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theaceofclubz (Member Profile)

Elmo Interviews Ricky Gervais

There's A Zombie At The End Of This Movie

There's A Zombie At The End Of This Movie

Potty Training Elmo Style!

laura says...

Oh. My. God.
...and for weeks after this galant attempt at making potty training easier on their child, the little girl would repeat in a concerned tone "where's Elmo?" every time she went potty, deeply worrying the daycare staff.
The End.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Potty Training Elmo Style!

Gingrich Hates Gay and Secular Folk

Kid gets worst stagefright ever

Evolution vs. Creationism: Listen to the Scientists

13342 says...

The problem with making a science-favorable video explaining why evolution is is spiffy is the same problem with making a turtles-all-the-way-down-favorable video featuring such experts as Bill Q. Mortimer, Grandmaster Turtle-Philosophy Symposium, Professor Emeritus of the Pittsburg National Convention of Turtle Universology, and editor-in-chief of Infinite Turtles, the timeless and esteemed periodical of world turtle systemic deduction. There's no credibility if you've got degrees in the field you're arguing for, when the demographic for the video is people who think your degree is roughly equivalent to Elmo.

Elmo's World - What Happens When the Cameras Are Off


Elmo's World - What Happens When the Cameras Are Off

sometimes (Member Profile)


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