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When you potentially get to sue Coca-Cola for infringement

Attorney arrested for defending her clients

00Scud00 says...

The cops could be doing ninety miles an hour down city streets while running over random pedestrians, shooting at little old ladies and doing coke off a hookers ass and the department would still feel that their officers did nothing wrong.

Why Japan has so many vending machines

SDGundamX says...


This video gets so many things wrong it is truly cringe-worthy.

The country has been covered by vending machines since the 1960s--long before there were problems with an aging population and birthrates. The primary reason for vending machines being installed everywhere is, surprise, convenience! Who wants to go to the store and stand in line to buy a drink when you can just go downstairs from your apartment and grab one from outside your front door?

Another thing to consider is that Japan late at night basically completely shuts down--even in major cities like Tokyo the trains stop running around 1AM or so and won't start again until 5AM. Nowadays their are 24-hour convenient stores on practically every other urban street corner but back when vending machines first started getting installed nothing was open late besides bars. If you caught the last train home from work and wanted to buy a coke or something on your walk back from the station you were SOL. Vending machines helped solve that problem.

Which brings us to another point--VERY few Japanese people in urban areas commute by car. Mass transit is fast and efficient and a huge number of people just walk/bike everywhere. Since there is so much foot traffic vending machines make total sense, especially in the summer when temperatures are going to rise into the mid-90s (30+ degrees Celsius) with high humidity and people who are walking/biking are going to get thirsty pretty damn quick.

Another thing he gets wrong is that retailers are not the ones primarily profiting off of vending machines: land owners are. Either they purchase and stock the machines themselves (thereby keeping all the profits) or they make a contract with the retail company in which the company stocks and services the machine but compensates the landowner for use of the space.

Oh, almost forgot something not mentioned in the video--the low crime rates. Another reason for the proliferation of vending machines is that whoever puts them out can be reasonably sure they won't be damaged, defaced, or robbed.

Finally, while he is right that credit cards are not as big here as in, say, the U.S., e-money is huge. And all of the newer vending machines produced in the last few years will take either cash or e-money, such as Suica or Pasmo cards.

By the way, all of this information that I've posted here is available from a simple Google search and there have actually been several articles written on vending machines in Japan over the last couple of years. It's like this guy just came over here and tried to guess why there were so many vending machines around....

Consume Pepsi

Consume Pepsi

If your New Year's resolution is to quit smoking...

enoch says...

coffee and cigarettes are my last vice,and i ain't fucking giving them up!

how is that people feel perfectly at ease to just walk up to me,a total stranger,and offer health advice?

"you know those will kill ya,you should quit"

thanks captain obvious.

so i always offer them options,people LOVE options.

cigarettes or heroin i ask them.

which always stops them in their tracks and totally bewilders them,and gives me the silent giggles.

which of course they suggest neither,but i tell them i kicked my heroin addiction,my coke addiction,my painkiller addiction,my sex addiction,my porn addiction,i have plenty of experience with addictions.

"so why not lose the cigarette addiction?"

because i don't want to i reply,as i sip my coffee and take a drag of my cigarette.

and they got nothing,and they know it.

smokers realize that smoking is bad for them.that it will facilitate future health issues and most likely result in an early death.

so when you walk up to a stranger smoking and preach the dangers of are not revealing some secret truth that they are not already fully aware of,your intentions may be good and your heart coming from the right place,but it is extremely condescending and patronizing.

and the dangers of second hand smoke have been proven to be totally is just rude of a smoker to be forcing anyone to be in the same air space while they enjoy their addiction.

i do not smoke in someone elses car,or in their home.i don't blow smoke in peoples faces.i go out to smoke on the patio.i try to be respectful.

and when you look at the statistics,fewer and fewer young people are picking up the habit of smoking.for all the tobacco companies whining and crying,it appears education is the very simply answer to address a very nasty habit,and even worse addiction.

so to all you well-inentioned do-gooders out there.please do not waste your time or energy pointing out the obvious to people like me.who will be turning 50 in a few that energy for the young people.

coffee and cigarettes are my last addictions.think i will keep them. sounds good right about now.

In memory of George Michael. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

bremnet says...

Ah, the alternate universe of celebrity and fame - crack smoking, coke snorting, pot smoking and hooking up in public washrooms are all excusable traits if you can sing. If you can't, you're the scum of the earth, ostracized from society and living under a bridge. Sad that he's dead - sure, life is precious. A tragedy? Not in the least.

Don't Mix Coke with Liquid Nitrogen

poolcleaner says...

Uhhh, didn't the control test with water prove that it's primarily the liquid nitrogen causing this? Has little or nothing to do with the Coke in the bottle. Anyway...

Don't Mix Coke with Liquid Nitrogen

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

The bravest thing he's ever done...

The bravest thing he's ever done...

Don't Spill a Drink in Russian Burger King

makach says...

well, went to a mcdonalds today with my oldest kid, there was a couple of obnoxious bigger kids there sucking a little coke up into their straws and spitting it out high velocity around them, laughing.

we don't know the backstory so I think GOOD for him. nothing to see here, move along.

Rolls Royce New Space Age Car

shagen454 says...

I like the concept of taking this into a 3D modeling program and then after they say "and made history" the top opens up with a fat slob sprawled out on that couch with cigarette butts, chips and grease stains all over it, coke stains on the floor. The music stops as they look on appalled and then the voice continues, "those who pursue perfection forge their own path" hahaha!

Engels said:

Cool concept, douchiest voice over in advertising history?

Vault of Bad Ideas, 1980's edition: The Charmings!

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