Unban choggie, blankfist and dft.
Videosifit is one of the best websites I've ever seen. But sometimes the intimacy amongst us, which is essential to community, unravels. It's the recipe for it's own undoing.
Some of you remember when I was almost banned for some sort of nonsense. I was the new kid in school, and the controversy that followed cost some members to disengage or just abondon interaction. I wholeheartedly believe this extremism is wrong. I'm willing to risk a personal ban to prove a point.
I believe more unique voices add, rather than detract, what makes videosift so awesome. In other words, I believe that convicted felons can still contribute to society. Exile is too extreme of a punishment for members who've contributed so much.
I don't know exactly what blankfist did. I don't really care. He and choggie are both assholes. But I like them. And each one of them has made videosift better--specifically with video submissions, which is the most essential aspect of videosift, in my opinion.
Therefore, I propose we deal with this issue more effectively. It's not going to be smooth or easy. It may not work. But I think we should try for the sake of us all. Perhaps we could limit their interaction video submissions, only? I don't know. But something isn't right. Let the voices be heard. Be warned. Alea iacta est, the die is cast.
Happy Easter.
OK, I didn't mean to actually say 'Fuck them ALL'. I just saw 'unban Choggie' and my head was about to explode. Unban him and this time I will be gone for good. Just the thought makes me sick!
I was about to start sifting more next week. But thanks to this, I don't think I can do that. I am literally feeling sick to my stomach. I have nothing bad to say about DFT, blankfist , I have nothing to say about6 him. Just Choggie.. no!
I'm with you on choggie and blankfist, but dft? Come on; that guy is a psychotic monster.
But honestly, choggie had his chance for redemption and blew it. If blankfist wants to return he should be given a similar conditional trial run. But first, he should make his case to dag. If he doesn't want to come back or doesn't have any intention of changing whatever behavior got him banned, then there's no point.

dft is just on a self-inflicted, 2-week time out. No sense worrying about him. He'll be back soon enough.
[edit] Although mint makes a compelling case above: bring choggie back and never again will the top 15 be filled with banal cat videos.
Controversy for controversy's sake.
MrFisk just likes to stir the shit.
Nothing good will come of this post.
Maybe I'm the one who's overreacted? I just know what it feels like to be the accused one. I don't know the details on any these cases are, and I really don't care. Let them contribute videos and nothing else. Or, whatever.
Oh, and Bill O'Reilly, too. Bring back all of em.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't DFT's ban "self imposed?" ....... meaning he can come back if or when he likes?
You are right, exile is extreme but appropriate given the fact that this is a community. If you can't, won't, or don't play by the rules....then you cannot be a part of the community.
I don't know these people personally but I have read enough of their posts to know they are very intelligent, opinionated, and have been around long enough to know the rules.
It amazes me when people say "oh he is an asshole...but I like him cuz he is always up front with you" or "she is a bitch but at least you know where you stand". Stop making excuses for unacceptable behavior and set the rules on how you want to be treated.
>> ^Boise_Lib:
Controversy for controversy's sake.
MrFisk just likes to stir the shit.
Nothing good will come of this post.
Honestly I thought it was a fairly odd thing to go about posting as well.
(exaggerated) " I dont know what I am talking about but I have an opinion on it either way ! "
Blankfist was banned for releasing private information about another member in a video post (after previously doing it via comment), so just allowing video submissions wouldn't circumvent that.
DFT could un-ban himself at any time. He isn't being punished by VideoSift; he just wanted to publicly punish himself.
I recall you were temp-banned for going on a down-voting spree. Not a trivial matter.
Personally, I feel the assertion that everyone should be allowed to remain in a position to abuse other members is nonsensical, frankly. Maybe it's just my distorted point of view, but we seem to be doing alright with only videos from members who are capable of functioning civilly with others.
That's too bad about Blankie.
He had a lot of funny things to say. We rarely saw eye-to-eye, but I usually enjoyed his posts.
Choggie...while he never personally attacked me, he did pull some pretty stupid stunts.
DFT has always been one of my faves, and hope to see him around again.
This is a beautiful site. I don't hang out here like I used to, but it is a unique place to share videos and viewpoints.
It's stupid to group all three of these people together in this poll.
> ^MrFisk:
"I don't know the details on any these cases are, and I really don't care"
Well, maybe you should figure that out before you start a poll about bringing them back. Just sayin.
Choggie had his chance and blew it. That's done.
dft is self-imposed. He issued a mea culpa in what he is temp banned for, and that should be that. He's coming back in force.
Blankfist left. I think it's overkill to ban him for doing what he did - at least from what he told me he did. Once we've had siftups and such, that cat's out of the bag already is it not? Shit, I know Jeremy, Heath, Rommel etc. from siftup posts anyway. It's not trivial to post "personal information" but there's a degree of discretion in it too. Saying "lucky lives at XX street and hates muslims" is obviously retardedly stupid, but from what I hear blankfist just linked to some movie thing dft was in as a kid. Not a huge deal I'd say, also considering they've actually met in real life and shit.
For what it's worth, I like both dft and blankfist even though I disagree about stuff with both on some issues, and I hate how those two bickering with each other has escalated to this level of paranoia and annoyance. You're both alright, now kiss and make up!
In anycase, dft and blankfist should both be unbanned in my humble opinion. I'm not sure bf would even come back either way.
>> ^gwiz665:
For what it's worth, I like both dft and blankfist even though I disagree about stuff with both on some issues, and I hate how those to bickering against each other has escalated to this level of paranoia and annoyance. You're both alright, now kiss and make up!
Since you wasted your time downvoting my comment Mr Fisk, I'll tell you something else. Anyone who says "video submissions, which is the most essential aspect of videosift" doesn't even remotely understand this site. Videos are the mayo on the BLT that is the sift. They're the cheese on the burger. The salt on the fries. The ice in my ... The point is, I'm fucking hungry and this is pissing me off now.
The way I see it, you can watch videos anywhere. ALL of the videos on the sift were already somewhere else before they got here. That's sift law tough guy! So, it's not about videos. It's about people. Get it?
This is not some half-baked excuse to create controversy for controversy's sake. I'm not a teenager. And I'm sure if I put my mind to it, I could manufacture some real harm. Rather, I embrace John Milton's Areopagitica, which is fundamental to the concept of free speech.
And I agree that as a community we have to instill certain rules and regulations. Also, I agree that each one of these people has proven incapable of "playing well with others." But they have contributed good videos. And because banning prevents these people from submitting videos, I'm being "robbed" of the opportunity to watch them. In effect, the pool that I drink from gets smaller. This is a negative. In my opinion, it's better have options than not.
Surely, we can hobble people to the point that they have no opportunity to lash out, self-destruct or hurt another member. Also, I'm fairly certain members can block other members if they want to.
I suggest that because that is all they are capable of doing, as demonstrated repeatedly by themselves, that that should be all they are allowed to do: submit videos and upvote. No comments allowed. No powers. Nothing but a few videos a month a handful of upvotes?
Also, it seems to me that banning is ineffective and indiscriminate, on top of minimizing the potential to watch good videos, which is the main reason I'm here.
You're being robbed of videos? Really? Does someone here owe you videos? You are aware there are other websites yes? Maybe you should go dunk your head in a deeper pool.
> ^MrFisk:
"I'm not a teenager. And I'm sure if I put my mind to it, I could manufacture some real harm."
WTF does that have to do with anything? What does that even mean? Are you off your meds? It sounds like the beginning of a manifesto.
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
I haven't seen this much activity on a Sunday since some other Sunday !
*quality bickering we got here. Quality.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
The door is open for Blankfist - I made that clear on his profile. He was actually pretty gone from the site for the couple months prior.
It seemed like he came back to take a final dump on someone he had a grudge with. He has my contact details.
>> ^Hybrid:
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
This really surprises me, honestly. It's so strange when you don't recognise what random things will effect different people.
Don't be such a drama queen.
>> ^Hybrid:
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
Oh sure, let's unban Choggie, BillO, Blankie and all the other unmentionables. Nobody ever brings up my original account......
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Hybrid:
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
This really surprises me, honestly. It's so strange when you don't recognise what random things will effect different people.
I finally get it. You guys are all sockpuppets of some unknown sift-deity who couldn't let go, after the big siftocalypse. You need to see a doctor, mate. It mustn't go on like this!
Almost got a heart attack when I saw DFT had been banned (ok, no I didn't), but I'd say all's well if he'll be back in a week and a half.
FWIW, I disagreed with blankfist on most topics he was more vocal about, and found a lot of his videos distasteful, but I still enjoyed his presence, most of the time. That said, I don't think he should be unbanned. I think dag an lucky are and have been doing one hell of a job running and maintaining the site, and these kinds of decisions are better left up to them.
And I have to side with mintbbb on choggie. There is one individual I hope to never see on this site again.
>> ^berticus:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Hybrid:
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
This really surprises me, honestly. It's so strange when you don't recognise what random things will effect different people.
Fuck you I was steaming when I wrote that. Stay.
I miss Blankfist. Buddy is wild!
Relevant xkcd http://xkcd.com/326/
>> ^berticus:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Hybrid:
Here we go again. Thanks for reinforcing my decision to cancel my charter subscription and become inactive on the sift.
I too, feel I should be punished for this, and would like to be banned voluntarily from this day forth. I feel that if dft was allowed this privilege then so should I.
I want that custom banned icon next to my name dammit.
This really surprises me, honestly. It's so strange when you don't recognise what random things will effect different people.
I think the most important revelation in this thread is that Lucky hates muslims. How come we aren't talking about THAT?
√ - None of the above
i see where fisk is coming from and the anarchist in me agrees.
i fully understand that some people seek and desire cutesy marmalade syrupy cute kitty/animal videos and that is their thing.
no judgement here but some of us actively seek out the obscure,dark and inspired videos that are becoming a rare commodity on this site.
videos that challenge our preconceived notions and make us ponder and contemplate,inspire us to think or feel in a different manner.
mrFisk is pointing out the fact the community of sifters who engage and post content such as described above is becoming smaller and smaller,and the sift suffers because of this collective neutering.we know full well who posts the eclectic,obscure and controversial and we recognize our dwindling numbers.
blankie and choggie challenged conventional ideas and were supremely vocal while they did it,and yes,could oftentimes be total dickwads in the process.
passionate people tend to behave like that.
they cross lines.
they speak before they think things through.
they offend tender sensibilities.
but fuck all if they didnt make ya stop and think for a second.
these are the people who add a dynamic to a community..
a diversity that is so badly needed.
so yeah,
when a few members of that small group leave (for whatever reason) the rest of us take notice and the sift suffers as a whole.
the voice is diminished,the message diluted and what is left is the gelatinous vanilla goo of a uninspired collective group-think.
blankie and choggie had something to say and people like fisk and i appreciated them for that,even though we may have disagreed.
and you are right @speechless.
there are other sites and venues to speak what is in our hearts and what is on our minds,and many who once lurked on this site have migrated enmasse,to the sifts detriment.
which is exactly MrFisks point.
a point you have decidedly missed.
i am not condoning nor defending choggie and blankies behavior (and others) all i am saying is that they brought a unique and interesting perspective to the sift and now we are all diminished due to their defunct silence.
through conformity there is stagnation.
you have been warned.
on a side note:
thank god DFT is still around and keeping it old skool!
oh..and *promote this poll!
Only published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by enoch.
>> ^siftbot:
Only published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by enoch.
I think you can quality if you feel that strongly about it
>> ^enoch:
>> ^siftbot:
Only published, queued, or discarded videos, published Sift Talk posts, and published blog posts may be promoted - ignoring promote request by enoch.
Oh for fuck's sake people... post some bloody videos and stop with the drama.
I like cats. I do
I like turtles.
@speechless, your comments are hilarious. "...the beginning of a manifesto" - brilliant.
It was sad watching Blankfist sort of self destruct, and choggie too. But if you can't get by without fucking with people, you can't expect Dag and co to let you keep doing it because your voice is unique.
enoch just makes me want to post something obscure to be one of the gang...
Lately this site has had more drama than those Real Housewives TV series.
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting No. Fuck them. They're assholes..
What a warm, embracing, forgiving, friendly community we are...>> ^siftbot:
Voting for this poll ended with the majority of users voting No. Fuck them. They're assholes..
Fuck those assholes right in the asshole.
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