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Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

billpayer says...

Wow... So many great points here.
And lots missed by others.

@ChaosEngine I like you too. But the next posts after yours explains my point better. @Eukelek got the point correctly.
(The fact you don't eat it, or your local farm doesn't grow GM is telling and hypocritical)

There is a massive difference between selection using natural processes and GENETIC ENGINEERING.
One will only produce offspring that are genetically compatible.
The other is a crap shoot producing mixes of different taxonomy.
That shit is fucked up and only the tip of the iceberg.

It was Monsanto that developed AGENT ORANGE, and PCB's which THEY ALSO DENIED WAS HARMFUL EVEN THOUGH IT IS MASSIVELY CANCER CAUSING. They buried every study showing it was carcinogenic.

@nock . Yes I'm sure the medical profession has even crazier biology going on. But I would only use that shit IF I WAS GOING TO DIE.
Now the medi-corps are using super viruses as vectors for 'custom' dna treatments.
Considering that the U.S. CDC was just admonished for improper practices contains viruses. How long before there is an incident that is completely synthetic (man-made) and completely irreversible.

@RedSky Sure Africa should grow whatever it needs to survive. But don't expect an export market for gmo.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on genetically modified food

artician says...

Yeah, this broke my heart when I saw it the other day. Sure we've been genetically modifying food for millennia, but I'm pretty certain none of that resulted in the new organism producing round-up-like pesticides on its own.
And I don't know why it has to be controversy when the general populace says it doesn't want to be some shit-corps fucking guinea pigs.

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

chingalera says...

Hear, hear...A lonely voice of sanity, crying-out in a wilderness of the self-deluded...

I'd offer...Who gives a fiddler's fuck whose missile hit whose fight club incubator? Missiles found stacked neatly at two United Nations Relief and Works Agency school buildings to-date, and as far as that shit goes who is to say it wasn't the UN who brokered the bomb deal and sent the blue-helmet fucks to deliver 'em?

I have a suggestion: Israels' a big boy now (the 'dybbuk' have come a long way since 1947)... How about the rest of the world back the way back from The Never Ending Storyline of Real-Jew/Fake-Jew vs Persians (2700+ years and counting??) and let all interested parties duke it the fuck out? Oh and by all means, think of the children, consume more news-corp spin, and go out and get yourselves some solar-powered Vitamin D maybe??

I know...Let's identify and list 24/7-365 the names and addresses on news-tickers worldwide of the DAMAGED WHITE PEOPLE who manufactured the ordinance and continue to bank Hanover Phist on regional conflicts worldwide (while stealing $$ from the planet's wage-slaves) and eliminate ALL THOSE motherfuckers??

...'and the world, will be a better place'

Kesavaram said:

Wow.. the amount of liberal crap is overflowing on this site..
I guess everyone has an agenda/interest defending the Palestinians.. while making sarcastic jokes about Jewish propaganda. and not even bothering to verify the facts.
It has been proven, as for today, that Hamas missile hit that U,N school.
But i'll bet it matters little to you guys.

If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage

Asmo says...

It's not a chicken/egg argument...

Big corps cut the costs and cap wages, then the government is forced to assist people so they don't starve or become homeless.

Why do you think wages have stagnated in the US while profits have soared?

But okay, I'll huff some glue and try to accept your world view. Government ends assistance. Instantly, Walmart loses a huge chunk of government income (they no longer profit off the items they sell to food stamp holders) and now they have to bump up wages by 4 bucks as well. Of course, why didn't we all see it before, Walmart would do these things out of the fucking goodness of their black cold dead hearts and accept a huge cut to their profit margins...

Hang on, the glue is wearing off... Yup, you're just a moron...

bobknight33 said:

Why blame Walmart? Why should I hire you at $13/hr knowing that the government would subsidize that wage by 4 bucks?

I would just hire you at $8 bucks and let you get assistance if you needed it.

Its the governments fault.
The government should just stop giving assistance if you have a job.

Then Walmart employees could not afford to work at the low wages.
This would force Walmart to raise its wages to compete for workers.
and the Mac and cheese would 2 cents. Same result and we each shopper pays for the increase.

Don't buy the large beer.

yellowc says...

I know this is a running world joke due to the popular mass production American beers.

But a lot of people dismiss America as a whole because of this joke and I feel it's important to point out that America actually has a thriving and amazing microbrewery culture that produces beers equal to any in the world.

The problem is when microbreweries get to a certain size, they almost always sell out to a larger company and the product deteriorates in to the "perfect always same taste" precision of the mass production beer, losing any charm or personality the beer used to have. As it now needs to be consistently marketable.

The other factor is once these beers do get sold off, you often lose the original brew anyway, you just end up buying a locally made brew with "expert consultants ensuring the same taste", except it never is the same taste because they use local ingredients which inherently have a different flavour, missing the whole point of world beer in the fucking first place.

Basically a few giant beer corps rule the world and wreck everything, turning a beverage that should be on par with wine in to something very misunderstood and generally accepted as a low classing alcoholic drink.

If you want good beer in any country, not just America, the situation is the same, you need to go the micros who still employ the passion and respect the skill takes. Hence I declare the joke no longer relevant.

Payback said:

To be fair, it's American beer, so that extra 4 oz is just water anyway.

americas wars of aggression-no justice-no peace

chingalera says...

People that give a fuck about the true direction of the planet who like to blabber-on ad-naseum about which news corp is their favorite and which one is full of morons, and if you like them well then you must be a moron, or (insert meaningless label here) are the most gullible, the most extremely out-of-touch with what's truly going on. They have let their minds become a sponge for distraction and illusion by the very machine that rapes the planet of human and natural resources for personal gain and consolidation of power.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste on feeding the very machine that enslaves us all.

As a simple example of just how secondary oil would be as a universal commodity you need only to look at who controls the access. If we'd gone the direction of the Bucky Fullers and Teslas that pop-into the grid in every epoch, and shared collectively in a similar mind and vision, people who pick winners and losers would be non-existent or self-aware, and the real criminals on the planet posing as so-called leaders would be raving in asylums or extinct by now.

Why won't the planet use nuclear energy correctly and righteously for example...SAFE power from the atomic components that make up the experiential world?? Because assholes and criminals run the show. Period.

Same with oil. Same with slavery through economic monopoly, same with the mind-control apparatus that force-feeds the gullible their world views based on their insidious, contrived models.

There are way better drugs out there than politics kids......Use your fucking brains?!

Questions for Statists

VoodooV says...

right. and what tries to stop corporations...or anything for that matter from encroaching on our civil liberties too much? Gov't.

What stops gov't from doing the same? People. People have a pretty good track record of stopping gov't that goes too far armed or not. Are people generally slow to react? sure...but they do eventually react to injustices. If gov't really did not rule by the consent of the governed, there would be heaps more unrest, There would be actual revolts happening on a semi frequent basis instead of just people threatening to revolt/secede for the sake of drama.

The problem is, we have a non-insignificant number of people who seem to honestly think corps should run everything, or at the very least, there should be little to no regulation. Like I said, right now, it's chaotic because we have far too many people who all want different things. Over time, we're going to see what works and what doesn't and things will generally settle down. bad ideas do eventually get thrown out and good ideas get implemented instead. Part of the problem is that we are in the middle of big technological changes that radically change how we live compared to even just 100 years ago. Again...chaos ensues when new things come up and it just takes time for people to figure it out, adapt, and accept change.

Honestly though, no one has yet to successfully explain how society without gov't...or amoral corporations works. who distinguishes between the amoral corps and the good ones? are there good corps in a non-statist view? if there are...then don't there have to be good gov'ts out there too? Or are we back to the viewpoint of all gov'ts are bad...but some corps are good...I don't see how you can objectively make that distinction. How do you prevent stuff from just devolving into "might makes right" no one seems to be able to answer that one. I think the human race as a whole has collectively decided that rule by force is not preferred. There are just too many people that would take advantage of and screw over other people. or are you honestly advocating a kill or be killed situation here? Again, I think people have decided as a whole that they don't want that.

There's just too much subjective viewpoints instead of objective ones.

I'm sorry, but you've got one heck of an uphill battle trying to convince people that gov't is inherently bad. Sure you've got a lot of loudmouths making a lot of noise about how they think gov't is corrupt, but that's a far cry from actually abandoning gov't. Lots of people bitch about gov't, but don't actually see a lot of people escaping it. We see it every election cycle "if so and so wins, I'm leaving the country" yet they never do.

regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on, for all the bluster and rhetoric most people would rather have gov't run by the party they don't like than have no gov't at all.

Enzoblue said:

More than human meaning more than the sum of (human) parts. And I didn't say corps are inherent to governments, I just used the fact that they're a product of a collection of humans - like governments - and serve their own interests that more than likely don't coincide with the interests of their (human) parts.

Questions for Statists

Enzoblue says...

More than human meaning more than the sum of (human) parts. And I didn't say corps are inherent to governments, I just used the fact that they're a product of a collection of humans - like governments - and serve their own interests that more than likely don't coincide with the interests of their (human) parts.

VoodooV said:

Citation needed. You're going to have to prove that amoral corporations are inherent to gov't. I'm sure there were bands of amoral people that roamed the countryside that predate gov't

Define "more than human" please

It's far more evident that problems we have as a society are because everyone has a different idea of how society should be governed. That's not amoral, that's different morals. Democracy is still relatively new historically-speaking so chaos is obviously going to be a byproduct of people disagreeing on how to govern. It wasn't that long ago we didn't have that problem. You either agreed with the person in charge or you got the hell out of there. It wasn't very fair or moral but it was far simpler. Guess what... Progress isn't smooth and easy

PTSD incident.

bareboards2 says...

This happened in April 2013. Here is an interview with the driver, after the fact:

In September, the military issued new guidelines to help control road rage. The "rules" sound completely insipid -- until you realize that they leave out an important phrase -- do you suffer from PTSD from your time in a military zone? Then, to me, these guidelines are calming and non-blaming.

Bernie Sanders tears into Walmart for corporate welfare

bobknight33 says...

The point of view that Sanders is taking is that corporations are paying so little that the workers have no choice but to take welfare.

I say that if there was no welfare ( well not as much as there is today) then corporations like Walmart would have to pay more. Otherwise people would not even apply.

For every dollar the government hands out in welfare, the corporations have to give a dollar more to make working for them worthwhile.

Minimum wage is not to be a living wage but an entry level wage where one can better oneself and then one would have standing to ask for a higher wage.

As far as big ass tax breaks for the big corporations I say F to that.

I agree that corps have corrupted government to favor them. Capitalism without morality is we are today.

Capitalism is the best system. We all practice capitalism every day with our purchasing dollars. We look for the best value for the good and services we desire.

enoch said:

cognitive dissonance+circular logic=your comment

you state its all the governments fault.
you give an example of massive amounts of "aid"

care to clarify that position?

because i actually agree with you but i suspect it is for different reasons.

when we look at government subsidies (welfare/aid),the largest recipient by far is american corporations.we even subsidize CEO pay,not to mention subsidizing their slave wage work force.

so can you tell me who the TRUE welfare queens are?

and did you just equate our government and its corporate socialism to being "kind,nice and trying to do the right thing"?
and that somehow this government altruism is bad for capitalism?


it wouldnt happen to have anything to do with the army of corporate lobbyists that stampede congress/senate and the judiciary now would it?

all with their hands out.looking for some tasty welfare.

noooooooo...corporations are GOOD for the economy!
they are the "job creators" (like wall mart) and all that extra profit will rain down upon us common folk like mana from heaven.

here is how our current system plays out:
socialism for the rich.
capitalism for the poor.

we dont have capitalism.
our government is bought.
they no longer work for you,nor me.we have become irrelevant.

sounds like a great system.
we should try it sometime.

Simpsons - Go to Bread

ABC News Bobbles Dismiss Obama's Funeral Selfie

chingalera says...

Well, the spin for me is making light of his actions at a state funeral using a non-journalistic idiot nobody as a skyped commentator-Major news corps are owned by those who placed him in power-I have no respect for this president whatsoever anyway, and watching him behave like a middle-school girl is to me, about as ridiculous as letting a schizophrenic African within 5 feet of him on worldwide television.

I agree that it's a complete nothing news item, ninety percent of so-called news is non-news anyhow-It's programming gullible minds to believe everything they hear.

6 Corporations That Control Your Perception

Payback jokingly says...

Your avatar reminds me of the News Corp logo.

Just sayin'.

noims said:

Whilst I agree completely with what they're saying, the format is that of an adversarial argument. In fact, it was an obvious scripted dialogue intended to establish a proposition (quote straight out of Monty Python).

7:22 was my favourite: "throwing money into both sides [...] republicans and democrats". That's one side. There's no opposition to the view that they have.

tl;dr: point good; presentation bad.

necssary news headline: biased reporting used to oppose biased reporting.

the prison industrial complex-the new robber barons

nanrod says...

The disgusting thing is that these corps lobby vigorously against any lightening of criminal penalties or pot decriminalization that they think will adversely affect their "revenue stream".

The Problem with Civil Obedience

chingalera says...

Economic disobedience in the form of collective boycotts would be the fastest way to show the masses how much power they actually wield in this illusion created for us, a system that serves a handful of gangsters.

Try it on a huge corp like Mc Donalds or Exxon for 3 months and watch how fast the quarterly numbers force their compliance with the new, not-a-robot demands.

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