Should Sumbitted Videos Have Summaries That Are Unique To The Submitter?

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A total of 50 votes have been cast on this poll.

This is in no way meant to get on anyone's back about how they choose to take part in our wonderful site, nothing personal! But I have always found it quite annoying when you see a video that has been copied and pasted word for word from the original source of the video. If we are striving to be a site that brings the best content of the internet all into one place, should we not attempt to try and make the submission as much our own as we can? Sometimes it feels like the clips aren't even being watched, just get-embed-copy-blurb-press-submit-bish bash bosh. I believe we should be taking pride in what we post and making it our own with some element of effort involved. And now it is time for me to step off my soapbox. Thanks for giving/not giving a shit
Stormsinger says...

I've seen a few summaries on YT that were just as deserving of attention as the video itself. I'd hate to see a hard-line rule mean we didn't get to see those. But they're pretty rare, so I'd likely never really notice.

alien_concept says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I've seen a few summaries on YT that were just as deserving of attention as the video itself. I'd hate to see a hard-line rule mean we didn't get to see those. But they're pretty rare, so I'd likely never really notice.

I am with you there mate, I'm certainly not trying to ask for a rule change or a hard and fast rule, just wondering what people's thoughts are

oritteropo says...

I think it depends how good the original write-up was. If it reads "No description", then you either need a really good title and tags or chances are people will pass the vid by anyway. On the other hand, I have posted vids where the original description already said what I would've said, just leaving tags and channel assignments to be done.

I have seen one sifter in particular experiment with this, with descriptions along the lines of "zzxydfw" It didn't seem to hold the vid back, either, but the title, tags and channels were all spot-on.

BoneRemake says...

>> ^oritteropo:

I think it depends how good the original write-up was. If it reads "No description", then you either need a really good title and tags or chances are people will pass the vid by anyway. On the other hand, I have posted vids where the original description already said what I would've said, just leaving tags and channel assignments to be done.
I have seen one sifter in particular experiment with this, with descriptions along the lines of "zzxydfw" It didn't seem to hold the vid back, either, but the title, tags and channels were all spot-on.

chingalera says...

>> ^dotdude:

If the original description says what needs to be said, I see no point in trying to reinvent the wheel.

That coming from an artist whose recurring spark of imagination has been firing dots for the past half century....( < there's a few more for ya!)
A combination of laziness and a creative decaying orbit brought on by societal demands on the psyche. Not everyone can be funny, clever, entertaining with words, or enthusiastic for life when free-will be continually usurped and wage-slavery robs energy and time.

Pay your taxes, obey the laws, and microwave your dinners, copycatz!!!

dotdude says...

'Only been doing dots regularly in the last decade. I have ventured into many art genres over the years.
>> ^chingalera:

>> ^dotdude:
If the original description says what needs to be said, I see no point in trying to reinvent the wheel.

That coming from an artist whose recurring spark of imagination has been firing dots for the past half century....( < there's a few more for ya!)
A combination of laziness and a creative decaying orbit brought on by societal demands on the psyche. Not everyone can be funny, clever, entertaining with words, or enthusiastic for life when free-will be continually usurped and wage-slavery robs energy and time.
Pay your taxes, obey the laws, and microwave your dinners, copycatz!!!

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