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I Crashed My Plane

fuzzyundies says...

He absolutely faked it. Consider:

- Happened to wear a skydiving parachute for the first time on YT on this flight
- Fuel selector line to the right wing was visibly disconnected, accounting for an empty wing, short intended flight, and the lack of fire
- Left door was ajar when prop started to sputter
- Down/up pitch inputs during "engine failure" add drag and slow the plane, whereas basic pilot training is to put the nose down to gain airspeed

This pilot had some good points.

How to open a door - Finnish instructional video from 1979

How to open a door - Finnish instructional video from 1979

Wake, Rattle, and Roll - Intro from the 1990s

lucky760 says...

Man, watching this again after so long gives me flashbacks of when I was a kid watching this eating breakfast before heading out the door for school.

Now my kids are nearly the same age (except their TV is watched before attending laptop school).

Costco evacuation due to fast moving wildfire in Colorado

Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

dedstick jokingly says...

I agree, but lets take this to it's inevitable use: car senses illegality, locks doors, parks car and dials 911 to make sure you get the help you need from your local law enforcement friends. All in the name of group safety of course.

'Dead as a doornail' expression explained

Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech)

newtboy says...

There is no such thing as internet privacy. It’s a total myth. You are tracked anywhere you surf, and there’s no publicly available encryption the government can’t crack, usually they have back doors so they don’t even have to.

Of course, all social media sites are funded by selling your information. What, you thought they’re free?!

Do people not remember Carnivore? It collected and read EVERY email and text sent in the US in secret in the 90’s. Are people so dumb they think this stopped post 9/11?

I have no cell phone, no social media, and I always click “do not share my personal information “, required on any commercial site operating in California….and I still have no illusions that my data is private. Want to stay private, don’t give out your information to anyone.

5SF: Sheet Ghost

BSR says...

The sheet slipped its corner under the crack in the door, inching through with a mind of its own. She froze staring at it, her leg half out the window. Max stopped screaming. They just watched as the fabric kept pooling inside, about to take human shape again.

Calmly, Max turned to her and spoke deeper than he ever had before, somehow knowing it was the end. As the sheet rose behind him, he intoned to her: “Why couldn’t you save me, Mom?”

Bohemian Catsody

bareboards2 says...


I am now step mom to two cats after a pretty dang long life with zero cats.

I am besotted.

They are indoor cats, so no dead mice and no "open the door tango". Otherwise, this is allllll true about cats!


Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

00Scud00 says...

Yeah, that explains so much, I'm the guy who gets dropped into a room with no doors or windows and is left there to slowly go mad an die.

BSR said:

With the infinite possibilities of life in the universe we could be just a "video game" where some 427 year old child living on a far distant planet or space station is just being entertained with his, her or AI bot choices. Hope this helps.

Man Who Shot At Police In Self Defense Is Acquitted

bcglorf says...

Using an unmarked van, with the side door open to run around drive by shooting civilians with a shotgun and beanbag rounds...

Can anyone explain why this isn't immediately a firing for everyone involved? At the least you have to go up the chain enough to find whomever gave the order, then you need to fire them. Then you also need to take every officer willing to actually follow that order and fire them too.

In what world outside the cliched "in Soviet Russia", is using unmarked vans for drive by shootings something you want law enforcement doing to 'help'???

Meeting a Russian Hacker Who Was Hacking VICE | CYBERWAR

noims says...

Interesting. I'd be very surprised if the situation wasn't pretty much exactly the same in the States though - or any other country for that matter. Hacking for hacking's sake, but wouldn't turn down the CIA if they came knocking on the door asking for a favour.

I was hoping to hear more from Brian Krebs though. He is one smart cookie.

When delivering pizza to someone at a circus in Moscow

StukaFox says...

Serious as fuck -- if I were delivering a pizza and a goddamn monkey opened the door and gave me a tenner for it, I'd stop taking acid for the next 10 days.

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

cloudballoon says...

The camera isn't racist. The homeowner might be a racist (we would not know unless he/she uploads every instance of such attempts to give a cold-hard-fact account that's free of manipulation -- even though that's STILL not factoring in the socio-econo-racial problem of the neighborhood -- if you choose to see things with a racial lens). But the comment absolutely is racist.

Years ago, living in my suburb home, my bike was stolen by 2 kids (garage door was open as I was mowing the lawn, but I went inside for the loo for 2 mins), I was lucky and spotted them about 5~6 streets down (took 2 lucky correct turns). They were 2 kids about 8~10 y.o. One White one Asian. Guess which one was the older, pack leader (hold my adult-size bike) and absolutely showing no remorse after getting caught?

Regardless, the kids parents might have a hard life working on weekends at low paying jobs so couldn't spend time with these kids. Who knows? I'm not so quick to judgement without knowing the root causes.

Thing is, I blame society-at-large and not see it as a racial thing. Kids are kids, easy to succumb to such temptation without good parental/peer/mentor guidance. Especially nowadays, they see adults making a CAREER/LIVING as Porch Pirates, what examples are adults giving them to imitate? You have like 40% of the adult population celebrate con mans and elect them Senators, Governors & President!

TangledThorns said:

That camera is racist!

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