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The Red Panda Acrobat Flips 5 Bowls on to Her Head

Prometheus - First Trailer

FedEx Guy Going To Be Looking For A New Job

calvados says...

>> ^deathcow:

That Samsung monitor looks like the same one I bought that is now sitting in my hallway on the floor. It's a 1080P panel with HDMI but cant properly run at full resolution with a DVI adapter and has the WORST up/down angle LCD color and contrast distortion, and a horrific control setup with "touch sensitive" controls that are a pain in the ass to use. All around the worst monitor I have ever purchased.
Judgement: Monitor probably improved.

They're Samesung now!

FedEx Guy Going To Be Looking For A New Job

bmacs27 says...

>> ^deathcow:

That Samsung monitor looks like the same one I bought that is now sitting in my hallway on the floor. It's a 1080P panel with HDMI but cant properly run at full resolution with a DVI adapter and has the WORST up/down angle LCD color and contrast distortion, and a horrific control setup with "touch sensitive" controls that are a pain in the ass to use. All around the worst monitor I have ever purchased.
Judgement: Monitor probably improved.

He should have tipped the guy.

FedEx Guy Going To Be Looking For A New Job

deathcow says...

That Samsung monitor looks like the same one I bought that is now sitting in my hallway on the floor. It's a 1080P panel with HDMI but cant properly run at full resolution with a DVI adapter and has the WORST up/down angle LCD color and contrast distortion, and a horrific control setup with "touch sensitive" controls that are a pain in the ass to use. All around the worst monitor I have ever purchased.

Judgement: Monitor probably improved.

Morganth (Member Profile)

Timescapes 4K

Black Friday at Urban Outfitters

What an F1 Driver Sees and Does While Racing

How to overstimulate Ears and Eyes. Watch in HD.

How to overstimulate Ears and Eyes. Watch in HD.

Peter Gabriel Live - Solsbury Hill - 1080P HD

Peter Gabriel Live - Solsbury Hill - 1080P HD

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

westy says...

yeah your to far gone no saving you If I was you I would end your life now , you are forbidden from enjoying something I hate so much!

The screen size thing dosen't matter if you have a 1080p tv or hd projector or evan better 2 hd projectors stitched and you sit relatively close to it then the screen size difference interms of what is in your fov will not be that grate ( obviously it depends on what focal range your eyes are comfortable with but sitting withint he range of 2-5m from 70" screen should be fine ) The effective resolution of 35mm film is about 4000x2000 , but now allot of cinimas use digital projectors and many of them project at 2048×1080 , so all in all a $1000 Tv or $1500 projector will likely do a fairly comparable job. the massive advantage with home system is you can set it up to your taste not some arbatrery pre-decided spec some company has come up with and for sound especially everyone has different taste.

also I don't see the piont of a shaired exsperance with people you dont know and will never talk to . I understand watching a film with some friends or a group and then talking about it but with total randoms that you will never interact with dosent make sense. ( it might make sense when you have a cinema full of black people (or one of those special film nights some cinemas do) and they all screem and shout at the film getting involved more and what have you as that is truly an original exsperance (not one I enjoy but I can certainly see how that could be enjoyable and different from watching a film at home).

The only cinema exsperance I ever had that was better than what could be achieved at home was watching a documentary on a proper spec I max screen ( before they did the bullshit I-max licensing) and at a theem park in France called where they had a screen below the floor as well as a normal imax one.

Id probably enjoy going to an american outdoors cinima where you park a car , or evan one where its just in a park or something ,

I think what makes me ill with bog standard cinema is its so procedural with you just been a chiken stuffed in a pen and fed bullshit useless advertising and constantly told ITS THE BEST EXSPERANCE YOU CAN HAVE ON THE BIG SCREEN when infact for allot of people its probably not.

Finaly to finish of my waist of time writing !

I concide that if the cinima is

1) empty or near empty to the piont i cannot notice other people or the only people in it are people i know and are firends with
2) set up correctly sound focus screen everything
3) has comfortable seats not sticky shit on the floor smells nice
4) no quing up no bullshit adverts and no trailers that ruin the plot of new films ( or its possible to miss them all some how)

Then it is better than what you will get at home and will be far more enjoyable in general , having said that that scenario has happened to me 3 times in 14 years and from going to over 30 different cinemas in 2 different countries.

>> ^Sarzy:

>> ^westy:
Although I enjoyed your discussion home cinimas are infinetly better than going out to watch a film evan if you only have a 42" 2 year old LCD tv and bog standard surround sound system.
maybe you have super awesome cinemas where you are but in the uk there is always something objectively wrong and not in a "charming way" ( listed above in my other comment )

I can see where you're coming from, westy. There are so many things that can (and do) go wrong with the theatrical experience: inconsiderate jerks, bad projection, bad sound, uncomfortable seats, lighting issues, too many commercials, and so on, and so on. But I just love going to the movies.
You ask why you'd want to watch a movie in a room full of people you don't know. But I think that sitting in a darkened room full of strangers and having a shared experience is one of the things that makes going to the movies so special.
There's also the fact that, no matter how big the screen is in your home theatre, it's still a mere fraction of the size of a decently-sized theatre. The sound will never be as good at home (assuming the theatre is doing what they're supposed to be doing). The image will never look as good as well-projected film. And again, watching alone at home can never compare to being in a room full of people who are laughing when they're supposed to, or who are all thrilled, or scared, or moved at the same time you are.
But then I've been going to the movies on a regular basis since I was old enough to sit in the seats, so maybe, like you said, I can never be truly objective about it. I don't care how good home theatre technology gets, I'll be going to the movies until the day I die.

Stunning timelapse of the Earth from the ISS

Yogi says...

>> ^heathen:

Incredible! My brain keeps trying to tell me I'm watching sci-fi, or a game trailer.
Watch it in 1080p if you can, definitely worth it.

Fuck that...try Original!

It amazes me that environmentalists are attacked as Crazy for wanting to save this planet. And don't give me that shit about the earth is strong and blah blah I mean OUR Habitat and our living on it, not the rocks themselves dick.

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