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White blood cell chases bacteria to the Benny Hill theme

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'benny hill, biology, cells, white blood cells, bacteria, science' to 'benny hill, biology, cells, white blood cells, bacteria, science, yakety sax' - edited by kronosposeidon

You wouldn't expect a dog fight to be this funny

GenjiKilpatrick says...

omg. your peta-head anti-type comments are really making me sick. ..mostly because I have to admit to agreeing with Westy, and his awful spelling, on this.

First, I'm pretty sure no one on the sift enjoys forced violence. Forcing dogs to fight is like forcing little kids to fight to the death and that's fucked up and blah blah blah wah wah wah. Yes, we get that.
However, if you DID force little kids to fight in a thunder dome like setting ..then all of sudden..

they started climbing the walls, falling down playing tag or eating dirt and boogers like it were recess fun happy play time. Same thing here.
You guys get that the intent of the video was to film a vicious brutal bloody dog fight..

but reality was something more deserving of a little benny hill music.

Hence the hilarity and sift-worthy nature. =P

How Soldiers Cross the Road

Spider attacks the Pope!

Admiral Ackbar - It's a Trap meets Benny Hill

Kalle says...

>> ^rebuilder:
Kalle: I don't think it's the perspective as much as it is just the way they're executing a high-G turn with no effect on the people in the spaceship. Ends up looking like the rest of the universe is turning and the ship is staying still.

Yes but the Deathstar is rotating faster than the planet (sorry moon) behind it..
Shouldn't they rotate exactly the same way?

Admiral Ackbar - It's a Trap meets Benny Hill

Ares I-X Rocket Assembly Timelapse

Ares I-X Rocket Assembly Timelapse

Why Black Holes Don't Exist

Best WoW Freakout Ever: The Aftermath

Blues Brother crashing through City Hall

Baby Squirrel Needs A Hand Getting Up A Wall

Silliest Police Chase Ever

Silliest Police Chase Ever

Silliest Police Chase Ever

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'police, pursuit, chase, high speed, california, highway, chp, scion, woman, flee' to 'police, pursuit, chase, high speed, california, highway, scion, woman, flee, benny hill' - edited by calvados

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