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Tour de France 2003 - Lance Armstrong's Amazing Comeback

videosiftbannedme says...

Is it me or at :38, it looks like someone takes a yellow hat or bag and snags Armstrong's handlebars, causing him to crash? It could be an accident but looks pretty suspicious when you replay over and over...

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'punk, rock, alternative, billie joe, armstrong, mike dirnt, music video' to 'green day, boulevard of broken dreams, american idiot, 00s, 2004, punk, alternative' - edited by kronosposeidon

Sammy Davis Jr. - impressions while singing One for my Baby

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

I'll be damned if I'm not addicted to BSG in Season 4 (Scifi Talk Post)

jonny (Member Profile)

lertad (Member Profile)

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^binglebongle:
lies j/k
As everyone knows, he did misspeak his planned legendary oneliner. He only left out a single letter word, but that "a" being absent makes the statement make no sense when you think about it. It always bothers me a little every time I hear it because I'm kind of a perfectionist, and if I had bungled that shit, I would have been really pissed off at myself.

Actually I believe they analyzed the recording and found that Armstrong actually did perform the line correctly(a man), but that in a freak coincidence, it was lost in the transmission.

New footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon

grubert says...

This is absolutely awesome. I especially like the way Armstrong delivers his now legendary words, then proceeds to analyze the ground and the crater left by the Eagle. After being the first human to step on the f***ing Moon! How unbelievably professional!
I agree with StukaFox, this is what the USA can achieve when at its best. 400,000 Americans, men and women, working together for a decade to land men on the Moon. The 21st of July this year will be the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing. I think it would be a nice symbol if your president announced then he's set a new goal for your country, something of the same scale, be it the conquest of Mars, the cure for cancer or the development of a new, clean energy like cold fusion. I guess that would be enough to reconcile the United States with the rest of the world, and forget about the last eight years of mayhem.
Sorry for being so lyrical, I'm not drunk!

The Calves of God ? - I'd say you see calves like this, RUN!

NIN:Unplugged (Accidentally)

EDD (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

I'm sorry Edd.

Unfortunately, "ignorant" is all about not knowing the truth.

The truth is he has said many times that he writes that way because he doesn't care.
Check for yourself ..

"emply that i am atempting" .. what's dyslexic about this? Do you have an understanding of what dyslexia is?

If you need more convincing:
"Lol i know it must be painfull to read my bad spelling i would do the whole spell check thing but i dont have word on my laptop at the moment and aditionaly i dont have the time to spell check everything i write . aditonaly its enoughf of a burdon spellchecking everything for work rather be lazy when im casuly posting coments. if it realy upsets u then just skip what i say im sure alot of people wud disogree with it anny way. lol i just like reading what people put and then writing stuff back. rsi is fun"


In reply to this comment by EDD:
You're fucking ignorant, did you know that? Google 'dyslexia', will you?

But that's not the problem. Up until today I thought you were one of the coolest guys around here. Hell, I took regular trips to your queue and pqueue. But that image of you changed today. What happened? Did something push you over the edge? You seemed to be relatively calm before today.

In reply to this comment by burdturgler:
Westy, when it comes to retarded ways of saying things, you're the fucking champion.

Kevlar (Member Profile)

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