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Jim Carrey Has Words of Wisdom for You

dannym3141 says...

A very money orientated opinion, but there are other ways to add value to the world and/or build something for the next generation without being entirely that way. In fact, it is not always beneficial to society in the long term to make the most immediately "profitable" choice.

Which asks the question that i think you and Jim have different answers to and that question is "What is most important in life?" or something similar. I imagine Jim likes to entertain people, make them laugh or smile, it brings him joy and he found a way to make it work. There might not be many Jim Carreys but there are plenty of small-time entertainers who get by just fine and do what they love.

Nowadays i believe in balance in most things, you need to be happy just as much as you need to make money, but some people can't make money doing what they love - so contribute and make money, but try to contribute something of benefit in the grand scheme where possible. You need money, and money makes it possible to contribute in other ways, but you'd get bored of ferarris and vegas after a few years as a billionaire, but bringing happiness to others and making the world a better place will feel good forever.

Trancecoach said:

Jim's advice to "follow your passion" is, IMHO, a terrible idea and is, perhaps dangerous and destructive career advice. But who could expect Jim to suggest anything else, seeing as how he became highly successful doing what he loves?

How many people do what they love, but never achieve success? Probably far more than those that do, except we never hear from them, because they're never selected to give commencement speeches at universities...

This is particularly pernicious in tournament-style fields where there are only a few big winners in comparison to the many many losers (e.g., media, athletics, startups, etc.).

These students would be better advised to "Do what contributes" (i.e., focus on the beneficial value created for other people and not just to satisfy one's own ego). People who contribute the most are often ultimately the most satisfied with what they do — and eventually find their way into fields with high remuneration (i.e., tend to make the most $).

Sadly, advising people to focus on others rather than oneself is not all that popular, especially given the endemic narcissism that characterizes modern culture (and, to be sure, much of what's behind Jim's own 'performances'). Focusing on what is best for others, rather than oneself, requires us to delay gratification (and short-term happiness) and perhaps even toil for many years to get the payoff of contributing value to the world.

Too often, people follow their passions into fields that are simply too competitive for where their skills are in those things. Instead, one should "do what contributes" — follow the thing that provides the most value to others.

In other words, "Follow your effort," "Don't do what you love, love what you do," and other suggestions to adopt a more complicated if more realistic calculus of doing what you're good at so long as it gives you some amount of satisfaction.

IMO, the best commencement speech of the season is the one delivered by Adm. William McRaven, the head of U.S. special operations, at the University of Texas, who said, "You can't follow anything until you've made your bed."

Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Conservative Media

offsetSammy says...

Scientific consensus is not a coalescing of mere opinions, but of careful analysis and experimentation by peer review. It is not the same thing as a bunch of people getting together in a room and saying "yeah I guess that's how it is".

You think scientists feel good about coming to the conclusion that the world is warming? Of course they don't, but it's the conclusion they have drawn. And we should listen to them, because they know much more about it than you or I ever will.

lantern53 said:

He never states that global (fill in the term du jour) is scientific fact. That is what the poster hopes you'll assume.
Further, consensus is not science. Centuries ago, the consensus was that the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.
If you accept that global 'whatever' is man made, and the gov't s of the earth can do something about it, you have more faith than a whole peck of popes.

Ickster (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Lion cubs copy Dad roaring (aren't quite as impressive)

Laibach - The Whistleblowers

9547bis says...

To complete what oritteropo said: Laibach built a reputation for themselves as a satirical "mock-fascim" band* (their members came from late 70s avant-garde theater).

One of their more well known type of provocation has been to cover popular feel-good items and paint them under a fascistic light, the point being that empty rhetoric can easily be turned on its head to serve the opposite view -- fascists and communists where "feel-good", "patriotic", and "righteous" too, according to their own worldview.

A recent example, in light of the very partisan coverage of the issue from both sides and the "you're either with us or against us" tone, would be to make a song about whistle-blowers, and have it set to the tune of a military march.

* In less sophisticated circles they are taken at face value and some people actually believe them to be fascists.

artician said:

Provocative how?

David Mitchell on Atheism

PHJF says...

His is such a terrible argument. People should be willfully ignorant because it makes them feel good? How about instead of deluding themselves and wasting time and resources on gods who may or may not exist and may or may not be benevolent people instead make rational, objective analyses of their worlds and take concrete steps toward improvement.

And I wholly reject his notion there would be no less violence in a world with no gods. Nothing breeds fanaticism on a scale remotely comparative to religion.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

CreamK says...

Private security can not fix social problems.

First you fix poverty, then crime.

Other way around, there is only one way: forever sentences, "no rehabilitation only penalty" is the goal. Trying to sweep "undesirables" away, clean and neatly tucked away in private prisons. It's very neat way of "fixing" the leak by pusnihing one part of your own populace on different rules. What do you think will happen once it goes for a generation? Children are taught from ground-up to not trust the government, the police and the rest of the society that's want to basically kill them but are too afraid so it's dealt with another route: destroying any chance of social mobility by promoting inequality, making tougher laws for crimes that are mostly only happening on lowest economic classes, giving out sentences for the same crimes differently depending how those background factors are that the people themselves can't help. That is an effective solution, it's not final but in these quarterly run world, nothings forever but instead "make profit now".

And then after all that claiming "it's the land of the free", "pursuit of happiness" etc. Everything is very logical under those circumstances. If you are poor, it's your own fault. That is the message blasted all over. Even when shown the overwhelming evidence how equality promotes happiness, social mobility, prevents poverty, it seems that every US citizen, poor or rich thinks otherwise.

The inequality in USA means POWER. It means "i'm better than you". The whole country is sick in that attitude (Sorry, US citizens, i wouldn't say all this if i didn't lover you and your country). You are never good if you're as good as the next person.

Countries that do promote equality, the attitude is "this is enough", i don't need to be better than my neighbor to feel good. It doesn't mean they are lazy or unambitious, it means that boasting with wealth is considered vulgar, idiotic, uncivilized. You can have a guy earning triple right next to you and you can't really see the difference.

This does not fit US frame of mind where money is the only way to happiness and you never can have enough. If you have it, you want to shove it in everyones face.

Sarah Silverman Hurt By Jonah Hill's Roast Jibes

Feel Good inc.

Deliberate dupe of Feel Good Inc

Deliberate dupe of Feel Good Inc

The Power Of One Pink Tutu

robbersdog49 says...

This is the project website:

I've got a couple of thoughts. Firstly, if it's all just a construct of T-mobile, that would be a bit of a shame, but it's still a worthy cause and a useful spin off from the ad.

But I don't think that's the case. I think T-mobile have picked up on a developing project. It's probably a lot bigger amongst circles of people going through chemo than in the general population. I've not seen it before but it wouldn't be as targeted as me. I think a decent ad exec picked up on the project and ran with it. They get a decent feel good ad out of it, and the project gets a decent feel good ad out of it. Exposure for a project like this can be very hard to get so they probably jumped at the chance to get a big organisation involved.

The photos are good too. Whoever took them for whatever reason is good at their job and I can admire the art in them regardless.

artician said:

Err.... Tmobile viral? Theres this level of pretentiousness here with the "art" talk, and a sense of performers acting out scenes, and the fact that they talk about how its a phenomenon when most people who live on the internet probably only just heard about it through this.

I am admittedly bitter so could be wrong, but I don't put it past corporations to fake such a thing for an advertisement. It's too easy to manufacture realities today.

Happy! (official video)

Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation

chingalera says...

True enough regarding peeps wanting that "feel-good" response continually-Superficial adjustments anchored in emotion are short-lived.
To address ant's question, one's outer world (physical presentation, expression, habits, interests, etc.) manifests as a window into one's inner world -A dishevled appearance reflects internal conflict, chaos. The steps taken to adjust by creating one or several new habits (grooming, healthy diet, etc.), while at the same time discarding deleterious habits (addictions, shit-think, harmful associations), will alter a human forever. The hardest thing for this man to deal with are his routines that brought him to this point of rescue. Adjusting them radically at this stage in the spiral may be the jolt needed.

Definitely, he'd benefit greatly from he support of others who have made similar journeys.

30 days is enough to meta-program oneself-A good general rule of thumb: While trying to adjust or discard actions, attitudes, habits, etc., is to simultaneously adopt a completely new beneficial daily action or exercise to accompany the elimination of another.

shveddy said:

He'd be completely hirable with a 10 dollar haircut at cost cutters, a dress shirt and some slacks.

The fanfare, expense and emphasis on the physical aspect of his transformation over to the lip service his real challenging journey gets, is some gross combination of a marketing ploy and the worst aspects of our society's desire for cute feel good stories and absolutely zero depth, realism or true compassion.

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