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Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

luxintenebris says...

hard to be anger w/y'all.

pity tends to water down any ire.

reading the sadness in this kind of comment makes one pine for better educational systems, social programs akin to baseball for youths, and likely, just better nutrition for all Americans.

the thickness of saying something that dense has to be organic.

TangledThorns said:

July 4th is coming up. You mad, lefties?

36 Quotes from MARK TWAIN

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Normally would let this go but was called on this, here, some time ago, so am now sharing the wealth...

Anger: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Younger)

but Twain probably said it too.

My favorite ATTRIBUTED Twain quote...

"The trouble ain’t that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain’t distributed right."

...and right here is a distribution of Lightnin

Wikipedia's Bias

luxintenebris says...

Ever try to trick a dog w/the fake stick toss? Even they stop and scan to find evidence. (ours learned the ruse quickly)

spins my gourd that folks are SO EASILY misled by these fairy tales of teachers indoctrinating kids (yet, they can't get them to sit still, stop talking, or return materials on time); fears of giving citizens PSTD with known history (but explaining why 'person. woman. man. camera. tv' is NOT unsettling); or libraries can't be trusted to be run by librarians but the by the government (what were Ben Franklin and Andrew Carnegie thinking?)

look, boy! go get the stick! (no wonder all the anger. can't find it. but it has to be here!)

BTW: Roy and Silo thing is nuts. (not mentioned but peripheral involved) rather listen to John Oliver analyze "Air Bud". a lot less loopy.

newtboy said:


Drivers navigating Russian landmines left on a bridge

newtboy says...

With the attacks on civilians, multiple war crimes, kidnapping of tens-hundreds of thousands of children, and a blatant attempt at genocide, Israel has decided to side with Russia and not condemn them, not join sanctions, not stop or slow their purchase of Russian goods, not anger Russia at all.

A bit odd seeing as we still send them billions in aid, and have repeatedly saved them from destruction from their neighbors aggression…odd also that they would ignore another genocide for minor political connivence. I hope the west feels the same the next time their neighbors attack…meaning that if helping them causes even our minor inconvenience that means we won’t act to save them from eradication. Turn about is fair play.

We should absolutely stop all aid to countries that stand with Russia, our tax dollars go to Israel, pay for their purchases from Russia, then pay for Russia’s genocidal war on Ukraine. That’s insanity.

Will Smith smacks Chris Rock on stage at Oscars Uncensored

newtboy says...

I can at times be all three, for sure, but it’s not something I would be proud about.

There’s a big difference between verbal confrontation and this.

I still say it’s impossible for me to believe both intelligent stars (with their pr teams) and the Oscars all got together and said this would be a good trick to play for ratings. Maybe I’m naive, I just can’t believe that many people would be that stupid with time to think it over.

The best evidence it wasn’t staged came from Colbert….Will Smith isn’t that good of an actor! *slam*

I’ve spent a lot of time in the bad part of towns, living in East Palo Alto before gentrification, etc. I just kind of expect every random third person to be armed and a powder keg. Confronting a stranger in anger over a joke, even a joke at my wife’s expense, seems risky. I’ve seen people stabbed over less.
In her physical defense, I’m happy to take that risk.

vil said:

What did you say? Say that again! Come back! What did you mean by that? Who do you think you are to insult us like that? Apologize instantly or..

Yeah context matters, but if I dont stand up for my wife when she feels insulted or endangered, and it does not have to be a physical or escalatory response, I can expect to be considered part of the problem. Sometimes you cant keep sitting on the fence and be all moral and philosophical about stuff. Either you fight or you retreat, a quick decision must be made on how far you want to take it.

That is why I think it was staged. No party planned to follow up, take this further. If theyd never speak about it (or to each other) again, I would believe it.

LOL at my wife wanting me to take risks. Unless I was taking on a perceived risk to her.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...


A company cancelling a multi-billion dollar project means multi-billion dollars not spent on the work of the project, that many jobs out of the economy. Exactly the same as a car manufacturer shutting down for a week, by your logic nothing was lost, the company just stopped spending money for a couple days...

I only support the groups right to protest, and not to illegally block roads or borders. I stand by my wish is for their prompt arrest when illegal blocking roads, borders or places of business.

That said, I believe it also wrong of me to fail to point out that our federal government has continually refused to act as I would wish in promptly shutting down illegal blockades. This is the very first instance were they've shown any interest in a prompt police enforced end, and they've in fact jump much further to invoking a declaration of national emergency so they can also target protesters bank accounts directly and without court orders.

An analogy would be someone that supports arresting people for possession of marijuana. The government then proceeds to only selectively enforce that law, say only acting to make arrests when people are a particular creed or color. It's perfectly consistent to believe the government arrests are wrong and unfair, and to NOT support them, while at the same time still believing the idea of the rule applied fairly being a good idea.

One side is about what I think the line for protest should be:
-I believe the right to protest should be independent of creed or belief, and should only be restricted when actions taken are illegal.(Ideally illegal being defined as impeding on freedoms of others)

By that, the convoy blockade of border or streets should have led to immediate arrests.

In the eye of fairness though, the last two years have already seen at a minimum 3 major protests, that included illegal blockades of work sites and railways and those were ALL allowed to run for weeks and in 2 cases months. The government of the day even tripped over themselves to message their support for the overall causes of the protestors.

In that light, it's wrong to simply ignore the fact that the first protest that is likely to vote conservative is the ONLY one where the government immediately condemns everything about them and feels compelled to intervene urgently.

Churches were literally burning last summer, and our PM's public statements spent most of their time sympathizing with the anger before pleading that burning churches isn't helpful. Where'd all that compassion for folks that you disagree with go when it meant a small number of downtown Ottawa business shutdown and horns honking go. Now our PM invokes terrorizing of the populace.

Trudeau's actions have been distressingly similar to Trump's as the division in our country grows, he's using his words to reach out to the extreme end of his side of the aisle, while tossing gasoline and vitriol onto his opposition. It's making things worse in the worst possible way when we need leaders uniting instead of stoking further division.

Sam Harris | Joe Rogan and the Ethics of Apology

cloudballoon says...

LOL, a friend defending a friend as not a racist, LMFHO. From the montages, he's certain NOT an anti-racist. I'll leave it at that.

Whoopi. Not saying she's not ignorant or dealt herself a self-inflicted wound, but I can see how she came to what she said. It's obivous where she's been fighting in the Black vs. White camp, and that fight has been so eternal that who is she to be concerned about Jews' or Asians' (let alone sub divide Asians, into Indians, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.?) struggles that much?

Maybe that's why she lazily lumped Jews into White at that moment. She was in a "Black vs. White" mindset. Just like in the pandemic, people (I've seen White AND Black peoples) beat up Asians of all nationality because they think all Asians are Chinese, it's the same parallel. It's EASY to lump a diverse group of peoples into a single entity to focus your anger on.

But isolate the Holocaust into its own context, Whoopi no doubt is sympathetic and not an anti-semite, as she had long been shown for decades.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No, you’re right….he failed at every attempt.
Trump TRIED to steal the election in a dozen different ways….but the biggest loser and his idiot army failed because they’re all ignorant morons.

Trump is a multiple time convicted thief however. He steals from every contractor he’s ever used, his tenants, banks, states, the federal government, donors (both from charities and political donors), and every single client his businesses have ever had business with.

I’ll ask again, if you don’t like thieves, why do you support convicted fraud and constant thief Trump?

Don’t worry, I know you CAN’T answer that direct question and will just make some infantile insult instead…..but the question is for YOU, not me….so is the answer….you only insult yourself by ignoring the blatant lies you tell yourself. The anger is coming from inside you, not from the outside.

bobknight33 said:

Trump didn't steal the election.

Road Rager Shoots At Other Driver 11 Times

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Just to be clear, when armed groups of BLM activists come to your town to protect black owned businesses from the bi-yearly neo Nazi / Klan meet up, follows a vitriolic racist they think they stopped from attacking a business by threatening them with death, and along the way threatens them a few more times, if the unarmed assumed klan member turns around and approaches the BLM activists in anger, it's fine to shoot the racist scumbag in the head, and that goes for any and all that try to stop them afterwards. Idiotic, but I'll send the message to the "gonna fuck shit up" wing (the left wing 3%) and get them moving to NC right away....fully armed and looking for trouble they can stop with a bullet. Better keep your mouth shut around town from now on or someone might feel threatened and have to defend themselves.

Funny, I recall last year you screamed that armed gangs of black thugs were coming to towns across America to shoot whomever they pleased....turned out it was white right wing thugs that did exactly that, repeatedly, so now you're fully in favor of it and prepared to defend them with gusto. Hmmmm. No, you aren't racist though.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

McKayla Maroney blasts FBI over handling of Nassar case

P.I. and Ex-Cop schools cops regarding the law

Drachen_Jager says...

He is being a bit of a dick to them, but Cops should be held to at least the standard of a middling-quality restaurant staff.

Cops are the ones who need to show respect. They don't like getting shot? Guess what? If you act politely and take each relationship as it comes rather than starting with an adversarial approach you don't anger people and it's that combination of anger and helplessness that leads to many cops getting shot.

So, Cops need retraining badly. If someone swears a blue streak at them it should be, "Yes sir. You have a good day too, sir. You're under arrest sir, please step this way and give me your hands so I can put these shiny bracelets on you."

If Cops REALLY were concerned about the dangers of the job they'd act like it instead of turning every single interaction with the public into a conflict that could end in a life or death situation.

White people are dumb and need to be less white

vil says...

Maybe Bob IS Weldon Bynum?

Just a passing thought, nothing constructive to add.

Love the anger quote. Mark Twain, you say? You sure? :-)

White people are dumb and need to be less white

noseeem says...

not going to research this for you, but there is no way of telling what the professor is referring to. he is being serious? facetious? it's like walking into the middle of a conversation, with no reference point.

no points for the very short video with no subsistent context, nor the attempt to poison the well.

dude. please.

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” - Mark Twain

bobknight33 said:

If that was said about blacks it would be racist and the peaceful democrats would be burning American cities again.

Car makers sue to UNDO Right to Repair in Massachusetts

vil says...

This is why I prefer M$ and Samsung over Apple.

Had fun replacing a Mercedes car key. Luckily the van is old so it only took a semi-underground repair shop that connects to a semi-underground server in Turkey (!) to get the key for an equivalent sum of 200$. The unprogrammed key sells for 10$ from China. Mercedes sells a new key for 600$. The programming itself takes minutes.

Now obviously someone in Turkey has the code to get into the van. So my security is compromised. But my anger at corporate bullshit is quelled slightly. If I ever get raped in a dark parking lot at least I will know it saved me 400$.

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