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Killing People Gets Applause: Welcome to Texas

Yogi says...

Education is all I can think of when I see stuff like this. People who cheer things like that simply aren't educated.

EDIT: Also you have to be concerned with the education of Parry because he clearly didn't understand the question. The question was essentially do you lose any sleep over possibly executing innocent people? To which he replied that if you commit a heinous crime you should be put to death. I understand in this country with our sound-bite media that a candidate cannot be heard to utter something that could be perceived to go against their supporters wishes. However I really wish in a public debate we had instead of Brian Williams a man who knows exactly what's going on and allows it we had someone like David Mitchell because there is no way he would let that go. He would've kept pressing him until he made him look like the utter retard he is.

Drinking Culture | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Drinking Culture | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Drinking Culture | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

moodonia says...

I've had a number of endings of various shows ruined by the announcer talking over the conclusion. So one is watching a whodunnit and dont get to hear whodunnit.

>> ^steroidg:

Credits? One of the commercial channels in Australia used to half the viewing area of Futurama 15 seconds before the show actually finished and talk over the entire ending.

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Raigen (Member Profile)

Lann (Member Profile)

Raigen (Member Profile)

Friends | David Mitchell's Soapbox

schlub (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

I can't stand to watch the show myself, for exactly that reason, it's just too painful!!!

I could reply that it's sending up the (apparently lower!) middle class copying the upper classes, particularly the same ones sent up by Monty Python in the election special sketch (it's spelled Raymond Luxury Ya-ch-t, but it pronounced Throat Wobbler Mangrove), but I think that's getting a bit far from the original point... so I won't

Anyway you could well argue that, as an Antipodean, what the heck would I know about England? And you'd have a pretty darn good point.
In reply to this comment by schlub:
I think in Hyacinth's case, she's just being an obnoxious twit. I don't think it's just an English thing
>> ^oritteropo:

The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket, but insists it's pronounced "Bouquet".

Naming Your Child | David Mitchell's Soapbox

schlub says...

I think in Hyacinth's case, she's just being an obnoxious twit. I don't think it's just an English thing
>> ^oritteropo:

The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket, but insists it's pronounced "Bouquet".

Naming Your Child | David Mitchell's Soapbox

oritteropo says...

Well it's lucky that, like David Mitchell says, a name is just a label and everyone will get used to it. My kids know a girl named "Mustang", which surely would be worse

You're right that sid-knee would be correct.

The masters of spelling a name one way and pronouncing it another are our cousins across the English channel from you. Have you heard of an English TV show called "Keeping up appearances"? The main character is named Hyacinth Bucket, but insists it's pronounced "Bouquet".
>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> I'm not good at transcribing into phonetic language, I admit it :-)

The first syllable sounds like the french "Zut" as in "Zut alors!", the second syllable sounds like the word "neigh". As opposed to a (hopefully) correct pronunciation "Sid-knee".

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