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Rogue from X-Men, has this special report on Ninten-pendants

ant says...

>> ^direpickle:

I like video games and all, but I think we need more people, today, that are willing to say, "No. The thing I have is good enough."

Yep, I am one of them. I still have my 20" Sharp CRT TV from 1996, VCR, Casio Databank 150 calculator watch, etc

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

cito says...

spam television was why I cut cable in the mid 90's and turned to piracy of television.

in the early and mid 90's I worked for DirecTV and we had entire scripts to explain to complainers about commercials and also spam ranked by channel, at the time espn ranked #1 in spam. with like 10 mins of content to 20 mins of spam ratio.

We'd have these groups come in from the networks to explain to us and give us talks on marketing and such with commercials, and I finally woke up.

After I left the job to move onto working in network operations admin for ISP, I turned off pay for tv, and have been a television pirate ever since.

no commercials, no annoyances, ever. And it doesn't affect ratings, as I was on the inside and worked closely with nielson families at one point in my career. Which the ratings system is a joke anyhow. Which is why half the scifi stuff gets cancelled when it has huge support, most nielson families the ratings box is ran by the older father or mother who don't really care for the scifi stuff in the first place and would rather watch Andy Griffith reruns.

the networks of course hate me from 1996 to today non stop pirating, and thanks to companies like Western Digital who make set top box for pirates by pirates is their unofficial motto in the forums.

The WD TV live box supports all codecs normally used by pirates, it's like the vlc player of set top boxes, costs 100 bucks and will stream any downloaded video files off a shared folder on your pc or you can plug in a usb thumbdrive or hard drive. Or with added app you can install a torrent program that lets you stream while torrenting all in 1080p HD.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Dial-Up Modem Noises Slowed Down

deathcow says...

OMG I de-reverbed it and was able to connect to this with my modem and download some cat porn...

> so I can feel like it's 1996 again...

This takes me back to 1983 with a 300 baud Volksmodem

Dial-Up Modem Noises Slowed Down

Bridges - We Don't Need Them

ant says...

*history *music

FYI from the video's description:

List of films used:
00:06 - A Fistful of Dynamite (aka 'Duck, You Sucker!') (1971)
00:26 - The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
00:32 - The Bridges at Toko-Ri (1954)
00:33 - The Bridge on the River Kwai ("Madness") (1957)
00:35 - True Lies (1994)

00:43 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
00:45 - Hogan's Heroes (1965)
00:47 - The Wild Bunch (1969)
00:52 - Monsters vs Aliens (2009)
00:56 - The Core (2003)
00:58 - Tropic Thunder (2008)

01:06 - Mission: Impossible III (2006)
01:11 - I Am Legend (2007)
01:18 - A Bridge Too Far (1977)
01:21 - The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)

Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture, Op. 49 (by Bernard Haitink, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra)"

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

ant says...

Ah, so you never released your works. Bummer.

>> ^KnivesOut:

I never built any that were distributed to the community. Mostly I just fooled around with making stupidly overpowered weapons for me and my friends.
Seeking missles, mirv grenades, spike mirv grenades, seeking missles that spawned spike mirv grenades... You get the idea.>> ^ant:
>> ^KnivesOut:
IMO, QuakeC is what made Quake something really special. The modding community took it to the next level.
I learned C programming making mods for Quake, before I was even interested in programming professionally.

Which mods? I made two mods for DOOM 2: ...

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

KnivesOut says...

I never built any that were distributed to the community. Mostly I just fooled around with making stupidly overpowered weapons for me and my friends.

Seeking missles, mirv grenades, spike mirv grenades, seeking missles that spawned spike mirv grenades... You get the idea.>> ^ant:

>> ^KnivesOut:
IMO, QuakeC is what made Quake something really special. The modding community took it to the next level.
I learned C programming making mods for Quake, before I was even interested in programming professionally.

Which mods? I made two mods for DOOM 2: ...

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

QuakeWorld (QW) Launch Event - 1996

ant says...

>> ^FishBulb:

I know it changes geographically but the 80's were rad and the 90's were wicked, where I come from anyway.
..also Quakeworld rocks. Still have it installed.

Ditto for 1980s compared to 1990s. Do you still play QW?

E3 2011: Prey 2 - Holy goddamn, Blade Runner, anyone?

shagen454 says...

I heard the game play is supposed to be a bit open-ended? I bet it'll be cool - I didn't really have the patience for Prey's whole shtick and wished they would have done Prey with the initial concept they had in 1996.

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