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Stunning timelapse of the Earth from the ISS

Why every guy should buy their girlfriend Wii Fit

Mad Men Theme Song ... With a Twist

Ken Block's Gymkhana Four: The Hollywood Megamercial

Television Credits | David Mitchell's Soapbox

cito says...

spam television was why I cut cable in the mid 90's and turned to piracy of television.

in the early and mid 90's I worked for DirecTV and we had entire scripts to explain to complainers about commercials and also spam ranked by channel, at the time espn ranked #1 in spam. with like 10 mins of content to 20 mins of spam ratio.

We'd have these groups come in from the networks to explain to us and give us talks on marketing and such with commercials, and I finally woke up.

After I left the job to move onto working in network operations admin for ISP, I turned off pay for tv, and have been a television pirate ever since.

no commercials, no annoyances, ever. And it doesn't affect ratings, as I was on the inside and worked closely with nielson families at one point in my career. Which the ratings system is a joke anyhow. Which is why half the scifi stuff gets cancelled when it has huge support, most nielson families the ratings box is ran by the older father or mother who don't really care for the scifi stuff in the first place and would rather watch Andy Griffith reruns.

the networks of course hate me from 1996 to today non stop pirating, and thanks to companies like Western Digital who make set top box for pirates by pirates is their unofficial motto in the forums.

The WD TV live box supports all codecs normally used by pirates, it's like the vlc player of set top boxes, costs 100 bucks and will stream any downloaded video files off a shared folder on your pc or you can plug in a usb thumbdrive or hard drive. Or with added app you can install a torrent program that lets you stream while torrenting all in 1080p HD.

Upgraded Planetarium - 64 megapixels @ 30 frames per second

westy says...

I bet you could so something with 1/50th the computer power that the end user perceives to be pretty much the same.

I think individual domes using two 1080p projectors that a user sits in and can navigate and exsplore themselves would be far better and far more educational/captivating than this massive set up they have.

the fundamental issue with planitarums is that it is not real and so you will always have a disconnect from reality regardless of the resolution. that is why they would de better of with what I said above and then maby building something on a hill that you can get access to that has a huge glass roof.

Over the top DVD anti-piracy propoganda

Adele - Rolling in the Deep

Machines | David Mitchell's Soapbox

MaxWilder says...

Remote controls are for wimps. I use a keyboard and mouse. I am typing this on my TV right now. That's right, HTPC, Home Theater PC. 52" widescreen HDTV, and all the content I can stream or download. Quality is about DVD level if you get the 350MB per 45 min episode versions. Most movies you can find at 720p, and some even full 1080p, though that's mostly a waste of time and disk space.

Discs, tapes, vinyl... it's all passé.

Amazing Views From Space

RELAX, enjoy a 9-minute long ass shaking contest

RELAX, enjoy a 9-minute long ass shaking contest

Stop Torrenting!

spoco2 says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.
I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Well, you may not be sold on the concept, but I certainly do it. I like having physical media... archaic I know, but there you go. I don't even use iTunes or other digital music download services because the few times I have I hate the feeling of only having some mp3s to show for it that I might delete... it just doesn't feel tangible to me.

Also, I love the special features on movies. I bought Star Wars Eps 1-3 purely for the special features (the movies are crap). Also, in the case of Tron with the 720p... well, I'll be buying the DVD/BluRay version so 1080p there. Also, the sound is better on the official releases.

So, believe it or not, but this is the way I work. It also comes down to me wanting to support the makers of films that I like, but not wanting to buy DVDs sight unseen.

DESTINO: Salvador Dali and Walt Disney collaboration (1946)

Judges Lock-Up Kids For Cash

BoneyD says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Um, I wasn't talking about Cenk. Even Tits McGee's audio is terrible. Also, bandwidth? What bandwitdth are they paying for? Last I checked, Youtube was free. >> ^BoneyD:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
God, I hate TYT. Why the fuck is their audio recording so shitty? My cell phone has better clarity than these morons' set-up.
Also, why the fuck can't I just watch a newsclip?

Because Cenk is in New York, talking via PolyCom back to their Los-Angeles studio. Previously, they were using Skype while he was over there, which was just a god-awful experience; constantly breaking up or cutting out.
Why isn't it better? Well... I guess despite TYT turning over $1 million a year from member fees, advertising and YouTube partnership, their 11 employees and bandwidth costs must be expensive. The stream from the LA studio itself has improved over what it was a couple of years ago and the YouTube clips are generally much higher quality.
I dunno. For a non-corporate media outlet, I think they do okay.

They broadcast their whole 2 hour show on the site, looping 24 hours a day. Statsholic shows ~45k unique visitors a day and similar from freewebsitereport. How much data they actually use, I have no idea; but I didn't suggest that bandwidth was their sole expense.

BTW, I had watched this segemnt from the live stream. When I went back and watched this YT clip, it was WAY clearer. Is it 1080p? No. But does it really, really need to be that good?

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