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Visit California: It's America's Future

bobknight33 says...

Democrat policies have failed its people.

Yet you blame FED government.

Typical Democrat. If we only had more $ we could fix it.

It's Democrat policies , not lack of $.

newtboy said:

Yep. It’s awful. A total anarchic hell scape everywhere. Believe it all. Stay away. Nobody wants to live HERE.

Don’t come begging for a handout red states. You insist California is a failed economy, we should start taking more from the federal budget than we contribute just like you have for decades.

How Bad is The Cost of Living Squeeze In the US?

newtboy says...

Your mantra.
“I can’t deny that Bidenomics has improved every single measure of our economy significantly after the record setting abject disaster of Trumps last year in office and the lingering effects of its apocalyptic mismanagement, but it will get worse someday, so Bidenomics is a failure.”
You can’t point to a single metric of economics that hasn’t significantly improved under Biden. NOT ONE. “It will get worse.” is not related to reality, it’s just your own wishful thinking, hoping for America to fail.

Such idiotic nonsense. Nothing has been worse for the economy than Republican leadership. Every recession in recent history was under Republicans because of republican policies, every economic recovery was under Democrats thanks to democratic policies. The vast majority of inflation was due to Trump spending like a drunken sailor with mommy’s credit card and increasing the debt by 8 trillion and deficit by trillions or tens of trillions more before his policies expire. Biden’s policies, Bidenomics, averted a recession/depression you (and many economists) insisted was coming by 2022 and reversed inflation faster than the most optimistic economist predicted.

Bidenomics has saved American pocketbooks from the results of 4 years of federal financial malfeasance.
Trump ended his term with a negative gdp, huge exploded deficit, rapidly growing debt, worst unemployment in living memory, a historically easy to defraud never repay ppp loan program every Republican congressperson scammed, tens of millions of disabled taxpayers and a million dead taxpayers. Trumpenomics had us on the fast road to unavoidable recession/depression in Jan 2021….Bidenomics avoided it and created a boom. 🤦‍♂️

Republican bickering has already led to our national credit rating being downgraded once, costing the nation billions in increased loan interest alone with nothing gained besides the degradation of our congress and the national union. You would happily have that continue until it bankrupted the nation irreparably then blame Biden.

bobknight33 said:


Better to have Republicans bicker and get nothing done than to have Bidnomics destroy American pocketbooks.

It will get worse.

Chicago’s Defund The Police Leads to Supermarkets Closing

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Fools like you are the reason for such shitty Democrat run cities.
And the lack of morality in society.

America is worse off today than few decades ago-- The direction that Democrats are pushing is making things worse.

Democrats say they are for the black man-------- Blacks have not gotten better under Democrat policies.

Biden is incompetent -- Just watch him. People behind him are propping him up and running the country.

Horse dewormer -- See your still stupid as ever. In different doses this med is also for human consumption. But some how you yet to get the message from you fake news outlet.

Covid was made worse than it truly was by media and locking down cities and such was the wrong thing to do.

TESLA is always to good time to buy. Its stock is depressed but then again every stock is depressed-- Thanks for over government spending during Covid.

an 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup by Trump. ------Never said that. But there were infiltrators in proud boys pushing their agenda by FBI. All said so far to date there were 50+ government infiltrators egging people on and opening doors, helping this to occur instead of stopping it.

Ashley Babbitt was the only person to Die Jan 6 yet fake news and Democrats continue to say 5 or 6 people died. More FAKE news.

newtboy said:

If fools like me were a dime a dozen, this world would be a MUCH better more sane place. Sadly, it’s fools like you that are easy to find and dupe with pleasing (mostly hateful) ridiculous lies. Fools like me rank and score in the 99th percentile, friendo. You don’t even know what that means.

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

newtboy says...

And again, today California/Newsom announced another new program aimed directly at helping the mentally ill homeless called the community assistance and recovery act (CARe) designed to stabilize them mentally, , get them services, and get them off the streets. Stage one is $63 million to serve 7-12000, with $1.4 billion to train businesses on how to safely employ them once they’re stable, housed, and off street drugs. No new tax required, the advantage of Democratic policies making us the strongest and largest economy in America by far.

What has your legislature done to help the homeless there?

bobknight33 said:

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

bobknight33 says...

Once again @newtboy you speaking from a position if ignorance.

Tesla is down 20 30% due to The economic forces not due to TESLA.
My current worry is a recession which will hurt all including Tesla stock price.. We can thank Democrat policies for steering us into this costly mess.

Tesla is expanding rapidly , Or as you indicate I am mistaken?

Q1 production over last few years.
2016 15K Vehicles
2017 25K
2018 35K
2019 77K
2020 102K
2021 180K
2022 305K

What dickhead data did you look at?

Looks explosive to me, some can say exponential .
Maybe you dont know math that well -- And your a math teacher? So you say. Seems like you are doing a disservice to you students.

10% reduction of force of white collar jobs but hires hundred of workers for the auto lines.

Cherry picking data or do you just read headlines?

Now you push some BS just to please you ego?

"Says the guy who repeats every far right lie he hears."
I dont push lies. Just Truth That is Hunter biden in the video -- or am I wrong?

Then you write;;;;

"Then he says don’t listen to professionals or sales numbers, get your information from Tesla fan boys online exclusively."

Where did I say that? Pleas me .

Sandy Munro's team saying that the battery tech is obsolete.

Do you self a favor and look him up. He is way superior than your elitist mind is.

Difference between you and me is that you see 1 article and are now an expert.

How much articles/ videos have you watched over the last year about the EV market? 6? WOW Check out the big brain on you.

When will your ego pop?

I watch the whole thing ..

newtboy said:

Lol…says the totally honest guy who still says “buy Tesla, it only plunged 20% so far this year” (when reality is it plunged 32% this year).
Says the guy who takes Elon’s word as gospel….no way he has incentive to exaggerate or lie about his success.
Says the guy who still thinks the semi truck is coming, and will revolutionize trucking (despite having 1/3 the cargo capacity and limited range).
The guy who said Tesla is expanding exponentially on the same day Elon announced a 10% reduction and that he’s burning through billions every week and can’t get anywhere near full production capacity, not even near profitability yet.
Says the guy who claims the Tesla truck will corner the market but doesn’t know it’s delayed indefinitely if not cancelled because it could never compete with Ford.

Says the guy who repeats every far right lie he hears.

Then he says don’t listen to professionals or sales numbers, get your information from Tesla fan boys online exclusively.

Then he says this new modular battery tech is old obsolete tech like a blackberry.

Tesla is far less likely to make it through the decade, they were the big fish in a puddle, now they’re a small fry in a little pond that just had the tide break through and now there are sharks in there with it.

I’m guessing you didn’t watch the whole thing.

Biden and the June job reports

bobknight33 says...

I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

newtboy said:

*doublepromote good news making Trumpster’s heads explode
*quality leadership, only took 18 months to repair the wrecked economy left by the ex pant pooper in chief. Putting the union back together may be an impossibility, the damage Trump did there seems irreparable.

No doubt, the anti America crowd will find a way to either deny these statistics or do mental gymnastics to say they’re still awful, and tangerine Palpatine would have done much better (despite all evidence to the contrary).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

Unemployment at historic lows.
Private sector jobs at a record high.
Gas prices dropping for 3 weeks, with a record one day drop yesterday.
Today by executive order opposed the unconstitutional ruling by the activist extremist far right wing judges using every possible methods the DOJ has, including protecting abortion clinics still operating, protecting access to them, protecting access to FDA approved medication in every state, protecting a woman’s right to health care even if she’s pregnant (including if she’s miscarrying), and cracking down on data searches of your private data by data brokers who then sell it to law enforcement without a warrant to determine if you might be pregnant and thinking about abortion.
Edit : now investigating the idea of allowing abortions on federal land, but that only protects providers until the next con president.

Republicans have said if they get control they will enact a national ban on all reproductive rights, outlawing abortion nation wide, outlawing contraception nation wide, and forcing 10 year olds to have daddy’s mutant babies even if it kills them.

Edit: Republicans are also on the docket in the Supreme Court asking that their own state laws don’t constrain them in making state election laws. That’s so they can gerrymander, enact voter ID even if it’s unconstitutional in their state, and so Republican state senators could choose the electors no matter the vote count.

Democratic policies at work trying to save democracy. Thanks Biden. Granted, it’s far from enough pushback against the fascist right, but it better than noth8ng.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Charges? Plenty of obstruction charges so far. Well over 850 (874?) Trumpists have been charged with attacking the capitol and police, some charged with treasonous sedition, some admitting to sedition….at Tump’s request and direction.

Perhaps you don’t know, the committee doesn’t charge criminals, it makes criminal referrals to the DOJ. The point is to find out what happened, and who caused it, not to charge anyone (except those who ignore their subpoenas or lie under oath, even then they only make referals). They don’t have that power, they have referral power only. They have made referrals for defendants that were charged, so you’ve been misled.

New charges? That’s up to Garland, who is dragging his feet, but criminal referrals to the DOJ with verified evidence of serious crimes Trump himself and his lackeys committed leading up to, during, and after the Jan 6 Trump led attack on democracy and against America are definitely coming soon. Cheney has said exactly that, there is more than enough direct evidence that Trump personally committed multiple serious crimes in relation to the Trump Treason of Jan 6…but the investigation is ongoing.
After the last hearing tons of new witnesses and evidence has come flooding in from people who finally realized they are on the wrong, and losing side of history here and are no longer hiding or refusing to testify about what they know or have proof of. There’s no statute of limitations on treason, or attempted murder, or actual murder (and everyone involved is guilty of killing a police officer legally just as much as if they murdered him themselves because they acted as a group, a gang, or a private army trying to take over a country.) The criminal referrals will come after testimony and evidence stops flowing in….but there are already multiple referrals in the works based on what they know now, with more coming if more comes to light.

Q: do you have any idea how many denials have become admissions due to the work of the committee? Hundreds. “I never gave tours.” Became “I gave one small family one tour.” Became “I gave 20 or so young militia members tours of security stations, back hallway routes to Democratic offices, and the secret escape route for congress and let them photograph and video all of it, then denied it, but now that the video is public I admit I did that, but it’s perfectly normal and not a bit suspicious.” That’s just ONE failed denial of hundreds the cons have tried.

Sorry, that’s hardly nothing. Maybe to a Russian troll it is, but it’s not nothing to Americans.

How are those rapidly dropping gas prices working for you? Democrat policies at work! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

Trump Tries To Talk- Troth Truth Senchal

newtboy says...

A total failure to address a horrific pandemic causing years of shutdown and near a million deaths will do that.

The entire world except Venezuela must be suffering from these democratic policies then because $6 a gallon is cheap compared to most countries. Socialist Venezuela gas is almost free.

“ At $5.037 per gallon (as of June 6), gas is cheaper than in over 90 countries including Norway and China, and more expensive than in over 70 others. Gasoline prices are an unbeatable $0.084 per gallon in Venezuela, the country that boasts the biggest oil reserves in the world”

You really need a new tag line, that old reality ignoring silliness is so stale that you sound broken. America had a traitor, now we have a leader. You would prefer Harris?

BTW, triggered much!?

bobknight33 said:

America went from firing on all cylinders to being choked out financially speaking.

$6/ gal gas. Democrat policies are killing the American pocketbook.

America had a Leader, Now we have a JOKE.

Trump Tries To Talk- Troth Truth Senchal

bobknight33 says...

I'll take Trump over Biden any day.

America went from firing on all cylinders to being choked out financially speaking.

$6/ gal gas. Democrat policies are killing the American pocketbook.

America had a Leader, Now we have a JOKE.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Down to $4.89 already. Gonna thank Biden?

California is using some of it’s near $100 billion budget surplus to send up to $350 to drivers to offset the high prices, for drivers like me that’s another $3+ per gallon discount (with possibly more to come). Sub $3 California gas…Democrat policies at work, how’s Republican policy working for you over there? Sounds like it just isn’t, the way you complain.

bobknight33 said:

….How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hide and watch. Charges come after the investigation, not instead of. It’s hard to find specifics, but if sedition has a statute of limitations it’s at least 5 years, although prosecuting before 2024 would seem mandatory considering the charges….that’s still plenty of time to build an airtight case before prosecuting. 865 charged so far, many with sedition, and been convicted.

What about those pending charges for Clinton. I’m still waiting, it’s been years and years and years and you still say they’re coming, just wait. It’s only been 18 months since the failed coup.

I wouldn’t mind $10 a gal, because I don’t drive much, 50-100 miles a week max,and I’m happy for anything that stops idiots from rolling coal as a pastime.

You should be loving it because it builds demand for electric vehicles, your one investment, but since Tesla couldn’t meet demand beforehand, it can’t take advantage of the high demand so I get why you aren’t excited.

If only Democratic policies were what you claim, they would have nationalized oil companies and oil would be Venezuela cheap or at least there would be a profit cap, which would cut gas prices instantly…but neither is even a Democratic idea.

BTW- what do you blame the high gas prices in the rest of the world on, still Biden’s fault? Even in China? Why does super far left Venezuela have gas at near free £.018 per liter?

bobknight33 said:

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

And what criminal charges have come forth?

Nothing because its all BS, and you and your ilk are fools drinking it up.

How that $6/gal gas working for you and yours?
Democrat policies at work.

newtboy said:

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Andy Biggs, and Scott Perry all asked for White House pardons. This is an admission of criminal guilt in case you don’t remember. The only reason to ask for a pardon is that you believe you are guilty of committing a crime, in this case treasonous sedition, vote fraud, election interference, and possibly attempted murder.

They all also asked for blanket pardons for anyone who voted against certification, indicating they knew that was being done as part of an intentionally and blatantly illegal scheme to defraud the American people.

Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up, ….

Also, I doubt you will, but you should listen to a lifelong Republican tell you the truth about a windsock politician…

Vote While It Counts

newtboy says...

Lol. Bob, you want to keep illegal and fraudulent votes!? I think you just made a huge Freudian slip!
Voter ID is a must? But funding it isn’t? Telling.
What’s wrong with fingerprinting? No ID required, everyone already has one. Yes, it’s possible for two people to have identical fingerprints, like 1/7000000000, WAY less than the chance of voting with a fake ID…..and no requirement to go to the dmv with records you may not have, pay, and wait for a state ID that’s not useful for anything else in many people’s lives. That’s a poll test and a poll tax in one swoop. Both vote fuckery.

Cheaters like me? I defy you to explain….

…but I know, just like this reply, you CANNOT answer questions or back up your blathering, so you’ll fly off on some new delusional fantasy red herring.

Not a single democrat vote fraud or vote denial then, we’re agreed. It’s all Republican vote fuckery, both by fraud and suppression.

Democrat vote fuckery is legally getting people registered to vote and convincing them Democratic policies are vastly superior to Republican obstruction without policy, then getting them to vote legally, then having those legal votes counted!! Rand Paul said exactly that, insisting that MUST BE STOPPED, and it’s obvious you agree.

bobknight33 said:

I'm spot on.

Keeping illegals and fraudulent votes is a must.
Voter ID is a must.

Cheaters like you cant handle such a system.

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