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Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

SDGundamX says...

Since you brought up unusual punishments, let's take stoning people for adultery (which exists in both the Koran and the Bible). When was the last time someone was stoned to death by a group in the U.S., U.K., Australia, or even Malaysia for adultery? Hundreds of millions of Muslims and Christians around the world seem perfectly fine ignoring that part of their holy texts. Just because something that we find distasteful today is written in the holy text doesn't automatically make the religion evil nor does it suddenly force the practioners to behave like savages.

You need to look at the specifics. Take a look at the countries where stoning actually does still occasionally happen and who actually carries it out: Iran, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. Invariably when it does occur it happens in rural areas where there are people who still actually live like it is the middle ages, with extreme poverty and little education to speak of (other than religious). Sure, the book gave them the idea but it wasn't the only factor in play and to ignore these other factors or the fact that honor killings are in fact common across a wide number of cultures with varying religious backgrounds (even the Romans did it) is what would be truly intellectually dishonest.

As for extremists--they exist in all religions including Christianity. It wasn't a mob of Muslims who attacked Charlie Hedbo--it was two deranged individuals. And while some Muslims might have applauded the attack others denounced it, such as the hunderds of thousands of Chechen protestors who who were upset with the cartoons but didn't think violence was the right response (see article here).

Again, it's a complex issue that can't be boiled down to "Islam = Good/Bad." Islam as practiced by ISIS or Boko Haram? Yeah, there's some dark shit going on there. Islam as practiced by average citizens in Kuala Lumpur or Boston? Not so much.

But again, moderate statements based on reason and facts are not what sell books, generate online clicks, or fill lecture halls to capacity.

Barbar said:

When a holy book includes an unusual punishment for something, and that punishment is carried out, and when asked afterwards why they did it they point at the book, it seems dishonest to discount the book as ever being a possible inspiration.

When someone decides to smite the neck of an infidel for drawing a picture of the prophet, how can that be construed as something other than a religious grievance? It's a religious punishment for a religious transgression.

The reformations and toning down of the BS in the other monotheisms came following massive popular pressure. I'm hoping for more pressure against these insanities.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

chicchorea says...

No one should have to suffer your abusive, filth laden attacks and drivel. Some here do not. Others here suffer in silence. I will not.

Art? What some call art. Smearing filth on Greybar Hotel walls is not art and clanging on rusty bars and wailing is not music except to the most challenged or deranged, Felonious Monk.

As to your many offers...back to the porcelain mirror Swirley.

chingalera said:

OR chiccorea, SHALL WE DRAG, the entire sift community into your fucking therapy sesson, and make a deal of it, which I am VERY want to do. You have shown your ass here with regard to myself, are shitting once-again, on one of my posts, my comments, and you have a fucking problem that may very well cause my account to be unilaterally by admins stripped from me, and I consider ALL of my actions art in my life, INCLUDING my participation on this website.

You are forcing me to be this dick sir, and you have some real problems which are detrimental to this forum. Calling you out once again you pathetic asshole, what's it gonna be??

I'd be more than unhappy to have my account stripped from me by someone who obviously needs some hard-core therapy. You're socially inept and incite these incursions unilaterally with a view to my demise and I take issue with it. Does this make me your whipping-bitch?? Fuck that and no sir, it does not.

All you do here is hunt new submissions to see if you can ban someone for violations of rules, hassle me, and otherwise make benign, one-line comments with a brown-nose-finish as a thematic device.

*edit: I'll let this thread lay fallow or not and then take chichorreas's bullshit to the sift talk forum, I'm tired of one user's mental illness fucking with my place here....

Rescued Laboratory Beagles See The World For The First Time

Payback says...

Ya, Healthy dogs are more useful than psycho, deranged ones. I'm sure the companies had dog handlers that probably interacted with them daily.

Still, even if there was an attempt at "humane" treatment. The whole situation is complete Bullshit. I'm all for experimenting on pedophiles. That's ok. I don't care if they're sick. Have this "punishment" in line for them if they commit, and no consequences if they seek help before.

draak13 said:

Despite the horror story that people told in the description that reminisces of 1950's experimentation, all of these dogs are very well socialized, and understand how to play with other dogs and humans very well. They don't seem like they were subjected to the conditions described.

Vi Hart - How To Toothpaste

Nobody is getting into these shorts

dannym3141 says...

Do you just not bother going to the bathroom in these things, or do you carry a key on you? If the latter, do we assume that the rapist isn't going to say "take them off or <x>?" I don't want to shit on the idea or anything, but it strikes me that this may provide some people with a false sense of protection almost, that says "go on.. take a risk; you've always got your rape pants on if this goes badly." Have that extra 5 drinks and get wasted, walk down that dark street alone, accept the free drink off the creepy guy you're getting a weird vibe off. Not everyone is that stupid to see it that way, but some people are.

There have been links posted that provide some form of evidence that resisting tends to reduce the harm done to the victim, but the form of resistance really needs to be accounted for. If 7 times out of 10 screaming and fighting scares a rapist off and 3 times out of 10 it doesn't, then the statistics can show that screaming and fighting works well for the victim. But i was led to believe that rape is about power, and if our 3 out of 10 rapists are presented with the inability to feel empowered in the way they want, did we just convert the statistic to 2 out of 10 victims getting murdered or mutilated instead? In other words, if screaming/fighting doesn't work then you're dealing with someone who isn't easily put off, so aren't at least some of them going to find another outlet for their desire for power over the person? And is frustrating them (effectively making them feel powerless) really a good idea given the situation?

Finally, i hate the term "rape culture." It's an utterly vacant bullshit term bandied about by misandrists and makes people irrationally scared of something that doesn't exist. The culture of rape? Some sick, mentally deranged bastard commits a heinous act and we label it as though it has been educated upon them through society; almost as though it isn't their fault, it's modern day society that encourages rape? What an absolute load of toss - everyone knows it's wrong that has a grasp of the concepts of right and wrong. Rapists are sick in the head, not coerced into it by peer pressure. "Rape culture" indeed. Some extremist lunatics shaming a victim does not a culture make.

Riverside Cop Tricks Autistic Teen into Buying Pot

poolcleaner says...

Just the facts, ma'am: Your son is a drug peddling, user, dope fiend, dredged stoner deranged mentally maladjusted offender of this God fearing, drug regulating, fear inducing, hammer driving country. Down with the communism.

Kill yourself if you can't compete. And certainly an austistic child has no place in this society of sociopathic greed mongerers.

End Times Are Here, Woohoo! Politician Raves!

The Newsroom - Why Will is a Republican

ChaosEngine says...

And lo, the "stunning inferiority complex that fears education and intellect in the 21st century" rears it's ugly head....

You really are disconnected from reality aren't you? Hell, you're not even connected with what you're currently watching/reading.

This explicitly does not say that democrats are nice guys.
It doesn't even say that republicans are bad guys.
Hell, the main character even outlines what he perceives to be the positive fundamental tenets of Republicanism, and then derides how those philosophies have been hijacked by a lunatic fringe.

Now, I don't agree with those philosophies or those who espouse them, but I can at least have a rational debate with them.

The tea party on the other hand? Put it this way... when he had that rant about how they were the "american taliban", for most of the world that wasn't controversial. Most of us just nodded and went, "yep, they're completely deranged nutters".

lantern53 said:

Kind of defines 'smarmy', doesn't it? What beautifully written propaganda.

Democrats, as we all know, are nice guys who will stop and help you fix your flat tire and inadvertently set your car on fire.

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

VoodooV says...

I despise the two party system, but one side, (or to be more specific, one subfaction of one side) is demonstrably more harmful than the other.

I'm all in favor of abolishing parties in this nation, this "but they're equally bad" argument is bull.

Government was actually designed that way though, sure we don't like shutdowns (but then again, here's the problem, some people DO want the gov't to be shut down so that corporations can run everything) but government WAS designed to be slow and not easy to change laws. It has the side benefit of being very resistant to tyranny since it requires so many people and multiple branches to agree

It's one thing to not like how government works, but its quite another to be willing to shutdown gov't over ONE piece of legislation that has the support of the people and the branches of gov't. It's quite another to have a faction completely and utterly oppose the president purely on the basis of the color of his skin.

The big tent GOP is being left behind and that tent is getting smaller and smaller. Gerrymandered districts are pretty much the only reason they are still retaining control. And typically when a company isn't doing so hot, they tend to not actually change tactics, but they do change their name so people with short memories get fooled, so then they called themselves the Tea Party, well that's not working out so well since again, they haven't really changed at all, so now they're rebranding themselves again and calling themselves Libertarians, but it's the same bullshit, just a different name.

No one ever said the ACA is one. It was a compromise, What the public WANTED was single payer, but this was the compromise. You want to tweak it? change it? improve it? I'd agree with getting rid of all the exceptions people of talked about,

but you don't threaten to shutdown the gov't over it. especially when you've already failed to repeal it 40+ times in the past. Shutting down the gov't and waging message warfare trying to blame it on the president when it's 100% a congress issue is deranged behavior and basically counts on people being stupid enough to not know how the gov't works (like @lantern53) to believe the message.

People are dumb, but they're not quite THAT stupid, most people do know that it's the Tea Party holding the gov't hostage and not the President. This little stunt is really not helping their chances in the next election so in a weird way, I'm glad they're doing this because it just hastens them getting kicked out in 2014

Anecdotally speaking, a lot of my coworkers are conservatives and every single one of them is saying "fuck the Tea Party"

silvercord said:

I agree. It is frustrating. I agree with your assessment, "the whole democratic process is corrupted and warped . . . " Money changes everything. On both sides.

enoch (Member Profile)

direpickle (Member Profile)

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Top Gear crew nearly get lynched in Alabama

chingalera says...

Look dude, first of all yer making comments on a thread addressing a user theo47, who hasn't been active in quite some time(about 6 years ago) and on this site and that means, no one read the rant you just spewed-

Next and most meaningful, yer definitely gonna get kicked-off the site or ignored and probably won't wanna be here anyhow after the ass-rendering you'll get from some of the more give-a-fuck users. Like me, I could give a fuck about anything you think or, might give an incredible amount of fuck....

BUT-When you come-off spouting your opinions littered with insults to (I'll agree, liberals are confused cretins for the most part, full of head all-up-in-ass) folks who will only deride you based on your delivery and verbiage well, you must be one of those gluttons for punishment.

Incidentally, I was another user in another life and hammered that cat theo47 (whom I otherwise dug) so hard for his atheist dick-riding spiels that he up and bailed-Couldn't stand that guy, talked way to much shit about god vs. not-god

-Cheers and a heads-up oh and, after reading your rant my critique is that you have been dosed with the programming that best suits your world view...which, like all of ours, is frighteningly limited and entirely too fucking deranged.

99ways2die said:

theo47 says..

Smart and tolerant include, vandalizing peoples homes because they want Obama out of office? Teachers attacking students because their not Democratic? People making threats of rape to women and their children because they want to get some one in office who don't tax the shit out of honest small and middle class businesses who really want to get people working again? Oh yeah I guess it is, because you all follow the man who's best friends are the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. And their idea of tolerance is like all Libtards, If you want it a cerian way you'll tolerate those who also want it and if some one wants some thing else you'll tolerate the rape and murder that happens to them for disagreeing.

I bet you Libtards are real pissed now that our own Military that Obama claims to be his Military are standing up saying they didn't join to work on the side of Al-Qae4da.

You Liberals constantly make claims that are so fucking bogus then you watch a video like this and say how it's all the right but during the whole administration you people have been rioting, murdering, vandalizing, talking way more hate then anyone you have blamed for it, shit now you want to run to the Obamaman because you don't like who's playing Batman, you're idea of tolerance is such bullshit you make the real world want to puke. Fuck a liberal, you're all worthless and as far as I'm concerned and really as far as the Bill of Rights and Constitution is concerned you're all traitorous Communist, Marxist, and socialist garbage. There is nothing to be tolerant about you pieces of shit. Oh and in real life I guess you stupid Nazis never have watched Top Gear because I see you're defending their safety using this episode to blame the right (which by the way The real right finds the people on this video as inbread wastes of life as well, almost as much as they find you) and Top Gear UK is always talking about the Democrats and the Liberals getting in they way of every ones lives, just as you do here as well.

If you're a Liberal fuck you and have a nice day you intolerant communist fucking nut cases.

Alex Jones Disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics

ChaosEngine says...

In some ways, I do feel sorry for him.
It feels like he genuinely believes this nonsense and just wants to warn people.

For all his deranged lunacy, I think his heart is probably in the right place. It's just a shame his head is so far up his arse.

CEO Threatens To Kill Over Gun Control

VoodooV says...

yeah, the more they get unhinged and irrational, the more they hurt their cause and demonstrate to the world that they're mouthbreathers.

and once again they get into this deranged strawman argument that a total gun ban is happening.

it's not.

no one wants your guns. People just want some more assurances of gun safety.and that your guns aren't going to fall into the wrong hands. Time to attach some responsibility to your beloved rights. The more people like the moron in this video become unglued, the more people start to think maybe its guys like this that are mentally ill and need to have their firearms confiscated.

You had to know you weren't going to get a free ride forever. Even if this current push fails to enact any meaningful change, you have to acknowledge that the 2nd amendment (at least in it's present form) is living on borrowed time.

it's an amendment after all, eventually it too will be amended. Guess what, we don't give blacks 3/5ths of a vote anymore either.

times change.

Oh and btw, you do know what the term is for people who use the threat of violence to effect political change is right? They're called terrorists. So here's a tip. If you want to protect your guns, maybe you need to be eloquent and rational instead of threaten to fire the first shot.

just a suggestion

Piers Morgan - Alex Jones Goes 'Full Retard' Part 2

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