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Foreskin Explained with Computer Animation

2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

westy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of evil.
I don't know what planet y'all are from that you're suddenly offended by linking modern liberalism with moral relativism, but from what I see, it's the left that's constantly assaulting all of the moral and religious institutions. Not questioning, ASSAULTING, and making end runs around honest debate.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

'Child-rape is not a 'good' thing.'
If that's the best denouncement of child-rape, I suggest better PR.

>> ^westy:
>> ^quantumushroom:
According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards

of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

"If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of ev"

what I was saying is that BY DEFAULT you cannot make a claim that one arbitrary cultural accepted thing is better than another arbatrerry cultural thing.

"Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component. "

You are right male circumcision does have a small affect in reducing transimtion of HIV ( its not drastic and the studies done are not conclusive) eather way contraception and education has a grater effect at reducing hiv and it is by using the scientific method we know this , also I was actually talking about female circumcision as much as male , The actual piont i was making still stands , historicaly it has been people that are more liberal/"left" that have promoted contraception , and it has been concervitievs that have been anti contraception and ignored scientific evidence and continued to use religion and dogma guide there thinking.

Finally its very hard for me to understand what points you are actually making or what you are actually getting at I cannot tell what position you have on things the way you write is all over the place for me ( i'm not saying how you write is inherently wrong just for me I struggle to understand what you are actually getting at due to the way you right).

I also think the use of left and right termanoligy confuses the issue, in america your left and right is different to englands and even within america it seems people have different understandings of what is exactly a left or right mentality. It would probably be easer if defined a mentality or thinking in a more precise way or made an argument with you saying , "if people x with x mentality think this then they are wrong to think x " that way it would be easy to agree or disagree with the statement.

2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

quantumushroom says...

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.

If you believe that "you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own" then you have no moral authority to judge the muslims. The irony is, while the Bible states "Judge not lest ye be judged" it doesn't mean anarchy for all, nor does it mean keep silent in the face of evil.

I don't know what planet y'all are from that you're suddenly offended by linking modern liberalism with moral relativism, but from what I see, it's the left that's constantly assaulting all of the moral and religious institutions. Not questioning, ASSAULTING, and making end runs around honest debate.

of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.

Funny you mention "science", because the scientific proof is that circumcision REDUCES the transmission of HIV drastically. Science alone has no moral component.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

'Child-rape is not a 'good' thing.'

If that's the best denouncement of child-rape, I suggest better PR.

>> ^westy:

>> ^quantumushroom:
According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards

of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.
of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.
In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

KiTH: Mutilated

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kids in the hall, circumcision, hood, parents, sue' to 'kids in the hall, circumcision, hood, parents, sue, Kith, scott thompson, monologue' - edited by BoneRemake

2-year old raped because parents didn't convert to Islam

westy says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

According to leftist doctrine, we are never to judge other cultures by the standards of our own, as all cultural values are equal. The witch doctor and the neurosurgeon are on the same level. Christians proselytize, muslims rape children. Values-wise, there is no difference.

it is correct that you should not judge other cultures by the standards of your own , but I don't know anyone that makes the argument that all cultural values are equal that's nether a left or right , conservative or liberal mind set.

of the libral and "left" people I know they would use science to inform there position and stance as to weather a cultural practise was a good or bad one , and historically its more liberal and left groups that have taken action to stop circumcision and the spred of HIV in Africa and pore countries though promotion of safe sex and fee contraceptives.

In the case of assaulting a minor without there consent I think its pretty well established that this is not a "good" thing whatever political back ground sum-one adopts.

The dancing squid dish from Japan

Yogi says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^Yogi:
>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^Yogi:
Nuke'em again.

Hmm I guess you'd also like to see Jews in concentration camps again for circumcising their children? Or American Indians to move because they stand in the way of progress? Hacking off of limbs for crimes?

Think before you type, you something that would get me banned

Shut up. If you don't like inane obviously stupid statements said for overactive comic effect then you need to get off the internet.

There's a button for that. If you don't know how to use a button you need to get off the internet.

I don't care...I don't care what you think I don't care what you do. Shut up and leave me alone.

The dancing squid dish from Japan

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^Yogi:
Nuke'em again.

Hmm I guess you'd also like to see Jews in concentration camps again for circumcising their children? Or American Indians to move because they stand in the way of progress? Hacking off of limbs for crimes?

Think before you type, you something that would get me banned

Shut up. If you don't like inane obviously stupid statements said for overactive comic effect then you need to get off the internet.

There's a button for that. If you don't know how to use a button you need to get off the internet.

The dancing squid dish from Japan

Yogi says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^Yogi:
Nuke'em again.

Hmm I guess you'd also like to see Jews in concentration camps again for circumcising their children? Or American Indians to move because they stand in the way of progress? Hacking off of limbs for crimes?

Think before you type, you something that would get me banned

Shut up. If you don't like inane obviously stupid statements said for overactive comic effect then you need to get off the internet.

The dancing squid dish from Japan

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^Yogi:

Nuke'em again.

Hmm I guess you'd also like to see Jews in concentration camps again for circumcising their children? Or American Indians to move because they stand in the way of progress? Hacking off of limbs for crimes?

Think before you type, you *something that would get me banned*

Estranged Wife cuts off hubby's penis & garbage disposes it

bareboards2 says...

Sorry to offend you. Just saying what I think.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

@bareboards2 It's annoyingly hypocritical to have you finish off your comment with "Not that this is a gender contest in who is worse to whom...." after you put three gender oriented arguments out there.
I'd say that it's near impossible to fairly compare one kind of suffering to another as a justification for anything close to this. For example, which is worse? Cutting off a man's penis, or female circumcision? It's pretty pointless to compare (and again annoying to have to read followed by a "Dont worry about what I just wrote, this isn't a contest! ) but one thing we can agree on is it's wrong to mutilate/disfigure another human being.

Estranged Wife cuts off hubby's penis & garbage disposes it

JiggaJonson says...

@bareboards2 It's annoyingly hypocritical to have you finish off your comment with "Not that this is a gender contest in who is worse to whom...." after you put three gender oriented arguments out there.

I'd say that it's near impossible to fairly compare one kind of suffering to another as a justification for anything close to this. For example, which is worse? Cutting off a man's penis, or female circumcision? It's pretty pointless to compare (and again annoying to have to read followed by a "Dont worry about what I just wrote, this isn't a contest! ) but one thing we can agree on is it's wrong to mutilate/disfigure another human being.

CDC's Julie Gerberding Admits Vaccines can Trigger Autisim

Secular World View? - It's Simple Really (Science Talk Post)

GenjiKilpatrick says...


Don't even get me started.

If you and SD wanna argue that science is just a tool that's fine.
It only shows your ignorance.

But it's funny cause you still rely on the group consensus of scientists to support your claims about religion. "It's biological human nature."

If you studied biology and neuroscience, you'd have an actual understanding of the shit you're always spoutin' about.

Instead you go off on some zen master "howlin' winds & walls" bullshit without understanding why the wind is so intense in the first place.

For example, circumcision is wrong. In the same way murder is.

Your rational mind will immediately identify that it's wrong to mutilate babies.

But you'll defend it because it comes packaged with religion.

Your hippie "multiculturalist" mind will identify the act of baby mutilation as part of "biological human nature". [Church sanctioned Genital Mutilation is just part of the inevitable all-natural wind, right? -_-]

"It's really great for all those parents who come out of the 'anti-genital mutilation closet' because after enough time & laws have passed, I'm sure there will be no more infant genital mutilation." [This is your wall. Your weak, takes centuries to build wall.]
If you really supported stuff like It Gets Better you'd realize that apologist [like you and SD] who place religion on a pedestal..

..contributes to the problems of those closeted gay and lesbian kids face you apparently want someone to help.

Yet you still continue to defend religion because of some "humans err, it's natural" bullshit.

It's a self defeating "solution" whether you're talking about governments or religions.

Which is brings us to the question of why you continue to use that reason/logic, Gale.

You're either disingenuous or stupid as fuck.

I'm going with the latter. Here is why:

Police brutality and ritualized genital mutilations are constructs of human cultural.

There is no need for either of them.

You Gale, are attempting to argue that both are inherent evils that have to be dealt with because there is no other way around them.

I've been shouting and flinging evidence at you for that last month or two to prove otherwise.

You're too old and set in your ways to think otherwise.

[Don't worry it happens to all of us to some extent.]

But for you to sit here and continue to say that -

"Yes certain things are awful but we need to put up with them cause there's no other way"


Is again, a worldview born from stupidity [ignorance about why things are that way] or insincerity
Kumquat? Yeah, it's okay. You were never listening in the first place.

70's Sissy Boy Experiment exposed

Infant Circumcision (Full Version)

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