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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Over 40 TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FOLDERS were found EMPTY and 23 “return to staff secretary/military aid” folders were also found empty (so military secrets) meaning he stole the documents and spread them around, mixed them with personal papers, sold them, gave them away, lost them, or just let foreign agents walk through and take them as a perk of being his guest at Maralago. He did not steal empty folders.

Every day more treasonous, anti American evidence comes to light, every day you squeeze your eyes tighter shut and ram your fingers in your ears and just scream “nonononononononono. Fake news fake news fake news. Lalalalalalala.”

You ignored the election frauds. You ignored the election fraud fraud. You ignored the coup. You ignored and supported the cries for Trump’s reinstatement or another election just because he says so. I’m sure you’ll ignore these hundreds of instances of intentional crimes 10000 times worse than Clinton’s minor mistakes, pretend espionage is nothing, national security is unimportant, and you’ll say they’re only going after Trump for these hundreds of treasonous, firing squad level attacks against America to stop him from running again, not because they’re all death penalty crimes he definitely committed, and likely MUCH WORSE seeing that well over 60 folders are EMPTY, the secrets already disseminated. Those state secrets already in Putin and the Ayatollah’s hands.

Side note: it’s turning out that inflation in red states like AZ and Texas is MUCH higher than blue states….once again, so much for blaming Democrats. Every accusation you lob is an admission.

Also, one of the voting machines that the Republican candidate for Michigan AG stole and tampered with after the 2020 election was just sold on eBay by a man who bought it from Goidwill. His group called Republican clerks claiming to be Republican representatives who needed to inspect voting machines for fraud, and the clerks were happy to turn them over without any paperwork or verification of who they gave them to. His team then disassembled them in air bnbs and hotels (didn’t want their homes or offices to be part of their crime spree) tampered with them, copied the software and photographed (and more) the hardware. The AG has said these machines were damaged, tampered with, and in some cases “lost”. The Republican that led this scam/fraud/election interference is now the Republican candidate for AG.
So, be clear, invalidate him for AG? Or is “wrong is wrong” just a thing you say to distract from supporting criminals in government? If “wrong is wrong”, and this criminal shouldn’t be on the ballot, certainly you can see putting forth an election fraudster as candidate for AG is wrong….so how can you support the criminal, “wrong” Republican Party at all.

12 yr. old Palestinian MC Abdul "Shouting At The Wall"

cloudballoon says...

For my understanding, the general meaning of the word "Zionism" is vastly changed throughout the eras. And there isn't a homogeneous kind of Zionism anyway. What kind of "Zionist agenda" the people/government living in the land of "Israel/Palestine" in the 30-50s to today had in mind and pushing for is totally different. Let's be concerned with today's general definition of Zionism, as mostly defined by the Likud and the other far-right/Nationalist parties in today's Israel shall we?

Also, I can't imagine there are a whole lot of countries that would deny Israel's right-to-exist (like, physically, wholeheartedly want to wipe them of the face of the earth kind, NOT the expedient, political rhetorics for their own domestic consumption kind). And those that could really be crazy enough, like Iran, I constantly (naively?) felt the Ayatollahs would rather opt for silent, staus-quo relations than go to war with Israel (they must see the Ukraine invaison and see Russia/Putin isolation as a lesson, they can't afford to put themselves in the same position as Putin's in a Israel/Iran war. The Ayatollahs don't have even Iranian people standing behind them).

The good is that for Israel vs. the Arab countries, trust building is possible, but incredibly slow -- it only takes one wrong step to negate a mile of trust building -- but still, the past few years have seen some Arab countries opening up bilateral embassies with Israel along wiht increased trades & direct flights, etc.

The no good, very bad news of the statehood issues, daily IvP conflict, land grabs and from low-level militray incursions to the occasional missiles trading military operations, are happening far too often. Thus making hard-core Zionism, support of Hamas, the isolation of the Palestinian people & economy, etc. all the more severe. None of these are paths towards peace and/or creating the conditions for mutually agreeable settlement. All the flashpoints needs to be addressed in an even-handed way. But we just don't see balance in the media and/or the world political arena.

RT-putin on isreal-iran and relations with america

Asmo says...

Okay, so it's not a spontaneous and challenging interview but rather a soapbox for his philosophical meanderings.

And that makes him wrong how..?

A lot of the stuff he says is bang on the money, particular as it regards America's actions and stances. Iran is a perfect example. It wouldn't be climbing back from being a fundamentalist state if the US hadn't deposed the democratically elected leader and installed the Shah all those years ago. Which eventually precipitated Ayatollah Khomeni's rise to power as a fundamentalist leader by overthrowing the Shah... Now Israel, and ergo the US, rail against Iran being able to have nuclear power because they are a rogue state, but they are only a rogue state because of western interventionism.

You might not think much of the guy (I don't personally), but you can assess the truth of his words for yourself can't you? He's saying things that plenty of people think or understand, but few care to actually speak out about it. Yup, it's borderline propaganda, so approach it with a critical eye, but a lot of what he talks about is bang on.

RedSky said:

Considering RT is Kremlin funded, I expect he had all these questions in advance. That's how he routinely does it for his domestic news. Also a reason I tend to avoid this 'news' outfit.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

Asmo says...

To a certain extent, but unfortunately a charismatic (or dictatorial) leadership, or even parents passing on their belief systems to their children, can create or enforce ideals that can shape society. Many people still adhere to religion because "that's the way it's always been", not because the religion actually fits their personal ethics...

In general, I do actually agree with you in regards to the concept that secularity tends to lead to enlightenment, but there are plenty of secular countries that are authoritarian/despotic (North Korea being a shining example), violent and considerably backwards compared to countries which have a high proportion of religious people and freedom. Unfortunately, enlightenment leads to arrogance as well.

The continual push by the media/politicians etc to classify Muslims as a homogenous whole smacks more of an attempt to play on xenophobia and racism than any factual evidence.

Particularly when the enlightened country making the most noise about it has "In God We Trust" printed on their currency. Compound that with provoking and polarising moderate Muslims by marginalising and insulting them? Enlightenment does not preclude gross stupidity.

A simple look at the US (secular mind you) shows stark differences between the north and the south, red states and blue states etc. You're proposing that 1.5 bn people (that would be ~5 times more people than the entire population of the US) spread across most countries in the world are somehow tightly aligned purely because they share a religion that is as varied as any other in the world?

And the mean truth? The arrogance and presumption of "enlightened neighbours" are part of the reasons why certain countries are as they are...

Iran is a classic example. The US (all enlightened and shit) engineers the coup that deposes a democratically elected Prime Minister hailed as a leading champion of secular democracy. And when the Shah was overthrown, it was by fundamentalists lead by Ayatollah Khomeini, ushering in an era of strict theocracy and an abiding hatred of the US.

Your last paragraph highlights the problem perfectly. We have two media reporters, deliberately or ignorantly, disseminating false information which would probably lead to discrimination against Muslims. How ethical is it to incite an entire country to hate over the actions of a tiny percentage of the whole? How ethical is it to ignore humanitarian disasters in countries which have no strategic or natural resource value (and places where no white people have been beheaded)?

And when presented with empirical truth, how ethical is it to refuse to accept it?

gorillaman said:

It would follow, therefore, that everyone would choose their religion according to their own temperament and there would be no regional grouping of belief.

Would you say, for example, that catholicism in ireland has had no effect on its prevailing culture and no part in the various atrocities that culture has inflicted on the people unfortunate enough to be born into it?

Islam is particularly poorly placed to distance itself from the actions of its adherents. It's a common, but not really excusable, error to generalise from christianity's 'contradictory mess' and necessity of invention in interpretation to what in reality is islam's lamentably direct instructions to its followers.

The difference between countries like turkey and saudi arabia, though turkey's hardly a shining beacon of freedom, is secularity and proximity to more enlightened neighbours. Arguing that some muslims are like this and some muslims are like that is preposterously mendacious when the mean truth is: the less religious people are, the more ethical they are.

This propaganda is playing all over youtube

bcglorf says...

If you can simplify the actors in the deal down to just singular American and Iranian entities that have been immutable and unchanged over the decades then I'd be inclined to agree.

The thing is, the popular Iranian revolution against the Shah(and America by proxy) was essentially hijacked by the Ayatollah and his crew to form the state that they wanted. Within Iran public opinions are diverse, not much unlike in America. Things have changed over the years and American and Iranian policies can't be judged solely and only on what happened 30+ years ago, the current realities need to be recognized too.

America isn't the only aggressor today. Iranian leadership isn't merely loudly threatening to wipe out the west and even more vehemently Israel. Iran is actively training, equipping and funding military forces like Hezbollah that ARE launching direct attacks at Israel itself.

The issue is not as simple as America/Iran did this nasty thing and so they are wrong and the other is right. Both sides have legitimate grievances and cause for concern/mistrust. Bridging that is tough. IMHO, the fact that the Iranian government seems to trust it's own people less than America does is a big reason I mistrust their leadership more, but that's me.

Stormsinger said:

I think it important to weigh both sides...and it really boils down to:
1) the US overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran.
2) the US funded attacks that killed a huge percentage of Iran's population.
1) Iranians took an embassy staff hostage.
2) Iranian politicians talk mean about the US.

I think the relative faults are pretty clear.

Ahmadinejad on Israel, England and America

bcglorf says...

Ahmadinejad threatens to remove Israel from the map. Ayatollah Khamenei does the same. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard(which reports directly to Khamenei) virtually founded and continually provides training, arms and funding to Hezbollah which it must be observed routinely attacks Israel.

I'm not trying to say Israel is some pure and innocent virgin. I'm pointing out some basic facts that are routinely denied by a great many people and I felt the need for the truth to be out there. I also fail to understand why pointing out facts like this requires anyone to come out and basically state that Israel deserves it, or at the very least that they started it and are the ones in the wrong.

It's quite possible for there to be 2 wrongs and no need to lesson the sins of either.

billpayer said:

Dude. Your post is about the president of Iran threatening Israel. I countered by pointing out that Israel is constantly threatening all the states it borders, AND has ACTUALLY invaded and bombed. And what are you talking about "why does everyone feel...", we are the only posters having this discussion. Stop playing the victim. Israel is the aggressor. Should I post a video montage of Avigdor Lieberman? Heck I could post an hour long video of Israeli's demanding war. That is my only point. Your video is one sided, my response it to balance it with a greater truth.

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

shinyblurry says...

You'll find no argument from me about whether our government has been rattling the hornets nest over there for some time. However, I don't place the blame for Muslim outrage on America, or the KGB, I place the blame on Islam. The reason they are so stirred up is because their religion teaches them to hate Jews, Christians, and anyone else who isn't a Muslim. In their eyes we are all the devil and need to be destroyed, or subjugated.

What's going on in the middle east right now, specifically in Iran, cannot be understood unless it is seen through the lens of their particular eschatology (beliefs about the end times). What the Iranians believe is that the coming of their Messiah, called the Mahdi, or the 12th Imam, is imminent. They believe what ushers in the Mahdis return is a series of great wars at the end of time. They also believe that Iran will be the spark to that flame. This is what Irans top general said recently:

"With having the treasure of the Holy Defense, Valayat (Guardianship of the Jurist) and martyrs, we are ready for a big war Of course this confrontation has always continued; however, since we are in the era of The Coming, this war will be a significant war

The Islamic republic is going to create a new environment on the world stage, and without a doubt victory awaits those who continue the path of martyrs. … we can defeat the enemy at its home and our nation is ready for jihad. Martyrdom has taught us to avoid wrong paths and return to the right path. Martyrdom is the right path, it’s the path to God"

So what you have here, essentially, is a doomsday cult looking to acquire a nuclear weapon so that they can start a global war to usher in the coming of their Messiah. They believe that their Messiah will subjugate every nation under Islam and bring about worldwide sharia law.

So, everyone who thinks that the middle east is a problem we can straighten out with diplomacy, or instituting democratic reforms, is extremely foolish. It's the same with these sanctions; Iran is not going to break or change their mind. Their top general stated it in very clear terms; that they believe martyrdom is the only true path to God. It is reported that their leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, ascends to the sky (in the spirit) once a year to meet with the Mahdi, and that the Mahdi ordered him to continue the nuclear program because it would be what facilitates his coming.

If you look at Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN last week, it was all about the soon coming of the Mahdi:

This is why our policies in the Mideast fail again and again. Everything we try to do there ends up creating the exact opposite effect. Even when they themselves overthrow repressive governments, they end up electing even more repressive governments. It's not a problem we can solve. This is the way things are headed, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Their Messiah is most likely our Antichrist and regardless of how it all comes about, the end result was predicted over 2000 years ago;

There will be a one world government, one world economy and one world religion, with the Antichrist at the head. There will be some kind of global calamity in the near future, such as an economic crisis, or perhaps a war, involving Israel, and that is when the Antichrist will enter the world stage. He will come preaching peace and safety, and will head off the calamity by establishing a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the rest of the world. At around the 3.5 year mark the Antichrist will take off his mask and declare himself to be God, and cause the entire world to worship him. Anyone who doesn't know Jesus Christ at this time will follow the antichrist. Anyone who takes the mark of the beast will be eternally condemned. If you're curious about what the mark of the beast is, it will probably be something like this:

The purpose of the mark is to control who can buy and sell. Anyone without the mark will be unable to participate in the economic system.

Don't count on believing later, or that you won't be deceived into taking the mark, because it will be under threat of death. Today is the day of salvation, so do not harden your heart because He is calling to you. The fact is that He loves you and is knocking on your door:

Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

>> ^Stormsinger:

The problem with that claim is that the animosity goes back well before Pacepa's time. We overthrew the elected government of Iran in 1953, because they were threatening oil company profits. By 1967, the KGB was doing very little except throwing gasoline on a fire we'd already started and built up to four alarm status. It's not reasonable to try and put the blame on the clearly belongs on our own government agencies, which have proven over and over again to be extremely shortsighted and unwilling to accept any ethical boundaries.

Fox News reports on the Stewart/Colbert Rally

EMPIRE says...

I'm sorry... how exactly does one apologize for being a supporter of atrocious medieval practices? And how exactly did he apologize?

He posted a completely idiotic rant on his page, not apologizing mind you, but excusing himself. Completely diferent.

Here's what he said:

I never called for the death of Salman Rushdie; nor backed the Fatwa issued by the Ayatollah Khomeini--and still don’t. The book itself destroyed the harmony between peoples and created an unnecessary international crisis.
When asked about my opinion regarding blasphemy, I could not tell a lie and confirmed that--like both the Torah and the Gospel--the Qur’an considers it, without repentance, as a capital offense. The Bible is full of similar harsh laws if you’re looking for them.[10] However, the application of such Biblical and Qur’anic injunctions is not to be outside of due process of law, in a place or land where such law is accepted and applied by the society as a whole... [11]

So basically he's saying: "hey, I didn't ask for his head. But if a court thinks his head should be cut off, then I'm ok with it". He's a fucking worthless piece of shit, who tries to cover his stance on this subject. Oh, and please notice the line about how the book destroyed the harmony between peoples and bla bla bla... OH... so it's the books' fault that people like you are idiots?? Oh.. what a wonderful apology.

The Single Truest Political Rant Ever to Appear on MorningTV

quantumushroom says...

JoeDirt wrote:

You don't think Christianity called for killing? You ever read any history? Or are you limiting your awesome view of western superiority to the last 400 years?

Christianity didn't call for killing, flawed human beings did. Compared to the forever-climbing death toll of islam, Christianity shines. And I write this not as a Christian, merely as an observer.

Oh, and your mulleted freedom of speech minus a scimitar on your neck indicates Western Civilization is indeed superior to sharia (f)law.

Explain the Oklahoma City bombing.

An angry loner killed federal employees to avenge a bungling ATF attack on innocent civilians. He did not kill in the name of Christ.

So, if you can't comprehend some small faction of extremists that were funded by CIA, Papa Bush and US-based Saudi corporations and US federal dollars and weapons dumped on the Saudis, you really are the biggest ostrich that ever wrapped themselves in the stars and stripes.

The global situation has always been screwed up and likely always will be. Once upon a time we funded taliban-types in Afghanistan to thwart the greater evil of communism (which liberals deny to this day was a threat despite 100 million murdered by communism worldwide). We helped saddam in the 80s to keep the new Carter-created ayatollah from seizing more power.

The left can't see the forest for the trees.

SDGundamX (Member Profile)

BicycleRepairMan says...

Hi again, I know its been some time, but I've been really busy with my real-life stuff lately, but I wanted to give a reply to your last reply. Since your post was somewhat longish, I've extracted some quotes, but keep in mind I have read and considered your entire text.

"You seem to blame religion for people's tendencies to want simple answers and to blindly follow authority, but I blame human nature for that."

Well, let me put it this way: I blame human nature for the existence of religion

"I think you'd see a lot more of the positive things that religion can bring to both individuals and society(...) If believing in something supernatural helps people take that message to heart, I'm not convinced it is such a bad thing."
Does religion really "bring" the good stuff, tho? Thats what I'm questioning, really. God would have to have been pretty darn sadistic to make more than one religion, so i think we can agree that atleast all except one religion is manmade. It is the thinking apes first and (in my opinion) worst attempt at understanding, and putting in order, the world around them. Morality is also a human construct, so is science, so is money, so is reason, community, logic, laws, politics etc. Its all man-made, and theres nothing wrong with man-made constructs, or, at least, there doesnt have to be. One of the problems of religion tho, is that it acts like a parasite on all these other constructs and concepts, and you seem eager to give it as much credit as possible whenever something goes right, and exempt it from any blame whenever something goes wrong. Take its affiliation with politics, for instance, and compare it to philosophy. How many advances in politics have been made because of religion, how often has religion been the deciding factor for GOOD whenever there is a shift in the moral zeitgeist.

No, the vast majority religious people are not blind dogmatists, but thats hardly anything religion should get credit for, is it? It's not the ayatollahs or the priests or the bibles or the qurans that are pushing to make people think for themselves, is it? Why should it? after all, religion is born out of revelation and dogma, and it depends on FAITH for it's survival. Its very existence depends on its followers ability to restrain their use of critical thinking.

The fact that religion can make otherwise extremely smart people believe claims that are indistinguishable to fairytales is yet another example of how religion manages to make exceptions for itself, by making it acceptible behaviour to brainwash children and excluding itself from rational discourse. It then goes on to hijack morality, compassion and love to claim as its own, while accepting no blame for the countless times it has done nothing but making a mockery out of all such concepts.

The truth is that we can do fine without religion. in fact, strike that, we can do better without religion, and history is a testament to this fact. Religion has proved to be an utterly unreliable source for knowledge about everything:

Creationists are mad to take its claims about nature and history seriously
Literalists are mad to take its claims about morality and law seriously
Conservatives are mad to take its claims about sexuality and abortion seriously
Moderates are mad to cherrypick and distort its claims about nature, history,morality,law,sexuality and abortion, And I would be mad to take them seriously

GPS: Don't Imply Ahmedinejad Is Gay!

Queen's "Invisible Man" music video

Glen Beck Cries For A Simpler Time

IronDwarf says...

Just because things seemed "simpler" and "more pure" doesn't mean they ever were; you were just young and mostly ignorant of what was happening in the world. This bullshit nostalgia and sentimentality that reinforces that times were somehow better and that we were better off is just that: bullshit. Glenn Beck needs to shut his fat, lying, phony, overacting goddamn mouth.

For some reference, a few things that happened in 1979 (the year that Coke ad aired): Three Mile Island, Ayatollah Khomeini seizes power in Iran, the Sino-Vietnamese War, the San Francisco riots over the Dan White verdict, the Ixtoc I oil spill. That's just a few things in the first 6 months of the year. Great times back then.

Sarkozy: Burqa Not Welcome In France

Throbbin (Member Profile)

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