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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jan 6 transcripts now corroborate through multiple sources the claim that in his rage over losing bigly, Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Somalia by the 15th of January 2021 on Nov 12….a written order that was questioned immediately and quickly rescinded, but an order none the less.

So much for your idiotic lie that Trump would have handled the withdrawal better.
Trump released the Taliban from prison, negotiated his unconditional surrender to them without involving the Afghan government at all, allowed any actions by the Taliban as long as they didn’t directly attack Americans, and developed absolutely no plan for withdrawal. If we followed Trump’s plan, there wouldn’t be 12 dead soldiers, there would be up to 12000. There wouldn’t be nearly $7 billion in decommissioned broken equipment left, there would be over $70 billion of operational equipment left. There would also be 100x more Americans abandoned to the Taliban.


Edit: McCarthy lost his 3rd vote for speaker….the first time in over a century it took more than one vote. The Democrat is closer to winning than any Republican. Lol! MAGA is eating the Republican Party, making sure nothing happens for 2 years before the blue ocean rises and sinks your hopes of more MAGA.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, the Trump unsupervised PPP “loans” that Cons all took advantage of, then had forgiven (the same rich people who fought against student loan forgiveness)….that has no impact I guess?

Yeah…the timeline says no, not really. The QE and handouts happened in 2020 and early 21 as Tesla was skyrocketing, not what made them crash. You are just blathering.
Remember, you 100% denied the insane unheard of level of QE Trump did had anything to do with inflation, proving you have 0 grasp of economics.
Pumping money into the system is the only guaranteed way to cause inflation, and Trump did it more than any other president in history. He saw it as a way to spend more off the books. In fact, it was an unapproved tax on every American in the form of massive inflation you simply blamed on Biden for years. Kind of hard to swallow your sudden realization that printing money hurts the economy when you absolutely denied it when your guy printed money….over 40% of all money ever printed was printed in 2020. Where was this bob in 2020? It’s true, the money printing by Trump and to a much lesser extent Biden increased inflation significantly…but that doesn’t account for Tesla crashing twice as bad as other car companies.

He’s correct, we will end the fossil fuel industry. Importantly he gave no timeline in your clip. Reality is under Biden oil and gas production is up….but refining capacity down. The only way he could directly effect that is nationalizing oil and gas companies and forcing them to lower their profit margins to pre pandemic levels.
Reality is you were simply lied to, again, we were not a net exporter of energy under Trump. Only during the summer, in winter we imported more than we shipped out in summer. Net importers.

Since you’ve been misled, you should understand Biden only halted NEW leases of federal oil fields until the companies that want them use the leases they already have. Oil companies want to buy the fields but not drill, creating more shortages and higher prices/profits. Biden insists they make use of the land already leased before locking out tens of millions more federal acres from exploitation by their competition or any other use.

We still export oil, and import it. Our refining capabilities went down under Trump when he ok’ed the sale of the biggest refinery in America to the Saudis and they instantly cut production. In 2020, our demand went down, but not below our production.

Oil companies lost a combined $76 billion over 2020, then made over $2 trillion profits 2021 and $4 trillion 2022. Utter bullshit it’s just making their losses back. An outright bold faced lie that relies on ignorance of any facts to be believed.

Trump ok’ed the murder of American citizens by the crown prince, bragged about protecting him from murder charges. Trump gave the Saudis top secret information about dissidents in their country which they paid son in law Kushner $2 billion for then murdered them. These included people working for America.
Trump also sold the Saudis our refining capabilities without which them being pissed would make no difference if we were actually a net exporter (we aren’t, never were) and still owned our infrastructure (we don’t), the evil murderous Saudis would have no leverage at all. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 said:

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

luxintenebris says...

yup. what if the standards of journalism return to the level before FN is often a quandary; would it be a boon or a bust?

i'd like it. 'tho many shepherds would lose their sheep.*

might take any news the same way a body would gather from people in their own lives. some folks are credible, some not, & some are a bear to get anything out of 'em. try that w/retail news sources.

personally, the FACT Hannity said this only underlines FN is a second-hand rag seller. poor quality product w/sales staff pushing the hard sale.

patrons get what they buy.

hope Murdoch & cronies get hammered for billions. they need to give back all those ill-gotten gains.

*the 'net has many CREDIBLE sources. some browsers have translation features built in, so impartial reports can be obtained if'n American media reviles yah so.

bobknight33 said:

Lets have a story of " I herd that he said " xxx "When under oath for Jan 6 hearing.

Ok where is this quote? Or is this just I hope its true hearsay?

As far as FOX MSNBC CNN etc being a 24 hour NEWs outlet you way off.
23 hrs of slanted commentary and 30 min of news. ...

If you haven't figured this out yet then you just a gullible sheep.

Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

newtboy says...

It’s far from just letting others say it with no contradiction for months, it was the same hosts themselves saying the election was stolen that now admit they never believed the big lie, so could never have believed Dominion orchestrated it.

The great part is this essentially makes the case for Dominion, because part of winning their case involves proving malice, and saying these horrible lies day after day when you know they aren’t true, inviting the same conspiracy mongers on day after day to sell the same ever more convoluted lies for months, knowing what they say is nonsense and nodding along and agreeing knowing you are not only ruining a multi billion dollar business with lies but also putting its employee’s lives at risk from your viewers, all because the machines functioned properly and didn’t give the election outcome you wanted is pretty much the definition of malice.
Dominion deserves every penny of the $1.6 billion they request for actual damages then triple it for punitive damages.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I love how you proved me right again by just going silent when, for the 7396th time I proved my statements correct and proved yours to be lies with direct unadulterated, non biased information direct from the source, in this case the courts, the DA’s filings, and the publicly available portions of transcripts of the MAGA terrorist’s confession.
You have never once returned that favor in all the years you’ve been here. Not once….because you can’t prove lies with facts. You come up with stupidity like “it was Pelosi’s gay lover, he’s not MAGA” because you don’t care a bit about truth, honesty, civility, facts, or honor, you just need to be the biggest rancid uncleaned douche bag possible at all times in every situation. How’s that working out for you? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Treasonous Trump’s traitorous lawyer Stefan Passantino being prosecuted for, as a Trump White House lawyer, instructing administration employees to lie to the Jan 6 committee about nearly everything.
The lawyer informed them to claim they don’t recall when they absolutely did recall information, saying “they don’t know if you know, so it’s fine.”
Ba-da-dum dum dum….another one bites the dust.
He was fired for intimidating his “clients” who were testifying against Trump on behalf of Trump. He’s also charged with making lucrative employment offers to witnesses if they testified right, offers that were all withdrawn when they testified honestly.

He also took private privileged attorney client information and told opposing council (Trump’s other lawyers) in direct contradiction of his client’s stated wishes AND THE LAW.

Every move by Trump’s team is a crime, every statement a lie, every accusation an admission. You sure picked one hell of a losing team….you all must have gotten real tired of winning, because you really stopped doing it long ago.

More Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. The real MAGA….because MAGA is a criminal terrorist enterprise….and you’re part of it.

Bonus, Trump’s DOJ hid the reports on the privately built sections of border fence because they showed complete failure to follow any environmental laws and horrific construction techniques so bad portions were falling down before the assessment could be done. He had the reports hidden in order to give the “construction company” (fraud) a $1.7 billion contract to “build” more. All of what they built is so sub par it may need another $2-3 billion to remove it as trash before it falls into the Rio Grande and becomes a major river hazard and environmental disaster.
Just another in the never ending stream of grift and theft from Trump….this one alone cost well over $2 billion. Go on, whine about how much the Jan 6 committee cost and beg for Hunter to be investigated. Such a mindless braying moron you are.

Can’t wait for those taxes…I bet you any amount Trump’s worth exponentially less than he claims. Trump had the IRS break the law and not audit him, in direct contradiction of his claims and the law.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not everything….my portfolio is growing quite a bit, not shrinking by 63% this year. It grew almost 3% today alone….how about yours?
You mean that “covid dip” when it rose to 400 per share during covid and you were screaming “buy! Go all in now!”? ROTFLMFAHS! WTF are you talking about?
Tesla sells the vast majority of its cars to liberals. Tesla has massively turned off liberals (35% positive to under 10% positive) right as other options came on the market, and gotten slightly more popular (20% positive up to 25%) among conservatives who unfortunately for Tesla don’t buy electric cars. Tesla is unlikely to ever get most back. You should understand, Tesla’s days of near monopoly are over, Musk has to sell tens of billions of Tesla stock to pay his debts, which will drive it MUCH lower. You’ll be lucky if it ever gets this good again….and it’s guaranteed to go lower soon. It’s a good time to short, not buy.
FYI- Tesla cut prices by 9%+- in China, and $4k in the US because it seems so many preordered cars have had their orders cancelled and there’s a glut of unsold cars. Not exactly the booming business predicted. That 50% growth is sounding wildly optimistic right now….because today they’re shrinking. 🤦‍♂️

Jan 6 hearings were bi partisan. MAGgot Republicans didn’t want an independent investigation, and all but boycotted this one. No whining now, you asked to be left out.
To paraphrase Roger Stone…You lost. Democracy won. Fuck you. No. You lost. Fuck you!
The insurrection was a one sided seditious act, and a circle jerk by morons. It would be impossible to not find any crimes to refer. What they found is way more than enough to put him in prison for life.
Funny how you LOVE one sided investigations of liberals, like all 12 Clinton investigations, and the planned Hunter Biden investigation (that is a pure partisan one sided planned congressional investigation of a private citizen…a real nothing burger) and all the moronic “investigations “ that are the totality of the Republican platform, but denounce bipartisan investigations of Cons as “one sided”. Pick one. Are one sided investigations just theater? Then call out all the MAGA theater. Are they serious and legitimate? Then find a new baseless fantasy accusation against the Jan 6 committee.

Naaa, friendo. Me and the official ANTIFA organization go to battle fully naked covered in vaseline and glitter. Makes it impossible to keep hold of us, and forces uncomfortable explanations when our enemies get home to their wives sweaty, covered in Vaseline and glitter claiming they were at work!

bobknight33 said:

150 and falling just like everything else. Fud not helping but a great time to buy... I still expect it to go lower. Im sitting in cash.. If I were to buy today I would pick up an extra 1500 shares. FYI TESLA firing on all cylinders 50% growth YoY expected. These opportunities only come around every decade or so. The 2020 Covid dip was also a great time to take advantage of . Did you? I did.

The globe is in a recession not just Tesla -- Compare to Amazon and see.
Average recession lasts 18 months. Q1/Q2 2023 will be worse.

Jan 6 hearings was 1 sided -- a circle jerk committee . I would be surprised id the "didn't" find anything to refusal......... Just BS

No biker gear-- that's newt and his Antifa buddies.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s NFTs, his digital traitor cards, are gone. He sold $4.5 million worth of poorly photoshopped fantasy images to you morons for $100 a pop…stupidest purchase ever...and he’s going to lose every penny because he STOLE the images he poorly photoshopped his face on…from companies like Amazon that are his enemies. He even used a Men’s Warehouse photo because there weren’t any of him in a tux that didn’t look like an obese old pedophile. He’s so crooked he wouldn’t even pay $100 for stock photos to use. Think they won’t sue? They’re going to ask for 10x his profit in punitive damages. ROTFLMFAHS!!

He fudged his non fungible tokens….like everything he touches. How many did you buy? Did you get cowboy Trump?

And Elon has sold $3.5 billion of Tesla despite promising not to, and has gone full blown anti free speech on twitter, suspending any reporter or organizations that reported on him or Twitter. And before you lie, no, they had not posted his exact location in real time…most had not even shown where that legally and publicly available information about the city his plane is in could now be found after he banned it from Twitter (something he also promised not to do).
I guess he better ban Ticketmaster, it shows the exact location and date where Taylor Swift will be.
He better ban any account tracking AOC’s location….or any that mention that it’s possible to track AOC somewhere else.

…or he better just quit, sell to the banks for $15 billion, leave his now struggling unpopular companies and go away…Tesla down 10 more yesterday, almost 8%, and in freefall. He’s destroyed more market share of more companies in the last 6 months than any emperor of Rome or elsewhere. No person in history has lost more money for more people. Not even close. Ouch.

Whistleblower Exposes Far Right Justices Corruption

newtboy says...

Liar. That’s not what he said. No surprise, you can’t be near the truth, it burns you.

He sent millionaires/billionaires as “stealth missionaries”…not mom and pop evangelicals. Mom and pop prayed and sent cards, billionaires sent hundred thousand dollar and more vacations. He did that because billionaires can make bribes mom and pop can’t…sent stealth because bribing judges is against their religion, ethics, and morals….and justices are apparently exempt from ethic and morality rules and laws so can accept any amount without reporting it but still don’t like the optics.
I would bet you any amount (were you not a welcher) the “conservative” justices never pay for their lunches, which they hold in places like the four seasons where the bill can exceed $1k easily every day. Keep in mind this well funded group was only one of dozens lobbying the conservative justices.

Alito leaked decisions to these billionaires, and let them shape decisions….and was paid well for it. Typically hypocritically, suddenly the right doesn’t care one bit about leaks from the court, when last week they were still screaming for blood from the 3 sane justices they assumed were the leakers. Now that it’s known Alito is a leaker….NOTHING BURGER. You infants are so transparent. To your ilk wrong is only wrong if the left does it.

A few dinners is what they CLAIMED, but not everything they did. It’s what he says he suggested (but that’s not believable one bit), not the limit of their involvement by far.
He admitted they hosted dinners for them regularly…including travel across the country and stays in massive estates as part of the “dinner”, and including their friends and families, and often and repeatedly hosted them on extravagant vacations to different continents, including extravagant first class hunting trips to South America, etc, (including first class travel for them and their families)…. and entered a Faustian deal where the court would make abortion illegal only if the evangelicals would support EVERYTHING ELSE in the far right agenda no matter how evil.

Hilarious that he claims he was trying to convince the court it had the people’s support to eradicate reproductive rights. That was a blatant lie from evangelicals, they were opposed by over 70% of the people, and utterly destroyed the legitimacy of the court in their political zeal to erode individual rights for Americans. (And many other ethical and moral failings)

This is the far right court selling a decision (and a legal right) for political gains…and you know they get kickbacks from the far right for that too.

You love wasting tax payer dollars. How many millions wasted on Trump’s fake illicit defense by an activist judge inserting herself in a federal case to protect him? How many hundreds of millions were wasted in Trump’s repeated election fraud investigations that found no fraud besides Republican frauds they ignored? How many billions wasted on Trump’s failed useless border fence that’s already crumbling into rivers and getting blown down in wind, and hasn’t slowed border crossings at all since they’ve increased since he built it? How much was wasted investigating BLM and ANTIFA….how much was wasted CREATING ANTIFA by labeling any protester ANTIFA unless they could prove they weren’t, in a ploy to create a boogie man for you to fear? Now you want to spend hundreds of millions investigating private citizens (Hunter, Clinton). You want to spend hundreds of millions investigating Fauchi. You don’t want to spend a dime investigating the highest court being bribed….unless you only target liberal justices then you’re 100% on board with any amount.
And exactly how many tax dollars have been spent on investigating this? Pretty certain it’s near zero. It’s just public knowledge now. Just said in congress under oath…that’s all.

Edit: I bet you have no problem with justices like Kavenaugh “partying” (getting drunk and raping women?) with Matt Gaetz, Stephen Miller, Erick Prince, Matt Schlapp, Sebastian Gorka, Sean Spicer, and others who have upcoming cases in front of his court, right? Just like it’s fine that Thomas didn’t recuse himself from cases directly involving his wife despite clear ethics rules requiring he do so….right? So much for “high ethical standards”….they have no standards. The right delegitimization the court started with denying Obama a nomination and is now complete.
And the Mark Meadows voter fraud case progresses. Sure he lived in a run down mobile home in the woods, he wasn’t lying to illegally register to vote in N Carolina…one of 3 places he registered. Lots of republicans committing vote fraud in N Carolina.

bobknight33 said:

This is what is admitted:
We sent greeting cards, prayed and had dinner at times.
Occasionally we got together for a few days out west.

WOW that is influencing peddling at the highest level.

Good find at government wasting tax dollars on nothing .

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh. Fox guilty of “ spoliation”….intentionally destroying emails that had been subpoenaed….with malice and forethought.
This is going to cost them over and above the $1.6 billion they’re going to lose over slander and libel of Dominion.
It’s also caused a likely instruction from the judge that they intentionally destroyed evidence to hide their culpability.
That’s game over, once the judge orders they destroyed evidence to hide their guilt, that’s a finding they’re guilty.
Remember, this is not the only libel case against Fox. Murdoch testifies tomorrow.
Not a good time to be a righty. Everything that touched Trump is turning to garbage at an amazing rate.

How Trump Is Playing Kamala Harris Like A Video Game

newtboy says...

Since birth. Trump feels threatened constantly, every single day, by every person he meets. It’s obvious. (Insecurity is linked to mental health conditions such as narcissism, anxiety, paranoia, and addictive or dependent personalities….sound familiar?)

His personality is one of pure insecurity.

Seriously, when has Trump NOT felt threatened by anyone?

That’s why he demands total compliance, fawning, adulation, and 100% public agreement or you’re his next target.….he can’t stand it if anyone disagrees with him about anything, or doesn’t give him preferential treatment, or isn’t puckered enough to kiss his unwiped ass.

The fact that he expects everyone else to compromise for him, but can’t fathom the reverse also indicates clinical insecurity.

That’s why he insisted people only get to know what he claims about himself….no tax disclosures, no financial disclosures, no putting his holdings into a blind trust, no registering as an agent for multiple hostile foreign powers (like Russia, N Korea, Saudi Arabia, and China, all of which helped “fund his presidency” (by which I mean bribed his family to the tune of multiple billions in return for classified information, preferential treatment, and ignoring treaties (like our obligation by treaty to give a strong, even nuclear military response to aggressive expansion in Ukraine.))). He’s terrified people will hate him if they know him.

That’s how people who feel constantly threatened act, not strong, secure people, but weak insecure people act that way, buddy. That you guy. That you pick. A cowardly baby conman who is anti constitution, anti democracy, and anti American….just like his cultists.
Your cowardly silence since the election is just more evidence. Where’s your red tsunami I was pissing into? Where’s the bravado and certitude? Where’s the unearned vitriol and threats? All evaporated in a puff of reality.

bobknight33 said:

Seriously when has Trump felt threatened by anyone?

Texas's new 31 billion dollar seawall to be constructed

newtboy says...

So…a state that denies climate change wants twenty billion of federal tax money (60 billion+ before its finished) to protect the tax exempt industry most responsible for climate change from the destruction is brings that they deny is real….all on taxpayer money, not a bit industry funded.

I grew up in Houston/Galveston. This is stupidity. There’s no way in hell they’ll ever stop hurricane flooding. The barriers would need to be 30 ft tall, not 5. They would also need to redirect numerous rivers that outflow through the coast, and find a way to remove unfathomable amounts of flood waters coming from land. I was there for Alicia, a relatively small hurricane in the 80’s, and all of Houston was 5 ft under water, with the bayous 40ft above their channels. That water flows into the Galveston area….behind these barriers.

This is a massive boondoggle that will never be built for dozens of reasons, but will still make numerous politicians and their families disgustingly rich, and may eventually partially protect some high value real estate, but never the entire coast. That’s today’s Texas. It bears noting, Texas is nearly $50 billion in debt with a crumbling electric grid, failing water system, no social services, and likely still $10 billion away from finishing their useless failed border fence….but plan to spend at least another $10 billion of state funds on this. How, exactly?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So….Mike Pillow for RNC Chair. Endorsed by Trump.
Yes please.
Nothing could possibly end the party faster than putting a bat shit crazy crack head in the top party position and a convict as your presidential candidate with an ignorant crazy Karen as his VP.
Always running to the lowest common denominator, and in your case that’s LOW. Like pedophilic Nazi on meth low.

Wannabe Werewolf Walker saying people under 35 shouldn’t get to vote (because they aren’t voting for him), and anyone (on the left) with any complaint against America should leave and lose their citizenship (not realizing his entire campaign is about complaints he has against America) is pretty much perfectly on brand….this was in response to a question about children being bullied online.

And Elon, by removing misinformation rules and fact checkers and bringing back the crazed right wing nuts spreading misinformation and planning terrorism on Twitter, has violated Apple’s terms of service, prompting them to 1) stop advertising on Twitter (around $200 million per year) and 2) consider removing the app, meaning all apple products can’t download or update the app…essentially killing Twitter.
He tweeted that he carried the sink in to “let this sink in” when he took over, but now it’s clear it was just his intent to “sink” the company from the start. He’s personally lost $100 billion in net worth so far, and still plummeting. That’s making it harder to get funding for his other companies. Tesla is down 55% ytd. “All in” is not looking great these days. It’s always a huge risk. Can’t say you weren’t warned.

Foxconn lock down continues

newtboy says...

Foxconn is what you get when quasi socialist/communist dictatorial countries dabble in capitalism.

Let’s not forget Trump made a huge brilliant deal with them to build a factory in Wisconsin with the biggest corporate handouts in history of $3 billion and infrastructure installed at taxpayer expense while imminent domain was used to toss people off their land and taxpayer money used to clear it in preparation, touting the $10 billion factory and 13000-50000 expected jobs, which in reality is now down to a promise of $672 million and maybe up to 1400 jobs someday…today it’s a storage facility that assembles some servers for select clients (Chinese companies). He and the Righties sure loved ‘Jiner’ then. No problem with communist ‘Jiner’ at all while they’re handing out patents to Ivanka.

CBS "Verifies" Hunter Bidens laptop

newtboy jokingly says...

Ashley Babbitt? The terrorist traitor who got exactly what you all deserve? Yeah, she’s a real criminal, not just a guy with a drug problem like the president’s son….but maybe Don Jr will get some help, he should ask Hunter for help like so many other prominent Republicans have in the past.

Yeah, your position on her is still fake, just like every position you’ve ever held….all spoon fed to you by people using your gullibility for their gains. Sucker.

Yes, the Hunter laptop scandal is still a fake. Proven to have been tampered with, so nothing there is legitimate. Not evidence, and doesn’t involve Joe or government….unlike Trump’s children who it’s verified took well over $2 billion in bribes from hostile foreign powers in exchange for classified secrets and abuses of power.

Funny, you have nothing to say about the dozens of Republican vote fraud campaigns by campaigns or representatives, or dozens of Republican representatives who are now convicted sex offenders I’ve pointed out this month alone? And you think the fake, totally irrelevant Hunter’s laptop nonsense gains you something? ROTFLMFAHS!!! You will never learn, you are incapable of learning. You are a willing sucker for pedophiles and criminal anti democracy morons. You are not a serious or adult person.

bobknight33 said:


Hey @newtboy Is this still fake?

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