Updated: 6 years 6 months 1 week ago
Views: 2,803
Bicycle enthusiasts unite here!:)

A father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. As the wide Dutch landscapes live through their seasons so the girl lives through hers. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes... continue reading
posted by mlx
Ryan Leech incredible trials skills
posted by eric3579
Made by the same guy who did "Web 2.0" ("Internet 2.0"). The animated section is all stop-motion made with paper and magazine cutouts etc.
posted by plastiquemonkey
Sam Whittingham set the flat-ground bicycle speed record at 81mph in Battle Mountain, Nevada. He was riding the Varna Diablo composite-shell inclined bike built by Georgi Georgiev of Vancouver, British... continue reading
posted by arvana
It is only necessary to watch the first minute, the rest is unimportant. I think it sums up burning man pretty damn good. Amen, brother megaphone!
posted by obscenesimian 1 decade 7 years 11 months 3 weeks ago • 302 views
Cyclocross 2006/2007 worldcup 11 (Hoogerheide, NL) For those who have never heard of cyclocross before, it is basically like a steeplechase with a road bike. The races are in the winter which leads... continue reading
posted by obscenesimian 1 decade 7 years 11 months 4 weeks ago • 1,384 viewsI was loking for a video that wasn't quite like all of the other MTB videos. You know, loud aggressive music, crashes, and general mayhem. I think this one shows the riders as more than extreme sports... continue reading
posted by obscenesimian 1 decade 7 years 12 months ago • 1,775 viewsThis will make you pucker.
posted by silvercord

"Put Your Records On" is from her album Corinne Bailey Rae. The song is featured in the recent film "Venus."
posted by dotdude
Brooklyn's Black Label Bike Gang's crazy, wild-in-the-street games set to The Damned's New Rose. Hipsters do battle in industrial, soon to be gentrified 'nabe. For a slide show of 2005's Kill and the bikes,... continue reading
posted by lisacat
Dave Zabriskie is a young rider from Utah who took everyone by surprise by winning the yellow jersey for one stage of the 2005 Tour De France. He crashed the next day and eventually had to abandon the... continue reading
posted by lisacat
A short clip of the Great Eddy Merckx, the winningest cyclist in history.
posted by Oatmeal