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Updated: 1 decade 6 years 12 months ago
Views: 1,228
Videos that further feed the taytv philosophy

O'Reilly says that no responsible news agency should give airtime to an Obama supporter who got rowdy at a Clinton rally and baited Bill Clinton. One hour later, Hannity and Colmes interview that same... continue reading
posted by 8217
As a resident of Maryland, I can't honestly report any lesbian gang activity, but you never know, I guess.
posted by nazdorovia
Lewis Black explains why America has A.D.D. when watching tv.
posted by thesnipe
Video ironically a clip from the "Dropout Chronicals", a show about how high school students are dropping out more and more. The fast paced cuts are the most efficient, but the problem is once we get... continue reading
posted by echoFoo

Olberamann's Special Comment from 4/25/07.
posted by HistNerd
From tonight. (April 23/2007) Bill O'Reilly was surprisingly pleasant (for Bill O'Reilly). However, all evidence points to Hitler being a Christian (Not that that has anything to do with him being a... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
Paula Zahn on CNN's Now hosted a discussion about atheists with 3 panel members. What ensues is a bigoted, uniformed trashing of atheists. Imagine replacing the word atheist in the discussion with Jew... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
A response to the bigoted CNN panel discussion about atheists. If you haven't seen the discussion it's here: http://www.videosift.com/video/CNN-panel-discussion-slandering-atheists After enough pressure... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
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