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Homer eats whopper (Burger King + Simpsons movie commercial)

ant says...

*dead -- "Video unavailable
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp."

Tulsa - Lincoln Project

newtboy says...

Which party just had another 88 paid adds online pulled today for using hate group insignia, specifically for using Nazi symbology AGAIN, this time using the inverted red triangle used to identify political prisoners, Communists, Social Democrats, liberals, Freemasons, people accused of helping Jews, and other members of opposition parties in concentration camps now being used by Trump and Pence to paint Antifa as social democrats- the enemy and instigators of violence, contrary to the actual arrest records that indicates Antifa involvement in riots and vandalism is minimal at most, but right wing hate groups have been repeatedly caught being the real dangerous instigators, with multiple instances of shootings, arson, repeatedly caught with bombs and written plans to instigate riots then blame BLM in their possession (because they are that stupid)? One guess.

Which party has gladly taken well over $40 million from the Mellons, who repeatedly make public, overtly and blatantly racist and derogatory comments about black and brown people? One guess.

Again I ask, how many civil rights leaders are Republicans today, or in this century?
Because I know you're too embarrassed to answer, I'll do it for you, ZERO.

It's undeniably clear during my lifetime which party is the best for unity and which is divisive, which strives for equality and which denies inequality exists, and which pushed and pushed equality more.
If you wipe the orange meconium from your eyes you can tell just by looking at their representatives, one party is full of non white men and is outraged by racism, one party is almost exclusively white men and claims racism and inequality doesn't exist, it's fake news.

bobknight33 said:

Its really about Dems VS REPs. Which party is the best party of unity, equality for blacks.

Which party pushed equality more?

Run The Jewels | Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k)

newtboy jokingly says...

That quote is decades old, from a past century. It no longer
fully applies.

V2.0- "Violence is the FIRST refuge of the incompetent." - Newtboy
Updated it for the 21'st

BSR said:

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” ― Isaac Asimov

Suspicious Man Breaks Autozone Windows ... Minneapolis

HugeJerk says...

I'm pale... and while I wouldn't ever do anything like this guy, I can't blame other humans with different pigmentation levels to blame all of us for this mans actions since others of my shade have been doing that for centuries.

China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn

Drachen_Jager says...

Your guy and his cronies literally quote Nazi propaganda, openly support Nazis, openly support and laud dictators while denigrating democracies and democratic process both within the US and in other countries. At the same time a concerted effort has been in effect the past years to stack the courts and public service so heavily with blindly subservient ideologues to the point where laws and the constitution often have no bearing on judicial decisions any more if they impact the president or his allies.

In short, Trump has been engaging in one of the most transparently dictatorial power grabs of the twentieth and twenty-first century.

And you're worried about a report from a news agency known for inaccurate and biased reporting that maybe his opponent might have been involved in something shady (but without any actual evidence to back up their claims)? I mean it's not like Biden personally sees that money. China gives a shitload of money to US universities in general. If you want to connect the dots there, go look at Harvard, they receive a billion dollars a year from China, and yet you'd rather trace a few million because they happened to go to a school with Biden's name on it. Great detective work, Mr. Magoo!

If Trump came out in public tomorrow with a toothbrush mustache and a Nazi armband you'd still support him, wouldn't you?

If it walks like a Nazi, quacks like a Nazi, and supports Nazis, it is a Nazi.

I hope you can fill in the blanks, @bobknight33

I hope it's just that you just don't realize what you've become and you still somehow believe you're doing "the right thing", but honestly your lack of any semblance of integrity strains that perception. The alternatives, that you're intelligent and fully aware of what you're doing, or you're a propagandist for a foreign power who is merely acting in support of his own nation's goals are the less kind (but sadly more likely) interpretations.

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans

newtboy says...

Way too long, didn't watch, but I must disagree with the description.
Population control is hardly removed from the debate. IMO it's just ignored when it's brought up because the vast majority of people won't even consider not having children to the point where when China tried to take action and limit couples to one child the world called them draconian monsters instead of intelligent.
I personally often say I think every problem facing humanity and the planet is a function of overpopulation, and I'm not alone. I admit, I'm rare in that I put my money where my mouth is and had a vasectomy in my twenties before having children. I'm of the belief that no other action could possibly have the positive effect that not adding to the population does, but I also bought a full solar system over a decade back and try to grow most of my own food, and I drive well under 5000 miles a year.
There's no reason to abandon population control in favor of technological fixes or vice versa, indeed I believe maximising both won't fully solve our issues that have taken over a century to create, but I also believe not acting in every way possible to mitigate our damages leads to certain doom for most species.
I also think none of this will make a whit of difference in the grand scheme because way too many people have decided making any lifestyle sacrifices or not wastefully living above their means is intolerable even if it means their children suffer for it.

What Was Happening Before the Big Bang?

ChaosEngine says...

Yes, and marriage meant "man selling his daughter to another bloke" and decimate meant "to kill 10% of a roman century (which meant unit of 100 soldiers as opposed to unit of time)".

Definitions change, language evolves .... move on.

robdot said:

There is no observational evidence for any multiverse. The universe is the totality of existence. The universe,contains all that exists. That is actually the definition of the universe.

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

vil says...

Organizing healthcare better would save you money, not cost you. Nationalism is self-blinding. Nothing against local-patriotism, but this flag waving schtick is so.. nineteenth century. "I love my country and believe in god therefore im right" got us all into two world wars. If you love your country take care of the people that live in it and dont be a nuisance to others.

The question is, would what Bernie wants really be better? Are Bernies supporters less blind than Trumps? Who knows?

A 4-Year Old Mcdonalds Cheeseburger

newtboy says...

Sorry if I'm not willing to take dieting advice from someone who's obese and, like a nutjob, has been carrying a hamburger in their purse for 4 years to make some nonsensical point about hamburgers. If you're so knowledgeable about proper eating habits, why are you still obese?

Sorry if I'm not going to take science advice from someone who doesn't know desiccation is one of the oldest methods of preserving food, and takes no chemicals. Incan mummies don't have shower mold either, and they've been exposed to air for centuries without the need for any preservatives. Derp.

While I agree, fast food is almost always bad for you, I haven't had a fast food burger in over 32 years, what these morons are saying is just ignorant stupidity of the highest order.

Why The Right Wing End Game Is Armageddon

newtboy says...

That depends on which bible you mean....there are many.

Really? Lost to history?! Hardly....lost to the ignorant and uneducated maybe, but even atheists like me know full well Jesus the man was a Jew, and definitely not a European or "white". Roman/Italian artists knew this, but worked for a Roman church so portrayed him in their image.

Genetic purity?! Lol. I guess that means no one has EVER become Jewish, you're either born one by two pure Jewish parents or not. Hardly reality, and would reject nearly every person in Israel (or elsewhere). Just because there is a long standing religious/cultural taboo against marriage outside the culture, it still happens, as does conversion. Racial/genetic purity is a fallacy debunked by genetic testing.

Prophecy is a leap. No prophecy has been correctly interpreted until AFTER the events supposedly prophesied occurred. It's ridiculous to go back after the fact and claim "see, now that I know exactly how to interpret the unclear prophecy I couldn't decipher before, it's a 100% perfect prediction" but never be able to predict the future. That's the same nonsensical logic mediums use.

The second temple was also the third, since the true second temple was originally a rather modest structure constructed by a number of Jewish exile groups returning to the Levant from Babylon under the Achaemenid-appointed governor Zerubbabel. However, during the reign of Herod the Great, the Second Temple was completely refurbished, and the original structure was totally overhauled into the large and magnificent edifices and facades that are more recognizable. Logically, the third temple was the one destroyed by Romans, the second replaced by Herod but the new one was still called the second temple anyway. (To avoid contradicting prophecy? ;-) )

If the dome of the rock, the second most holy place in Islam, is destroyed, expect Jerusalem to follow soon after, as that will definitely start a religious war between nuclear powers.

Herodotus is credited with using the term Palestinian first, in the 5th century BCE as an ethnonym, making no distinction between Arabs, Jews, or other cultures inhabiting of the area. Romans adopted the term as the official administrative name for the region in the 2nd century CE, "Palestine" as a stand-alone term then came into widespread use, printed on coins, in inscriptions and even in rabbinic texts.

I think you are confused about the history, here's a primer...

The area was populated by various people's including Jews until the Jewish–Roman wars of 66–136 CE, during which the Romans expelled most of the Jews from the area (well, really they arguably left voluntarily because they refused to be second class citizens barred from practicing their religion freely) and replaced it with the Roman province of Syria Palaestina, the Arabs were already there, not invaders or immigrants. When Assyrians (Mesopotamians) invaded in circa 722 BCE, they ruled empirically, meaning only the Jewish ruling elite left, returning in 538 BCE under Cyrus the no, the Arabs didn't just settle after the Jews were dispersed.

It's patently ridiculous to say the Arab nations were unprovoked, Jewish illegal immigration led to a hostile takeover of the region by illegal immigrants with rapid expansion of their territories into their neighbors continuing through today. The Jews defeated the Arabs thanks to American backing and exponentially better hardware. It was only their right if might makes right, and the Arab nations are under no obligation to let them keep what they stole any more than the Jews were obligated to let the Arab nations retain control in the first place. If Iran, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or any combination can take it, by your logic they have every right to do so.

I do agree, in the end there will be more conflict until the area becomes uninhabitable....largely because every religion's prophecies end with them in control, and no one wants to admit it's all nonsensical iron age tribalism at work.

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Bullshit you liar.
Trump blocked relevant witnesses, not the house. He had no credible witnesses on his behalf because none exist. The witnesses he wasn't allowed were the Bidens, because even if every baseless accusation he made against them was true (spoiler, not one is) it's 100% irrelevant. What HE did is the issue.

Bob, you and Trump's position on anyone not kowtowing sufficiently and loudly exclaiming how amazing his (non existent) clothes are is "fuck them". Always has been. Hardly possible to represent America when you say 2/3 are America haters that should be hanged for treason.

The democrats wanted more evidence from day one, and the Whitehouse used every possible excuse to deny them ANY. I can't wait for 2021 when republican control is lost, barring more massive Republican voter fraud (which has been perpetrated by a republican in every intentional case found this century- including all actual examples Trump's investigation found from 2016; Terri Lynn Rote, Phillip Cook, Audrey Cook, Gladys Coego, and worst ever-Leslie McCrae Dowless who collected hundreds of absentee ballots and filled them out for Republican candidates, forging the signatures of hundreds of voters in her position as paid political operative for the Trump supported Republican candidate Mark Harris). When the house, Senate, and executive are all democratic and republicans are silenced with their sycophantic and cowardly abdication of duty, civility, and sanity to someone who doesn't comprehend one of those concepts a whit, I'm sure you'll finally understand how bad that is.

The Senate didn't listen to shit. Republicans, save one, were prepared to acquit without any evidence or testimony. Liar.

The theatrics are from Republicans....all non cult members see that clearly, that's why 2/3 of Americans supported his removal, and the other 1/3 wouldn't convict him of murder if he shot Romney in cold blood during the state of the union. The president being an unimpeachable king is what the constitution was designed to prevent, and the precedent the Republicans set here will end our country if it's the new norm. Start learning Mandarin....oh sorry, forgot that the "L" word is a swear word to your ilk.

It's the entire US that lost, something you'll understand when the next president breaks the law and Republicans are ignored when they complain. The state of the union is "crumbling into dust". The divider in chief has seen to that. "Winning!". *facepalm

BTW, you're also wrong about the dumbasses (again, one word not two). Trumpsters are the uneducated by and large, and a vast majority of them (59%bad/33%good) believe higher education is a bad thing. It's likely that statistic is due to the fact that most of today's Republicans couldn't get into college because most of you are too dumb to meet the requirements, and those who aren't, like my family, have left the party in disgust.

Republicans are the moronic anti American anti education anti fact anti science anti fiscal responsibility anti choice bigots too stupid and gleefully ignorant to know they're stupid ignorant morons. There's absolutely no question or doubt among those who aren't willfully ignorant, who believe in fact, or who believe in education.

bobknight33 said:

The house screwed Trump during their investigation and did not allow any credible witness on his behalf. Now in the Senate Democrats beg for fairness. Fuck them.

The House in gathered enough evidence to bring forth article of impeachment. Democrats now want more evidence.? The Senate listen to their evidence and found it lacking.

Just a theatrical show by Democrats because they have nothing . And they LOST ..............AGAIN

Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat upscaled to 4k using AI

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

lurgee jokingly says...

In a new interview, Grammy Award winner Linda Ronstadt compared President Trump to Adolf Hitler, saying that "if you read the history" it's "exactly the same."

Ronstadt said there are "great parallels" between Trump and Hitler.

"The intelligentsia of Berlin and the literati and all the artists were just busy doing their thing. Hitler rose to power. There were a lot of chances to stop him, and they didn't speak out," she said. "The industrial complex thought they could control him once they got him in office, and of course he was not controllable."

"By the time he got established, he put his own people in place and stacked the courts and did what he had to do to consolidate his power," Ronstadt said, referring to the Nazi leader. "And we got Hitler, and he destroyed Germany. He destroyed centuries of intellectual history forward and backward."

"If you read the history, you won't be surprised. It's exactly the same," Ronstadt replied. "Find a common enemy for everybody to hate. I was sure that Trump was going to get elected the day he announced, and I said it's gonna be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews. And sure enough that's what he delivered."

Ronstadt has been a vocal critic of Trump. Earlier this year, she said she didn’t “want to be in the same room with him” when she learned she would be honored at the Kennedy Center.

“I don’t think he would dare show his face. He doesn’t know anything about art. He knows about money,” said Ronstadt, who received the National Medal of Arts in 2014.

Trump ultimately decided not to attend the award ceremony this year, but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did make an appearance. Ronstadt swiped at Pompeo during her speech after he cited her 1975 track “When Will I Be Loved.”

Ronstadt reportedly said after taking the microphone, “I’d like to say to Mr. Pompeo, who wonders when he’ll be loved, it’s when he stops enabling Donald Trump.”

Shocking Data On China’s Economic Growth

newtboy says...

They poured more concrete in two years than US did in the 20th century. IN TWO YEARS! That's a factual statement. (Shows article and chart showing it took 3 years. Apparently they don't understand that 2011-2013 is 3 years, even when it's in the title.)

Also mentions the new Chinese city with 550 square feet of office space with 95% not occupant. *facepalm

China dipped into our retirement funds to pay tariffs? No, they didn't. That's simply asinine in numerous ways.

They harvest most of the world's frozen fish? No, they freeze most of the world's frozen fish. No one harvests frozen fish.

These people are morons. Typically, they are fast and loose with facts and definitions, maybe just to avoid being truthful, something the right now finds distasteful.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...


"Stupid to use all these differing sets, that only adds confusion to an already technical and confusing topic."

I'm just glad they stick to metric, with sea level rise you don't even get that .

"No matter what, it's incontrovertible that every iteration of the IPCC reports has drastically raised their damage estimates (temp, sea level) and sped up the timetable from the previous report."

At least temperature wise the AR1 report had higher temperatures, and definitely higher worst case projection scenarios for temp than the latest. I can't say I checked their sea level projections, though typically they're other projections have followed on using their temps as the baseline for the other stuff and thus they track together. That is to say, if you can point me a source that reliably claims otherwise I might go check, but currently what I have checked tells me otherwise.

"I'll take the less conservative NOAA estimates and go farther to assume they over estimate humanity and underestimate feedback loops and unknowns and believe we are bound to make it worse than they imagine."

Which is fine, I only object if that gets characterized as the factually scientific 'right' approach.

"The NOAA .83C number was compared to average annual global temperatures 1901-2000...and oddly enough is lower than 2017's measurements."

Which is yet another source and calibration period from what I found. The 1901-2000 very, very roughly speaking can be thought of as centered on 1950, so in that fuzzy feeling sense not surprising it's 0C is colder than the IPCC centered on the nineties.

The source on current instrumental I went against is below:

As for 2018 being cooler than 2017, that's pretty normal. 1996/1997 were the hottest years on record for a pretty long time before things swung back up. It's entirely possible we stay below the recent high years for another bunch of years before continuing to creep up. Same as a particularly cold day isn't 'evidence', the decadal and even century averages are where the signal comes out of the noise.

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