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Michael Moore take on the election

notarobot says...

Moore does a good job of explaining why Trump got so many votes. *promote *quality and speaking of Brexit... *related=

WTF have you done America?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Finally, some hope:

In a sign of increasing frustration on the Canadian side, the normally cheery Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Thursday that not signing CETA would issue a “deplorable” message that Europe is heading towards an “unproductive path” post-Brexit.

Deplorable, you say?
The fact that power over trade — one of the EU’s core negotiating competences — has shifted to Europe’s 38 national and regional parliaments is a major embarrassment for Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. In July, he was pushed by French and German Socialists into designating CETA as a “mixed agreement” requiring ratification in national and regional assemblies.
The decision was highly controversial, because Juncker and his chief lawyers believed this wasn’t necessary from a legal point of view, but was a gesture of political goodwill.

A gesture of political goodwill. Or as we call it: a Hail-Mary attempt at keeping it alive, because both the French and the German government are facing serious domestic pressure on this issue. If they hadn't acknowledged parliament's vote on this, CETA might have been taken out back and shot in the head already, like it fucking should be.

176 Shocking Things Donald Trump Has Done This Election

notarobot says...

@newtboy: Trumps appeal to the LCD is successful mostly because the LCD has been allowed to grow so much in our post-Regan society. With inequality on the rise and decades of trickle-down government-by-the-wealthy-for-the-wealthy, those "left behind" have been growing faster and faster every year.

It Trump fails to win this go around then the pendulum may keep swinging further. My concern is that the next 'protest' candidate will be even worse than he.


We'll have to agree to disagree about some things. For me, as bad as Trump is, I'm not convinced that he is worse than what Hillary was revealted to be by the DNC Leaks...

...but perhaps instead of arguing about which shit sandwich is worse, it is more productive to work together to find out why there are only shit sandwiches on the menu?

On this:

"But things will never change until you fix your broken political system. You're barely a democracy these days."

I am in complete agreement.

When I first heard of the Brexit vote, I thought it was some nasty xenophobic/racist group that had somehow managed to capture 51% of a nation. But could Britian really be that full of xenophobes? It was in a bit of casual research on the subject when I discovered that J. Pie video I referenced in my earlier comment. I had to revise my first assumption about the group that voted to leave the E.U.. While there may have been an element of xenophobia involved, it was economic factors that was the driving force behind the Brexit vote.

People who have been screwed over by years of government for corporations which has only worsened since Glass–Steagall was repealed by Bill Clinton. The hold the wealthy have on government was tightened after Citizen's United.

Much of the support Trump has been able to marshal is a reaction to years of governance-for-the-wealthy-by-the-wealthy.

Lawrence Lessig's does a better job unpacking this quagmire in his talk: "We The People: the Republic We Must Reclaim" which has far too few views on YT or votes on the sift, IMO. For anyone who's ever been unhappy with the political system in the past number of years, I consider it a must-watch.

Link here:

176 Shocking Things Donald Trump Has Done This Election

notarobot says...

Ugh. Look, I don't like Trump. But however bad he is, comparing him to Hillary in terms of better/worse is like being forced to eat a sandwich made of pigeon turds or rat feces. They're both terrible. They're both sandwiches made of shit.

Being a better tasting shit sandwich doesn't change the shit sandwich from being a shit sandwich. You can try to mask the flavor with hot sauce or swiss cheese, but it's still a shit sandwich.

Hillary is an awful candidate. The only way she'd ever have a chance at winning it to be put up against someone as weak as Trump.

And vice-versa. Trump could never stand a chance unless his opponent was as disliked as Hillary.

But here we are. Shit sandwich vs. Shit sandwich.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and list reasons why Hillary is terrible. Google can offer plenty of criticisms of her---and to be clear, don't think I'm coming at this by suggesting that Trump is some kind of saint. I. Don't. Like. Him. But Trump is doing one thing right, that I don't see Hillary doing. He's engaging with the "deplorables" of the nation.

This doesn't make Trump less of a shit sandwich (Did I mention that I don't like Trump? I don't like Trump.) but it could be the difference between Shit Sandwich, and President Shit Sandwich. (Sorry!)

To explain where I'm coming from on this, see Johnathan Pie's rant on Brexit. Basically, the "Keep things as they are" campaign was dismissive of the "deplorables" of the nation. Look how that vote turned out.

The thesis of that rant is basically that for many people the Brexit vote boiled down to:

"If you've got nothing, why would you vote for things to stay as they are? At least with uncertainty, there's some hope that things might change."

Hillary, for many people, means "Maintaining the status quo." For this group, Trump is at least a different flavour of shit sandwich--which might just put him in the White House. (Sorry.)


Here's the link to J. Pie's rant:

ChaosEngine said:

Yep. I fucking AGREE with him, and I could barely watch it.

@notarobot, all politicians should be subject to this all the time.
But let's not kid ourselves: Trump is several orders of magnitude worse than Hillary.

Decline of the US and the rise

London Gets a Blowjob Cafe!

worthwords says...

Now that soho is about as risqué as a double decaff latte with cows milk (rather than soya), at least Praed street paddington has a good sexual health service specifically for prostitutes.

I really can't see this happening with the current laws. Brexit won't have a happy ending

CGP Grey On The Current Brexit Situation

Jinx says...

non-brexit brexit seems like a complete nightmare.

Uncertainty is bad for business, but how do you reassure without those 52% catching on? The Sun, The Daily Mail etc will put the migration figures on the front page and people will go absolutely potty. We'll be in exactly the same place as before, only we'll be poorer for the whole debacle and people will be even more angry and distrustful of establishment politicians. There will be plenty more like Farage, and worse besides, who'll use that climate to gain power.

CGP Grey On The Current Brexit Situation

Jonathan Pie on Brexit

CGP Grey On The Current Brexit Situation

Mark Blyth on Brexit: "revolt against technocracy"

drradon says...

This guy has my vote - First honest accurate analysis of Brexit and Trumpism I've seen.
Why is this kind of a discussion not all over the traditional media? Is mainstream media so devoid of intelligent analytical skills that they are incapable of doing this kind of thing? or is it that they have for so long been part of the political elitist mentality (on left and right) that they are simply unwilling to present an honest analysis?

notarobot (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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notarobot (Member Profile)

Bill Maher: Is Globalization Failing Everybody?

kir_mokum says...

Louise Mensch is either lying or grossly misinformed. the brexit was absolutely sold as a way to save money and that money was going to be invested back into NHS (see farage's bus) and the day after the referendum, farage did a complete 180 on that position and lied about saying he would invest it back into the NHS.

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