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An Important Lesson

Digitalfiend says...

Out of curiosity, what is BLM's stance on all the black lives being lost to gun violence in places like Chicago? I see no mention of this serious issue on or Heck, it's not even listed on BLM Chicago's "10 Demands of BLMCHI":

With all of the media attention BLM is getting, funding through donations, and general momentum behind the movement, why not focus on things that might actually make a difference? Instead of pouring energy into removing statues, put that effort into PSAs, social media, etc about how terrible the gun violence is in some of these cities. Try and come up with ideas to address it. Invest those resources into getting to the root of the problems that face these communities. I guarantee statues and police brutality are probably pretty low on the list of *real* issues facing the black community. What about poverty/homelessness, lack of economic opportunity, gang activity/influence on youth, guns, drugs, the challenges of low income single-parent homes, etc. Those seem like more important issues for a well funded organization like BLM to be focused on.

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

newtboy says...

Sounds like what we expect in our worst estimations....murder, torture, racism, extortion, facilitating rape, public exposure by publicly accusing and doxxing, planting evidence, brutality, false testimony, all on camera = paid vacation time while it blows over.

Any inkling of support for peaceful anti brutality protests, fired in days.

It's not a question of if criminals wear badges, it's become a question of do ONLY criminals wear badges/ are all badge wearers criminals? I've yet to see a scintilla of evidence indicating they aren't, and mountains of video proof indicating they are.

Drachen_Jager said:

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

Drachen_Jager says...

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

Bison Stampede Yellowstone

Lawyer's Reaction to Carnage at Lafayette Square

newtboy says...

You better hope Biden is better than Trump or you're going to see the national guard in your town looking to shoot you and your family in the face.

So dumb, Bobby, so short sighted, anti American, and just dumb. I get you're upset that Trump has less chance in November every single day, starting out behind and sprinting to the's made you choose delusion over any semblance of reality....not that that's a big change.

Trump has driven us into bankruptcy, a quarantine his slow and indecisive actions caused and extended that will have to be repeated because he invited his people to ignore it, go to work even sick, and to violently protest against them (like the armed invasion of the governor's mansion and burning him in effigy on the porch), now exacerbating civil unrest he fomented by telling police to be more brutal, hurt suspects physically whenever possible.
Look how well he's done at "leading". So well, we are on the verge of civil war.

What's his approval today? >35%? How many swing states is he even within the margin of error against Biden? None today.

Waiting for your second red tsunami with bells on, this one's poised to wash away even more human garbage than the last.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA 2020

Trump is right in this matter.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

In most rifles, it only requires swapping the bolt, something a qualified person can do in seconds, in others, the upper receiver, maybe a 1-2 minute job no harder than proper cleaning. Pistol conversion kits are similarly simple.
Don't be fooled that it's some long, difficult process so unlikely for that reason, it's simplistic and fast....and the conversion is just as easily and quickly reversible.

Edit: That didn't sound like an 40mms I've heard, more like a 9mm pistol with a light load. Any kind of 40mm round at that range would be brutal

jimnms said:

I doubt it was simunition. I've never heard of it being used outside of training (not saying it isn't thought). Simunition only works in special modified guns because it doesn't produce enough blowback to cycle in a normal gun, and guns modified for sumunition can't load regular ammunition.


Ghost Crash

eric3579 says...

First time through i jumped at the third accident and made an audible gasp. The anticipation of each accident had me on the edge of my seat. Some of those accidents were brutal.

God damnit Chug.

newtboy says...

Just pointing out that your stated plan, abandoning all dairy for stuff like almond milk, leads to a water shortage disaster without halting cattle death one whit. It would actually cause exponentially more animal deaths, most by thirst, a far more brutal and painful death than veal get....but you didn't think it through, did you?

There's no question that I enjoy eating meats of many kinds, I've never once hidden or denied that...I would eat long pig if people didn't spoil that meat. That said, I don't eat veal.

....and you say I make everything an argument?! You're style is why people hate vegans. You personally insult them, then whine and get pissy if they contradict your falsehoods and poorly thought out "solutions".

Besides...I thought you quit me. What gives? Enthralled by my swinging cod? Sorry, it's spoken for, and it's too beefy for your taste. ;-)

Edit : btw, the meat industry "hiding" it's methods isn't about the horrific violence at all, it's about hiding the violations of regulations that delineate how they are to be raised, killed, and which can't be used at all. Many smaller producers don't agree with that, they want to be seen doing it right, it's industrial meat production you're complaining about, not all production as you want to claim.

HerbWatson said:

Killing baby cows and pretending like your doing for the good of saving water LOL

At least the other guy has the balls to admit he likes eating them.

Is anyone else getting a lot of weird redirect pages and ads (Sift Talk Post)

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

moonsammy says...

This Saudi Arabia shit is totally bonkers. Is it more sucking up to his beloved totalitarian regimes? Is it a step towards war with Iran? They're (the country from which came most of) the fuckers that attacked us on 9/11! They straight-up brutally murdered a critical journalist, who lived in the US and worked for a US newspaper! They're ideologically closer to ISIS than Iraq's former government was! I mean... what the fuck? It's like he's trying his hardest to piss off even the Republicans at this point, just to see what it'll take...

newtboy said:

Oops....Trump's trade advisor went on Fox and stupidly admitted that as part of his trade talks with China he asked the Chinese to investigate Biden....well before Trump said the same thing on international television. This tanks the moronic Republican lie that Trump was only trolling the press when he publicly said China needs to investigate his political rivals, it was also an official request tied to his trade wars.

Numerous other Republicans are getting caught in this Giuliani slime web, having accepted massive foreign donations from Giuliani's friends with strings attached to each one.

Now, after pulling our forces from Syria where they were stopping Turkey from invading by their presence....for their safety and to get the U.S. out of the middle east he said, but really it's to protect his interests in the Trump towers in Turkey from state seizure....Today he announced he's sending thousands of troops to Saudi Arabia for their protection. (I guess so they don't have to use those weapons he's so proud they bought?)
These moves not only make it likely ISIS will survive and embed themselves worldwide, but also makes enemies of the Kurds, our staunch allies. It is foreseeable that a new, anti American Kurdish terrorist group will be the result. Who could possibly blame them?

Also this morning Trump lost another appeal trying to hide his taxes.

Will the madness ever end?

VFX Artist Shows You TRUE POWER of Warships!

Sagemind says...

Way too mush positive enthusiasm for a machine that is purely made to kill people. These human killing machines are brutal in their efficiency. I almost feel like the music should be a sound of dred with a somber tone explanation. Discussing them as entertainment seems wrong to me. Not only that, but this is the decommissioned ship, they didn't even get to the more modern ships which can kill way more people, more accurately, and at greater distances.

Of course, this is all to promote a video game, and they want you excited to buy and play their game, and pump them full of micro-payments. I also know their are people that thrive on guns and killing, but as a human being, to me, this seems very uncomfortable.

No, I'm not anti-video game, just anti-realism in video games and killing people. Give me Aliens and sci-fi, or demons and monsters any day

newtboy (Member Profile)

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

newtboy says...

Or maybe there are 100 candid negative cop videos for every planned, produced, and publicized positive cop video.
For example...
See any good cops in that one?

bobknight33 said:

You only post negative Cop videos. Maybe you have a chip on you shoulder towards Cops.

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

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