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U.N. Landmine Removal Commercial

NordlichReiter says...

This commercial needs more gore. That will drive the point home. If the child's bottom half had been vaporized, like most mine victims, then it would have been more poignant.

Or better yet, they should have used a bouncin' betty.

Most people will never know the horrors of war, and half wont be able think about the horrors of war.

Making dark videos even darker.

Tymbrwulf (Member Profile)

Ryjkyj says...

Thanks for pointing this out. The rules bend both ways on this. I think that thte genereal consensus is: if the music changes the video enough to be unique then it stays. Look up the Tarsier/Maki/THX videos. What do you think?

In reply to this comment by Tymbrwulf:
Your video seems to be a dupe of, except it has music added to it. Not sure about the rules on that.

Missouri Dem party tracker gets assaulted at GOP rally

shuac says...

"bullbaiting" is the scientology term, I believe.

This is hilarious. And what a civil exchange: "please stop shoving me, sir." If I were the camera operator, I'd start running around to avoid him and humming Yackity Sax (the Benny Hill theme).

Ninja Cat moves when you're not looking

Friday The 13th - Benny Hill Version

Ultimate Warehouse Failure

Ultimate Warehouse Failure

The Passion of the Benny Hill

Bidouleroux says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
What we have left is the depiction of a man that was getting the flesh torn from his back. He got a crown of thorns pressed into his scalp. He was then to carry that piece of lumber down the road to the point where he was to be crucified upon it, whilst getting stones and such thrown at him.
Once arrived at the site of his crucifixion, he had spikes driven through his hands and feet, and was raised to hang and die over the next few days.
That sounds pretty damn shitty, does it not?

Yeah, and so does the torture and crucifixion of countless other unknown men and women, pagan or not (from the Romans' point of view). It also doesn't change 1700 years of religious persecution by the christian church in the name of a supposedly non-violent, turn-the-other-cheek guy. In comparison, when's the last time you heard a Buddhist monk taking Hitler's side or condemning all Jews or all "insert-sin-here"ers to hell via their own wish fulfilling machine (i.e. god)? They have a hell, but they don't go wishing every other "infidel" into it or use it to control their fellow lay Buddhists.

On the subject of islam, it is well-known historically that Muhammad was a warlord and that so were his successors; claiming islam (which means "submission") is a non-violent religion is like claiming the nazis were peaceful recreational gas users. Of course, not all nazis gassed jews for a living, but it doesn't change the facts that many of them did, directly or not, willingly or not, knowingly or not. And so not all muslims ("one who submits") are terrorists, but many of them are and even more are tacitly or overtly approving these terrorists and their tactics. Just because there isn't a centralized muslim church doesn't mean muslims shouldn't be concerned about what others do in the name of their religion.

As for the video, it is indeed quite funny, all the more so since The Passion of the Christ takes itself much much too seriously. Unless you literally believe in the fact that Jesus saved us all by being crucified, then the guy was just an evolutionary dead end (Paul was the one to spread the little-known underground church of christ like a nazi propagandist while ostensibly corrupting Jesus' message to make it more palatable to the roman middle class). Sorry to bring this up after 7 months, but what the hell, I may make myself a few more enemies.

Chaser's War on Everything: Jesus Sightings and Mosque Signs

The Sony PSP Game Loading Time From Hell...

Who said stoners are too lazy to run?

Colbert and Stewart appear on Late Night with Conan O'Brien

Benny Hinn - Surprise! He's another greedy televangelist.

qruel says...

you people are just a bunch of uppity know it all atheists who don't know anything. This guy is a man of the lord and helps HEAL people (I've seen it in person). So what if he lives a restrained lifestyle? he should have even more wealth, for as much as he has brought the message of the lord to the masses.

god bless Benny Hill

The Battle of Naboo -- re-edited with more appropriate music

Homer kills the Grim Reaper

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'homer, grim, reaper, death, simpsons' to 'homer, grim, reaper, death, simpsons, yakety sax, benny hill' - edited by calvados

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