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Mega-bass from car stereo gives girl new hairstyles

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^grahamslam:

Just like anything in this world people do it as a form of competition. Whether he competes or not is not the point, the point is to have a better system than anyone else you know.

The problem I have with competing in things like this is that it ultimately comes down to who spends the most money and there will always be someone who can afford to spend more than you. If you're competing as an athlete, then at least you have the option of training harder, improving or learning new technique, changing your style, strategy or approach to the sport, focus on being great at one aspect, etc. Of course it's still almost guaranteed you're not the next Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Nolan Ryan, Georges St-Pierre, or Emmitt Smith, but at least you can still compete against yourself... test your own limits. At least if you're building the system you're applying some technical skills and techniques; most of the douche bags that drive around like this just paid for someone else to do all the work. I don't see why they're so proud.

Sh*t is going down in Athens

shuac says...

If there's a clip more deserving of PE's "Fight the Power," I'd like to see it.

Or, if you're into counter-programming...Louie Armstrong's "It's a Wonderful World," that might be cooler.

johnny cash & louis armstrong - blue yodel

johnny cash & louis armstrong - blue yodel

Glenn Beck is going blind... let's all feel sorry for him

csnel3 says...

He is probably just suffering the side effects of having his assitants drop shit in his eyes so that he appears to be crying. He has been doing that lame trick for years. There are videos of "behind the scenes" shoots of Glenn being made to cry. It cant be a co-inky dink, Its like Lance Armstrong has nut cancer, or John Candy had a heart attack.... its not really an accident.

Dude, your shoulder exploded...

Insane perspective on Earth astrophysics and some ranting

Miley Cyrus "The Climb" (Metal Version)

choggie says...

Nothing beats the Louis Armstrong yet-Some of these are stretching it-the syncs leave you kinnna stale-One of the best ever mash-ups is the one BF posted with Danzig feat. Shakira

The best of the "shreds" viddies???..Paco De Lucia

Louis Armstrong-What A Wonderful World(Death Metal Version)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'louis armstrong, death metal, wonderful world' to 'louis armstrong, death metal, wonderful world, cookie monster' - edited by therealblankman

Louis Armstrong-What A Wonderful World(Death Metal Version)

Louis Armstrong-What A Wonderful World(Death Metal Version)

Top Ten Creationist Arguments - Part 2

Sketch says...

Ha! I recently had to spread the love of your Context post in a gigantic Facebook thread when I quoted some biblical rule about how to properly treat female slaves. A giant passage (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT, to be exact) with clear as day instructions, and of course they came at me with the "out of context/it was a different time" argument. I always find it funny that they can somehow claim that it is the timeless, infallible word of God while also claiming that the nonsense in the Old Testament were man's rules and don't apply anymore. Or that somehow the omnipotent, omniscient creator of everything, who is all powerful and exists outside of time actually changed his damn mind about that crap.

Somewhat non sequitur, but I think is funny because I'm an argumentative, irritating, know-it-all douchebag, I also discovered Deuteronomy 23:1 recently. (ESV) "No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord." Sorry, Lance Armstrong! I hope you enjoy your inspirational Tour de France wins in hell!
>> ^Sagemind:
#11 - You took it out of contect!

Agnosticism - Bill Maher, George Carlin, Karen Armstrong

RedSky says...

I think that's more because people simply confuse the two, when they're stating two different things. Atheism/theism relates to what you believe, agnosticism/nosticism relates to what you know. So really, most people who proclaim to be agnostic are actually agnostic atheists.

And yeah, crappy music is crappy.>> ^gwiz665:
I've grown a bit weary of Bill Maher and avoid videos with him lately, but this is just fine. I would say that atheist and agnostic is the same thing really, but that's a long discussion usually.

Sammy Davis Jr. - impressions while singing One for my Baby

The Great Sifter Roast XII ~ NeuralNoise ~ (Parody Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

I guess when I first saw your name I misread it and now I´m dyslexic to it, all I see is a mechanical duck. That wont change back, ever. Anyhow there is more poetry in a fingernail of a graverobbed raped corpse than in all 1.200 norwegians together.
It also means you didn´t win, somehow.

>> ^Ornthoron:
>> ^NeuralNoise:
Ornothron, wow, now THERE is some research and effort! Congrats on the trainee who did your job. Having my fraudulent narcisistic ways exposed by a mechanical bird´s apprentice is the moon landing to my neil armstrong. And yes, it is excruciating reading through you people´s comments in order to find even one worth mentioning.

Does this mean I won the roast, even if you can't manage to spell my name correctly? But I guess it's too much to ask to comprehend these complex norse names for someone whose first language is descended from murderers, pirates, rapists and grave robbers.

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