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Empire: Hollywood and the War Machine

BoneyD says...

>> ^Mauru:

Awesome find! Thankyou

Thanks! Al'Jazeera is an excellent news organisation, putting to shame a great amount of Western ones. I highly recommend adding it to your YouTube subscriptions (i.e. How I found this .

@Enzoblue Haha yeah I thought that's what I heard, too. But I just went back to listen again, he does say "Hedges", I guess it's just the accent.

Fox News Bias Exposed By Leaked Memos

Gallowflak says...

Propaganda, yes, it's an issue in all news and media... but come on. No-one does it in such a blatant, barefaced, unapologetic and grotesque way as Fox News right now. At least, not that I've heard; I spent some time in Dubai and Al Jazeera Arabic was pretty ugly.

2010 Elections Bought Anonymously by Corporations

NetRunner says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Why is it you have to watch fucking RUSSIAN TV to get straight news these days???

I'd be careful about calling RT "straight news", it's just got a different agenda than domestic news orgs. It reminds me a lot of Al-jazeera English -- it gives a lot of attention to any story that indicates America isn't the utopia it sells itself as around the world.

As far as factual accuracy, they're interviewing a guy from -- maybe they're more accurate than the mainstream press, maybe they're not, but it's not like RT has done original reporting here. They've just given a platform to a fringe-y group in the US to say that the US electoral process is deeply corrupt.

I agree on a gut level with the alternet guy in this case, but I think RT giving this guy a platform doesn't mean they're "straight news." If anything, I think they're just in the business of giving a megaphone to anyone who can make a persuasive case that America sucks, or at a minimum that all that talk from Americans about freedom, democracy, rights, equality, and prosperity is just a load of propaganda.

Palestinian boy throws rock at car and gets hit

Tusker says...

>> ^raverman:

I'm amazed you all think it's ok to run a child over for throwing rocks. kids do dumb stuff. Any child? your child? your brother? your sister? Or just palestinian children.

It's not just "kids throwing rocks" - there's a large group of people, including adults. The adults don't appear to be throwing rocks though, but some of them have video cameras. It appears they're just waiting for something like this to happen so they can post an edited version online or sent it to Al-Jazeera as further evidence of Israeli abuse. It's not "dumb stuff", it's generating propaganda to justify further acts of violence.

I don't think it's okay for kids to be run over ever, but I think some of those adults deserve to be hit by cars for putting those children in that situation - they should know better.

Dying Inside: Elderly in prison

quantumushroom says...

Why is the prison system the only endeavor where liberals "worry" about cost?

The brilliant Thomas Sowell writes about the cost of incarcerating prisoners versus the rarely-mentioned costs of letting them out.

I'd go one better and offer these gentlemen suicide pills once a week. It's more than their victims got.

Thanks for the lecture about human dignity, al jazeera, from the lands of scimitars cutting off heads, honor killings and so much more.

World Affairs: Ya Don't wanna be a single mother in Japan

pavel_one says...

Japan has never been the socialist, welfare-state that Europe, the US, and much of the industrialized world seem to fancy. qq. Consider the source. The US and her allies are ALWAYS perpetrating evil on Al-Jazeera.

Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF

demon_ix says...

I never said a paintball gun justifies piracy. And this wasn't piracy.

I used the Al-Jazeera article as a source, and then I went looking for the actual definition of the phrase "International waters", because it was thrown around all the time, and I had no idea what it meant. Wikipedia is as neutral a source as there is, IMO.

I never claimed Israel's territorial waters extend 65km off their shores. I merely questioned what "International waters" actually are.

Of course the paintball pellets weren't loaded with paint. This isn't a game. But if you're suggesting tear-gas is a chemical weapon, then every girl in college around here is armed with unconventional weapons. Take that Geneva.


Let me say this again. I was, and am, AGAINST the military operation in it's entirety. I wish the IDF would have just let the ships pass and bring their supplies into Gaza. I really don't see the harm in that, and now that the Rafah crossing is open, it's all moot.

I do, however, believe those soldiers fired ONLY after feeling their lives were threatened. I base that on this video and on the recently released recording of the boarding force itself.

This mess is entirely Israel's fault. I'm not denying it. I'm stating it clearly.

But, please, stick to the fucking facts. Is that too much to ask?

Women of Hezbollah

bcglorf says...

Muslim solidarity reigns supreme.

Yes, the Arab Sunni and Persian Shia are inseparable. If you think the Middle Eastern countries have any 'solidarity' with one another you could hardly be more mistaken. It's been that way for a long time too. They even blame their loss against the Jews in '48 on infighting between Egypt, Jordan and Syria. It is telling that they're own defense is that the Jews 'stole' Palestine because Egypt, Jordan and Syria were too busy fighting amongst themselves over which parts they themselves should 'steal'.

The Jews wouldn't even have had the opportuntity to steal palestinian land had not the English occupied it beforehand.

Trolling? Both Arabs and Jews had lived in Palestine long before the British came along. You can't blame the civil war that the Arab's lost solely on the British.

Secondly, I can't see any racism in the quote you provided (didn't click the link cause you never know these days, could land me in guantanamo, ironic since we're talking about recently stolen land

Well, I went did and the men haven't come for me yet. I'll even go ahead and condemn Gitmo as an affront to humanity. I'll even dare say Bush and Cheney should be prosecuted for numerous crimes around failing to extend fundamental human rights to prisoners. I'm not afraid anyone is gonna send me off to Gitmo for saying that, you needn't be either.

You can't see the racism because you apparently don't consider the murder or removal of all Jewish people from Israel/Palestine as racism.

Why were Jews relocated to Palestine folowing WWII?

Go find a real history book and read it. Your statement reveals that you have not heard anything but the worst and most racist form of revisionist history. Even Al Jazeera recognize that the Jews were not 'relocated' following WWII. I don't even think Hamas and Hezbollah deny that the Jewish population in Palestine in 1900 was considerable, and that the growth in population during WWII was based on the Jews fleeing Europe. Hamas and Hezbollah also don't deny that the Jew's 'theft' of the land was the result of a civil war. Their only contention is that the Jews were the aggressors in the civil war, and that the Jews would have lost the war against the superior Arab armies but for the fact that the Jews were backed by all-powerful imperialist empires.

The Largest Mass Murder in Europe since WWII

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Al Jazeera, genocide, Radovan Karadzic, Serbia, Bosnia' to 'Al Jazeera, genocide, Radovan Karadzic, Serbia, Bosnia, srebrenica' - edited by rasch187

Battle for Canada's oil

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'oil, canada, security guards, tar sands, al jazeera' to 'oil, canada, security guards, alberta, fort mcmurray, tar sands, al jazeera, greenpeace' - edited by kronosposeidon

geo321 (Member Profile)

Frightning effects of the Mexican Drug war on kids 3:00 min

Of course... US Media Largely Ignores WikiLeaks Video

Man Takes Photos in Space with $75 camera

Man Takes Photos in Space with $75 camera

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