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Whitest Kids You Know- X-Ray Elves

Whitest Kids U' Know - Teacher's Union

Brian Cox with Simon Pegg demonstrates why atoms are empty

Jinx says...

Its just trying to hard to be easily digestible by those disinterested teenagers. I don't really like it either, and I don't think people need a Simon Peg to make science interesting as long as its being presented well, but hey ho, it is what it is.

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

enoch says...

and false equivalencies are all the dissenting arguments i am seeing.
and this is not due to me being a "leftist' and therefore not owning the ability to critically digest historical information and come to a conclusion.

someone spent 20 minutes to refute some of the data in this video only to find out the numbers were accurate BUT they did not reveal the specifics and hence the argument was invalid.
kinda like: "the yellow honda ran over a man today crushing his skull"
"HA! the car was GREEN"
"so it was but how does that change the fact the car crushed a mans skull?"

some have suggested that american interventionism is sometimes messy but usually a while it may be complicated,sometimes america has had to do what the rest of the world would not.
this (falsely) implies that their is a thread of moral good when america attempts to straighten out an ugly situation in a foreign country and that sometimes,sadly,this leads to unintended consequences that may lead to blowback.
this is pure propaganda and i say this not because i hate my country but because if it were a true statement then america would be where ALL human rights,oppression and suffering under the hands of despotic governments resided worldwide.

see:rwanda,east timor,bangledesh there is a massive amount of places where america had a strict non-interventionist attitude.
and the reason is simple.those countries had nothing to offer,but our government seems to REALLY like working with dictators.easier to deal with one person who is friendly to american interests than a whole population that might (gasp/horror) have the ability to vote your interests not only does america not give two shits about a country with no resources to exploit,they prefer despotic dictators and have installed them when necessary in the name of american interests.

war is always for the same things:resources,land and for thousands of years it was religion that was the driving force to get the average person to go out and slaughter but for the past 100 years it has been nationalism.

one last thing to address those who have mentioned alqaeda and what they post.
firstly:this has nothing to do with this video and is a false equivalency.
secondly:look up where alqaeda was on the FBI's most wanted list in 1999.look at who trained alqaeda,even funded them.notice anything?

so we can say vietnam was complicated.
ok..i can agree with that but lets remember it would have never even been issue if not for our government creating a false situation in which to enter vietnam in the first place.see:gulf of tonkin.
and again,has nothing to do with the premise of this video.

we can say muslims dont hate our freedom but rather they perceive us as immoral and decadent.
i would agree with that also if we were in the 1950's and the conversation was sayyid qutb and the muslim brotherhood but we are talking alqaeda which is the creation of the american intelligence CIA.
so it is america which created the complications we are speaking whatever propaganda alqaeda uses now to recruit besides just pointing to us bombing the shit out of them is still indirectly a result of american interventionism.

neo-conservative ideology has nothing to do with being conseravtive but everything to do with using the massive might of the military to secure american interests globally.
might makes right.

lets also remember traditionally republicanism tended to be isolationist and faaar less ron paul is just being a traditional republican.of course now we live in bizzarro universe where everything is opposite so we have self-proclaimed republicans admonishing ron paul for ..what exactly? being a republican?
thats just weird.

and please understand that my points are not just some rage against america.i am not,by my commentary,ignoring the vast amount of good and noble things my country has done over the past 100 years or so but i also will not shut my eyes to what my countries foreign policy has done to so many small countries who happen to coincidently all be populated by brown people.

might i suggest:
chalmers johnson "blowback"
bryzenski's "the grand chessboard"
or the stellar book by john perkins "economic hitman"

maybe you will understand ron pauls position on these things.
/rant off

Colbert - Vodka Tampons

heropsycho says...

Dude, the alcohol just has to get absorbed in the bloodstream. It doesn't have to go through your digestive track necessarily. And there's a crap load of blood vessels in the vagina.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

When I was 13. My friend's mother's boyfriend told us about how he once got shitfaced by imbibing an entire bottle of wine rectally.
He looks exactly like Quagmire from Family Guy so I don't doubt it.
However, since vaginas aren't connected to the digestive tract [normally]..
I think vodka tampons was just a clever idea to give a few dumb highschool girls inflamed, burning, possibly infected vaginas.
>> ^garmachi:
Has anyone on the sift tried this?

Colbert - Vodka Tampons

GenjiKilpatrick says...

When I was 13. My friend's mother's boyfriend told us about how he once got shitfaced by imbibing an entire bottle of wine rectally.

He looks exactly like Quagmire from Family Guy so I don't doubt it.

However, since vaginas aren't connected to the digestive tract [normally]..

I think vodka tampons was just a clever idea to give a few dumb highschool girls inflamed, burning, possibly infected vaginas.

>> ^garmachi:

Has anyone on the sift tried this?

NeverWet Spray Makes Any Fabric 100% Water Proof

Colbert visits Right Wing propaganda guru Frank Luntz pt. 2

BoneRemake says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

@BoneRemake I'm just saying that, as a matter of practice, it seems more appropriate to have one video = one sift

So then you are just vaguely telling others what to do ? after understanding your point I do not understand why it was brought to discussion. Was the point of that to make it a rule ? or bring light to the issue ? You offer your opinion, which is digested and respected, but after that fact, that is all it is, is opinion. Because as of now I know of no videosift ruling that states you are not allowed to do so. With all that being said the base of the paragraph, I wanted to know is what do you want to be done about it ?

**editors note: Not to edit what I said above, I understand by discussing it you are bringing light to it, but I think a sift poll or talking through a direct sift talk post would be best to get a concrete solution of terms.

Feeding a baby wasabi

aaronfr says...

Wow! People really do whine a lot about what is essentially a harmless act.

I've seen my own child make similar faces and reactions to some of the jarred/pureed/mass-produced shit that people happily feed their infants. Maybe we should get angry at them as well.

Also, there is this misconception that baby food must be bland and free of spices and herbs until the child is a toddler. That is just ridiculous. After about 6 months, a baby's digestive system can handle pretty much anything that you would put in your own food. The longer you wait to expose your child to those flavors and tastes, the more likely they are to reject foods when you try to introduce them at a later age.

Parents in a culture whose common foods are heavily spiced (e.g. India, South-east Asia, Mexico) have a duty to introduce these tastes to their children at some point. Why not start when they are young, more tolerant and less resistant?

Feeding a baby wasabi

harpom says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@harpom & @BoneRemake
Cry me a river. The ideas you have about this are dumb.
Your brains apparently don't understand the concept of context and severity.
First, "the burning sensations of wasabi are not oil-based, they are short-lived compared to the effects of chili peppers, and are washed away with more food or liquid. The sensation is felt primarily in the nasal passage and can be quite painful depending on amount taken."
[i.e. - digestion isn't a problem. the kid won't have an upset tummy or burning curry butthole later]
Furthermore, "Wasabi is a Japanese horseradish which can range from dangerously spicy to mildly spicy."
Therefore. If you start with a small amount of weak wasabi and mix it with soy sauce or the like, what you get is.. SOMETHING NOT THAT HOT/SPICY.
[plus that baby is wearing american flags on his pajamas which means it probably wasn't even TRUE wasabi. i.e. some weak ass horseradish paste]
Second, this probably isn't the first time these parents have done this since the baby doesn't seem too surprised and he takes it well. They probably knew the outcome.
Third, they didn't force the kid to finish it like THIS terrible shitty mother.
So again, context [knowing your kid can handle it] and severity [not forcing a fistful of wasabi on the kid].

Sorry Dr. Kilpatrick, i did not realize i was quoting a pediatric. You must have a vast superior knowledge of infant/toddler physiology. How about you put wasabi in one eye and lemon in the other and let us know which one hurts more.

Feeding a baby wasabi

GenjiKilpatrick says...

@harpom & @BoneRemake

Cry me a river. The ideas you have about this are dumb.

Your brains apparently don't understand the concept of context and severity.

First, "the burning sensations of wasabi are not oil-based, they are short-lived compared to the effects of chili peppers, and are washed away with more food or liquid. The sensation is felt primarily in the nasal passage and can be quite painful depending on amount taken."

[i.e. - digestion isn't a problem. the kid won't have an upset tummy or burning curry butthole later]

Furthermore, "Wasabi is a Japanese horseradish which can range from dangerously spicy to mildly spicy."

Therefore. If you start with a small amount of weak wasabi and mix it with soy sauce or the like, what you get is.. SOMETHING NOT THAT HOT/SPICY.

[plus that baby is wearing american flags on his pajamas which means it probably wasn't even TRUE wasabi. i.e. some weak ass horseradish paste]

Second, this probably isn't the first time these parents have done this since the baby doesn't seem too surprised and he takes it well. They probably knew the outcome.

Third, they didn't force the kid to finish it like THIS terrible shitty mother.

So again, context [knowing your kid can handle it] and severity [not forcing a fistful of wasabi on the kid].

Feeding a baby wasabi

BoneRemake says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

What's the difference between feeding a baby a lemon vs. wasabi?

It's food. It's harmless. So calm down all you bleeding hearts. (¬_¬)

That is just ignorant. A babies digestive system is different than a five year olds, you do not feed babies spicy things like that, although its not like she piped in a tube full. I have a problem big time with putting that sort of burning sensation into an unwilling parties mouth, I do not know if it would do any out right damage to the baby but I equate it with pouring salt in a dogs eye so see the reaction.

Tough Guy Vs Ghost Chili Pepper - Eeyore Wins!

Asmo says...

He's doing it wrong, you take a mouthfull of milk and swish it around your mouth to let the fat in the milk soak up the oil from the chilli which contains the capsaicin (ie. the bit that burns).

Side note, chilli will not do actual dmg on ingestion unless you have bad ulcers which it can exacerbate. The capsaicin seems to only effect mammals who's digestive tract makes chilli seeds non viable when they come out the far end. Birds, who's digestive tracts don't destroy the seeds can happily snack on chilli to their hearts content.

For the Butch T experience (and other chilli fun) I recommend Beaglestorms videos (always entertaining)

or look up The Hippy Seed company channel on Youtube. Chilli masochism, just another thing that makes the human race awesome... =)

Paper Airplane Telekinesis.......(Wait For It)

Barseps says...

>> ^Jinx:

I was about 9yrs old at a wedding reception. I was bored. I went into a room with various snacks laid out. I picked up a McVities Digestive Biscuit and threw it like a frisbee across the room. It bounced of 3 walls and landed in the bin intact. Nobody saw it.
Anyways, thats how I knew I was the reincarnation of Jesus.

I think this is probably the funniest comment that I've ever received

Paper Airplane Telekinesis.......(Wait For It)

Jinx says...

I was about 9yrs old at a wedding reception. I was bored. I went into a room with various snacks laid out. I picked up a McVities Digestive Biscuit and threw it like a frisbee across the room. It bounced of 3 walls and landed in the bin intact. Nobody saw it.

Anyways, thats how I knew I was the reincarnation of Jesus.

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