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Warren Buffet: Increase Taxes on Mega-Rich

mgittle says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Because you "earn" the income of about 80 people.
Or in otherwords - since the supply of money is limited - you steal the wages of 79 people who would otherwise have an income.
That's called selfish. Plain and simple.
[Not to mention completely cruel & dickish now that we're in a Global Depression]
>> ^pyloricvalve:
Why is it morally justified to impose a higher tax rate on the more highly paid? I'm already paying twenty people's worth.. Why should it be more?

The supply of money isn't limited, per's directly related to the total amount of debt. If people promise to pay more debts (and therefore interest), then there is more money overall. That's a big reason why consumer confidence and the housing market are such huge drivers in the economy. The more people take out loans for stuff/cars/homes, the more money becomes available for banks to loan. Hence, when there are too many defaults and foreclosures, the supply of money shrinks and you get credit crunches, etc.

If anyone's "stealing", they're stealing a relative amount of money compared to everyone else. You've got the right general idea, I think, but it's more like having a piece of a pie when the pie can get bigger and smaller.

Warren Buffet: Increase Taxes on Mega-Rich

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Because you "earn" the income of about 80 people.

Or in otherwords - since the supply of money is limited - you steal the wages of 79 people who would otherwise have an income.

That's called selfish. Plain and simple.
[Not to mention completely cruel & dickish now that we're in a Global Depression]

>> ^pyloricvalve:

Why is it morally justified to impose a higher tax rate on the more highly paid? I'm already paying twenty people's worth.. Why should it be more?

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

quantumushroom says...


Claiming that people should stop burning fossil fuels would HEAVILY dent the income of just about every country because of how much tax they can charge from it. Britain's economy is almost based on fossil fuel tax. How can you possibly argue that they are a politically influenced source over fossil fuel use when they criticise such a money earner?

Politics aside, fossil fuels remain the cheapest, most abundant source of energy, and new supplies of it are being discovered all the time. I never said people should stop burning them.

I hesitate to even mention that "science" as a global community is above reproach in ways that hardly anything else can be due to the method of a scientist. If you are not performing science for truth and discovery, you are not a scientist, so you're not part of the community anymore. That's why it's above reproach. I'm sure you'll argue with me about that, but i know that you'd argue about the time of day if you were proven to be wrong.

I'm not arguing, but I am astonished you would believe scientists are above politics (and reproach), not because the scientific method is flawed, but because scientists are fallible humans with their own beliefs and interests. As W. Pennypacker said in so many words, governments reward scientists which confirm a pre-determined outcome (like secondhand smoke killing 100 billion people a year). Junk science is real; it may not be everywhere, but it's out there. And not just "the oil companies" which have "scientitians" in their corner.

Another thing, gang. Over the last few years, global warming hysteria has been relentless. It's the alarmists who declared, "The debate is over." There was even one smug a-hole who compared "climate deniers" to Holocaust deniers. Classy! There was the faked data scandal. These are not the actions of scientists confident in their conclusions. Yet the lazy media continues to back the alarmists without question.

100 storylines blaming climate change as the problem:

1. The deaths of Aspen trees in the West
2. Incredible shrinking sheep
3. Caribbean coral deaths
4. Eskimos forced to leave their village
5. Disappearing lake in Chile
6. Early heat wave in Vietnam
7. Malaria and water-borne diseases in Africa
8. Invasion of jellyfish in the Mediterranean
9. Break in the Arctic Ice Shelf
10. Monsoons in India
11. Birds laying their eggs early
12. 160,000 deaths a year
13. 315,000 deaths a year
14. 300,000 deaths a year
15. Decline in snowpack in the West
16. Deaths of walruses in Alaska
17. Hunger in Nepal
18. The appearance of oxygen-starved dead zones in the oceans
19. Surge in fatal shark attacks
20. Increasing number of typhoid cases in the Philippines
21. Boy Scout tornado deaths
22. Rise in asthma and hayfever
23. Duller fall foliage in 2007
24. Floods in Jakarta
25. Radical ecological shift in the North Sea
26. Snowfall in Baghdad
27. Western tree deaths
28. Diminishing desert resources
29. Pine beetles
30. Swedish beetles
31. Severe acne
32. Global conflict
33. Crash of Air France 447
34. Black Hawk Down incident
35. Amphibians breeding earlier
36. Flesh-eating disease
37. Global cooling
38. Bird strikes on US Airways 1549
39. Beer tastes different
40. Cougar attacks in Alberta
41. Suicide of farmers in Australia
42. Squirrels reproduce earlier
43. Monkeys moving to Great Rift Valley in Kenya
44. Confusion of migrating birds
45. Bigger tuna fish
46. Water shortages in Las Vegas
47. Worldwide hunger
48. Longer days
49. Earth spinning faster
50. Gender balance of crocodiles
51. Skin cancer deaths in UK
52. Increase in kidney stones in India
53. Penguin chicks frozen by global warming
54. Deaths of Minnesota moose
55. Increased threat of HIV/AIDS in developing countries
56. Increase of wasps in Alaska
57. Killer stingrays off British coasts
58. All societal collapses since the beginning of time
59. Bigger spiders
60. Increase in size of giant squid
61. Increase of orchids in UK
62. Collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden
63. Cow infertility
64. Conflict in Darfur
65. Bluetongue outbreak in UK cows
66. Worldwide wars
67. Insomnia of children worried about global warming
68. Anxiety problems for people worried about climate change
69. Migration of cockroaches
70. Taller mountains due to melting glaciers
71. Drowning of four polar bears
72. UFO sightings in the UK
73. Hurricane Katrina
74. Greener mountains in Sweden
75. Decreased maple in maple trees
76. Cold wave in India
77. Worse traffic in LA because immigrants moving north
78. Increase in heart attacks and strokes
79. Rise in insurance premiums
80. Invasion of European species of earthworm in UK
81. Cold spells in Australia
82. Increase in crime
83. Boiling oceans
84. Grizzly deaths
85. Dengue fever
86. Lack of monsoons
87. Caterpillars devouring 45 towns in Liberia
88. Acid rain recovery
89. Global wheat shortage; food price hikes
90. Extinction of 13 species in Bangladesh
91. Changes in swan migration patterns in Siberia
92. The early arrival of Turkey’s endangered caretta carettas
93. Radical North Sea shift
94. Heroin addiction
95. Plant species climbing up mountains
96. Deadly fires in Australia
97. Droughts in Australia
98. The demise of California’s agriculture by the end of the century
99. Tsunami in South East Asia
100. Fashion victim: the death of the winter wardrobe

Do you really expect free people to surrender to THIS?

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

Sarzy says...

A) Agreed, Super 8 was awesome. It's probably my favourite movie of the year so far.

B) I rewatched E.T. a few days ago, and a character uses the word "douchebag" in it -- if that word was in use in the early '80s, I'm guessing it was in '79 as well.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^viewer_999:

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79
On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Man, as horrific as tuna casserole already is, I would hope you put more in it than just tuna and mac.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

KnivesOut says...

But can you eat it in one sitting? I bet these ladies can...>> ^viewer_999:

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79
You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this???

viewer_999 says...

"It also an unhappy truth that the cheapest food is the least healthy, so poor people are much more likely to be malnourished into obesity."

Big Mac: ~$3.50
Large fries: ~$1.89
Can of tuna: ~$1
Box of macaroni: ~$0.79

On the contrary, it's generally much cheaper to buy and prep for yourself than to buy such convenience/fast/prepped foods. You can make an entire tuna casserole for less than the cost of the fries alone, and for 1/3 of the total cost of the fast food combo.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

Mazex says...

The Bible is a storybook, that's all. A conspiracy to me, is a cover up of a crime.

You've convinced yourself pretty well with your strange arguments. Just because the Bible cites historical architectural knowledge doesn't mean there's a God. It just means that the people who wrote it at the time obviously took inspiration from their time period and what existed. It doesn't mean EVERYTHING they wrote is now true, they just had a reliable backdrop to their story, why would they write about a places and gatherings and cities and nations and locations that didn't exist, when they are wanting to trick people at the time? Surely it's a requirement to portray the world correctly and then use your lies in preaching to trick people to believing it.

I don't know how you can be so misguided to think proving the bible's archaeological facts leads it to prove all the crazy beliefs of a God and Satan and a Virgin birth, etc.

I can write a book about WW2, citing all the battles, bombs dropped, people killed, gatherings etc, and then just add in a load of stuff about how Hitler was actually secretly taking orders from a magical Unicorn called George who hated everyone, and that the allies were being advised by a giant Elephant called Bob who was kind and benevolent. So apparently in 2000 years, people like you will believe it all because all the archaeological data was proved in my story.

Talking about Christian's persecutions means nothing, brainwashed people are brainwashed, they think they will go to heaven if they do good, and go to hell if they stop believing in God. So no matter what persecution there is, until they are actually allowed to see sense, they will continue to believe in God and teach their children to believe in God.

Also I'd look at the surveys the other way, 79% of the people in the survey didn't believe in God, and 90% don't pray weekly. Then in the other survey 80% of the scientists aren't spiritual. That's a good amount of people who are sane. There has to be at least some crazy scientists otherwise we might miss out of some discoveries.

>> ^shinyblurry:

You think the bible is a conspiracy? lol..first of all most of the people who started the church were martryed for their beliefs. If they knew it was a lie, they wouldn't have died for it. The romans persecuted and martyred Christians for hundreds of years. There simply was no advantage to being a Christian in those days. It was very likely to get you killed.
And for being made up it sure is historically accurate:
"Now of course, archaeology could never prove that the Bible is divinely inspired, but it can help build a case for the historical reliability of the Bible. And it certainly has. For the past 150 years archaeologists have been verifying the exact truthfulness of the Bible's detailed records of various events, customs, persons, cities, nations, and geographical locations.
In every instance where the Bible can be, or has been checked out archaeologically, it has been found to be 100% accurate. The Bible has proven so accurate that archaeologists often refer to it as a reliable guide when they go to dig in new areas.
Nelson Glueck, who appeared on the cover of Time magazine and who is considered one of the greatest archaeologists ever, wrote: “No archeological discovery has ever controverted [overturned] a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries.” [Nelson Glueck, Rivers in the Desert (Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publications Society of America, 1969), 31.]
These are the words of a man who has who has been credited with uncovering more than fifteen hundred ancient sites in the Middle East. [ “Archaeology: The Shards of History,” Time, December 13, 1963, accessed November 18, 2010.]
There have been more than 25,000 discoveries within the region known as the "Bible Lands” that have confirmed the truthfulness of the Bible."
And it looks like some atheists just aren't as religious and dogmatic as you are..take for example this statistic from the 2008 Pew survey:
According to one underreported 2008 U.S. Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey, 21 per cent of atheists expressed at least some certainty of belief in God or universal spirit, and 10 per cent admitted to praying on a weekly basis.
Nor should we be surprised to learn that more “than 20 per cent of atheist scientists consider themselves to be ‘spiritual,’ according to a Rice University study.” From the Religion News Service: “The findings, to be published in the June issue of the journal Sociology of Religion, are based on in-depth interviews with 275 natural and social scientists from 21 of the nation’s top research universities.”
Seems that yours is the world view that isn't quite matching up to reality..

Elizabeth Taylor Dies At 79

Bombs for peace? 'UN completely disgraced in Libya'

blankfist says...

>> ^bcglorf:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^blankfist</a>:<br />
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 23rd, 2007" class="profilelink">bcglorf</a>, I'm glad you're a fan of war and death and violence. Good for you. You're right up there with the neocons. Kudos.<br> <br> I like how Dennis Kucinich put it, "Bombing villages to save villages, we've been through that in Vietnam." <br> <br> Here's the whole video: <br> <div id="widget_119510214"><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><div style="display: none; margin: 0pt; padding: 5px; width: 550px; height: 562px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(79, 179, 226); -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(31, 146, 199);" id="vsvid_370811317"><embed style="display: block; margin: 5px;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";hl=en_US&color2=0x4fb3e2&border=0&rel=0&showsearch=0&iv_load_policy=3" width="540" height="432"><div style="float: left; border: 1px solid rgb(31, 146, 199); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(167, 217, 240); margin: 5px 5px 0pt 0pt; font-size: 14px; -moz-border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: Verdana,Lucida Sans,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" id="vsvote_370811317"><a rel="nofollow" href="#" title="Sift this video up!" style="text-decoration: none; padding: 3px 5px; color: rgb(31, 146, 199); display: table-cell;">▲ 1</a></div><div style="padding: 3px 5px 0pt 0pt;"><a rel="nofollow" style="text-decoration: none; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: Verdana,Lucida Sans,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: rgb(215, 237, 248);" title="View Full Video and Comment Listing at VideoSift" target="_blank" href="">Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutiona</a><a rel="nofollow" style="float: right;" title="Visit" target="_blank" href=""> </a></div><div style="height: 0pt; font-size: 0pt; clear: both;"></div><div style="margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; overflow: auto; width: 540px; max-height: 100px; border: 1px solid rgb(31, 146, 199); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(167, 217, 240);"><div style="padding-bottom: 5px;"><a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank" title="View Full Video and Comment Listing at VideoSift" style="font-family: tahoma,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; color: rgb(31, 146, 199); text-decoration: none;">Showing 1 of 1 Comment</a></div><div style="margin-bottom: 3px; font-size: 10px; font-family: Tahoma,Helvetica,sans-serif;">
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A role model for Democrats.
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I'm as big a fan of war as you are of genocide.
Or, maybe you should be quite while the big people talk about grown up things.
Do you deny that Gadhafi was in the process of implementing the genocide he promised to commit?

Sorry, I have a hard time understanding the grown ups when they leave comments like this. Or maybe I should just be quite.

Pinball Countdown - Sesame Street

Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day

Payback says...

>> ^Kerotan:
I can kinda see where Westy comes from.
It seems to suggest that men believe that men and should be equal and are equals. However, I think that most intelligent men know that when it comes down to raw stats, yes the odds are stacked against women in many areas.
However, if a women came up to me and asked, "are we equals?" The question posed is a trap, if I say no, it appears that I believe that men are inherently better than women, and deserve a place as second class citizens, so this answer is clearly undesirable, but if I say yes, I'm more than well aware that for every dollar and man earns, a women earns 79 cents. There is dissonance between what I believe should be and what the current situation is.
So my response would hardly be concise to a question which implies a one word answer.

Then use two words. "Not yet"

Daniel Craig in drag for International Women's Day

Kerotan says...

I can kinda see where Westy comes from.
It seems to suggest that men believe that men and should be equal and are equals. However, I think that most intelligent men know that when it comes down to raw stats, yes the odds are stacked against women in many areas.

However, if a women came up to me and asked, "are we equals?" The question posed is a trap, if I say no, it appears that I believe that men are inherently better than women, and deserve a place as second class citizens, so this answer is clearly undesirable, but if I say yes, I'm more than well aware that for every dollar and man earns, a women earns 79 cents. There is dissonance between what I believe should be and what the current situation is.

So my response would hardly be concise to a question which implies a one word answer.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

High Schooler Crushes Fox News On Wisconsin Protests

jwray says...

Rank↓ State↓ 2009↓ 2008↓ 2007↓ 2004-2006↓
1 Maryland $79,272 $78,454 $78,725 $77,985
2 New Jersey $68,342 $70,378 $67,035 $64,169
3 Connecticut $67,034 $68,595 $65,967 $59,972
4 Alaska $66,953 $68,460 $64,333 $57,639
5 Hawaii $64,098 $67,214 $63,746 $60,681
6 Massachusetts $64,081 $65,401 $62,365 $56,236
7 New Hampshire $60,567 $63,731 $62,369 $60,489
8 Virginia $59,330 $61,233 $59,562 $55,108
District of Columbia $59,290 $57,936 $54,317 $47,221 (2005)[3]PDF
9 California $58,931 $61,021 $59,948 $53,770
10 Delaware $56,860 $57,989 $54,610 $52,214
11 Washington $56,548 $58,078 $55,591 $53,439
12 Minnesota $55,616 $57,288 $55,082 $57,363
13 Colorado $55,430 $56,993 $55,212 $54,039
14 Utah $55,117 $56,633 $55,109 $55,179
15 New York $54,659 $56,033 $53,514 $48,201
16 Rhode Island $54,119 $55,701 $53,568 $52,003
17 Illinois $53,966 $56,235 $54,124 $49,280
18 Nevada $53,341 $56,361 $55,062 $50,819
19 Wyoming $52,664 $53,207 $51,731 $47,227
20 Vermont $51,618 $52,104 $49,907 $51,622
United States $50,221 $52,029 $50,740 $46,242 (2005) [4]PDF
21 Wisconsin $49,993 $52,094 $50,578 $48,874
22 Pennsylvania $49,520 $50,713 $48,576 $47,791
23 Arizona $48,745 $50,958 $49,889 $46,729
24 Oregon $48,457 $50,169 $48,730 $45,485
25 Texas $48,259 $50,043 $47,548 $43,425
26 Iowa $48,044 $48,980 $47,292 $47,489
27 North Dakota $47,827 $45,685 $43,753 $43,753
28 Kansas $47,817 $50,177 $47,451 $44,264
29 Georgia $47,590 $50,861 $49,136 $46,841
30 Nebraska $47,357 $49,693 $47,085 $48,126
31 Maine $45,734 $46,581 $45,888 $45,040
32 Indiana $45,424 $47,966 $47,448 $44,806
33 Ohio $45,395 $47,988 $46,597 $45,837
34 Michigan $45,255 $48,591 $47,950 $47,064
35 Missouri $45,229 $46,867 $45,114 $44,651
36 South Dakota $45,043 $46,032 $43,424 $44,624
37 Idaho $44,926 $47,576 $46,253 $46,395
38 Florida $44,736 $47,778 $47,804 $44,448
39 North Carolina $43,674 $46,549 $44,670 $42,061
40 New Mexico $43,028 $43,508 $41,452 $40,827
41 Louisiana $42,492 $43,733 $40,926 $37,943
42 South Carolina $42,442 $44,625 $43,329 $40,822
43 Montana $42,322 $43,654 $43,531 $38,629
44 Tennessee $41,725 $43,614 $42,367 $40,676
45 Oklahoma $41,664 $42,822 $41,567 $40,001
46 Alabama $40,489 $42,666 $40,554 $38,473
47 Kentucky $40,072 $41,538 $40,267 $38,466
48 Arkansas $37,823 $38,815 $38,134 $37,420
49 West Virginia $37,435 $37,989 $37,060 $37,227
50 Mississippi $36,646 $37,790 $36,338 $35,261
Puerto Rico $17,500 $17,000

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