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Pong (Member Profile)

Man Takes Photos in Space with $75 camera

AlJazeera Reports Tuna Exploitation

US kills 63 civilians, 28 children in yemen airstrikes

Rachel Maddow - The Gap Between Truth And Fox News "Truth"

Reporters On Their Own Failures As Journos

bcglorf says...

Well, I'm going to go ahead and get down voted, but I'm just stubborn that way it seems.

The main stream media's epic failure is not adequately covered in this sound bite. The summary at the end talks about the 'truth' finally coming out. All the media hacks talking points all discuss their failure in coverage in the past tense, as though they've corrected themselves. That simply isn't true. The media is still failing as badly as ever at covering anything related to either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars.

So far I'm safe and think we are agreed. I would attest though that the media has not only failed by being too ignorant and lazy in looking at America's policies, statements and decisions. They are also failing just as badly at presenting the situation of the people in Iraq under Saddam's rule. They are failing just as badly at covering any number of human catastrophes happening around the world. Al Jazeera just recently was the only major outlet to cover the revelation from escaped North Korean elite guards that the North's well known program for testing chemical weapons on humans is not limited to adults, but includes testing on children as well. Note the current tense, it means even today there are children somewhere in North Korea in a glass gas chamber being killed with nerve gas while a 'scientist' times how long it takes them to die. Meanwhile CNN can't be torn away from the latest on MJ's funeral plans to bother mentioning anything amiss abroad.

There is a very uncomfortably gray world out there that the mainstream media just can't be bothered to cover because the public can't be bothered to watch. This sound clip looks like it is not so much addressing the problem of bad media coverage, but trying to pretend that the bad media coverage proves that the war in Iraq was evil incarnate. It looks to me like instead of digging deeper to reveal the complexity of the world, it is instead just trying foist an alternative easy answer and simple explanation. In reality, it just proves that the war, good or bad, was covered miserably by the media, and in fact still is being covered miserably by them. To me that makes the media the absolute worst source to base any good/bad decision on.

What's worse, to me a 'documentary' peddling a different set of easy answers and simple explanations is just another part of the bigger problem. That problem being that people are uncomfortable with a complicated world that doesn't have clear cut good or bad solutions. That means people often prefer simple or easy answers to the truth when the truth makes them uncomfortable.

Zakaria PWNS Iranian Regime Mouthpiece

griefer_queafer says...

>> ^geo321:
From the moment the interview/debate started and seeing Zakaria's eyes you could tell he was out for ownage.
Great video. I thought that Fareed Zakaria did a great job of Foreign Exchange on PBS. But when he went to CNN he became a bit like another pundit by pushing mainstream ideologies and not giving much insight into what he's covering.
Mohammad Marandi has been doing talk shows for at least a few years now that I've noticed, and there is no question in my mind that he will try and justify any action, policy, or public statement of the Iranian government. He's constantly on Al Jazeera's Inside Story when an Iranian story comes up.

You're too right. I agree. I liked the Foreign Exchange days a lot. But he is one of the only redeeming factors cnn has nowadays. Him and Amanpour, in my opinion. He is a great interviewer, though, and he does choose exceptionally interesting guests. I am also thankful, as it doesn't appear CNN has even tried to usurp control over the content of his program (yet). Despite his flaws, in my eyes, he is a the silver lining on the dark cloud of corporate journalism.

Zakaria PWNS Iranian Regime Mouthpiece

geo321 says...

From the moment the interview/debate started and seeing Zakaria's eyes you could tell he was out for ownage.
Great video. I thought that Fareed Zakaria did a great job of Foreign Exchange on PBS. But when he went to CNN he became a bit like another pundit by pushing mainstream ideologies and not giving much insight into what he's covering.
Mohammad Marandi has been doing talk shows for at least a few years now that I've noticed, and there is no question in my mind that he will try and justify any action, policy, or public statement of the Iranian government. He's constantly on Al Jazeera's Inside Story when an Iranian story comes up.

US Media Double Standards

Richard Dawkins on Evolution, Religion, and Atheism

Richard Dawkins on Evolution, Religion, and Atheism

IRAQ-security handover raises concerns(al-jazeera english)

rougy says...

>> ^bcglorf:
Yeah, except that 'those oil companies' ended up turning down the option to buy all but a single Iraqi oil field in the recent auction.

"The main stumbling block was the wide gap in the expectation of profits from Iraqi oil. The government was offering foreign investors a fixed fee of around $2 a barrel for extracted crude, while some bidders, such as the U.S. ConocoPhillips, were seeking nearly $27 per barrel!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's no reason that country should have to outsource the oil production to anybody in the first place. Bet money that option was imposed on them by the US.

And the Kurds? As soon as the fat cats get what they want out of the Kurds, they'll be brushed aside and forgotten all over again.

Shouldn't you be kicking a Palestinian child and stealing his father's land?

IRAQ-security handover raises concerns(al-jazeera english)

bcglorf says...

>> ^rougy:
That's going to be a mess for decades to come.
Good thing all of those oil companies got control of their oil, though.
I'm sure that will help millions.

Yeah, except that 'those oil companies' ended up turning down the option to buy all but a single Iraqi oil field in the recent auction.

But don't let petty facts get in the way of your ignorant ranting.

Oh, and yes, millions of Kurds have been helped. They are currently operating the only productive oil field in all of Iraq and enjoying relative freedom and stability. Compared to extermination under Saddam I'd say millions are radically better off.

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

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