jazz drums in a band, and I'll eat hat after hat on the A-train baby....

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

enoch says...

"i know you are but what am i i"?

that had me cackling like a loon.bravo my friend.

please understand guys my comment is in reference to this particular thread,not any previous private or otherwise.

my commentary was also tongue-n-cheek and not to be taken too seriously.
i was poking the hornets a boss..who also happens to be a dick.

please forgive.

as for conflicting private to public messages.
well..that would infuriate me as well wont get an argument from me on that point.
that speaks to a persons character and integrity and explains a ton in regards to your attitude towards @chingalera.

our integrity is all we have.
when you take away everything,the only thing left we have to trade is our word.
our honor.
our respect for another human being.
when we lose that trust....we lose everything.

i do not know the particulars on how you all conversed in private.its none of my business and not my place to judge.

but if what you are saying is true newt (and i have no reason to believe it isnt.there is a past precedent in that regard) then i have to ask @chingalera why?

why say one thing in private and then another in public?
that is so disengenuious and un-necessary my man.
you make good solid points..often,and often i agree with them.
so why would invalidate them by interacting with such duplicity?

you cant call out newt for disregarding or dismissing your points because it was YOU who invalidated those points by your interactions with him.

and you know this.
dont act like you dont because i know your smarter than the average dont insult my intelligence by feigning innocence.

you owe newt an apology.period.

and dont prove @VoodooV right.we both were there when you flamed out and it was ugly.
and you made it ugly by taking it personal.
i never judged you for that..still dont.
but that does not mean i condoned how you played that closing scene out.
real people had real feelings hurt...including you.

now i realize this thread is destroyed and i dont even know who i need to apologize to.
to the original poster:i am truly sorry for this tragic hi-jacking of your thread.

but it appears necessary.

@chingalera i realize that much of what you do is to shock people out of complacency.
to get them to perceive a situation with different goggles.
many times the weapons you use are confrontational language and a persistence that rivals the most glorious case of OCD.

those intentions are noble.
i agree and am of a similar mindset.this is probably why i can read choggie-speak with little trouble.

i understand what you are trying to do.

but how can you expect someone like @newtboy to listen to anything you have to say when you cant keep even basic correspondence open and honest?
it invalidates everything you attempt from then on out.
your words have to have the weight of your integrity behind them for them to have ANY impact.
you lose that and your words become dust.

sounds like you will have to work to gain the respect from @newtboy.i wish you well in that endeavour.

please understand i consider you a friend @chingalera and hearing this has upset me a great deal.

and @VoodooV,
you may be right brother.i do not know what the future brings.hopefully ching will prove you wrong.i know he could if he wanted.

but i disagree with keeping the riff raff out.
i dont mind confrontation or fact i LOVE them and @chingalera has a talent for poking the hornets nest and shattering the monotone-vanilla-circle-jerk-clones into a frenzy.

and that my a good thing.

@chingalera keeps the locals buzzing,constantly challenging pre-concieved notions and ideologies and i love that fucker for that.he keeps this site interesting.his antics bring lurkers to actually comment/post and others who usually side-line to jump in.

all good things.

i cannot abide the darker side.
the hurtful side.
maybe i am being naive'....i always see redemption for those who the entrenched masses see as unredeemable.i always feel i can save those who are truly lost.

i always see the human first and the actions last.

so you may be right.i just hope you are wrong.
maybe this thread will impact my friend and remind him we are all humans.

i dont know.........
i hope though...
i hope.

@ChaosEngine again,as i told newtboy,no argument here.
hopefully this derailed thread has cleared some air and brought the things to the table that needed to be discussed.

which from my viewpoint is about integrity.
you cant admonish people for being egocentric and then turn around and be egocentric yourself.
it weakens the very position you were trying to make in the first place.(ching,not you CE).
it is hypocritical.

i am a dissident.
a radical.
a subversive.
even to the church i am an apostate.
so i understand @chingalera on a certain level.he has never treated me other than a friend and it pains me to see how he deals with those he disagrees with,and just how far he will take a story to a painful conclusion.
this does not give be joy or pleasure.

he is a righteous dude.passionate,sensitive and creative and has soooo much to offer.
im sorry ya'all didnt get to see that side of him.
but maybe thats on him,because you all should.

there is a reason he has been invited back multiple times and its not because he whined about it but rather he truly is an exceptional human being.

maybe he should show that side more.
takes honesty and courage,but that boy has a huge capacity for that.

balls in your court brother.
what ya gonna do?

*note* for all those who read to this point.
cookies and milk will be served in the back storage room.
free fondlings for the ladies.
dont forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses!

The Real News: Chris Hedges on The Pathology of the Rich

alcom says...

I don't think you're grumpy, radx. Granted, my posts tend to have that same ominous tone, in general so I guess I'm a grump too. If you really think about the scale of inequality today, the absolute plundering the ultra-rich enjoyed during the recent recession and the efforts to keep money in politics to perpetuate this cycle with brilliant tools like Citizens United, it's hard not to be bleak.

Unfortunately, what we like to call democracy simply does not have the teeth to affect meaningful change. I am encouraged by the relative economic performance from the list of countries that have scrapped first past the post (reference: ) except for maybe Portugal, but even with more effective elections there is still an extra seat for the rich in every government.

Even more unfortunate will be the painful revolution the world will endure to either change from capitalism to some other form of economics (maybe resourced-based, a-la Peter Joseph.) If we don't simply slide obediently into greater and greater concentrations of wealth for the ultra-rich, we get closer and closer to revolution. But all it will take will be one upheaval to spur the revolution into action, be it:
- another, even more severe recession (maybe the EU will implode, taking the world economy down with it)
- severe global warming positive feedback loop from the arctic methane stores
- nuclear war

And who the hell knows what else might set people off. Maybe a solar flare will fry all the satellites in orbit and the lack of new tweets will create a world-wide frenzy of irate twats. And who knows when it will happen. Maybe 5 years, maybe 50 years. Since money pulls the strings, I think we're doomed to guess as to the source of VoodooV's "tipping point."

radx said:

Also, keep an eye on the island of bliss(ful ignorance) within Europe: Germany. We're heading straight for a grand coalition that would control ~80% of parliament, rendering all instruments at the opposition's disposal inert. Did I mention they also have the neccessary 2/3 majority to institute changes to our constitution? Fucking awesome!

MALEFICENT - Official Trailer (2014) with Angelina Jolie

chingalera says...

Hey, you forgot Dumbo.
That shit rocks psychedelic forever-

I'm in the camp of overall suck when I hear or see Disney now though-They done lost it.

Old guy. Crews of jacked-up artists tokin' opium and drawing still after still in frenzied all-weekers; THIS, was Disney.

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

shveddy says...

The people in the video are either friends of friends or acquaintances of mine, so I can say that there is a lot of chatter about using the money to replace the airplane that was destroyed and fix the one that was damaged.

As for selling footage - your comment about greater good is spot on. I wouldn't charge for footage of police brutality, administrative abuse, human suffering, etc. but I'd haggle a very good price for any footage that is just a soft news piece with no greater relevance other than appeasing the general public's desire for human interest stories.

The commercial pressure of finding human interest stories isn't all that bad in my opinion. It can definitely go too far (look no further than the frenzy about the royal wedding), but this sort of event falls well within the bounds of reason in my book.

But above all, I'm just glad these guys all survived. A lot of them had a decent chance of getting out, but having everyone escape with no fatalities or even injuries is pretty much a miracle.

Edit to add: I'm pretty sure the FAA doesn't have to ask permission in order to get ahold of this sort of footage. They will investigate the hell out of this.

AeroMechanical said:

To be honest, if I film something spectacular the news wants to show (in between their commercials), I want my cut. Exceptions could be made for genuinely non-profit news outlets of course, but I don't believe for a second that applies to the major network news outlets.

I'd also, of course, be happy to provide it to law enforcement, the NTSB, FAA, or whoever needs it for official reasons or evidence.

edit: I suppose there is also a "public good" angle. I wouldn't, for instance, charge for something like the LAPD beating on Rodney King, nor would I be inclined to just hand it over to the LAPD themselves, internal affairs or otherwise. That's a special case though, and today we have things like Youtube.

Final thought edit: Come to think of it, I find this depressing. My media news pretty much comes exclusively from NPR, the BBC, PBS and Al Jazeera, and this is a good illustration of why. They're certainly biased, but at least they're trying rather than towing some company line dictated by commercial pressure.

How I got onto this rant based on a cool video of two planes crashing in mid air without anybody getting seriously hurt is a bit of a mystery though. I must be in one of those moods.

The Newsroom - Why Will is a Republican

VoodooV says...

Basically @RFlagg I see it happening in one of two ways. If Republicans continue to lose elections, especially the white house, if the political fallout from the shutdown is large enough, the Republicans will lose congress as well. Republicans will either: 1) fade into history. or 2) Republicans will whip their low information voters into a frenzy, playing the tyranny card and eventually there *will* be an attempt at an armed revolt, but since it won't have any real popular support, it will fail relatively quickly but it will have the additional effect that Republicans will be blamed for any deaths caused by this revolt and there will be a huge exodus from the GOP and they will be ostracized from American society. They'll still exist of course, but they'll have the same relevance as the KKK, or the people who still think the world is flat and it's just a huge conspiracy.

2016 is going to be an important election, If Dems can still retain the white house for another 8 years, it's going to be another huge blow to the Republicans, especially when their last stated singular goal was to make Obama a 1 term president and failed.

and quite honestly, I'm not sure it will happen like I was sure Obama would get re-elected. Hilary just...shouldn't run IMO, her time is past. Elizabeth Warren would have a good shot at it. But I also think Dems need to find a new voice. Someone who, like Obama, who actually did embrace the internet and social media and used it very much to his advantage.

If you win the internet, you win the vote. They've got to keep the pressure up. Quite honestly, the 2008 and 2012 elections were easy, It was easy to get the left riled up when clueless Sarah Palin or Robot Romney were running. But I suspect the right will eventually learn from their mistake and run someone who actually is semi-relatable

I just think it's very likely Dems will get cocky and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again. So.....don't get cocky kid.

Here fishy fishy fishy

Chef Ramsay versus/vs. Douchebag Cook

CreamK says...

Most likely it's staged. It's real emotions but the producers are clever manipulators. So Ramsay didn't know this would happen but the guy was worked in such a frenzy, he was basically steaming before he opened his mouth. I do bet that in the control booth they were hi-fiving each other "didn't think he'd go that ballistic, we just wanted a little bit mouth but this guy went full retard, woohoo, ratings!"

And yeah, anyone who says bitch is not someone to be afraid off...

Go On...............You Can Do It!!

chingalera says...

Sorry man, ain't voting to watch this woman's dysfunction anywhars but down-The question I ask myself whenever compelled to a down-vote frenzy on this site is,"Why not?!"-It's retarded how monkeys here consider a negative vote some goddamn scarlet letter-Fuck all you nicety-nice mothehrfuckers, you all really need to go with yer gut more and grow meaningful pairs...!!

Oh, and please, more up-voting the voyeuristic masturbation of watching people with problems indulge. Soon, you too shall be filmed in the act of some idiosyncratic or otherwise action, and YOU shall be the next on camera!!


YT: Meet the Real Kai, Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker

YT: Meet the Real Kai, Hatchet-Wielding Hitchhiker

A10anis says...

Such lazy reporting; "A guy who has nothing, risked everything." Jeez. Anyway, best of luck to him, but I can't help feeling he would be better off without the piranha like media frenzy.

VICE: Gun Crazy USA

Yogi says...

Ok obviously you got None of what I said. I'm talking about the US public, and yes they are scared and it's easy to scare them. All you have to do is tell them that Iraq is minutes from a nuclear weapon, doesn't matter if it's true, a HUGE percentage of Americans believe it regardless of any facts. Throughout history the US public has been whipped up into a horrible frenzy about the stupidest things to fear. When Reagan was president we were scared of Libyan hitmen were all over DC and he was standing you remember Back to the Future and the Libyans that attack Doc...that's what that was about!

Also I was pointing out that there's nothing to be scared of, I for instance am not scared of Iran. Because I have a brain, I can look at things rationally and I'm not a reactionary idiot.

So next time you want to respond, please maybe read what I posted instead of trying to sound like a tough guy.

Stu said:

I don't know what koolaid yogi is drinking to be so scared, but i have no idea what he is talking about. The idiots on tv saying everyone is scared? one is scared buddy. Well maybe you...

History of VideoSift Part II (Blog Entry by dag)

chingalera says...

karaidl was one of the wittiest cats that ever showed-up here!
Ok, I remember the time I got Santor to send me a transcript of ever comment had ever made for some seriously heightened, ego-induced frenzy I was in, he complied, and to this day I haven't re-visited that pile of manure!!

You guys have been so civil and accommodating to the least of these, your brethren..... retard-wranglers, ombudsmen for dummies, caretakers of this finite corner of the onternet...

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