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Transformers Dark Of The Moon - Bumblebee In Action ...

Transformers Dark Of The Moon - Bumblebee In Action ...

Transformers Dark Of The Moon - Bumblebee In Action ...

Transformers Dark Of The Moon - Bumblebee In Action ...

dag (Member Profile)

Publicize member rank increases? (Sift Talk Post)

Paul Simon - Call Me Al

The Community - Zoom In Enhance

Your move VS... (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

NaMeCaF (Member Profile)

EMPIRE (Member Profile)

Chevy Chase has still got it

CNN Piece on Hypermiling

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

What is it with American cars? I can routinely get 40mpg out of my VW golf without trying, and it's not a diesel. That's just normal driving around. It would help if he drove a manual.

i drove a vw golf (well a gti, but same deal in this case) for 11 years and consistently got around 22 mpg, maybe like 25-30 if it was all highway driving. this was a 1999, mk4 body style, 2.0 liter engine, automatic. so its not some "american car" thing. your car was either magical, or you're a hell of an exaggerator. or you're talking about a european version that doesn't have the restrictions on exhaust like cars sold in america.

new cars are better, some production cars are now getting rated at over 40 mpg highway without hybrid or diesel engines (hyundai sonata, and chevy cruze i believe).

and back on topic, this hyper miling stuff looks dangerous as hell. too much driving without the engine on and suddenly your power steering and power braking might go out.

Any Sifters bought an iPad? (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

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People adopting brands is certainly not unique to Apple. Nike hats, DKNY shirts - Calvin pissing on Chevy logos. You could even extend this to sports logos and band t-shirts in that they are both businesses.

I'm not going to seriously begrudge people's choice in computers, phones or pads. As a good friend of mine said- hating stuff that other people love, just because they love it is something that most people grow out of.

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I have two computers - a desktop and a laptop. They're bother hooked to the same screen, mouse and KB via KVM switch. The laptop was purchased in late 2005 so is now QUITE underpowered with it's P4 3.4GHz CPU, 256MB gfx card and 2 GB RAM. The battery will no longer charge, so I mounted it to the modesty board on the underside of my desk. It's the computer I use for all of my 'net surfing, and it does it quite well. I only turn my desktop on when I want to game, as it uses a lot more power. This laptop is on it's last leg, and when it shits the bed, I do not plan on replacing it unless there is a win7 or Andriod tablet out. I haven't looked at the upcoming, but I just saw the article for the ASUS pad, and that looks like it would be a winner. No flash or any ports? You've GOT to be kidding me. Only an idiot fanboy would buy one or think it's the next great thing in computing.
Apple's marketing team has done their job well. I mean, have you ever seen anyone drive around with a Kenmore sticker on their car? How about Maytag? Oster? Craftsman? What kind of complete reject must one be to buy a product and then claim to be part of a "culture" or "community" in relation to that product? It's absurd. I don't have a HP (my laptop) sticker on my car, because it's just a fucking computer. It's nothing to be proud of.

"Super 8" teaser trailer - JJ Abrams & Steven Spielberg

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