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David Mitchell on The Wealth of Footballers

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Yogi:

Agree 100% why the fuck do we still worship professional athletes? Like them, respect them when they're good or decent people, but fuck them if they're not.

It is a dumbed down version of war games, people can feel good about ( no one dies). Me against you, my team against yours. Personally I think its a bunch of bullshit for people who are bored and have a hole in their lives. But it wont change anytime soon. We are willing to pay people to do something we can not to make our nightlife a little easier to take.

ghark (Member Profile)

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siftbot (Member Profile)

David Mitchell's top 5 rants

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'David Mitchell, QI, The Week, Would I lie to you' to 'David Mitchell, QI, Mock The Week, Would I Lie To You' - edited by Boise_Lib

ghark (Member Profile)

Ron Paul - On his religious beliefs and politics

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^coolhund:
This topic is just too much about politics and money to be taken seriously at the current state, but its already too late. Once again the poor would suffer from our self-righteousness the most and thats why most of the poor countries oppose our "solutions". Also nothing learned from history.

You're partially right in that climate change is about politics and money, but just not in the way you think.

Let's look at the two sides:

On one hand you have the majority of the worlds climate scientists. Now I don't know if you've ever met a climate scientist, but I can assure you they are not living on private islands and driving Ferraris. There really isn't any kind of profit motive for them to say that climate change is real. Other than the "grant money" which the right keeps harping on about. Are you kidding? In real terms, it's fuck all, and certainly nothing compared to what they could be getting if they were to shill for the anti-agw crowd.

Now on the other, you have the oil industry, various large manufacturers and so on. There is an enormous profit motive for them to deny climate change, but they know they can't fight the science, so they manufacture doubt. Hell they even set up a team to analyse all the data and it still came back in favour of climate change.

No-one wants AGW to be real. It is a massive pain in the ass for the entire world. Unfortunately, it is real, it sucks and now we have to deal with it.

David Mitchell Hates the Early Onset of Christmas

QI - The Perception of Accents

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'stephen fry, alan davies, david mitchell, rob brydon, sandy toksvig' to 'stephen fry, alan davies, david mitchell, rob brydon, sandy toksvig, ww2, raf, pilots' - edited by calvados

David Mitchell gets Passionate about the Subject of Passion

David Mitchell gets Passionate about the Subject of Passion

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Sasha Baron Cohen's new character: Lord Monckton

Marathons | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Yogi says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Phreezdryd:
The perspective of a non-runner to an audience of mostly non-runners, in a society where the majority seems perfectly happy not running. It's been a while since running long distance was a necessity, depending on geography and available technology.

True...we could argue whether or not it's been a positive thing or a negative thing. I fall in the in it's great we have all this technology but it would be even better if we also ran a bunch.

Some form of exercise would be good all around to be sure. How about the idea that we shouldn't be running in shoes, although supposedly designed to cushion and enhance, have been found to possibly be the culprit for whatever injuries runners suffer from. Simply not natural, and we wouldn't try to put shoes on a cheetah.

Yeah I run with special "Barefootie" type shoes because it helps my knees. Everyone should run.

Marathons | David Mitchell's Soapbox

westy says...

>> ^Yogi:

This is sort of an argument from ignorance here. He doesn't understand running...he doesn't understand running with people. He also doesn't understand that if they weren't running for charity they would just be running, because that's what we do we're a running people.
Humans are meant to run for long long distances, it's in our genetics and our history. So while I love David Mitchell, it's just the sort of thing that if he put a little more thought into this video or maybe asked someone, it would've made a lot more sense.

In what way is it an argument from ignorance ?

All of what he said could have been said by sum-one that fully understands running , running with people , running for charity ,running for fitness , running as a socail activity.

He is not saying running is bad , or running with other people is bad he is just calling out the arbitrary nature of marathons.

I agree you can make the argument that some people would only run in the first place or chose to run in order to train for a marathon and so it serves that function of popular support and brain washing to make sure you train and have obvouse goal to train for.
and it also gets people involved with raising money for charity when they might not have otherwise however he is not arguing for or against those things.

Pritty much all of David mitchels arguments are pedantic and i'm sure you can de construct many of them in a negative way but there is still an element of truth to them and they call out some aspects of human nature that are arbitrary or often taken for granted as serous endevers when in reality they are just as absurd as anything else.

Marathons | David Mitchell's Soapbox

Phreezdryd says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Phreezdryd:
The perspective of a non-runner to an audience of mostly non-runners, in a society where the majority seems perfectly happy not running. It's been a while since running long distance was a necessity, depending on geography and available technology.

True...we could argue whether or not it's been a positive thing or a negative thing. I fall in the in it's great we have all this technology but it would be even better if we also ran a bunch.

Some form of exercise would be good all around to be sure. How about the idea that we shouldn't be running in shoes, although supposedly designed to cushion and enhance, have been found to possibly be the culprit for whatever injuries runners suffer from. Simply not natural, and we wouldn't try to put shoes on a cheetah.

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